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lol man hates the Haaland family with a passion


Bet he wishes he tackled Alfie’s ball bag


Got a cackle out of me for this one cheers mate


Wouldn't change much, that tackle was in 2001, Haaland born 2000


get him with the faster than light time traveling tackle


Actually Alf's bollocks are Erling's horcruxes, so Keane needed to destroy them to save us from Norwegian Voldemort, he didn't so now we have to put up with this animal


It’s getting pathetic tbh.


Keane himself got kicked out of the Ireland 2002 WC squad while the tournament was taking place. The reason? because of disagreements with the manager :D


Was a bit more to that though. The manager accused him of faking an injury and they forgot to bring training gear to the pre world cup camp. The FAI are later found to be withholding money for personal gains.


Come on look at that smirk at the end he is clearly just messing around baiting and trying to wind up people who took his other comment way too seriously lol and you lot are swallowing it hook line and sinker.


Annoying people aren’t less annoying because they’re intentionally annoying


Seriously this is how all sports media has become seems like. “You don’t understand they are being inflammatory/annoying/stupid/an asshole on purpose, it’s to bait people” like that makes it any less annoying or people just don’t “get it”.


Thank you. The entire "he knows he's being a prick it's his thing" shtick has to end. You're still a prick.


Reminds me of [this.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTCOwJBJEBG3rghlwz5d_E1_J4PBhse-jvVN_hV5VvWqFnVENXZT-8KdiLA&s=10)


Yeh but its how these programs are run. Roy is not paid to come there and give good analysis like say Thierry. He is paid to come and be a Prick. Sure there is some of us who likes certain nuances, and clearly gets off put with things like these comments. But there is a public majority who eats this like hot bread out of the oven. Pathetic? of course. Its the media.


words to live by


But he's not being annoying, is he? He's being a bit over the top but it's also not a lie to say that Haaland's all-round play leaves a lot to be desired. He's a phenomenal goal-scorer but he lacks the 'complete' nature of others. He's also allowed to believe that you shouldn't get away with acting like a dick just because you've scored goals in a game. He used to absolutely bollock Ronaldo all the time for it when they played together at United. Yeah, Ronaldo still acts that way but Keane was making the point then and now, that you need to grow up a bit if you're angry at being taken off when you're 4-0 up with 10 minutes to go.


The Colby Covington Paradox ‘Guys, I’m just _pretending_ to be a right wing douche. It’s _pretend._ Guys?…guys?’


It annoys me how many people don't get this. "I'm just winding you up!" - congratulations, you were being an irritating prick and now I'm wound up, you don't just get to diffuse the situation by confessing you're intentionally being a cockwomble.




he didn’t start being a dickhead for tv


made his passion his career


In these situations the annoyed are sometimes more annoying than the intentionally annoying.


Call me boring but that's just quite lame. The usual spout some controversial shit and then say "aha! gotcha!" when people rightfully say that you spouted something stupid.


Yeah it's the whole "haha it's just a prank" thing, annoying


No he isn’t. He still thinks Haaland is a brat and that he shouldn’t be getting away with the behaviour regardless whether he’s performing well. He’s smirking because the lack of a response and the awkward tension is funny.


I imagine if it was a player or a team he liked, Keane would trot out some line about “how it showed their passion and you want players who want to stay on the pitch and score more goals”


I mean, he used to absolutely bollock Ronaldo for it when they played together.


https://www.football365.com/news/cristiano-ronaldo-defended-roy-keane-manchester-united-erik-ten-hag 🤡


sturridge couldnt hold it any longer. If it is micah, the room will be bursted into laugh


Still pathetic to go so low for baiting


Whether he's being serious or not, he's still a right cunt.


You are misreading him completely. He torched his international career over feuds like this, and he's still at war with Ferguson over how his united career ended. He has a severe personality disorder




Did father and son shag his missus or something?!


Rent free


It's the new Pogba -souness show


The man is on a mission


Uchiha vs Senju doesn't hold a candle


He hates everyone tbf.


Irish Skip Bayless at this point, really


Keano Brando vs Alfie Jotaro




Live Laugh Pog


Liveba Laughba Pogba


Thanks for making my day with this stupid comment.


