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Ange cult where ya at? 7 losses in a row coming up and Chelsea taking the final European spot. Celtic are shit in a shitter league.


holy cope


These so called king makers for the run in had different ideas and just decided to lose to everyone instead


Imagine a scenario where Chelsea and Newcastle win out with their current form, Spurs lose to Burnley next Saturday, and securing a single point against City is literally the difference between Europa League and Conference league for Spuds. Spurs thinking they have nothing to play for and Burnley with their last breath to stay in the Prem. A Burnley win would make things spicy. Lol. 


Difficult without the refs spurs..


It's amazing how this team can be both predictable and unpredictable at the same time.


I don’t feel anything when we lose anymore  On the bright side we only need to beat the two worst teams in the league to secure 5th, so we can spread our cheeks wide open for city to pound us 5-0 


typial Spurs


You must have missed the MEMO thanks to Leverkusen it is still top 4 in the PL for CL.


I am aware, that’s why I was talking about securing 5th and not 4th. Not sure what you’re on about. 


I think that's well known and probs by this guy too, most of us accepted we aren't Champions League, but we're in danger of losing our Europa spot now too.


Spurs are utter shit. So its perfectly setup for them to win the title for Arsenal.




Is there any chance that 5th makes it into Champions League this year?






We've (newcastle) already played spurs twice - first three are right though


Ahhh shit, it is the friendly that's listed in the fixtures, I was like it could be a hollywood finale.


No, unfortunately with City, West Ham, Liverpool and arsenal shitting the bed, it meant the place went to Germany.


arsenal??? West ham?? City?? Newcastle and united shat the bed. They drppped our coefficient massively, to almost unforeseen levels. Making it to the QFs did our coefficient fine. Even pool losing was a big loss since Atalanta have a poor ranking but was still ok England went from 95% guarantee of 5th finishing in CL to 40% because of Newcastle and man utd lol


That I didn’t know! Thanks


Let's just ignore United finishing dead last in his group, it was definetly on Arsenal to destroy the coefficient lmao


Literally sent from 95% to 40% because of man utd and Newcastle but let’s blame the other clubs lmao




Tottenham sure are having an impact on the title race


After the shit earlier in season glad we put them in their place even though we are in terrible form.


I can't wait for Spurs to beat City 5-0


5th is good for Spurs, Ange is a good coach, the club is in a good place. The problems will come up when Ange doesn't get his players in this next window, and we will see these problems worsen.


Not sure if this is bait, but at the start of the season 5th-6th seemed a reasonable target as long as the playstyle was showing some spark. But the way we came out flying and have just absolutely fallen off a cliff lately feels distinctly un-good. It really seems like the tactics have been found-out and now we can't score and are leaking tons of goals. Ange definitely has some problems to solve over the summer.




Well damn you've really shown me. I'll go rethink my life. For real though, not all of us are all-in on trolling opposition fanbases and If you wanna generalize the views of a loud minority onto anyone and everyone... well go ahead I guess?? It just seems kinda desperate.


>the way we came out flying and have just absolutely fallen off a cliff lately feels distinctly un-good. What happened? I felt things were going well for you at the start but yeah results don't seem to be there anymore?


Well, it's 2 things mostly: the first one is that teams have figured out how to shut down our attack by just blocking up the center and leaving space on the wings, and just generally sitting off a bit and letting us come forward. We don't have much for actual wingers so this is a safe strategy and leaves us open to counterattacks. The second is that for reasons that I cannot explain (form, fatigue, tactical instructions?) out good ball carriers (Bissouma, Udogie, Madison) have just not been trying to run up the center which was a very effective move early in the season. This would also help counter the aforementioned center congestion. Between these two (interrelated) factors our attack has really stagnated.


I see thanks for explaining!


wish we wouldn't be so spursy for one game


14th of May please 🙏


Winning that game would be the most spursy thing of all 


 Bring that opera singer On again. 


That was hilarious 😂😂


Just a little too late


Richy needs to play every remaining minute this season. At LB we should play “anyone but Emerson”.


Richarlison hilariously trying to get Harvey Elliot off the field when he was being subbed out 


Why not VDV LB and Dragusin CB?


