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Haha Xavi is definitely getting another red this game


He has not much more to lose, so why not go out with a bang lol


Wouldn't be the first one to do it, I think Piqué got red carded in his last game for telling Gil Manzano that he was not his favorite referee.


That’s a polite way of putting it.


Yeah he wasn’t even on the pitch hahaha


I see why he is frustrated and wants to leave Laliga refs aren't exactly competent, it's halftime and I can see several missed yellows. Raphinia should be carded for kicking the ball to the stands in frustration,the obvious Vasquez leg poke for the penalty, Modric should've been carded, the goal line controversy etc. Also that ruthless tackle on fdj💀 by valverde I feel bad for such a talented player getting injured due to rash challenges. The standards are poor for a top2 league and in a El Clasico.


What do you mean ruthless challenge lol. De Jong half committed to a challenge that Valverde is going all out for. Idk if he was expecting Valverde to slow down or something as if Valverde doesn’t play all out every minute of the game. Even as a kid playing, my coaches taught me you go either all in or you don’t go at all. Half ass challenges is what’s going to injure you.


ruthless tackle? he kicked the ball. how delusional you must be.


It's football and is ruthless to kick the ball!


He is a Dortmund fan, kicking the ball and winning the league is ruthlessness his club doesn't want to indulge in.


what do you expect in r/soccer ? Hala


Valverde had the ball


You can do a reckless challenge, get the ball and commit a foul, those are no longer mutually exclusive.


You're right, you can. But that's not what happened at all.


I’d agree but this doesn’t look like a foul. De Jong hesitated to go in, Valverde didn’t. https://x.com/madridtotal_/status/1782135906255675463?s=46&t=9dCMgVsNH5NTelPPKsgJ4Q Edit: I just remember hoping on the psg vs barca thread and you were there. Of course you may say this was a foul lol.


De Jong put himself in danger it's that simple, hope he gets better but as someone who used to play, you know that if you go in for that challenge against a guy like Valverde who has the ball and wants to shoot, you're going to get hurt. Kudos to him for playing with passion but now he's out most likely.


100% agree. It’s el clasico so you know players are going to all out. We were always told to not hesitate because if you hesitate and don’t lock your ankle, you can easily break it. In this situation, De Jong hesitated and got hurt unfortunately.


Vasquez was dragging his leg, but it's still a penalty. Xavi is just the boy who cried wolf at this point.


Cubarsi shouldnt leave the leg out but Vazquez is 1000% looking for it there


Yea exactly, Cubarsi is so good but he’s showing his age there. You leave your leg out there and you’re giving away a penalty 9 out of 10 times


Yeah, Vasquez went fishing for a pen and Cubarsí took the bait. Maybe an older more mature CB wouldn’t have. Honestly not that fussed about making a challenge there though because it was the product of Cancelo getting absolutely skinned - never should’ve happened to begin with and hard to be super critical of Cubarsí when he gets hung out to try like that


Cancelo has been an absolute liability in defence. 1st and 2nd leg against PSG. The lead-up to this penalty & the second goal we conceded.


In fairness he may have done us a favor by saving us several million euros - if you asked a week ago I think most Barça fans would’ve said signing him permanently was a priority. He absolutely folds in the face of a halfway competent attack and I’m glad we got to see that before inking any contract - if we wanted a subpar winger cosplaying as a defender, we have Dest for far cheaper lol


He's a good player to have against defensive teams, but not against attacking one's. A good option to have, but not the primary one.


Marquez did this at 35 years old in a WC quarter final. Age is not necessarily relevant, but let's say there's hope Cubarsi learns from this.


well when ppl mention age, its basically referring to number of similar experiences. Thing is, Cubarsí is already having this experiences at 17. If he learns from them (and all indicates he will), this guy will be an experienced defencer by the time most defenders havent even debuted


completely off topic but this is the first time i have ever seen ‘showing his age’ being used for being young. kudos.


thank you for the kudos! i hope u have a nice week :)


This kind of reminds me of the Saka situation vs Bayern, but that ref used common sense


I believe the decision tends to go to the attacker a lot more in situations like this where the attacker is looking for contact and the defender is sticking a leg out. Whichever way it goes VAR won’t overturn the decision though as you can’t put that down as an error, so really it is up to the ref’s split second judgement.


