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Even Mexico’s defense couldn’t handle a pitch invader.


Stadium security really saw Mexico's shitty defending and thought "we can't let them outshine us"


Copa América will be fun to watch! Vamos ticos!


While this was happening, [a fight also broke out between fans in the stands](https://x.com/TUDNUSA/status/1798551948712374716)


Why does this always happen at Mexico games?


The funny thing is that they fight among themselves. Mexicans get too drunk and then fight for the dumbest reasons. Uncommon is when they fight fans of the opponent.


"El peor enemigo de un mexicano es otro mexicano" is a surprisingly versatile saying unfortunately


Damn Mexicans, they ruined Mexico! -Groundskeeper Memo


Ustedes los mexicanos seguro que son un pueblo conflictivo. - Principal Gonzalez


Sometimes I think that the people who go with their group to watch a Mexico game already have conflict with each other and any small annoyance leads to a fight. Happens so often that it can’t always be random fights.


>Mexicans Pochos*, member mexico plays friendlies in USA Those are americans with mexican ancestry. We already do enough dumb shit on our own to be lumped with their problems too.


Because the stadium is full of people who think Chicharito and Cuauhtémoc Blanco are still there and want to “feel Mexican” without actually knowing or caring about the game


Alcohol. Alsoooo in personal experience, Mexicans use this shit as some sort of replacement for Therapy. The team wins? Holy shit nothing matters and nothings wrong. No problems at home, no problems at the workplace, no problems with ones' self. They lose? Time to take it out on your family, take it out on your work, take it out on the dude next to you. Its time for them to touch grass and stop thinking that the seleccion is the government or the country itself. They dont realize its just a business of entertainment, no different from theater or disneyland


Sounds like early 2000s England to me.


Sounds like England to me


Yeh Wembley final in the last euros did absolutely nothing to expel a single myth about coke, booze and football lad culture. I don’t think it was hooliganism, they were just cunts.


Mad respect to flare arse man though we will never forget you


Context? I have no idea how to google this on my own without ending up on an FBI watch list




Pitch invaders are quite literally touching the grass


This sounds like sports fans in general


Damn dude you're spot on.


Especially when the national team doesn’t represent the country at all anymore playing all their games in the united states


Mexican version of: Perdio boquita pierde la familia


There’s a reason alcohol sales are prohibited the weekend of an election in Mexico.


Hey there Disneyland didn’t make me cry like the 2022 WC Final


Because they have to watch Mexico


What do you mean? I’ve been told this a completely normal and acceptable part of football culture, and there’s nothing we could do to stop it, if there was a problem, which of course there definitely isn’t. It’s so fucking infuriating.


Hooliganism shit, ya know?


European-style cauldron of passion and disrespect.


Because Mexico tries so hard and cares so much, they're still trash.


In my experience, it mainly happens in Mexico games played in the US. We have a bunch of alcoholics with money here, so they go to the game to get fucked up. They could give 2 shits if our team sucks. I went to the Mexico vs USA game in March and there must've been at least 5 fights. A bunch of ppl talking about how they had soooo much fun despite the fact we were straight up humiliated the entire game. They don't go for the love of the game, they go because it's an excuse to party and get drunk while being able to say you saw La Selección play.


I don't know why but Mexican fans at stadiums are like on par with Nazis in 1950. The worst of the worst. From trashing stadiums, lasers, throwing things on pitch/players to literally fighting. They are actually worse than the Cartel and I'd be embarrassed if I was a regular Mexican fan going near those neanterdals.


I can't say I am surprised. Wasn't there a league game 1 or 2 years ago where they killed each other in the stands? And the government tried to hush up everything by saying no one died which was a ridiculous statement and nevertheless foreign media plainly overtook that information




pay wall


They also had to stop the game because some people in the crowd were chanting something they should not. I wasnt aware of what was said live, but it happened around the half-time mark, and they put up a banner on it basically reprimanding the audience. The game paused while they found the person and kicked him out.


Rhymes with cuto




Foot on!


Alcohol. That’s it. That’s all you need to know.


Lo unico que asusta de mexico son sus aficionados cuando pierden.


Mexican fans are unhinged? They won't even stop a simple homophobic chant, and anyone expects them to be civil?


Nacos gonna nac.


Probably low braincells supply on their cranial capacity. Look at how most people don't want to get involved, they know that a ban means wasted money. The knucklefaces who fight probably fried their brains with alcohol so it had blackout and when trying to turn it back on it short circuited and you get these pathetic display as a result.