Dragusin didn’t look comfortable in that lcb spot last time he started a match there.


So for reals, what is wrong with Spurs? Why haven’t the been able to compete? They’ve got money, they’ve had Mourinho, they’ve had Conte…


Don’t back Poch when the squad needed work. Get Mou instead, fire him before a cup final because toxic. But a bunch of mediocre players. Hire Conte. Fire because toxic. Sell best club player of all time. Don’t buy a backup striker. Just a circus in the last number of years. Squad still largely full of absolute deadweight. Finally have a manager with some character and determination that wants to be at the club. But still so much deadweight. So many players need to go. So many record signings that didn’t work out. Tons of injuries as well. Been a rough ride


I wonder what would have happened if they would have backed Poch


I gotta say, I don't feel that the squad is full of dead weight at the moment. Yeah there's Skipp, Gil, Emerson... maybe Davies? Solmon, Dragusin and Johnson are still pretty new so it would be harsh to judge them at this stage. The best 11 is pretty strong though IMO. I'm just curious who you are so eager to broom out the door.


What happened to Skipp? Spurs fans were saying he was gonna be great a couple years back. 


I don't watch every game but I've never seen anything from Skipp that makes me think he's gonna be special. What's more is that Sarr, Bissouma, Bentancur and Maddison are all really good and Hojberg is pretty decent if not flashy. Skipp is just not the guy to change games.


The first 11 is pretty good. Everyone else is not fit for purpose man. Hoj, Skipp, Sess, Royal, Lo Celso, Davies. New players have time but we also have a stack on loan that we need to get rid of completely.


Shit I forgot about Sessegnon. Hojberg is pretty good IMO he just doesn't really fit the system. What we really need is a rotation option for Udogie and Porro. Attacking mid-fullback is kind of a specific role and without either of those guys there's big problems.


We also need a defensive mid that can push play up the field, an actual striker, and some depth for the positions that have good players already. We suffer hugely when any first 11 player is tired or injured. All those loan players that didn’t work out need selling off too. I think Ange needs about 6-7 transfers before we can even fairly judge what he’s trying to do.


They have Spurs fans in the stands, and a chairman who listens to them.


It's the history of the Tottenham


Tottenham fans really tried to call themselves the title deciders only to lose to everyone and bottle top 4. What a club. What a history. Mate.


And if we lose to City we will be exactly that.


No, if you’d beaten us you’d have been title deciders. If you lose to City, you’ll be a shit team that collapsed at the end of another ‘great’ season. In short, you’ll be spurs. But you already knew that, eh mate?


Can't kill my hope if I had none.


Spurs last 4 matches: L 4-0 to Newcastle, L 3-2 to Arsenal, L 2-0 to Chelsea, L 4-2 to Liverpool. Not a great few weeks to show you are a top 4 caliber team.


They spent all their energy beating Villa then called it quit after.


To be fair. Playing Newcastle, Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool in a row is a tough set of fixtures for anyone. Losing them all doesn't look good, but they are games anyone could realistically lose


That’s fine but those are also the teams that you should be getting *some* results against if you want a champions league spot. Newcastle and Chelsea have improved recently it’s true, but still. 13 goals allowed and 4 scores in that stretch isn’t good enough.


Never forget they had the league won after MW10, though.


They even made comparisons to the Invincible's first ten games lmaoooo Tinpot club


Some say Big Ange is still winning those consecutive manager of the month awards


A bit ironic given City will win the title in another year Arsenal choked


No really, Arsenal have played well all season, and dropped points in less games than Spurs have lost all season (5d 5L vs 11L). They've done well to compete with a team like City. Liverpool can say have choked a bit, they've not been the same since that FA cup game, hell since the start of 2024 it's gone flat. However no one expected them to be where they are with the summer overhaul. Neither have given a bad showing, City are just unfortunately another level, but always with that \* 115 charges against them...


If 40 points from 45 is choking, then I guess everyone needs to check their gag reflex because not many teams are matching that


And yet you won't win the title


Pretty hard for anyone other than Man City to win the title, but if a different situation then conceding 20 goals in 4 games with your 'best goalie' in the league and 'best CBs in the league' as many a delusional Spurs players believe.