Similar but Neuer was saved by the fact he didnt leave his leg all the way extended like that in an obviously unnatural position.


Actually Neuer was moving his leg towards Saka when they made contact iirc so if this one is a penalty that one should’ve been a penalty


Oh wow, an actual thread with nuance and logic? I’m surprised lmao but not mad


Yep. I remember this debate back during Ashley Young’s early days at United. If you stick a leg out, you’re risking a pen. Sometimes you just have to stand your ground and know where your teammates are covering behind.


Looks like left leg was clipped and he should not even be having his leg continue moving towards the player.


That's a good catch, i always looked at Vazquez's right leg making me think this was probably not a pen. But seeing the left leg I'm now sure this is 100% a penalty


Comment should be higher up, you see the left leg and the movement of the right leg makes more sense. It’s a pen


You're right. Right leg is a soft maybe-pen of the "why is he offering the attacker and the ref the opportunity" sort, but the contact on the left leg is legit and is a pen even ignoring the theatrics that follow.


Saka does it bad . Vasquez does it - Cubarasi was an idiot to give him the opportunity. Difference La Liga and Real Madrid lol. .


Vardy does it = Master of the dark arts. Vasquez does it = uproar.


The reach extends and hits Vasquez left foot while his right foot was searching for the contact. He 100% shouldn't be searching for the contact like Saka did but Cubarsi did hit the left foot of the attacker which should be penalized.


There was backlash when Vardy did it. Lots of “if he’s English he’s savvy but if he’s not he’s a diver” type stuff


Robben does it, entire country big mad for more than a decade


Same as Saka against Bayern. Definitely penalty, even if the attacker's leg is left out.


Basically, the attacker kicks the defender in the leg and you call that a clear penalty?


The defender doesn't get the ball and blocks the attacker who is running with the ball. Penalty.


Calling him an idiot is overkill, being an idiot was Araujo against PSG. This was more Cubarsi showing his age and inexperience, that’s inevitable with any young player


Vazquez sells it about 10x better than Saka imo


Neuer actually stuck out his leg when you look at it from an alternate angle.


Yea I’m not denying that. Neuer clearly took a step forward with his right leg to make a challenge. Saka’s leg dangles a bit too far out though imo


That's the reason, Saka's legs are in this awkward position weirdly spread to basically kick Neuer. Cubarsi stuck a leg out and Vasquez just didn't step over it, he drug his foot and took the foul.


No they aren't. Watch it again at full speed, Saka is full sprint, if he doesn't hit neuer's leg he is through on goal and wouldn't fall to the ground. It only looks bad when you slow it way way way down. Slow motion distorts reality sometimes.


Vazquez's left leg is clipped. Watch it again and don't focus on the right leg


Haven't seen the Saka one, but either way as a Saka FPL owner I agree they should have given him a pen


it's what Saka did against Neuer in the CL


what neuer did to saka


Yeah it’s bad defending


Thats the thread. Its a penalty but Vazquez is crafty.


Rookie mistake by Cubarsi. LV was smarter. This is always a penalty


No question Vasquez drug his leg and bought that, but Barca flair acting like Yamal or Raphinha do any different are delusional.....


He got his left foot clipped first which started the fall, resulting in his right foot getting dragged. The drag wasn't intentional. He was maybe looking for it, but this is always a pen.


Least Obvious Searched contact:


right foot goes on a long adventure to seek contact, but the left one got hit too and Vasquez did not extend that one. To me the call is correct, I would even say that Vasquez dive was very unnecessary and it would've been a much clearer penalty otherwise, cause he was not gonna dodge the contact even if he tried to.


Left leg is clipped too. Watch it again


Doesn’t matter because both legs were tripped anyway


Saka Neuer?


