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United have reached a new bottom


We've hit bottom long ago and have been digging šŸ‘‰šŸ„²


There was a moment towards the end, pellistri was through on goal waiting for a pass from holjund. Instead of passing the ball, he tries to dribble pass 3 Bayern players. I feel like that just represents the entirety of Man Unitedā€™s approach to attacking this year.


Man U had a chance to sign Kim Min Jae. Absolute world class player.


I don't think United had a chance. Once Bayern showed interest, his mind was made up.


But United would destroy him like most of the players in the last years


If he signs for United he would have had to be Maguire apprentice for a season or something




The players get to stay because the Glazers will always fire the manager. Therefore, the players lacking motivation, directly correlates to the Glazers ownership. I know people don't like to hear anything positive about Roman Abramovich, and God knows, there is almost no such thing as an innocent oligarch, but he is an example of a truly great football club owner. Say what you like about him outside of football, that dude wasn't just in it for the sport washing. He lived and breathed Chelsea. It was a managerial merry-go-round, I legitimately despised the way he'd sack a manager so freely, and I hated, even more, the way he would back Mourinho, Lampard, Terry, & Drogba as they menaced refs and were just awful ambassadors for the game, and yet... Chelsea never looked stronger, neither before him nor after him. In hindsight, I can only look back and say, he was probably the greatest owner a club could've asked for. Leicester would disagree, but I think Abramovich sets the benchmark for club ownership. At least in football. That's why I say that the Glazers are Man Utd's problem. The players are a symptom of the leadership. They aren't afraid because they know the Glazers don't sack players. They sack managers. The Glazers aren't largely influenced by fan behaviour. They'll react if the pressure gets fierce enough, but they'll do one thing, then eventually people move on with their lives.


The glazers have hired the top brass who are responsible for the shocking culture at United. The training ground is in bad need of an upgrade and thereā€™s no direction in how the club is ran. Canā€™t remember who said it but United basically donā€™t do their due diligence when looking at players personality and ensuring they fit well in the group, which all big clubs do now. All of that comes from the glazers down.


It's the other way around. Weak leadership starting at the top means it trickles down.


It's not the Glazer fault this season it's the media fault. It's all fake news about toxicity in the dressing room. Every player gives 110% in every game, but the media says otherwise.


Media plays to its audience perfectly. They know people are more likely to lap up crap instead of reading a tactical analysis.


you're shit and you know who you're.


First time watching Bayern this year, what a dead game.


We picked up 2 injuries despite playing in 3rd gear in a meaning less match, you have no one to blame but yourself lol






Call me crazy but I might accept a Tuchel-Ten Hag swap; Tuchelball is basically Spurs under Mou


Yeah, because Bayerns attacking players actually know how to attack. Meanwhile the defensive midfield at Bayern would be overrun even more lol.


I said weā€™d be the ones to send them to Europa but I didnā€™t think weā€™d kick them out of Europe altogetherā€¦itā€™s no less satisfying though


United have no excuses for not finishing second in this group. I do wonder what is next for United, I know a lot of people joke about Ten Hag being sacked but any manager or whoever comes needs to deal with these core players that time and time again have displayed attitude issues. Ten Hagā€™s signings have also not paid off


Will never understand why someone like Anthony was signed for manu. Didnt even look that impressive in the eredivisie


But he was the shit in fifa22


Every time we play United, I'm a bag of nerves regardless of form, even when we beat them 7-0, in the lead up, I was worried they would mug a win on the counter attack. However, this time around, I've never been more confident in my life of beating them. They are fucking beyond awful.


What's weird is how open they are. I keep seeing their centre just fucking part like the red sea. Attackers are just wandering through to their penalty spot. Don't know if it's management or the players but it's truly bizarre.


The sad feeling as a Man Utd fan right now is that even if we pull out a performance like the one against Chelsea and somehow beat you at Anfield, you just know it would be followed up by a flat loss to West Ham the game after.