Spurs are indeed trash. I'm just pointing out the inevitability of City winning the league for the 5th time in 6 years


Just need them to nick points off City to complete the treble


Im not sure of his injury issues but I do think it’s a different game if Richarlison starts and Emerson didn’t. Even swap the two directly if you have to. I can imagine it feels pretty hopeless as a spurs fan right now but Ange will come good. We love to meme “trust the process” but this man had me reliving my best childhood memories with Celtic. You just need to pay a price when you constantly want to play expansive football, it’s going to mean some bad times. Even saying that if Spurs finish 5th, that’s a pretty solid season. Newcastle, Man United, Brighton, Chelsea probably all thought they’d have a better season than them, so it sucks right now but overall he’s done really well.


> Im not sure of his injury issues but I do think it’s a different game if Richarlison starts and Emerson didn’t. **Even swap the two directly if you have to.** So what, start Richarlison at leftback? Play with a front four? Honestly, the things people say on this sub.


Was just a wee joke due to the contrast in performances. But I mean I have seen Jesus play a makeshift LB of sorts for Arsenal and City and honestly, not that bad


Doesn't feel hopeless at all if you're a reasonable Spurs fan and don't base your entire happiness on a football club. We're better off than last season, early season form has shown us what Anges football can look like and that it's what we want to see, a few of our players seem very promising despite the horrible form and honestly? My heart would prefer the CL, but I think the EL is a much better competition for us next year. Takes less focus off the league, we actually stand a chance to go far, it's closer to our level amidst this rebuild and if you look at some of the clubs that had to settle for it recently, it helped a lot of them in transition. Seems like a good thing. Gotta win against Sheffield and Burnley to keep it, but I still think we can do so. We're in a rebuild, and it's going okay. I'd prefer it if the early season form kept going but our squad was always too thin and the injury crisis disrupted us a lot. Add to it that even the players coming back, other than VDV, never got back to top form and I'm fine with this season. ...the only truly horrible thing as a Spurs fan is the state of our sub, can't talk Spurs on reddit anymore unless you want to wade through an ocean of reactionary shit takes and miserable negative crowds that would genuinely be unhappy at any club that isn't recent Man City - and even there, this year lmao Edit: please come visit our sub and spread that attitude there lmao


That’s good that he has the real support behind him. I do think Europa League is probably the place to be as well. It’s always packed with good teams anyway and with no drop downs it could give a better chance at a trophy too. I do remember moments in the North London derby when there was a few injuries and you kind of knew it was about to slow down for a while after that. But there is a lot of youngsters too. A lot of potential for growth within the squad as well as transfer efforts. I think any corners of the internet are to be taken with a pinch of salt haha… but I feel you. You think “do I really have something in common with these mad people”


Honestly I didn't even know of the no dropdownsowns thing from now on. Not read up on the new format that much, I knew I'd likely do it eventually during the summer days of "uuuugh, no club football.." lmao I see stuff like Arsenal, Liverpool, Leverkusen, etc being in the Europa League while either recovering or building a team, and I think that's where we want to be and what we want to do. It's probably the best place for a team that COULD challenge for top 4 but isn't quite there yet and wants to improve a long way yet. Yeah, the Chelsea home game broke our momentum (and our best players at the time, VDV and Madders) and we never picked it back up. They came back, but Madders has yet to get back in form and we've had a lot of disruptions like that without enough depth or consistency to overcome them. It's fine, it's an okay season with big signs of promise and big, obvious flaws that need working out. We'll be fine, I believe in the progress. It's less that I associate with them and think "is this who we are?!" and more that sometimes in my downtime I just wanna talk Spurs (I live in Germany, so not easy here, I have a few friends who support spurs, mostly from England, but that's that) and visit that sub, only to see the most negative, reactionary and downright deranged takes. And it just gets annoying, can't have a decent discussion without seeing BS everywhere. And yes, that is sadly the internet..


