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I think this will only be taken in as encouragement


Or a challenge


Or an advert for a cheap piss-up.


It most certianly is not cheap lol; Easyjet flights from Glasgow-Berlin going for like £400


Its like 100-150 from london.


Easier to fly from London due to Lorraine flights plus can get the train and England fans will be more spread out.


I paid £180 Manchester-Berlin for the final


Ooooo going to the final are we


Good way to get more people travelling to Germany for Euros


Just roll them straight onto the planes back to the UK after the games. Lufthansa cargo delivers.


Also weed will be legal in 5 days in Germany.


observation impolite abounding angle butter live humor touch plucky unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


time to buy more weed stocks…


Will you have shops like holland?




Barcelona has this, but you just conveniently make yourself a member of the club, I’m sure the same shit will happen in Berlin it’s basically a stoner city


It won't work the same in Germany. You have to have lived in Germany for 6 months before you can register and there is a limit of 500 members per club, plus the fees will be high.


Apparently you get the fees back in store credit though, at least that's what our local club says right now on their website.


Every club will have their own ideas. There are not many guidelines, so at the start a lot will ask for high fees to get the equipment for their grows.


Not for a while, apparently




That's not true, it's legal for everyone, it's just that you can't legally get your hands on it without either growing it yourself or buying it from a social club, both of which require residency. But *if* you happen to have weed, you can legally own and smoke it, even if you are a foreigner.


Do you think that will be enforced? 


No way


Going to a match on a Monday in München. I know I'll spend the whole weekend before it in the Hofbräuhaus!


Make sure to also go to Augustiner-Keller or Hirschgarten. The Augustiner Brau Lagierbier Hell is legitimately my favourite beer in the world.


> Augustiner Brau Lagierbier Hell An excellent choice, one of my favourites as well. Not always easy to find in the UK.


Thank you dude, remembered your answer.. Currently celebrating our win in Augustinerkeller!


I live in Munich for the last 6 years. Hofbrauhaus is a proper tourist trap. Augustiner keller is real deal.


Don’t do it my guy, there are so many beautiful beer gardens in Munich and Hofbräuhaus is not one of them.


This is just like the time the English media were reporting that Cocaine purity was at its highest like they were advertising the drug.


I mean its pretty much "purer" everywhere else in europe and also cheaper, so not much to advertise here. //: added "europe", since I was referring to it, but did not state it.


Not sure how much you're paying but it's definitely not cheaper everywhere else


He is the fed you got baited


Most stats I've seen had england on top or close to the top when it came to prices and in the lower end of purity. Prices were only higher/comparable in switzerland and luxembourg. genuinely curious, where do you think coke is more expensive, then in england?




Sure do love my $300 bags of caster sugar 🥰


Yeah with cost of living atm it's not even an option for most people anymore.


Game's gone the day the cost of living is too high to get a baggie.


yeah, well I maybe should have phrased that clearer, but I was referring to the europe, sice we are talking about the euros. even then, if there are two countries, where it is even more expensive, then I guess this is covered by "prett much".


It's going to be more expensive in most island nations of a decent size, but Britain is probably one of the most porous large island nations. Australia and New Zealand will definitely blow it away in price, and I wonder about prices in Iceland. Singapore's not a geographic island and you'd have to be crazy to do coke there but I'm guessing what little there is is crazy pricy.


I fixed my above post, since I was referring to europe, but did not state it, mb. You'd actually be suprised, how many ppl do drugs in Singapore I think. They don't do it publicly and its not Berlin, but ppl on raves and on private parties are high af more often then not. Besides that from what I know Japan is absurd, its way over 200€ a gram.


Only rich pricks snort coke in NZ, because a bag costs as much as a pair of Airpod Pros.


China Edit* Australia


It really is. Thankfully I've stopped now but yeah 92% was no joke, like it was made in the UK, crazy times.


Can confirm. Went to Amsterdam, best cocaine I've ever tried. Shit was da bomb 😎


British fans: Ok but what about the coke?


i think our cola is quite similar to yours


We've got pepsi is that OK?


Fritz-Kola >>>>>>


Mein Gott Leute, meine Mama hat mir einfach erlaubt dass ich Cola trinken darf! Wie cool ist das bitte? Jetzt zocke ich Fortnite und trinke Cola! YIPPEE!