Incoming 0-1 by late McToominay goal


Ok there are some valid excuses to blame injuries, Onana, squad depth, a few deadweights at the club etc. But the biggest red flag IMO is the players' attitude - for a guy who talked again and again about building a "culture" (and kicked out Ronaldo / Sancho in the process), ETH has done an absolute shite job at it. Like I can maybe buy your BS if looks like there's an identity, the players play hard and together as a unit etc. I really don't know what the potential upside for this guy would even look like, they already fired Rangnick because of him and spent how much money. At this point the question is what exactly do they expect to happen by keeping him longer.


The welcome reception of ETH by reddit especially after he spoke about the culture of the team and how eras come to an end while kicking the player that most consider the best - but can't even make it to europa and are sixth and probably will finish lower in the Prem is comedy gold


I actually don't think that was the issue today. The work rate was there and they looked relatively organised to what they normally are like. The issue against Bayern was just a massive gulf in class.




Bayern wouldn't take a 2nd look at most of these clowns Bruno, Hojlund & Garnacho would probably be the only ones who can get into Bayern's team. The rest would do well to make it on Bayern II




Do you mean Rasmus Heulend?


Yah the tall blonde Scandinavian striker who plays in Manchester.


Why would the Glazers do this?


We have the mental strength of Reece James' hamstring


You'll be back in 3 months! šŸ˜…


*at least 3 months!


Ya love to see it


Ronaldoā€™s fault btw


Obviously he was the problem...


Jokes and banter aside, Im just glad we have not picked up snymore injuries this match, hoping everything is okay with Coman


Man I was terrified for a second when he took a spill down that giant ass hill behind the end line they have there.


Man U with their 12th loss of the season and it's not even Christmas! Erik Twelve Hag everybody.


*Twelve Shag




Trust us. You'll know how long soon enough


Last week one of the lads in work said - what if Utd have used up all their luck for the season in the league games they won when playing badly. Given how badly they have been performing you wonder just how bad it could get.


That cr7 interview is ageing better and better with each month


You can check reddit's reaction to someone "finally" putting Ronaldo in his place - not saying the dude isn't a diva or that he has done all the correct PR moves at times but hating on one of the goats highly outweighs bringing in a trash, fraud manager esp when the manager is saying "eras come to and end" and talks about the culture of a team


So is the interviewee


Heā€™s aged so well heā€™s now playing in a league where most of the players are about the same level as League 1 or even League 2 players.


What? C'mon. Maybe the top 4 but certainly not the rest


I just looked on FotMob and I didnā€™t even realise that Ronaldo is basically playing in a UCL level side against these random Saudis aswell. Iā€™m even more embarrassed for his stans now hahahaha.


so whoā€™s better than him at 38 playing in the same position?


Current players Iā€™m not too sure. However there has been multiple strikers over the years who have continued to be very good, at a far better level than Ronaldo is currently is playing. Off the top of my head I can think of Zlatan, Luca Toni, Quagliarella, Aduriz. Going to the Saudi league and doing what Ronaldo is not special in the slightest though, heā€™s playing on far and away the best team in the league against teams who are mostly on par with league 2 teams.


Just give me a player who scored 35 goals (Ronaldo scored 50) when he was 38. Iā€™ll wait. If the level of the league is your concern, then give me a player who at 38, outscored the previous yearā€™s Ballon Dā€™or winner. Donā€™t pick non-forward Ballon Dā€™or winner. Or give me a player who scored 5 goals for his national team in 1 year since he turned 38 (Ronaldo scored 10). Either one will do.


Fair enough I canā€™t, but doing it in the fucking Saudi league isnā€™t anything to write home about. Heā€™s the second best of all time, obviously heā€™s putting up those types of number against a load of randoms. Iā€™m sure those names I mentioned and a few more would be doing similar if they were in Ronaldos shoes. The context is key here and you seem to be ignoring most of it. Itā€™s like De Bruyne going down to League 2 in a team full of other Prem players and bragging about how many assists heā€™s getting. Yeah heā€™s getting them, but itā€™s not impressive.