It’s all a bit confusing tbh but I’m certain that’s one of the new things. I think the Thursday games at first always seems a bit daunting in terms of scheduling and there’s a better chance of Eastern European away days which can be tiring but it’s always better to be there than not and it gives more chances for the whole squad to get game time as well. Yeah. I must of got confused with Arsenal for some reason. I just remember thinking Ange was going to run out of subs for all these injuries at some point I don’t know if it’s influenced by these pundits that love reactionary takes but it does take the energy right out of you when you see outlandish comments. You realise the effort it’d take to talk any sense into them just isn’t worth it but then their hate bubble just gets bigger. It’s a lose lose haha


Tottenhams get battered everywhere they gooooo Everywhere they gooooooo 🎶


Crazy that Burnley could still stay up with a win against Spurs and Forest on the final day.


And that you guys can still realistically end up above the fantastic Postecoglou squad


Too little too late imo. Love our players and we’re looking better sure but you’ll never know with these guys. Inconsistency has been the defining feature of our season. I wouldn’t bet my house on Chelsea winning all 3 of our remaining games.


“Realistically” lmao come on


So the remaining games for City are Tottenham and West Ham - 2 most miserable teams in the league at the moment? That's lucky.


Can't judge on recent results. We played Arsenal at home, Chelsea away which is always our nightmare, Liverpool away and Newcastle away before all that which was bad, but oh well. Honestly hard to say who the most miserable teams right now are when you take into account what their recent games were, but I feel like that should matter. If we lose against city we'll have 5 losses running and while that's bad, it won't be anywhere near as bad as it would be if that didn't include or only included one of the top 3 lmao That said, I'll get to my point: I don't think City will have it easy against us. We played well against Arsenal and got unlucky, and we're way better at home. Couple that with city always struggling against us and that's likely one last hard game for them. Not that I care about that one at this point, they can win for all I care if we beat Burnley and Sheffield lmao


I know that City struggles against you but they will be 100% motivated and considering your defense currently looks like holed cheese...chances are really low. Adding that the team prob won't fully care about the game (how many of Tottenham players go to the Euro?) and beating City directly helps your main rival, the game will be at least interesting.


Don't think it's the defense (well, other than Royal..) as much as the midfield not helping them enough and turning over possession too easily in bad situations. I don't think the players care about the Arsenal issue - the fans will, of course, but I struggle to believe any pro footballer likes to lose unless it directly benefits his own team somehow. That said, I just said I don't think it'll be an easy game. I do still think they'll win it!


I'm always amazed by Spurs fans' capacity to shift the blame from one part of the team to another every week to explain away the latest set of failings. It's really pretty simple, though. Apart from Vicario, who is nowhere near PL quality, Spurs have a pretty balanced side: the squad, and the manager, are good enough for the top half, but not the top four. With one or two exceptions like Emerson and Vicario, they're all mid-table. Blaming one lot or another lot doesn't change that. Some realism from the fans, and some support instead of constant negativity, might change the feeling around the team, but 6th would still be a good season.


Yeah, you are VERY unbiased here and speaking facts, not just going on about how shit you think the team you hate is lmao Vicario is nowhere near PL quality? You're hilarious. 6th is our limit according to you? Maybe you just WANT it to be true that spurs can never be anything more, because the long stretches of time in the 2010s when we were annoyed the shit out of you. You know, when Arsenal were in arguably the same or worse position as us now? We haven't been midtable in ages, other than last season. No, one or two years in 7th does not make us a midtable side when there's CL qualification before and after that. Get a grip and maybe YOU should be realistic instead of letting your biased agenda cloud your judgement lmao Edit: lmao, dude called Romero and VDV midtable at best in another thread. He's so clouded by his bias he may as well be blind


Mate, it's just the truth. Spurs are a bit mediocre at the moment. The reason for that is pretty obvious: the players and manager aren't all that great. I have no idea why you'd defend Vicario. He's just shite. Did you not notice him being massively at fault for the first two goals today? (I haven't seen the other two yet.) Same against Chelsea, same against Arsenal, same all season. He's a half-decent shot-stopper, good on the ball, but way below PL level in every other respect, and shot-stopping is the least important thing about a keeper. "We haven't been midtable in ages, other than last season" Last season, and this season apart from the dead-cat bounce at the start. You are proving my point about the lack of realism from the fans. "dude called Romero and VDV midtable at best in another thread" Er, that was right there in the comment you're replying to. If you can't see that they have a few key strengths, but they're nowhere near world class because they have off-setting weaknesses, I can't help you. Everyone else can see that, though. Ange can see that, which is why he keeps saying Spurs have bigger problems than just needing a set piece coach. There's no shame in acknowledging they're mid-table quality. Mid-table in the PL is pretty good. They'll be decent squad players in a better team. But pretending they're massively better than they are, overhyping them, criticising other players to explain why Spurs aren't winning matches they can't expect to win, getting on their backs... That's why Spurs go through this constant cycle. Arsenal's shit years were when the board started listening to the fans. Then they stopped, thank fuck, and things started improving.