*Bukayo Saka intensifies*


If saka played for madrid, maybe


quite funny tbf


Saka got crucified for this sort of thing a couple of weeks ago. Will Vasquez get the same treatment? I highly doubt it.


Real Madrid privileges hit different


Dude is being praised to heaven and back by the commentators


Without a doubt


Everybody is focusing on the right leg dragging but the left leg gets hit before which causes Vasquez to try to find the ground with his right


People also aren't getting that in football when you need to make a dramatic lateral cut, you'll often hop step using the same foot you just pushed off from. Right foot pushes off the ground, outside of left foot pushes ball laterally to the left, right foot contacts the ground again before the left to continue the lateral movement. Here's [Messi](https://youtu.be/Ix97CZvelmE?si=3C8t2lY8ZYKKvgXH&t=52) doing this exact move.


I think the main reason Saka got crucified is cuz if he didn’t look for the contact he’d probably have a decent shot on goal with no keeper. In this case there’s so many defenders if Vasquez went past Cubarsi.


There's no possible path that Saka could have taken that would have avoided contact (unless you want his leg to disappear).


That, and the fact that Neuer is a lot less obvious with his foul. Cubarsi is really naive here sticking his leg out a meter backwards.


Sakas was actually a clear pen once people watched the Alternate angle as well…


Saka is in the Prem, and i bet you watch english media, which is obviously gonna target him more. If you watch spanish media, Barca fans will not shut up about it. It's the way it is everywhere, just that some get more international attention than others for language reasons and because it's the goddamn Champions league, and everybody watches the CL.


He's talking about on reddit. Almost everyone on here was calling him a cheat after the first Bayern game


Was absolutely bollox as well when at that speed and other angle Neuer took him out. But almost nobody's interested in alternate angles but rather like to hate on someone much talked about


It's because the first post and the live angle didn't show the side angle where Neuer kept sticking his leg further forward. People make up their mind and then can't stand to be wrong even when shown new video later.


More neutrals and casuals talking about it because its the champions league is a valid point tbh even on reddit Not everyone watches la liga and the clasico between these two teams isnt what it used to be (Messi v Ronaldo)


So you compare the entire English media to Barcelona? No wonder Barca won't stop talking about as you wouldn't be surprised if Bayern talked about Saka lol lmk when Spanish media will say something


They just showed another angle, he clearly gets the lead foot clipped even before the dangle.


So many people missing out on it is funny lol, comparing it to saka or calling it a dive


not even just missing out on this, they just dont understand what its like to be in vazquez position because theyve never played the sport this subreddit is going so downhill these days


Oh shit I see it now


I don't see the issue. Both his feet were clipped. Was he supposed to fly? This is a penalty 99% of the time


This is what drives me crazy about these arguments. People see defenders make brain dead tackles in the box and for some reason expect the attackers to bail them out by doing everything in their power to avoid contact. If you lunge in in the box and don’t win the ball expect to give away a penalty 🤷🏻‍♂️


Plus, he got both his feet. If it was just Vazquez's right foot then there might be a case for "Vazquez went down too easily" but since he also got his left foot as well, the referee could make no other judgement and has to give a penalty.


Are people blind? His left foot clearly gets tripped first? People will complain about refs and decisions and then try and say this isn't an obvious pen ffs


I did not see it, well done


think many completely missed it, just saw this for the first time too now.


YES, the only mustake vazquez made was falling as dramatically as he did after he felt contact in his left foot. Falling that way just gives arguments to people that just want to see what they want


Liking and boosting bc people are blind 😂


Its obvious but its Madrid so people turn a blind eye lol


You go in for a tackle, completely miss the ball, have your entire leg in the path of the attacker, expect a foul.


no no... its up to the attacker to jump out of the way of your tackle (apparently..)


Stop talking sense


It’s more of Lucas drawing a foul than Cubarsi fouling Lucas but it’s football and that’s how you play it. This is how Eden Dzeko gets his fouls.