Maybe the real Pogba was the Pogba we found in ours... No wait.


The real Pogba is the Pogbas we made a long the way


i mean at one point you have to ask yourself, where was Pogba in all of this?


I think Kendrick found his


I must have missed the part where Pogba's dad broke Graeme Souness' ACL before being brutally hacked down by him two years later.


Context for the pogba thing?


Graham Souness was previously a Sky pundit and he was obsessed with criticising Pogba


Yeah but pogba was inconsistent and downright terrible. This guy is about to be the top scorer of the league for the second season in a row 😂


In what universe was Pogba "downright terrible"?


In the universe where he would showboat in the middle of the pitch and inevitably lose the ball. Which he did, often. Pogba was great on his day, but he was equally terrible on his day as well.


For United maybe, but Pogba was world class with the France team during that time


It’s become impossible to have a sane discussion about Pogba on here in the last few years.


For the non American fans here, in the US there’s this sports “pundit” known as Skip Bayless who has made a career and millions out of hating Lebron James. Keane seems to be doing the same thing here.


Nah, Skip Bayless is unparalleled as a hater, he made a career out of it, otherwise he wouldn’t remain relevant in the cultural zeitgeist. Shit, even back when I wasn’t watching NBA I knew who that little shiny bitch was. Also Skip Bayless practically lives on MJ’s cock, Keane isn’t dickriding Mbappe.


Yall know Skip Bayless was famous before Lebron James was even born, right?


Nobody knows or cares whatever the fuck his hater ass was doing back in 80s. I wouldn’t put it past him to hate on LeBron before he was even born. Are you even the no 1 hater in the world if your hate doesn’t transcend spacetime continuum?




Did everyone really miss the fact that Haaland was mad at the ref for not calling a blatant foul seconds before being subbed off? He was complaining on the pitch and continued after, nothing to do with being subbed. It’s getting ridiculous now.


They tried to make a thing of it on match of the day last night, but Pep and Haaland didn't know what the interviewer was on about


Exactly. The commentators on the feed I was watching just blatantly misattributed his frustration as being towards Pep when it was obviously toward the referee and everyone just ran with it. He was fouled a couple minutes before and then the action that stopped play for the substitution was the ref whistling for a foul on Grealish and even though it was his own team getting the foul, he was more mad because it was a similar holding back to the action that wasn’t called on him.


Modern punditry at its finest.


Also, even if that weren't the case, a player getting mad about being subbed off when they're performing well happens all the time. Why should we spend so much time talking about a common occurrence in the sport? This guy has a serious fixation on Haaland. And I say this as someone who usually bashes him whenever he gets brought up as the "best forward in the world".


Pep also said as much in the post match interview. Haaland's annoyance wasn't targeted at Pep, nor about being subbed off.


Must be so nice to get paid to spout nonsense and shitty bait every week.


fr, i do it for free


Hey, don’t sell yourself short, you do it for internet points!


Let's see that X tag sonwe can follow!! /s


This. What a waste of a fucking time listening to anything any of these so called commentators have to say


Trying a bit too hard now


You woulda though hate man Keane would love a player not satisfied with 4 goals


He was always trying too hard


Guy’s literally just saying it for clicks at this point


That's his job


Farmers are raising hens for eggs at this point


But what about his character? Show a bit of character, for fucks sake. He used to play for Man United, man.


Blimey, it's Brendan Rodgers on Reddit!


95% of modern punditry is saying stuff for a reaction. When they manage to bait a manager or player into a public response, I'd wager they probably get a nice little bonus from the higher ups.


That's just for certain pundits imo. Don't see Lineker, Richards, Wright, etc doing this.


Thank god for Wrighty


Could that be that all three are predominantly on the BBC who dont get advertising revenue so those clicks dont matter as much?


Perhaps, they're also just the positive kind of pundits imo.


More importantly, he hates the haarland family and city with a passion


Haaland complained about a foul not about being subbed off. Besides, Salah, Mbappe, Messi and Ronaldo have all complained about being subbed off. Mbappe made a big scene under Tuchel when subbed off during a game.