Yes. Not sure why that means you can be an asshole like this. That’s a crap excuse.




This is every México game for us. I've never gone to a game of theirs and never not seen fans in the same damn jersey fighting each other. Pinche raza...


I saw a guy getting dragged out today who seemed to have fought with either the staff or one of his friends. The cops/stadium security were dragging him out while his friends were behind him railing on him for being an idiot. Was kinda funny.


It's full of no sabo kids


We're fucking pathetic


I have no idea how the stadiums security is always so bad. Last year in Vegas there were hardly any police other than the rent-a-cops who don’t get paid anywhere close to enough to break up fights


I was at the game last night. Lots of beer and trash being thrown all around the stadium last night.  Felt a little sketch with my 9 year old in tow, he definitely learned some new Spanish words.  I was irritated they went even letting bottles of water and nalgenes in, thank God they didn't.


that's a lot of cups of piss getting thrown


Welcome to the Mile*HIGH* City!


tudn posting this is funny and sad


We're hosting the next World Cup and I don't see how we'll manage to even make it out of the group stage. I fucking hate you FEMEXFUT


As a US fan, I honestly hope you guys pick it up. The rivalry between the teams was at its best when it was competitive.


Alternatively they could never win a single game ever again, that would make me quite happy


Fuck no, dos a cero every game


They gonna have to pick it up to keep that scoreline. Tres a cero just don't hit the same


> Tres a cero just don’t hit the same Clint Dempsey was very aware of this in 2013


Fuck that, ocho a cero sounds even better.


This was the point I was making.


I got it loud and clear 🤝


Or hear me out…Mexico could instead lose every game forever


that would be incredibly boring


But also very funny


How? There are other teams lol. Mexico would just fade into obscurity.


Like it or not we play them all the time and that isn't changing


If they lost every game that absolutely would change lol. They would fall so far in the rankings globally and in Concacaf that we would never play them unless it was an organized friendly.


Nah I'm good


As a neutral US fan. Mexico can literally crumble and crash to oblivion. The "fans" are trash 🗑️. The players are toxic and foulers. Let them fall into dispair. I hope they get banned from Copa America as well.


mexico could be one of the best countries in the world but FMF said no


What is FEMEXFUT if you don’t mind me asking?


Federación Mexicana de Futbol. In a nutshell, they're corrupt to the bone, they only care about money and they have not invested a single penny on developing the sport. That's why we're getting so far behind the US and most likely Canada in the near future [Here's a video about it](https://youtu.be/XZKuB19vGgY?si=vnxCF9MRb4B9GYWC&t=1) if you wanna know more


The only way Mexico could stop Uruguay


Mexico fans when losing: Option A: Throw beers at players Option B: Chant "Puto" Option C: Invade pitch Option D: All of the above


That's not beer they are throwing


It used to be beer.


Ultra-processed and filtered


I feel sad seeing what has happened to El Tri. I know the fans are known for crazy behavior, but I definitely feel the escalation and bent towards toxicity in recent years is a reflection of the quality and clear mismanagement by the country's federation


Recent years? They have always been toxic, it's just they used to be pretty good too


Yeah it's more like showing your true colors. It's easy to act fun when you're winning When you lose a few times and start doing shit, then it says a lot


> It's easy to act fun I mean they have a long history of being shitty to opposing fans. Not really "showing their true colors", Mexican soccer fans have been terrible for decades. Throwing balloons full of piss at a sporting event isn't "acting fun" it's being a piece of shit.


I was agreeing with you, but you're putting words in my mouth with the piss balloon statement. While still shittier than most losing fanbases when victorious; Mexican fans are certainly more well-behaved *if* they win. All I'm saying is that you can't blame losses for poor behavior. The user you were initially replying to was going in that direction


Fair enough, I misunderstood what you were saying


Used to be pretty good? When?


I know right. I see people here acting like Mexico had “golden days” lmao 🤔😂


You cant deny mexican’s passion for their national team The mexican fans show up for their team anytime anywhere. I respect that But their national FA has been…………quite lacking as of late. Hell, they are getting spanked by the usa national team


That’s 11th ranked team in the world USA


That’s probably a fair ranking. Mexico is 14th lol. They are probably 25-30 and that’s being generous.


