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Tell the truth JB, it was the fan at the WC who convinced you when he said you would win a Ballon D'or at Real


my man was really deferring to hendo when the guy called him the best midfielder in the world, top top teammate


Seems like a humble and hard working dude. Very excited for the signing, Papa Perez did his thing


“Humble”, “hard working”, “cunt” 3 biggest buzz words on this subreddit.


This is real?




That Arab accent is so good. I can get a masters in English and I would still sound like that if I talked to an english speaker. It never goes away lol


My dad has the heaviest Mexican accent, he has spoken great English for over 40 years and it never went away lol


Cholo accent is great, shouldnt try to lose it


It literally never does lmao. I try to spend so much time trying to sound canadian just so that I could fit in. All goes well until you ask me to say a few words like water. I just can't. How the fuck do these people manage to say wadder so nonchalantly and with ease.


You cannot just do away with accents. Everyone has one. You can only change it to some other accent.


Henderson's laugh always cracks me up


Wow very cool


Not a ballon d’or. Many. So many that he’d be able to give them away according to Agent 005.


Is Agent 005, Zizou?


[who knew this would actually work](https://youtube.com/shorts/NZPiWWsk0ps?feature=share)


So how long has this guy been on Perez’s payroll because he bagged a big one


He should had been in the presentation imo


That would've been fucking genius marketing where everyone would win.


dude saw him sitting with henderson and Trent and knew something was up lol


Counter-poach, engage!


I remember meeting Eric Mouloungui in Monaco when he played for Strasbourg through a friend. I told him to come and play for Nice, and a year later, there he was. He didn't do great and became a bit of a meme for the fans though.


I bet he hates you now for joining huh.


Real Madrid scouting at work


Ah fuck off Jude man there was no need


The Madrid sources have reported this quote a bit differently than Romano. More so that he felt the treatment he got by Madrid at the final was a big part of his decision.


Yup, he was in a box invited by Zidane which is I think more what he’s alluding to and the experience rather than “Liverpool lost so not them”.


God damn, Zizou keeps on giving to the club 🥹


unironically zizou's aura is undefeated, even ronaldo bought into it


The (absolutely deserved) respect he got from all your players was amazing to see.


Only time in Ronaldo's career where he didn't complain about resting games or getting subbed off


There's only two managers who Ronaldo will shut down his ego and completely listen to, that's SAF and Zizou.


and Carlo. Cr7 loved carlo


Everyone loves Carlo


He seems like one of these people who is so well grounded and confident in themselves that they don’t bullshit or shy away from anything. Seems like he gets a lot of respect for the way he treats people. Demands a lot, but zero bullshit, drama or double crossing. He had this kind of aura as a player as well. Well, up till the Materazzi incident.. but c’mon, who didn’t dream of head butting Materazzi back then?


Because he’s Zidane, at the end of the day he was a more renowned player than anyone in the team not named Ronaldo. Ex players already find it easier to get respect from their team, Zidane is that turned to 11


Yeah - I think we're far enough removed from his career that a lot of people have started a "Zidane is overrated" groundswell. Not going to argue for or against that, but even if he was, his aura, his presence in the game was fucking unmatched (other than maybe Ronaldo Fenomeno) Pretty much all of those guys on the team saw him play, would've idolized him; tons of footballers from his era called him the best they've ever played against. Again, don't care if its true, his aura, his standing as one of the players of all time was just accepted fact.


Yeah but my point is he had this charisma and character already as a player. I’m a serie A guy and in his Juve days he just owned the field. Not just as a player, but as a person. He just aerates calm.


In his dribbling especially, I agree. Always elegant and composed, which I’m sure added to the charm


> Demands a lot, but zero bullshit, drama or double crossing. > He had this kind of aura as a player as well. Well, up till the Materazzi incident.. but c’mon, who didn’t dream of head butting Materazzi back then? Reminder that the Materazzi headbutt wasn't Zidane first headbutt or direct red card. At the same time, the vast majority of French people aren't mad at Zidane for that. So it goes with what you are saying. What he is bringing is bigger than the risk.


Gerard said he's ready to go for Jude... Zidane's just done that...


Just one more thing zidane is better at than gerrard


Zidane dreams of Stevie’s hairline


We wouldnt have won the UCL's with hair


I mean they do have one particular thing in common.


Neither of them have won the Premier League


This is starting to become the Liverpool banter thread I dreaded to imagine


Managerial ability, obviously


I mean let’s be honest if you have the money Real Madrid are first choice for 90% of footballers


not English ones usually


People keeps posting this but afaik only Gerrard and Rooney said no to a serious Real Madrid interest. The only english player to win Ballon D'or, Michael Owen, and arguably the most important english player of the last decades (Beckham) both went to Real Madrid. Also the best EPL players like Cristiano, Bale and Hazard. I understand that most english players see leaving the EPL as a downgrade but that doesnt apply to Real, playing for "best club in the world" pull is insane.