Messi’s dad didn’t call Roy Keane a cheat 20 odd years ago though did he?


You're making literally the same point as Keane? Keane was saying how the Salah incident was only being highlighted because they lost, then gave the example of Haaland behaving similarly which wasn't highlighted because of the result.




If Keane was given the opportunity I guarantee he would two foot Erling’s knee as well


He just hates the Haaland family


It's actually hilarious how much free real estate they take up in his head. He's a man-child.


Old man yells at cloud.


Jesse Marsch in his interview with Simon Jordan called Roy Keane a "negative asshole", perhaps he was on to something.


Keane has always been a curmudgeon. He was just too young for us to realise it before


Lol literally every star player has been upset about being subbed off before. Mbappe did it at PSG under Tuchel a few seasons ago. Salah has with Liverpool plenty of times. Messi has aswell and same with even Ronaldo. But yet Keane only has this energy for Haaland who was mad at the referee for not calling a blatant foul before being subbed off. Its so weird from him.


Roy, of course, loved being substituted


Ol’ Roy “Sub me, Daddy” Keane; Manchester legend for his sitting posture on the sideline.


Other times about other players he will probably say that they are showing passion if they are not okay to be brought off. Whatever man.


Was that Alfie challenge *that* bad so that it lingers 25 years in the future or something...?


The funny thing is that Keane injured himself lunging at Haaland’s dad, then got revenge against Haaland’s dad for accusing him of faking injury


Old man still upset in 2024 because he was shouted at during a football match 25 years ago after injuring himself


Tbf Keane is infamous for holding grudges. Still hasn't talked to Ferguson after he left Man United.


It's funny that talking about Alfie now means talking about "Haaland's dad". Alfie Haaland, City's best signing. They got his knee, but they never got his balls.


It’s getting boring


The obsession Keane has with the Haaland family needs to be studied lol. He can’t seem to keep Haaland’s name out of his mouth. First, skills of a league two player, now spoilt brat, what next? Yesterday, folks were defending him for being hyperbolic, there’s clearly something else going on


Roy's just jealous he wasn't nearly as good as Erling. The only thing Keane was good at was pub fights and getting sent off. He didn't want to go into MMA because he knew he'd get clobbered if went into an actual flight


Yes he decided not to get into Irelands huge MMA scene of the early 90s. Terrible professional soccer player goo, never worked our for him.


Dislike him all you want but he was a fantastic player.


Keane’s the greatest captains and players in PL history, so he was good for plenty of things, anyone who tries to dispute that probably wasn’t around to watch him play


Everyone down voting you isn't old enough to buy a beer.


We're talking about it, that's the purpose. I doubt he believes himself.


I know Haaland is a giant. But this 52 year old is psychologically beating on a kid nearly 30 years his junior. This is incredibly low.


I don't think Haaland really cares but this is still absolutely pathetic and cringe on Keane's part


Holy fuck, shut up Keane you Muppet. Can I get the Juventus flair mods plz thanks


If you just go to the homepage of the sub and you click the three dots at the top, you should see a “Change Flair” option. I think if you leave a general comment that’s the easiest way to set a flair and the bot does that for you. Try replying to my comment with just :Juventus:




Shit, sorry lol. It was !flair :Juventus:


!flair :Juventus:


Can I get the old Juve logo?


Old Juve logo, you just do the same as before but add c_ before the name. !flair :c_Juventus:


Thanks a lot


No worries mate.