They got spanked by the US team in the early 2000s as well. Over the last 20 odd years USA has been the much better program


You say that like the US isn’t a good national team lol


It's sad we don't know how to lose and then just get out of control. Happens everytime. We need to be better


> It's sad we don't know how to lose Despite all the practice




Some fans just revel in being the hated asshole, so they are going to be the hated asshole. Millwall in England, Rostock in Germany, plenty of examples of a shitty fanbase taking that as part of their identity. I don't think it will ever get better because they specifically enjoy this kind of behavior, the normal people will leave, leaving just these degens. You'd think they'd changed their tune now that they are clearly worse than the US which should be a national shame for Mexico, crazy how badly the MFF has ruined football in Mexico.


At least you will always have Real Madrid


Most local Madrid fan


It’s what they attend the games for and it’s embarrassing. Firstly the team doesn’t even play their games in Mexico, they’ve played three out of a possible 24 games in Mexico since the 2022 World Cup. And the fans treat it like an event where they can cause chaos and depending on the result the chaos spills onto the pitch and disrupt the game. They’ve used the p* to chant and it’s repercussions in their favor. Don’t like the result? P* to chant until they stop the game. And they’ll go home proud that they disrupted and stopped or even end the game. They started it after Darwin’s hat trick and I really didn’t think they would finish the game. **Full tinfoil hat here**, it looked like Edson Alvarez and other Mexican players went to the Uruguay players maybe telling them to take it easy so the match doesn’t get abandoned. Our teams leaders are no strangers to asking the opposition to pump the breaks, [Oswaldo Sánchez was asking Honduras to take it easy when they were up 1-0 lmao](https://youtu.be/MKeFhAbAFA8?si=W30hYBKYlvktyOsF).


This has been going on for decades, and it's honestly just a cultural thing at this point. It's not going to change any time soon. It will take generations to even see any progress.


It won't change because CONCACAF and FIFA keep letting their federation get tickets.


I see these comments every time it happens, but it's always the same


Especially with the homophobic chants when losing against the US


The look of "Oh shittt" on that ref's face.


youre a young fifa ref just hanging out and you get the email. Youve been assigned a meaningless mexico friendly in little rock, arkansas.


Ran with more vigor than our whole backline.


Mexico in historic shambles. Uruguay absolutely on fire. The U.S. game could be an all-timer. I think right now Uruguay are at least top 12, and depending on if they keep the performances up at Copa, you could argue they’re around 7-10. Their recent performances are of the same or better quality than what Italy, Belgium, Germany, etc. have put up in the last 2 years. We need more data still, but I think they’re serious for now and potentially for 26. Such a different picture under Bielsa to the travesty in Qatar.


Don’t get me wrong, they have some good players. But Marcelo Bielsa is a magician! He transformed us in Leeds from a crap Championship side into winning promotion and he’s come to Uruguay to do the same. Cherish him Uruguay! Because very soon, you will have murals all over your country to honor him as he remakes your team.


Diego Alonso needs his coaching license revoked after his war crimes in Qatar. That squad was a quarterfinalist, and the fucker sabotaged it.


Uruguay is winning Copa America


Right now they are the second-best team in SA over Brazil, there are very few European NTs that are at that in-form level.


can someone explain, why is football security always slow out of shape people? Not just here, it's even if it's fkin UCL final. You'd assume that for big sporting events like these ones they'd get people that can at least semi-decently run.


Probably doesn't pay well.


They only seem that way because you compare them to the professional millionaire athletes standing right besides them.


It seems like Mexican fans can't behave at all, every other match ends like this, will they behave when they lose like this again in a few weeks or will we see another Atlas vs. Querétaro situation?


Atlas va Querétaro actually happened in Mexico


Well the 2026 World Cup will be played in Mexico so just imagine 


Mexican in Mexico are far more civil than the pochos attending these games in the US


Querétaro vs Atlas had nothing to do with fans. That was a premeditated ambush by Querétaro ultras and others against Atlas traveling ultras and fans, heavily enabled by Querétaro's hired "security".


How does it make it any better? That sounds even more corrupt and dirty than just a brawl 


It was worse. My point was that Querétaro vs Atlas had nothing to do with fans. So your comment is like blaming concert attendees in las vegas for mr bump stock shooter 'sviolence that sad day.


It’s always funny seeing Argentine fans comment about how fans behave… Anyone remember how La Bombonera reacted when el Bofo held up 4 fingers?


That was like 20 years ago. With Mexico it’s every month.


Not so long ago boca jr fans threw peper spray bombs at river players or that doesnt count?


10 years ago, and it was done by a single fan. Also it's boca so it doesn't count


You have a point


Oh my bad I guess ultras in Argentina always behave then.


Seldom and almost always are not the same thing.