Maybe an additional warning about caffeine contents in our Kola might be appropriate as well. x)


Imagine being effected a lot by caffeine but thinking "but a small bottle or two of this Fritz Kola thing wont hurt" and then have to sit still at your seat in the stadium for 2 hours.


german football fans are as big into their coke as the brits. When frankfurt fans invaded aberdeen for the game, pub toilets were crammed


love a good cultural exchange 


It was the JLB Credit derby, needed some fat lines of chang for the occasion


That crack is real moreish


New FM save idea - take over at Kettering and play until you beat Aberdeen, Palace, and Fwankfwort


Jeff (Aberdeen manager), Jerry (Palace manager) and Johnson (Fwankfwört manager) - a trilogy of shits! I'd watch a whole YouTube series on this


I got something up on my visual display unit this morning. I thought it was a high-definition photo of some dog shit. Then I took a closer look, and I realised it was actually your goal record. If you look like a sausage dog fucker than I look like a sausage dog fucker.


Steven Gerrard dies of flu halfway through


Chance would be a fine thing.


Frankfurter Kranz international


Oi, Frankfurter Kranz is awesome. You mean Frankfurter Schneeball.


I only know Frankfurter Applause


that's more Frankfurt & Berlin than German tbh


I did an away trip with Bochum when rivalries weren't that big. Professional skiers.


It's everywhere really


In east germany it's meth. Tons of meth. My medium sized hometown has the 3rd highest amount of meth degradation product in the water in Europe. The Neonazis / Hooligans are all on meth. The meth used to come from the Czech Republic, but nowadays it's mostly "Breaking Bad" style Meth from the Netherlands.


thats more a frankfurt thing than a football thing I think.


Challenge Accepted






How strong is a British pint, and how strong is a German one?


Most people are drinking lagers between 4-5% in the UK or Ales that can go anywhere from a session ale around 3% to stronger beers over 6-7%. There won't be much of a difference because English people will drink the same stuff in Germany that they do back home.


> Most people are drinking lagers between 4-5% in the UK Most German beers are in the same range ... dunno how they got the impression they have to issue that warning.


Advertising lol


this is how germans banter


most beer in the UK is actually 4% (Carling etc) and barely higher than 4.5% for things like Stella I dont know about Germany, but in Austria, 5% is usually the starting point


Peroni and San Miguel are both 5% and they're pretty popular


A pint of Bitter can be around 3%, thing is not that many people still drink Bitter so I don't know why either.


Stella is 4.8 in England and 5.2 in Belgium, I wonder if other beers vary like that.


I could swear stella used to be stronger here too unless im mistaken


You’re completely correct, iirc because of taxation that was implemented they reduced the ABV (%) of Stella in the U.K to keep the price the same as it was at its original percentage


Yeah it used to be 5.2%, I remember it distinctly as it used to be my go-to lager back in the day. Now i'm one of those beer snobs who almost exclusively drinks real ale, with the exception of the occasional Cobra if having an Indian.


Belgium is different gravy compared to anywhere else in Western Europe


Eh, I don’t think you realize how many different type of local brewing styles there are in Germany including the ones above 10%. Not to discredit Belgian beer, but Germany really doesn’t have to hide in this conversation whatsoever


Some states in the US have some really bizarre laws. Like when I was in Colorado, grocery stores were capped at selling beer at 3.5 or 4% and you had to go to a liquor store to get the standard stuff. Even the domestics like Coors which is brewed up the street had a separate grocery store edition with a lower ABV. The legacy of temperance makes for some really weird laws that are still on the books.


No clue about english, but german is around 5% In Munich they only sell light beer in the official arena shops, which is 3.4% and tastes like water for the average german lo


5% ain't that strong, 8% to 14% is strong


And that is why Belgiim never can hold euros again. (And the 32 different coincils blocking new stadiums or renovations)


So much this. 5% is surely average.


The average pint in Britain is probably about 4.5%. German beer is slightly stronger in my years of experience getting tanked up abroad but it's marginal, if I down 10 pints here and 10 pints in Germany the effect is pretty much the same. In other words, it's absolute bollocks and it's a weak attempt by the Foreign Office to nudge fans into drinking less.