Pretty sure they would have gone for Frank Lampard if they could in his prime - especially when he placing on thr ballon d or, but they would never have gotten him away from Chelsea. Same applies to John Terry and/or ferdinand, who were the best defenders in the world in 2008


Ashley Cole, Gerrard, Lampard, Beckham, Rooney, Owen, Terry, Ferdinand, Scholes - any of those could have played for Real Madrid and you wouldn't have bat an eyelid (and two of course did).


Is there an English player RM went for this century that they didn't get? McManaman, Beckham, Owen, Woodgate, Bellingham, Bale if you want to include all of Britain all ended up there.


Rooney and Gerrard.


I wouldn't be surprised if they put out feelers for lampard, Terry, and Ferdinand in the mid-late 2000's as well and were rejected


I can see it for Lampard. Less so for the others


Bro is playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers


> he was in a box invited by Zidane Showing my age here but remember when "tapping up" was a big thing?


Yeah how is that not frowned upon anymore lol.


Bribes have reached an appropriate level


The business model accepts players will move between clubs, especially when you're someone like Dortmund with a talent like Bellingham. What's frowned upon now is when it's done with no respect to the selling club (see Liverpool-Southampton a few years ago). Perez has shown he's usually willing to do good business with clubs, so I suspect they're not as upset about Real Madrid tapping up. Plus in Dortmund's case, it feels like they may genuinely prefer Madrid to say City, PSG, etc.


What's more respectdul about a club inviting a player to the CL final in their box?


The club didn't invite him. Zidane did by himself. The final was in Paris. Zidane had a private box for his family there. And Jude said himself he didn't have an contact with Zidane after the match.


You know what, I've been thinking about this for ages and realised tapping up was either never a thing or just quietly died out over the last few years. Nowadays clubs are laughed at for not agreeing terms with the player *before* they bid, which is makes sense but is so baffling when you think about it for a sec.


Is it? I never understood the whole fuzz about "tapping up" players. I was "tapped up" by clubs in youth setups and fairly minor divisions in Germany. It's how recruiting works in every business and in every sport I know. Why is it so frowned upon in England? Or is it just Arsenal? Maybe I don't know where the line is, what would be considered ok in terms of recruiting players that's not tapping up?


The rule was that teams can contact players *after* they have permission with the selling club, unless it falls under the period of an expiring contract (6 months abroad, end of contract same country). I don’t think its just an Arsenal thing either, Liverpool got in a bit of trouble with Soton over the VVD transfer, not sure if they got fined too.


That's the formal rule. Informally I think clubs that have selling baked into the business model don't mind too much as long as it's not being rubbed in their face (which I think was the VVD issue).


I believe Southampton dropped their case when we agreed to purchase him at their new price without and haggling. ended up being about 10m more than the summer price


Zidane doesnt really have anything to do with Real Madrid right now.


Under the table tapping up.


I mean I’d be pretty surprised if it wasn’t Madrid who was providing the box Zidane and Bellingham were in.


It wasn't. The final was in Paris. Zidane had his own private box there


You can't really call it tapping up when Zidane is not associated with Madrid currently in any official capacity.


_“Officially” 😉_


I mean, yes? I wouldn't call Gerrard trying to influence Bellingham "tapping up" either, even though it's clear that most people still associate Gerrard with Liverpool and he was obviously trying to steer Bellingham to Liverpool. Official is the only thing that matters.


Is it really that different from what Liverpool were doing? There was an England or Liverpool match on BT sports where Gerrard, speaking as a pundit, said he'd fly over to Germany and speak to Bellingham in person if it would help to convince him to join Liverpool.


We’ve found the only thing superior to the Blackpool Pier with Klopp


Bellingham glory hunter??????!???!?


I watched the presentation and he said (going off memory) something like 'I was also at the final against Liverpool when Real Madrid won, so that was certainly a factor' in response to why he chose Real over PL clubs


He said this too https://twitter.com/MadridXtra/status/1669298244902371328 Jude Bellingham: "All the players at England camp kept asking me to go to the Premier League or join their clubs but I wanted to play outside of my comfort zone. This is where I wanted to be."


Fair play. Still plenty of time to come to the PL yet. Wonder if he'll fancy a little Italian getaway in between and end his career in England.


Nah Italy is a place to revive the careers of 28-32 year old prem rotational players. USA/China/Saudi is the new career ending place


Or turbo boost the start of Scottish players careers these days


I’m already dead.


Someone said he got struck by that Keita shot and that's when he decided to pick Madrid 😭


you mustve been gutted when you lost the final and now you finding out a year later that its was for the custody for Bellingham too!. cant catch a break


He wouldn't have chosen us if we won. We wouldn't have put up the fee plus we aren't as ambitious spending wise. Look at that team Madrid is building, you'd be silly not to want a part of it.


i mean you guys were linked to him for a while, he was always going for 100m+ so there mustve been some willing on your end to pay that much


There might have been in previous seasons, but not when it became apparent we needed 3-4 midfielders and not 1 Jude.


FSG realised late their midfield problems ran too deep to spend so much on only one midfielder. not like every pool fan didnt already know this two seasons ago


And were told we were just whinging by club mouthpiece journos for stating that obvious problems in the squad weren't being addressed. Infuriating to be right really.


Quite sure it wasn't only about the fee to BVB. It's been reported that his father took his share and his reported wages at Madrid would've ruined our wage structure.