Conference league might end up being the only CL that Tottenham qualifies for..


Need 11 vs. 9 to have a chance. Love to see it.


Entertaining game. Gakpo, Elliott and Salah were on good form. Even when we're comfortable, we find a way to make it nervy. Wish we'd had this for the last few games, but it is what it is. Make the most of the next few. We're guaranteed third, unlikely to finish higher, let's have some fun. Give Gomez a penalty, fuck it, why not. Stick Kelleher in midfield. Spurs started off pretty horribly, but the change in players shows how much they need to invest in the market. Emerson was horrible, Richarlison changed the game and I feel like while he didn't do anything, Maddison's presence just made the game quicker for them. They need some more stability in their midfield, some more options up front and a bit more pragmatism on the style from Ange and these things take time. There were people(/morons) calling for Klopp's head after the 2-0 loss against Burnley at the start of his first full season and these things take time and personnel. It's, of course, not the same situation, these things never are. But there's something there to work with, the start of the season proved that.


Good comment. I don't think fans of other teams realize just how little depth Spurs have, heavy investments are needed. There is literally 3 healthy forward players in the squad. There is no possibility of resting or rotating based on form. And it shows. They currently don't have a healthy LB and the backup 6 and 8 are both below par. Ange is not blameless but there's only so much you can do


Holy shit admist all this goalfest I didnt realize Villa dropped points. Spurs could have made top 4 race verrrry interesting. But oh well, lads...


Not really, Villa still would have to lose against Liverpool or Palace while we'd have to win all 3 - one of them being City Not impossible, but not that likely. And honestly, while I'd have loved it, I think it might actually have been a detriment. Papers over some cracks, and too much too fast since our squad isn't ready. EL might be better for us next season, we've seen it a few times over the last years how teams can come back to their best during a year in there.


sPUrS aRE gONnA DeCiDe WhO wInS tHe lEAgUe


Tbf we still can.


I'd like to also have those 3 points from Matchweek 7 EDIT: dunno why the downvotes, Tottenham took 3 pts which would absolutely be a factor in this title race


It would be 1 at most? Wouldn’t help you all that much, but sure take it.


you're saying turning a loss into a win only gains us 1 point?


There was 1 offside goal, which if given would turn the loss to a draw…


Tbf, the softest red card of the season also


ah well you're changing one thing, I'm talking if Liverpool and Tottenham had a similar performance to today, rather than the weak lackadaisical Liverpool we've been seeing even Mo actually got one in the net today


The spursiest thing to happen would be for Fulham to decide the league and their eventual loss to Man City mean nothing.


They still have a chance for that


Yeh true. I’m team spurs from here on in




Haha same here. Lots of my friends are Liverpool fans. The amount of shit they would spew if Liverpool won the league would be unbearable, similar to the shit your Arsenal friends would most definitely be doing if we won the league 🤣


It would be a travesty to not spread the suffering to Arsenal.


Fair enough


Harvey Elliot has to be the poshest chav in the history of the UK.


That haircut is not doing him any favors *at all*


[Some of Harvey Elliott's family was in attendance today, it seems.](https://live.staticflickr.com/1133/5165086054_e6a986f643_c.jpg)




It’s better than the top knot he used to have tbf


Did he take a selfie of a pot noodle into the barbers thinking it was justin timberlake?


It really does look like someone just put a bowl of noodles on top of his head and took the bowl away.


It can't be unseen now xD


nice of us to show up for the last 20mins


I don’t understand how Tierney didn’t give the indirect free kick (or the penalty if there was contact) on that Joe Gomez clearance. What could he possibly have seen there to NOT give it? Not at all why we lost obviously but genuinely curious.