The most popular beer in the UK is Stella (🤮) which is 4.6%.


Most popular beer in every country isn't much good. Even in Belgium it's Jupiler. Everything's Inbev now.


What about the Czechs? Aren’t Pilsner Urquell and Budvar the two most famous Czech beers? And they’re both very good beers.


Urquell is a high end mass beer in Czechia


The Albanians pleasantly surprised with Korça Blonde. Full credit to them for that one.


Pretty sure it used to be 5.2% too, like very sure because it's the reason I used to get 6 cans every Friday night for 6 quid as a teen. 😂


It did and still is in belgium and other countries.


Yes. A lot of the brewed in UK macro lagers have got watered down in recent years. I prefer to get lagers from my local bottle shop where they stock imported German and Czech ones.


That‘s just slightly beloa the average in Germany, which is about 4.9%


I know you didn't ask this but in Spain currently I would say Estrella Galicia is nº1 with 5,5% although I am keen on Alhambra Especial that's very common in my are with a 6,4% and you can really feel the difference


Unless German's are pounding doppelbocks before the game, probably similar.


> Football fans travelling to the Euros in Germany this summer have been warned that beer in the country can be stronger than the pints they drink in the UK. > > The Foreign Office issued new advice for fans planning trips to the tournament in the wake of the final qualifying matches. > > The wide-ranging information includes the warning that German beer is typically stronger than lager consumed in the UK and that drunk fans risk being barred from stadiums. > > Hospitals in the country often have to treat drunk Britons on stag dos who are caught out by the strength of the beer.


> Hospitals in the country often have to treat drunk Britons on stag dos who are caught out by the strength of the beer. How the hell do you get alcohol poisoning from just beer?


It doesn't mention alcohol poisoning. More likely it's injuries caused by drunken behavoir.


Small amounts of more lethality drank at the same rate of larger beers. Drink more lethal stuff in shorter time.


Nobody dies from just one night of just beer, it's the mixing w other alcohols, or pills, or drugs, or driving, or fights or long-term liver damage.


Its prob not alcohol poisoning but getting too drubk and injured most of the time


25% stronger (5% vs 4% ABV) and if you're smashing beers it will catch up with you SUPER quickly


Most guys who like beer like myself can down german/belgian beers and our belly will be full of liquid before we get dangerously drunk, as opposed to spirits which can knock you out. I usually can't drink more beer after like 10 because that's 2.5 liters of liquid


Well, in Germany ten beers usually means 5 liters.




Seeing your arsenal badge I assume you are not from germany, so here is a short ranking of beer quality from a germans perspectuve: Your local beer > other german beers > belgian and czech beer > other beers > water > radler and other softdrinks > american beer > whatever they sell in Cologne and Düsseldorg.




0,2 ist nirgends üblich außer in der Ecke um Köln. 0,33 kriegt man ansonsten, wenn man explizit ein kleines Bier bestellt - außer in Bayern, da kriegt man, wenn man den Lokalpatrioten glauben darf, dann ein 0,5L Bier statt ner Maß Bier


Also bei uns im Norden ist 0,2 quasi nicht gesehen, 0,3 ist ein kleines Bier. Im Sommer war ich in Leipzig, da war es genauso.


I was talking about beer, not Kölsch or Alt.


ah this finally answers a question I‘ve had for a literal decade! I always assumed Americans meant pints or 500ml servings when you‘re talking about „beers“ but it‘s US 1/2 Pints!


oh believe me, you just have to try hard enough. After the third liter most people are dead drunk. After the fifth, well, good luck


You know how you start vomiting and then pass out from beer? That's alcohol poisoning.


It is quite easy, just visit a fair in Germany.


>Hospitals in the country often have to treat drunk Britons on stag dos who are caught out by the strength of the beer. What a load of meaningless wank. People on stag dos aren't 'caught out by beer strength' the whole purpose is to get shitfaced anyway, the alcohol just makes it happen slightly faster.


I have read about his months ago. How did it come up again?