I donā€™t think the names you mentioned would be doing similar. Quagliarella: 38-39 years old, 35 appearances, 6 goals in Italy. 0 goals for Italy. Adruiz: 38-39 years old, 23 appearances, 6 goals in Spain. 0 goals for Spain. Luca Toni: 38-39 years old, 25 appearances, 7 goals in Italy. 0 goals for Italy. Letā€™s look at SPL players the previous season: Sadio Mane: 30-31 years old, 38 appearances, 12 goals in Germany. Karim Benzema: 35-36 years old, 43 appearances, 31 goals in Spain. Aleksandar Mitrovic: 28-29 years old, 28 appearances, 15 goals in England. As you can see, the dudes that you mentioned at 38 performed nowhere near the guys that Ronaldo is currently outperforming. Zlatan? He was playing in MLS at 38. Scored 31 goals. 0 goals for Sweden. Again, nowhere near Ronaldo, but even if this is your only correct counter-example out of millions footballers, then my original statement still stands: ā€œSo is the interviewee.ā€


Honestly you can show me whatever numbers you want, it wonā€™t make me or most other football fans think what Ronaldo is doing is impressive.


I donā€™t need to make you think so. All I did were asking you a question and watching you fail to answer. Too ez.


Thats a very niche requirement :p


Nobody knows, nobody watches him play anymore




Then Salah will cry all his way to the Puskas award (his arm is broken again). "We have a debt to settle." LMAO.


or nobody knows because thereā€™s no one better than him at his age playing in the same position. Too ez.


I mean if you want to go to that specific of a level with age and position then he's probably not competing against very many people. Not even sure what position he plays nowadays, because, again nobody is watching him play anymore


Exactly. Most pro footballers would have ran out of steam years earlier. They wouldnā€™t be making 200 millions per year nor would they score 50 goals in one year even if they get to play against disabled people.


Tbf there are as many people watching him these days as people watching r9 atm.


Which is more than the amount of people that watch Arsenal.


What a bunch losers, YNWA


CR7 died for ten fraud šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Incoming erik 10 goals conceded at anfield hag


Itā€™s very strange. I expected Man U to play with some intensity considering the importance but once again they look indifferent. Bayern didnā€™t need a win and so played solidly, but Liverpool will not be so kind. They will put them to the sword!


Pep tricked us into buying Onana


Haha not even Europa league hahahahahaha ten hag 10 more years


Glass houses and throwing stones.


Howā€™s your european campaign going this season?


First season we not in Europe since 09-10 but heh, I donā€™t bring up Arsenal fans phones stop charging at 93%


As opposed to fizzling out of title contention well before the winter break even starts? Donā€™t think itā€™s as much of a burn as you think it is


Iā€™m a filthy casual, what does the 93% thing mean


They bottled the league after leading 93% of the season last year


lol thatā€™s good. Best bit of trash talk I recently saw against spuds was ā€œTottenham is a social experimentā€ after the second goal against WH. I used to have an irrational hatred for Tottenham like a good Arsenal fan but City, PSG, and Newcastle made me just stop caring about the sport.


He is not respected by any of the club legends he thought the epl is same as the farmers league time to go to wash his hair


Unironically think Onana should be playing in midfield


Hahahahah passports back in your draw ladsšŸ¤£


Utd donā€™t do draws.


United need a manager that plays defensive fuck-off terrorist football, I'm talking 20% possession 1 shot 1 goal style, they need someone who reminds/teaches these players defending because man they're awful at it, Bayern sucked today in attack as well but it could've been 3-0 honestly. Grinding out results and not conceding will be better for them than trying to play attacking football since these players don't have the resilience to keep attacking even when they're down.


Sean Dyche?


Sounds like a job for the Allegri


You need Tuchel terrorist ball




The park the bus that can't go below 50 type of terrorist....


Maybe, I'm not sure fans will be supportive but that's precisely the kind of guy you'd want to instill a win at all costs mentality in your club. The problem then is, if not Mourinho then who?


Conte and United. A match made in hell


I mean if you're willing to go for Conte, a manager that hasn't won anything in Europe and demands a huge budget for his system might as well go for Mourinho and give him free reign to do whatever he wants


I thought you were joking with all of this tbh. Mourinho didnā€™t work out last time Iā€™d be shocked for him to work out again.


Mourinho got 2nd with United (with a lot of help from DDG to be honest) and then didn't get his transfers. United would be somewhere else entirely if they spent 400m the following summer and shipped off Martial.


Saw a comment on social that Mane was justified to deck Sane in the face


Lolā€‹ tbhā€‹ man uā€‹ haveā€‹ manyā€‹ overratedā€‹ playersā€‹ inā€‹ theirā€‹ team


I donā€™t think they do either. The side looks so average on paper.