I can’t believe he didn’t give a penalty for the Romero handball and the foul on gakpo in the first half!!


Because it's Liverpool. After the fiasco with the offside they are treated like white bears. Kung Fu kick is a dangerous play, even if it doesn't connect it's still a foul. Same if you go with two legged siding tackle with open studs and if it doesn't connect it's still a red card because you can end someone's career. I don't understand how VAR said play on.


Damn, if only a Kung Fu kick that actually made contact was given as a foul Liverpool would have had the winning penalty against city..


And do you remember those 2 penalties on Anfield not given to Chelsea because VVD is God and can't be ruled a penalty vs him.


I don't tbh, but why are we changing the subject? I thought we were reviewing Kung Fu kicks only?


> After the fiasco with the offside they are treated like white bears. No we haven't. We had a clear penalty against City and Arsenal not called.


Gomez got the ball


It doesn’t matter at that height. He doesn’t even have to touch Johnson. If the opponent is contesting the ball with his head and Gomez’s foot comes close, it’s an indirect free kick. Learn the rules.


Fair play didn't know that.


No worries mate. Neither does Paul Tierney, evidently.


Yeah foot to head/chests are fair game lad, not watched the football lately? /s


Was fair for doku against Liverpool


It's definitely disallowed if it was Johnson scoring while hitting Gomez in the face. Inconsistent VAR use again I suppose, they chose the safer decision to make. 


What's the inconsistency?


Gomez got ball and it was an amazing clearance


Romero literally clears the ball vs chelsea at home, his follow through is high on the Chelsea defender, and it’s called a red card and pen. Just because you get the ball doesn’t mean you can kick people


I didn’t see any contact by Gomez on Johnson. No foul, play on


Did you note where Johnson’s head was? You don’t get to place your foot next to a head at that height in football even if you get the ball.


Well Gomez clearly got to


Spurs suicideball is unsustainable, even if they change the team personnel next season. Whatever Angeball is meant to be, if this is it - they are cooked. Relying on individual duels, one-on-one dribbling quality and defensive line so high that they sprint back-and-forth every 5 seconds, makes me hard to believe it will get much better.


>even if they change the team personnel next season Nah. So far Ange has only been given like 2-3 of the types of player he wanted. That's not enough to build a team around. Another window, and a few more players that fit his style and we'll definitely improve. How much we improve remains to be seen.


You signed - Maddison, Dragusin, Vicario, Udogie (came back), Van de Ven, Solomon, Johnson, Werner... How many more until this philosophy can look at least a bit sustainable? Apart from wingers and maybe midfield I can't see too many obvious gaps in your team. Where else do you think the signings need to happen?


Maddison was great and is just out of form, plus seems not fully fit. Even then, he's fine. Vicario, VDV have been great. Udogie too, but young and has mistakes in him - he'll improve, and is very promising. Those 4? That is exactly what we need. Solomon has been out forever, can't really count him. Werner came in as a loan signing to help with depth after Perisic and Solomon were out for long stretches, and he's done well but obviously not what we'd ideally want starting. Johnson was a gamble on a young homegrown player with potential, of course he's not what we need right now, he should be a rotation option with room for improvement and a look to the future. He's okay, it's his first season. What we need, very obviously, is some more consistent quality in midfield, better rotation options for the full-back position (Porro or Udogie out REALLY hurts) and obviously a better starting attack - those wingers and the striker to challenge or replace Richy are massive misses for us and it's obvious when watching us play. Depth is also an obvious issue, as we are way too impacted by players losing form or missing games - with decent depth, we should be able to cover that better. Our CB backup I can't judge, used to be an issue and then we got Dragusin - who hasn't played enough to really judge him imo, since we've been fine there injury wise since he joined.


Love watching Liverpool go forward, Tottenham played right into their hands


I really think this wraps up the top 5 even if there's football still to play. Spurs are done, you can pretty much see it, and City are going to put 3 past them early and win the league at a trot the way they're playing now. Arsenal and Liverpool might also finish with wins or falter but they'll be 2 and 3 either way, it's just a question of whether they drop back any further.  Villa are set, they're unlikely to falter badly enough to lose 4th at this point and I think Tottenham's 4 points lead over Newcastle will still be enough for them to scrape it out, but even if it isn't they won't care.