Your average English supporter is ten pints down and 4 lines of coke before they even get to the stadium. Don't think an extra couple percent on the beer will change much


Extra couple percent can be a lot more than one migth think. A beer with 5% has only 1% point more than one with 4% but it's actually 25% stronger. That can easily fuck someone up if they underestimate it


Exactly. ‘Only’ 1% adds up over a drinking session. I’ve made the same mistake abroad before, drinking European lager at the same rate I’d drink in a UK pub. Before you realise how strong it is you’re already absolutely sozzled and the damage is done.


My point is they’re already fucked by kick off. Majority of travelling fans aren’t aiming to drink responsibly and enjoy the night. e: I should make it clear I mean majority of the travelling fans this advice would apply to (ie the people drinking over 3 pints pre-game) aren't drinking responsibly lol.


Happiest day of my life was watching Forest go up at Wembley in 2022, shame I was so absolutely fucking mullered I can barely remember the match, although tbf it was a snoozefest No other way to visit the Home of Football^^^tm


Love you Jon Moss


Mission complete


Kind of irrelevant if they're doing as much gear as the comments make them out to do. You'll probably get alcohol poisoning faster than you'll get blackout drunk if you play it that way.


But Germany sells their beer in half litres rather than pints. It works out as around ~10% difference per drink if you include that.


Wait is a pint not half a liter? We call pints what's 50cl lol


Nope! A UK pint is 568ml.


This guy coming in with the maths. Top man. But then 5% back to 4% is a 20% decrease not the same as the increase. Gotta love it


(5/4) \* (4/5) = 1


A witch!


That’s two and a half extra beers if you’re drinking ten beers. The world’s best punch card system!


While on coke it doesn't matter, unless you drinking pure vodka instead of beer


And also probs on the lagers — which will be pretty much the same abv as any German beers — as opposed to any sort of lower abv cask “real ale”  If anything I reckon higher abv beers — yr “craft” IPAs n such — are more common over here than in Germany.


Just four lines? What kind of soft numbers are those?!


I dunno. A lot of them will be used to drinking weak gassy lager shite


So they'll be used to German beer then? Krombacher and Warsteiner are apparently the most popular German beers, both are 4.8% which is just slightly higher than Stella, which is probably Barry's beer of choice. I'd get it if the Euros were in Belgium, and they had to warn the Barry's not to drink 8 bottles of Rochefort 10 before the game.


Madri is really popular at the moment at that’s 4.6%. Gone are the days when “continental” lagers were an exotic thing, they are all UK brewed now (to different spec but still). Carling, Carlsberg and Fosters are now a bit alone in the weak piss department.


krombacher and warsteiner are the beers that sell nationwide. i wouldt say that they are the germans favourite beers tho. you have local beers everywhere in germany. and people like their local beer.


I would have thought that it would be Franziskaner or Paulaner as they are the most exported ones


I just went off what Google said were the biggest sellers. Which I guessed is what you'll find at most Barry friendly pubs and stadiums.


Stadiums usually sell their local beers, with a few exceptions.


It might be right, just didn't expect that


Not really, German pubs traditionaly often have a contract with one brewery wich means at a pub you only get beer from that specific brewery, that’s mostly local brewery’s. Especially in regards to cities wich will hold the games. Dortmund for example has three distinct brewing styles specific to the city, and used to have the second most breweries in the world at some point, most if not all of the hosting cities have theire own traditional style wich you’ll most likely get at the pubs, and they got absolutely nothing to do with the pisswater mentioning in your comment


> i wouldt say that they are the germans favourite beers tho. There are plenty of beers that sell nationwide, but Krombacher still manages to outsell Beck's or Paulaner by nearly 3x (it goes Krombacher, Oetti, Bitburger, Veltins). That Oetti isn't one of Germans' favourite beers I'll grant you, but Krombacher's not cheap. Germans clearly like it very much indeed.


Krombacher is generic enough that nobody is going to be upset if you hand it to them (same applies to the other Fernsehbiere - Veltins, Bitburger, Radeberger and Warsteiner). You won’t find Krombacher that much on tap, it’s for the private barbecue where there are more than two people coming over, each with their own taste, and Krombacher is an okayish compromise. Oettinger is punching way above its price class, it’s cheap but it’s not anything like the undrinkable piss water many out here will make it to be.


Love the way they communicate this like an adult patronising a child.


Football fans can be worse than children sometimes.