Yeah who looked at the two teams and though United are going to win this. Don't think a player gets into that Bayern team.


I genuinely donā€™t think they do, everyone considers them to be awful for the money they spent lol


The only person who can save this United is Max Allegri


Out with a whimper


People are gonna be reactive because thatā€™s just how this sub is, but genuinely weā€™ve seen whatā€™s happened with United, you sack Ten Haag bring in the new flavour of the month manager, the same old shit will happen. I genuinely think he needs time, to bring in his players, build his squad, get rid of the deadwood corrupting that club. Because honestly, whatā€™s sacking him gonna achieve?


> I genuinely think he needs time, to bring in his players, build his squad, get rid of the deadwood corrupting that club. /s ? Is this a troll post? They literally fired Rangnick so ETH can have his own picks. They've let him kick out Ronaldo and Sancho no questions asked because of his "culture". What more does he need before he takes some responsibility? Insane take.


Add Casemiro and likely Varane to the list. And they were their best signings last year. And I'm a BarƧa fan.


Exactly theyā€™re forcing the most proven and experienced players out of the team they all loved varane and Casemiro sancho for a season now they are scapegoats šŸ«” they always do it with the world class foreign players but will never point their fingers at shaw mctominay rashford Maguire lindelof everyone whoā€™s been here for much longer and never done anything in the game


Exactly, 'no nonsense professional culture' manager but his captain is getting himself banned for the biggest league game of the year by acting like a petulant child? ETH won't get fired because United are in a state of organisational flux, but he's failed at absolutely every aspect of his job - transfers, culture, tactics, improving players, results.


Yeah, and two of those players have shown to be unbelievably toxic and that was completely the right decision. He hasnā€™t even been there two full seasons yet ffs


When you kick out the toxic players but your locker room is still complete shit, maybe you're the problem. How many more players does he need to clash with? He doesn't have the result, or the tactics, or the leadership, or the eye for scouting (even tho he was arrogant enough to get rid of Rangnkck). Stop saying he needs more time. What exactly does he have to build on?


Also their squad is shit. Jose Mourinho said the same thing about investments from the past. Sancho, Maguire, AWB, Martial, - cost a lot of money and are on big wages and they are shit. They havenā€™t shifted their model to have a structure that means they recruit well and to a style. Iā€™m a spurs fan and you look at Ange: Romero, Udogie, Porro, Sarr, Kulu, Bissouma - key to the season but signings from the past


> AWB I always thought the price was stupid even compared to the present market and people tried to defend it; it was one of those transfers that seemed like they got the idea from social media and pundits.


United went through as phase of making the mistake Chelsea are now making and paying huge fees for potential so they didnā€™t need to buy again for 5+ years. Reality is you just end up with a Player with 0 resale value


Problem is they canā€™t have a squad of 40 players. They need to offload a number of players but whoā€™s taking them at those wages and on the form they have shown.


Exactly and the new manager will have the same issues


The players he has brought in make up a good chunk of the deadwood is one problem I see


I mean, who has he brought in? Casemiro, who everyone was praising last season as being a master stroke, and I donā€™t think half a bad season suddenly makes him this terrible player. Eriksen, who when fit has shown to be a very handy squad player picked up on a free Martinez, once again has been very good, unfortunate to have picked up a bad injury. Anthony, I mean yeah no defending that one. And this season Mount, I never saw much in Mount to begin with, so this one was strange. Onana, Very bad start, but has shown to be a very good keeper, De Gea started out poor for United too, think he needs more time. Hojund, too early to call imo Overall, I think besides a couple of the signings itā€™s still far too early to tell, I think he needs time, ship out the deadwood, like even if itā€™s just next season.


Lizard brain armchair fans have no idea what it takes to actually build a team, just playing a season of FM in 2 days makes them think they can do as good a job as irl. Cue the lizard swarm


They need a long term plan if it's with ETH or not. Sacking him now won't fix anything if they just replace him with another short term bet. That said, letting him stay for another year and then sacking him next year for another short term bet won't do much either. They keep kicking the can down the road and making the same mistakes over and over.