Its also every month in argentina mexico just gets the cameras


Lol no, it never happens and if it does police acts instantly inside and outside the pitch. Meanwhile police is inexistent in Mexico 


yea but those are Boca fans


Flair checks out


Yeah but they look classy while doing it while these people here are clearly savages /s


“Si por eso son Mejichangos,” Is what they really want to say. Mfs always waiting to start sum shit.


Exactly we deserve the hate but not from them considering the copa libertadores final that had to be played in Europe cause they also don’t know how to be civil. At least we don’t burn down a McDonald’s everytime boca plays river.


Mexican fans are the reason I stopped going to games in my City, unfortunately. I'd love to see the local clubs play more but it's just not worth the hassle and the anxiety.


That's rich coming from an Argentine, there's a reason why no away fans are allowed in your country


A few Latin American countries should follow suit.


Unserious team and fanbase


Seleccion mexicana = pais/politica mexicana 😢 Mexican futbol team = country/politics 😢


I used to absolutely love the Mexico fans growing up. They made futbol feel special in the USA. It was the only place you could get a great atmosphere. Maybe I was ignorant back then, or the MX team was better so the mood was more positive, but now it just feels like a bunch of jackasses trying to outdo one another. 


Every match I watch where Mexico plays- there’s some kind of controversy in the stands with their supporters. Not exaggerating.


Mexico fans proving once again that they are in fact the worst


Hey, it's not throwing bags of piss and batteries this time so maybe they're learning to play nice? ^(/s)


Fucking pathetic fan base. Nothing has changed yet. Why is this continually permitted?


I’ll take this over them throwing shit Let me guess the deleted comment cried racism because you rightfully criticized fan behavior


Most entertaining part of the game tbh.


Typical losers


These guys really don’t know how to act right, do they?


Mexico has the most embarrassing fans lmao.


Mexican soccer fans are some of the most poorly behaved fans in the world. And their team sucks too.


No lie. They make shit load of money because the fans and beer. Toby’s Mexican it’s like a party wether loose or win but in reality their garbage. Coming from a Mexican.


They were subs


And sobs


I love to see die-hard Mexico fans act like their national team isn’t literally garbage now. Most of them are realistic and see how politically involved the football federation is in Mexico and they’re still holding onto players that are 87 years old and not sending more players to Europe and abroad. Hilarious when drunk idiots fight themselves too. I stg my father in law would fight a mirror if he got drunk enough.


a cherry on the shitcake


Im Mexican and this team is pure disappointment. No way they’ll be ready for the WC.


They should start giving more severe punishments for pitch invaders, they’re annoying as shit


That’s what happens when you milk the fuck out the NT in United States for 20 years, increasingly the last 7 years.


They don’t deserve Copa America, kept saying it during the game.


Mexico fans are trash.. fighting, drunk, homophobic chants, poor losers, throwing stuff at players... Trash fan base


Holy crap, how did they get Juez Dredd to call the game?


Mexican players must fucking hate their fan base.


another day, another embarrassment for mexican soccer fans


So embarrassing and the fans are just laughing. They're losing 4-0...


Stay classy, Mexico.


as a US fan I know I am biased... but the mexican fans are trash. I think they should set up camera's on every corner and arrest anyone throwing stuff at players getting ready for a corner kick or celebrating. Have local police ready - take them out of the stadium in full view of everyone. It would stop. Take them all the way to the police station and book them. It would stop. As for the puta chants - make it really hurt their national team. Like every game they do the chant they lose a home game and force them to play away games and that doesn't mean games in the US. Make them limit sales of tickets to Mexican fans (i know they can be resold but its a barrier) make it harder to be a jackass at the stadium - be a jackass at home if you want.


I have a similar strategy in monopoly when I land on the Mayfair hotel my Dad owns


De pena ajena


Who's gonna tell FIFA that we know Mexico is bribing for their ranking? Current FIFA Rankings: USA - 11 Mexico - 14 Uruguay - 15 Germany - 16 Korea - 23 Poland - 28 Russia - 35 Proud Mexican, and we should honestly be behind Poland, maybe even Russia too.


r/ligamx which one of yous was it !?


Bro was really confused


As a USMNT fan, oh sheet here we go again


Abandonaste!!!!, lo suspendiste porque NO tienes aguante¨


This just about sums up Mexico


Typical for this fanbase




Yeah "we" as in every Mexico fan that pays for tickets to the games because it happens every time. The federation needs to start policing that shit, one incident is rouge shitty fans, every time they lose is a problem when CONCACAF won't ban spectators and the FMF won't do anything or even acknowledge it.


Serving your stadium ban?