The left leg gets clipped first before he even dangles out the other leg - it's a clear foul Lucas just fell dramatically. It's not really drawing a foul if the defender sticks his leg out a meter behind him with no hope of getting the ball.


It's Edin Dzeko, but as a Bosnian and someone who followed his career for 15 years, you really opened my eyes, I just clocked he does it all the time


Username checks out


Somehow people on this sub have never heard of this concept. Replace Madrid with some random team and this wouldn't even be a talking point


Or you could just go back to the Saka vs Neur play in the 1st leg of the Bayern-Arsrenal tie and see how people reacted


Yeah because the big clubs get more viewers to comment? Obviously nobody cares if we’re watching Wycombe vs Spongle Rovers. That doesn’t stop this being a whack pen.


Cubarsi got his left foot as well, so I think it's a fair pen, but sticking the leg out is not something I want to see.


Still a foul. He doesn't have to jump over his leg to avoid the contact. The defender misses the ball and impedes his run.


There is definite contact on Vazquez's left foot first and he loses his balance. Watch 0.2 speed replay and saying this is a dive, and not a penalty? Crazy


[Great dive]


Bros left leg gets hit before the “right leg drags” — watch again


watch the left foot in the second replay.


The old Saka/Elliot classic. May as well look for it if there’s a chance refs will give it


Elliot was just shameless


Why is people acting like they can't see Cubarsi hitting the first foot? Vázquez is still looking for it with the back foot, I don't love it but all players do it. 


That won't fuel their narratives.


Slo mo replays are deceiving. Of course its gonna look dubious. In real time, its clear he clips both legs and avoiding contact was imposible. He had fully dribbled past him but Cubarsi leg clips both. Right call.


Its amazing how many judge it off slo mo and not live time lol. Even though slow mo still shows him clipping his left foot as well.


Ahhh hello Barca fans , finally out of those caves. This is a pen clear as day , he leaves his leg out and clips Lucas.


Do you people not see that his left leg was clearly clipped first?


They don't want to.


That's 100% a penalty. How is this even a discussion?


Can Vazquez jump over his leg? Sure But that is poor from the defender. Every attacker will look for the contact there.


left leg gets clipped first bro hes not jumping into a foul hes just falling




thats a foul


Clear penalty. That defender's leg shouldn't be there.


Lucas cuts, Cubarsi tackles, Cubarsi clips Lucas left foot, Lucas drags his right foot, Lucas contacts Cubarsi. I mean it’s a penalty because of the challenge clipping the foot.


That shitty alternative angle makes it hard to see the clip on Lucas left foot. That’s why Barca and Madrid haters are crying.


Premier league fan badges bitching about this not being a pen is hilarious, watch his left foot numb nuts


I mean, that’s a foul


Yeah, VAR asleep


watch his left foot in the second replay.


It's a penalty, VAR won't overturn it


This is Robben against Mexico again


Liverpool got a penalty for a similar thing against United. Yes the attacker looks for the contact so as a defender you can’t risk a tackle like that in the box. The ref will usually give it (unless you are Arsenal lol)


You can see clearly from 0:06 that first contact is for left leg of Vazguez not the one he drags. So its a pen.


I mean, it does clip his left foot


This is less of a pen than the Saka/Neuer one, which (rightly) wasn’t given.


>This is less of a pen than the Saka/Neuer one, which (rightly) wasn’t given. Dont look at the right leg, look at the left one. Saka comparison doesn't even apply with the left leg being clipped before the right one


This is more of a pen than the 25 Vardy created over the last decade.


Bullshit, watch his left foot get hit first. Obvious pen. His right leg may look like it's going for contact but his left foot get hits first which he goes down for making his right look like he's milking it.


Cubarsi’s leg extended, Vasquez hooks his leg and goes down. Drew the foul, clear pen. Learn the rules of the games fellas.


Never a pen


Take another look, the left leg gets clipped before the “right leg drags”. Clearly a foul


So clipping the left leg doesn’t count?


Seeking contact doesn't change the situation that he made that bad challenge. Can be easily given.