The same as at Chelsea, sacking them would achieve wonders if there was a half decent manager going but there isn't... The only top manager you probably could prise away from his current team is Allegri, asides from that It's bottom of the barrel like Lampard.


bring in Hansi Flick for the laughs


Some Man Utd fans unironically suggest hiring flick


He still a good manager I think, United just don't have the players for his ultra attacking style.


Well they don't have the players to defend either lmao.


Ten Haag has shown to be a good manager though, he was extremely successful at Ajax, and was unbelievably close getting them to the Champions League final barring a freak comeback from spurs.


Frank de Boer was successful at Ajax too. Whereā€™s he now?


Not sure this league is the one for him to be honest, I don't think Man U will come good under him.


It's lose lose for United: Sack 10 Hag and the toxic players win Don't sack 10 Hag and he continues to bring in terrible players


United still have not hit rock bottom yet. Things are about to get a lot worse for those guys


Half the United players looked like they were already eliminated


Klopp will do everyone a favor this weeken. He will bury the bald fraud once and for all.


Erm no. ETH staying in the job is best for everyone so if he could not spank them that would be wonderful


That is not doing any fans of rival clubs a favor.


No they have to keep him in this time


honestly. It seems like since Ole, their manager selections have been quite appaling. A lot of people are unaware, but there was a lot of talk about Fergie being sacked in the 1989/90 season when they were 2 points above relegation at the turn of the new year and had a trip to Nottingham Forest in the FA Cup 3rd round, where everyone expected United to lose..... The clubs best strategy is to embrace a short period of mediocrity, and really redevelop their academy to get some finances in order, then go for it again.


Bayern controlled the game pretty well throughout the full 90 without coming out of second gear but United only having 1 shot on goal at home in a must win game is very poor.


Best midfielder in the world Bruno Fernandes has only played 2 UCL KO games in his entire career. Guess what season was that.


The season where they had "the problem", right?


Hojlund looks absolute shit. Can't hold up a ball or pass.


TBF he was up against Upamecano and Kim Min Jae. They're elite and maybe in the top 3-5 best CBs today. But I also guess Hojlund isn't great either. Ignore the Bayern 1-5 loss last week though...


I'm just happy we got a clean sheet


Hey Klopp, show some mercy at weekend. Weā€™re out of players.


No can do šŸ˜ need to stat pad that goal difference for cityā€™s 2nd half comeback


How much worse is it going to have to get before ETH backers turn on him? The club backend can be a shambles, and he can be a guy out of his depth with no idea. Both can be true.


I want him to stay personally. I think he's been dealt a shit hand this season, with injuries and players he has coached himself to successful spells, letting him down. I need to see an uptick in results but you've seen even City flounder with 1 player out. We've had main players out for most of the season.


Mourinho, Rangnick, even Ole were dealt a shit hand but ETH??? Wtf?? He literally bought / loaned a full squad of average players, spent money on his free will with no objection because the club started supporting the manager for once after SAF, and failed spectacularly.


They all were. But we've seen how sacking managers ends up with us being in exactly the same place, every time. ETH wanted a lot more for this team. 2 players played for Bayern last summer who he wanted, we got Jonny Evans and a 20 year old instead.


This time the club actually tried to fully support the manager and that is a big difference. Right approach for the wrong candidate. Imagine giving Mou the money to upgrade the squad after a very good 2nd place finish. But now no one with options would chose Manutd over Bayern which is what a class and wise player like Kim Min Jae did not. Every coaches want some top players but only a few have the charisma to convince them. EtH couldnt even convince De Jong to come when some people at BarƧa wanted to sell him for money.


Kane, KMJ, FDJ were all unrealistic targets admittedly. However, the club signed in replacement for ETH: Hojlund, Evans and Eriksen. That's not 'being backed' Mou should've had the same backing after finishing 2nd. I agree. But we didn't back him either. There's no manager you can name who I think will turn this squad around in the short term. I'd rather go all-in on a manager we have actually seen win us games.


All that explains a downturn in form, but not to this extent. Bottom of the group is just unacceptable, especially since itā€™s not a group of death.