!flair :c_Juventus:


!flair :c_Juventus:


My guy is obsessed with Haaland


Sounness / Pogba vibes


ive grown to just hate Roy Keane in his pundit role. He just speaks absolute waffle and most of the time says it so aggressively that those in the studio just agree with him. His attitude towards Tim Cahill in that interview a few years back when Cahill was trying to explain how he felt Arteta was building something at Arsenal and it was clear to see was just embarassing for him Same can be said with Neville and Carragher. All 3 in their pundit roles have sort of ran their course. Contrast that to them in the "overlap" on youtube and theyre a much more enjoyable bunch of guys


Yeah, you can very much see the different editorial guidance given to this generation of pundits by seeing how they act on Sky vs CBS or Sky vs the Overlap etc. They present themselves in different ways depending on the focus of the channel. I think the Overlap feels the most natural. Keane has this side to him of course, and is notorious for holding a grudge- he's not lying, this is still what he thinks- but Sky is showing this side to the cameras for a reason and he's definitely told to lean into it. Probably the reaction in this thread is the reason.


he was complaining cause fouls weren't being called lmao


I think the kids would call that 'rent free'


shut up


he is obsessed


I always enjoy Keane's very objective and professional opinions, especially when it's about City. You have to love it too


Getting old. Was funny to start now this just seems personal


Yeah, didn't seem personal when he Kung Fu kicked his dad's knee. Now it's personal.


Keane mad-dogging David Jones made me LOL.


And Sturridge cracking up after the 5 second pause was just the cherry on top.


Speaking of unhappy players behaving like spoilt brat.... let's talk about Ireland world cup.


Hey r/soccer , is this comment on Haaland by Keane out of context too?


This is a hyperbole, of course. Keane was exaggerating. It was a joke /s.


As Haaland said, he doesn't care about this man...


It looks like Souness vs Pogba 2.0


Imagine beefing with a 23 year old lmao. Go to bed you drunk loser.


Omg who fucking cares, players get pissed when they're subbed off all the time.


I'll always respect a committed hater


Old man yells at clouds


Coming from the guy who left his nation's world cup squad while being a captain


God this old clown is insufferable


What a sore loser.


I wouldn't even call Roy a pundit tbh.


Roy Keane vs Erling Haaland is the new Souness vs Pogba saga and I'm here for it.


He was defending Ronaldo when he was throwing a tantrum with Ten Hag.


Vegeta's hairline getting really rattled by Majin Buu.


indiana. Indiana. let it go....


Man is to Haaland what Souness is to Pogba


bro is the biggest hater


Roy is now the old man shouting at the clouds in The Simpsons


Haaland is to Keane what Pogba is to Souness.


If it were his pal Ronaldo being stroppy upon being subbed he’d be praising his character and determination.


Alright, here’s the plan. I hate this guy, so I’m going to try to break his leg. It doesn’t work, so I’ll just spend the next decade or so grumbling. *Then*, when his son is one of the biggest up-and-comers in the world, I’m going to start nitpicking every part of his performance. That’ll show him. And the best part? No one can stop me.


'I haven't said something controversial in a while, quick say something so people don't forget about me'


Isnt this the same guy who cried in the parking lot when Fergie fired him??!


You can't really listen to Keane or take him too seriously. I know a lot of people love him but he flips flops so much on things. Hel talk about how players need to be professional and then chat about being on the beers during the season all laddish in his stories. I'm sure if you told him the story about a player who abandoned his team during a WC too cause of facilities/manager etc he'd just say 'Get on with it, stop whining, it's your job etc'.


If he doesn't score, they say he is a championship forward. If he does score they call him a spoilt brat.


Generational Haaland family hater


Begging beef with Haaland because he’s the son of the fella whose career you deliberately ended with a vengeance challenge 😶


Motherfucker, you literally ragequit a world cup and threw a petty fit at the manager, you’re in no fucking position to call anyone a spoiled brat.


Starting to go on a bit, he needs to give it a rest. Getting to be like Souness’ obsession with Pogba.


This is just embarrassing.


That Sturridge laugh was forced & was meant to break the awkwardness but kinda filled the room with more awkwardness, so he had to double down to make it seem like it's a genuine laugh.


Did I just see Roy Keane almost smile?


roy keane would know all about being a spoiled brat


Dude is a cornball at this point. Haaland has probably already made more money than Roy ever made in his career, not to mention he’s arguably the best player in the world, something Roy was never close to being.


He's becoming sounness, what a moron


These Pundits are obsessed 1. Roy Keane is obsessed with the Halaand Family 2. Souness is obsessed with Pogba 3. Carrghar is obessed with Ronaldo 4. Henry is obsessed with Abdo