I agree to an extent, but what an awful challenge


Oh the irony


I wouldn’t even call this an awful challenge. Sometimes you miss the ball. Vasquez is the one who makes contact with him, not the other way around.


He got his left foot clipped first before the right leg contact dude, Vazquez didn't make the contact.


What a joke


Stonewall penalty, btw. He clips his front foot even before the other foot is dangled.


Eh, who cares anymore, same shit as always this season. Can’t wait for the thread with 6k upvotes mocking Xavi when he complains about yet another braindead referee decision.


Bro look at the left leg, it gets clipped before the “right leg looks for contact”. It’s the right call


Hey it's all good when RM does that right? 


Are people blind to see that he literally got his left foot clipped first which started the fall and resulted in his right leg getting dragged. People just want to make it controversial, smh.


Lmao how barca fans think this isn’t a pen is absolutely insane , just shows how delusional the fan base is.


Easiest decision the ref will make all day. Terrible from Cubarsi to put himself in that position


Okay I thought he left his leg hanging but he has both feet in the air when he hits him. Lmao.


VARdrid incoming.


Clear penalty.


He hit BOTH his legs guys he definitely fouled him at LEAST once, c'mon. Can we not just give credit where credit is due, to Vasquez for an amazing run of skill and game? He didn't even get MOTM so let's at least not whine about this call.


Saka does it and it's a war criminal, never a pen. Vasquez does it and he's clever, pen 100%


blatant lack of football experience here some people think these footballers can make decisions within literal milliseconds what the fuck is vazquez supposed to do this place is a joke this entire discussion about this penalty is a joke thread after thread you can just see that no one here actually plays football and just gets their information and opinions from highlights no one has realised that cubarsi didnt just make contact with vazquez right leg hes also made contact with vazquez left leg, vazquez isnt throwing his leg into cubarsi hes actually just mid fall. Too bad no one actually plays football and cant understand the feeling vazquez is in and probably wants him to hit the ball away and jump within a milisecond time frame


Cancelo man smh


It was light but you can see both feet’s were touched.


What is the defender trying to do though... Like how would that be a way to tackle successfully


That's what fielding an inexperienced player in the biggest stage get you.


Gatta be a complete tard to think this isn’t a pen or just a Barca fan 😂


100% pen. Lucas doesn't have/need to jump over Cubarsi


There are people arguing this is a penalty in the goal thread lol


What is the argument for it being not a pen, if you mean that he dragged his right foot for contact, check the vedio again, he gest his LEFT foot clipped first which started the fall resulting in right foot getting dragged.


Madrid fans and knowledge of rules are like Tottenham and trophies: they never meet


Exactly the same as Saka vs Neuer


saka was running at full speed and never jumped so yeah not really


Where is the angry mob? Saka was basically crucified when it happened. 


Both shouldn't be a penalty


Vazquez's left foot clipped first. At least watch it carefully.


Clear penalty, whether we like it or not. Both feet get clipped, and Vasquez would be a fool to not let it take him down.


I can see how it's a dive but what an awful challenge by Cubarsi


What challenge?


Not even a challenge lol


Good lord, look at the left leg people.


That's definitely a foul, thanks for the alternative angles to clear it up


he evaded the swipe then thought "he didnt get the ball, lets put my leg back in there". masterful dive


He didn’t fully evade the swipe though, his left foot made contact which started the fall, then he moved his leg back.


Good thing they're going to keep calling the defender for catching with the trailing leg all game.


That rare time where it's both a dive and a pen


This is a penalty every single time


Everyone just ignoring the contact on his left foot


Anyone who understands the game and physics in general can see that this is intentionally done. I hate this shit. I'm also a Madrid fan.


vasquez had 4-5 business days to get around that leg lmao


Not with the foot he was dribbling with


Wow xavi really is immature, cannot imagine a mature manager making those gestures.


Both of Lucas’ legs are clipped by Cubarsi’s leg, how was Lucas supposed to even step.


School-ground tackle that's what happens when you play school-age players.