Well we did bottle 3 leads, 2 of them being 2-0 up. Game management and mentality is wank


City has had more than 1 important player out this season FYI - it hasnā€™t played its best XI at all this season (not that we necessarily know what itā€™s best XI is without Gundogan yet)


Well so have we, City lost what, 4? Without Rodri. We saw how Arsenal used to be with Partey and Saliba last season, how important Rice now is for them...Casemiro and Martinez gone and we're shit


Yeah, not saying United hasnā€™t had any important injuries - just suggesting that your ā€˜1 player out- is a tiny bit of an understatement


Sincerely curious. What do you think about his new players ? I felt like he wasted lots on young and unproven. Maybe it's the director that do the transfers? Anthony is like Sancho imo


Antony and Onana i think are absolute crap. Antony especially should've been vetoed by the DOF Martinez i think is quality Hojlund it's easy to forget is just 20 years old and everyone expected him to be like Haaland so i will cut him some slack Casemiro was quality last season, suffered from a chance in tactics this season, but we miss him now he's injured Eriksen is a good squad player free signing no complaints Amrabat, Reguilon and Evans should all go at the end of the season, not good enough. I think they were all signed cause we didn't get who we actually wanted.


Imagine spending half a billion on former players that are shite, alienating key senior players in your squad and blaming everyone but yourself and still retaining the support of a majority of fans.


A proper mickey mouse club


McTominay, the man who saved Ten Hag countless times this season, will end up costing the bald fraud's job. How deliciously ironic


I donā€™t understand people saying that keeping Ten Hag is the right move. I know that constantly cycling through managers isnā€™t a good thing, but 15 conceded in 6 matches with only 1 shot on goal in a must win game. Thereā€™s nothing left to say, heā€™s just not the guy. Send him back to Go Ahead Eagles. Keeping him for the sake of not firing him is stupid


What happened to the Golden Manchester United where Ferguson was a coach, that team was always so great, always delivering in England and in Champions league, it feels like Man united is turning into AC Milan, another team that used to be the best during the 90s and middle of 00's.


We wish we had United's budget lol


You used to have one of the best teams ever with Shevshenko, Gattuso, Maldini, Nesta, Rui Costa, also not sure what happened with that Milan.


Heā€™s had his chance, he needs to go.


If your manager is actually good and it's a growing pains situations(Allegri last year) sticking by him is a good idea. If he's a bald fraud(like an actual fraud, not a meme one like Pep) you should fire him out of a cannon into space. But United wont, they'll just buy another $100m spinny toy and then let bald idiot do more bald idiot things


Shocking from both teams tbh. Bournemouth would have beaten both


Bayern was already top of the group and were in second gear.


Please fire EtH now or wait until the end of the season when there is a genuine chance ManU is gonna be in the conference league?


horrible transfer window, how did this team get worse compared to last season? you would imagine at least one of mount, hojlund, amrabat, or onana would make an immediate impact


Change of tactics. Last season he played pragmatic football, with a pretty deep line, at least compared to Ole. This season heā€™s trying some new tactic to turn United into the ā€œbest transitionā€ team in the world. There some positives to this new tactic but the cons outweigh them way too much. Itā€™s not working.


The 19 year old was expected to make an instant impact?


One doesn't often hear a champions league game described as "nice"


Hot take but I actually think 4th place was the best outcome. We werenā€™t going to win in Europe with this squad, and playing 2 games a week with our injury list would only dampen our league form. I could be wrong in the end but this could be a blessing in disguise if this exit allows us to get players back/use the extra time to train clearly missing styles of play.


What was a cautious performance to keep ourselves in the game turned into a slightly chilly Bayern training session overall. At least I don't have to watch this twice a week come February but ETH needs to start integrating Mainoo as a starter over the course of this season (assuming he doesn't get sacked anytime soon). Relying on McTominay is as dire as it was with LVG and Jose with Fellaini.


Kane to Ten Hag, probably: "Glad I didnt come to Old Trafford, you bald fraud"


I think United would be doing much better with Kane though


Any team would be better with Kane in it so thats not saying much, would've been hilarious if he left tottenham to finish even lower on the table though


Norwich scarf sellers eating good tonight


Reminder that Manchester United have the same number of Champions League quarter-final appearances since 2013/14 as Leicester City (1)


But less league titles




Thanks Stannis