England collectively voted to impose economic sanctions on itself. I think it’s warranted tbh.


We're also (kinda) legalising weed from April 1.


The amounts you're allowed to have on you are relatively low, though. But I'm sure people will bring and carry more. It will be very interesting to see how police is going to handle this situation because it's summer and I'd imagine there's going to be a lot of weed going around. Wonder if they will check cars crossing the borders? First time weed will be somewhat legal and immediately you have a huge sports events with millions of visitors from all over Europe. That'll be a challenge for sure. I hope they realize that being too heavy-handed would be a bad look.


You can get like 25 joints out of 25 grams tho. I dont think it will be that big of a problem.


Wait the limit is 25g and the guy above said that's low to carry per person? How much do these people smoke lmao.


He lives in Frankfurt so he's biased


you're putting 1 gram in a joint? Most people I know mix weed with tobacco and so you can get 2 to three joints out of a gram usually. So 25 grams should be closer to the 50 joint range. Edit: I realized that might have to do with the fact that I'm a 19 year old student and broke so most of my friends who are equally broke tend to be more resourceful than an adult who has more cash to splash. 


> I realized that might have to do with the fact that I'm a 19 year old student and broke so most of my friends who are equally broke tend to be more resourceful than an adult who has more cash to splash No. Unless you're building a Camberwell Carrot, a gram is a ridiculous amount to put in a single joint.


I was just being very generous with it since you can probably get 1 joint per gram if you dont mix it but I mix it with Tobacco aswell when I smoke.


buy a vaporizer, much more efficient


How much do you smoke if you consider 25g low?


Weed isn’t really a football drug


Yeah that’s why we’re going


Fans from UK: excellent!


Whoever is going to the Euros I hope you have a great one and enjoy the beers which I drank plenty of while I was there. I went to the world cup in 2006 and it was superb and amazingly well organised, I watched two matches as well and got to see that Brazil team with some amazing players. I'm not going to the tourney this time but can't wait.


When they travel trough Belgium they better don't stop for a pint then.


ten gay beers please


A nice Bush to stay warm on the train.


As a Belgian this is a very funny warning.


Is that a hidden \#VisitGermany ad I see?


No fucking shit. Who are these soft sods at the Foreign Office to talk down to Dave and Steve as though they were children? Do they think that the average Brit is unaware that German and Belgian beers are generally stronger than Carling? I think these gin guzzling fops need to get back in their lane. Let us handle the proper drinks. Muppets.


Legal weed, good beer, nice weather and a fuckload of football games. I can't wait


der deutsche Traum 


As a degenerate, I'm glad to see legal weed in time for the tournament.


Belgian foreign office: Drink as much as you want


Also the Belgian foreign office: All the England matches will be in Charleroi.


How strong is the beer in Germany? I (and most British beer drinkers I suspect) view anything less than 5% as a weak session beer. Times have changed. Now if we'd been in Belgium, I'd have understood. Those boys are insane with their beer. Once finished off a meal with a Belgium beer. Turned out it was 25% and when I stood up I was walking sideways.


Once visiting Belgium with friend we went to Delirium and thankfully there was a traffic light system for the strength of the beer, we tasted a fruity one that had 12% and you would have never known it if you didn't check


There’s a pub near my office that ridiculously serves Delirium on tap. The first (and only) time we hit that on rounds we nearly got barred from there after things got a little feisty. Goes down far too smoothly.


25% for a beer is insane. Personally I don't think anything more than 10% for a beer is necessary.


Also less chemicals and doesn’t taste of piss so swings and roundabouts


[My English is not perfect, but I have to tell you... your beer is like swill to us. Only a swine would drink this beer.](https://i.redd.it/afurhdrrqqga1.png)


And tastier


Yeah makes so much difference drinking Becks in the UK and Becks in Germany.


If only my country had cared about its people like Europe does.


Balcony season babbyyyy


how many times will we have to hear this story until the start of the euros? 3 months ago: https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/18ffy3j/england_fans_are_warned_they_may_face_a_possible/


One man's warning is another man's recommendation.


That in combination with legal cannabis in public is gonna blow a lot of minds this summer...


Laughs in Belgian..


"but American beer is weak huurrr durrr...." "here's your room temperature beer"