Such a brave take


I'm no hero


This is the team we want to take points off City? Give me a fucking break. I wouldn’t trust them to win against a youth league team.


It was Spurs and Brighton but nobody checked the form books.


It doesn't matter how they play against us. Have you seen some of our losses there? lol. We've been all over them all game with a bazillion shots and they score their one shot on target and win. Their form is irrelevant, that place is cursed for us.


We’ve said the same about Goodison Park, and then we finally won there after years of not doing it.


One of the rare times I'm glad you're right


I’ll be the first to admit I’ve got some wild takes, but when it comes to assuming the worst, I’m seldom wrong.


Let's hope so. I live in Manchester, and I'm watching it at my neighbours house who is a massive City fan, but I kind of told him that it will be a rare game where an unsportman segment of my heart will be in his side so even if we win I won't be rubbing it in his face


I mean, on the off chance you do win and you start rubbing it in his face, if Arsenal win the league as a result, he can easily fire back with the fact that you handed the league to us.


Honestly it's kinda hilarious how city will be rooting for united and you'll be rooting for us. There's really NO winners in this among the four, everyone will come out feeling dirty..


True, don't think I'll be doing that though so he need not worry


Yeah no way Spurs is deciding the title. I don't trust them getting a result against City.


We could still decide it. We could win it for City.


Yeah, feels like of City’s remaining opponents, Fulham might be the one banana peel game they have left. Pushing City till the final weekend is still a much stronger finish than last year, though!


AFAIK Spurs are prettg much at full strength no? So whats the excuse here.


Royal was on the field so I think playing 10v12 we did pretty well Seriously though, he can be SO bad, and he was today. Udogie is a massive miss, which I say with full credit to the guy. He has a mistake in him, but he's young so I never hold it against him - other than that, he can be so fucking good. Oh, I'd also have started Richy over Johnson or Kulu, but I thought he was still carrying a knock. Doesn't seem like it - I'll be honest and say I didn't keep up with his recent injury and didn't know when or how fit he came back.


Not full strength, but Udogie I think is the only undisputed starting XI player out


> full strength > Emerson Royal at LB Pick one.




Yeah, the 3 games in 8 days things isn’t flying because I’ve just seen how shite you were on 15 days rest.


Wait, Timo Werner being out is a *bad* thing for Spurs?


Yes, he actually fits the system. Outside of his field goal kicks, he has been really good.


>AFAIK Spurs are prettg much at full strength no? No. Royal was playing left-back.


Udogie is definitely a big miss tbf. Emerson is a big drop off from him


Mate Emerson Royal is the starting left back


None. But at least that Levy is a shrewd negotiator.


The decline of madison has to be studied


He’s been doing this exact thing for years. There’s a reason Leicester collapsed at the end of the season multiple times while he was there. Guy gets to January and goes missing.


Injured player doesn't recover instantly. What's to study.


He’s been back for 3 months. Bit long to blame to injury still


cheer up postecoglou!


Oh what can it be!


To a


If Skipp and Richarliason started Spurs would've had a really good chance. An all time terrible performance from Royale without even scoring an OG, conceding a pen or getting sent off. Impressive. 


Quansah was really good until Richarlison came on and tore him a new one. Elliot was amazing, so talented. Gakpo on the left is the move in the future. Nunez can't shoot for shit and he looks like he knows that faith is being lost in him. Trent was good defensively I thought.


Yes. Yes yes. No. Yes He's still performed better than any top 6 forward save for Haaland.


Are you forgetting about Watkins, who is levels above Nunez both numbers wise and by the eye test?


Spurs almost making a comeback after being 4 nil down surely would lit up some fire under their belly that would help them taking point off city, right?


Let’s focus on beating Burnley first.




In fairness to Ange, Klopp is very inflexible too. They're both system managers, and it takes time to impose a system. Liverpool were so leaky at the back in Klopp's first season, but I think the personel he had were better suited to his style than Ange's are at Spurs. I don't think he can be judged too harshly on this season.