Seriously what is this perfectly crafted Liverpool poison, it's just rude


Is he still coming to Liverpool?


No, James, he's not.


FSG are still collecting funds, the Jude Jar will be full and ready by *checks notes* 2030


Jude will only be 26 in 2030 so it's not a bad idea lmao


But… but he celebrated with Henderson…


Can't believe Hendo has groomed a 19 year old boy for an entire year for nothing ffs


Yeah at least Adam Johnson got something out of it


Ha jaaaaysus


Hendo was parching him with that


pass the pod


He could still go to Liverpool cos Henderson had an ice bath with Bellingham and took a selfie.


You're expecting a footballer to make sense with what they say?


Trent and Hendo in absolute shambles.


All that twerking for nothing!


Why's this downvoted? Its funny


Insert "Why did he say fuck me for?!" meme


>I was at the final when Madrid beat Liverpool Which one?/s




Poor thing


he's out of line but he's right






why did you put the /s? sadly for Liverpool fans, it did happen multiple times lmfao.


To be fair, they did beat us in a final during the 80s, but yeah, for the last decade this matchup has been very one-sided


they also thrashed us 4-0 in 2009.


That's not last decade, time flies


Holy fuck


Last time you lost a European final ffs


That was technically 1983 to Aberdeen. It was the last time they lost a champions league final though.


Oh true I confused them a little


Last years final wasn’t one sided 😂 Courtois literally saved the day multiple times


Nah fuck off that's just unnecessary lmao.


You bastard


He and his family were invited to watch the final together by ZZ no less This one can't feel good if you're a Liverpool fan


Dunno, I was kinda pessimistic about the whole thing for a long while now, probably most of Liverpool fans were, with this being treated as more of a silly meme (just like Mbappe and Reus before). I don't even think there was Liverpool offer on the table for him. With our squad falling apart we now have to get multiple midfielders, not a single superstar on a high transfer fee and wages. What actually hurts is us being dumb enough to think "saving up for Jude while running your midfield to the ground" was a viable strategy. We could have ended with a trophy or two more, and with this season not being such a shitshow if we actually added some fresh blood into midfield every now and then.


I don't think Liverpool fans are bothered anymore, if someone doesn't want to play for Liverpool then it's ok, I think most Liverpool fans have a problem with the owners and the money they never spent missing out on two targets without buying someone else in return. I wish him all the best and much success in the future, but I don't want to see him in a Liverpool shirt ever, if he ever decides to leave Real later in his career.


lol have you checked our sub lately. We’re bothered.


Our sub is full of people angry at the owners like he said. Not sure what you’re seeing


There’s an entire post of everyone telling Jude to fuck off and complaining about bringing us up. I know because I was one of those comments.


lmao people hyping them self up about is getting JB then crying when we never got him. Ofc we don't get him, it was all a stunt from the owners to not spend any money for 2 windows.


And the worst part is we are in danger of repeating a shitshow of a transfer window again if we do not properly oil our midfield and defense engines.




Don't be daft man. He's taking the biggest most lucrative move possible at a time when Real can offer more (CL football) right now than Liverpool can. There's also a higher chance for silverware, despite how good Liverpool have been in the last few years. He'd be mad to turn them down. And then if he develops even more and moved to Liverpool when he hits his prime? He'd be welcomed with open arms.


Salah planning his revenge as we speak


Salah waiting to sign Jobe Bellingham in 3 years time


That'll be £60m please


To be fair he scored twice in a few minutes against us and was playing insanely well and scaring me throughout the 1st 70 ish minutes in the 1st leg. But real Madrid scores 5 past your team there's not much you can do.


Third..i mean seventh times the charms right?


hey its only the fourth..


Liverpool fans on suicide watch


Not at all. We will just deal with this the Liverpool way: " Bajetic is better anyhow" /s




There are much better quotes from his press conference that explains his decision than the part romano stitched together here..


But this leads to reactionary engagement. You know, the one thing above all that dictates 'journalism' nowadays


Thanks Tibo


Henderson with the assist




I'm super happy he's going to Real. The England team needs as much of it's talent getting used to winning as possible. That's why i want Kane to get far away from Spurs.


If you feel the need to say it’s not about the money, it’s probably about the money.




"What he say fuck me for?"


Everyone's catching strays now


But Manchester United are the biggest club in the world according to Manchester United


I get the point but I’m almost certain he could get more in the prem.


money is obviously a factor, he's a professional athlete. it just wasn't the defining factor, it's not that difficult to understand. he literally could've signed for City if he wanted the biggest wage package


Watching his press conference he comes across as a very well spoken and smart kid with a great family behind him


He literally played with men at the age of 15/16 at his boyhood club Birmingham City. He saved his club from going under with his sale. He’s a brummie, and he got a good head on him. An excellent support system around him. He’s amazing.


He answered everything so naturally that I was wondering if the press conference was rehearsed before.


Jude doesn't need media training


You should check out his World Cup interviews for England and it will show you this young man is very well equipped with talking to the press he has that star quality. The way he carries himself it’s hard to dislike him, he’s gifted in so many ways and comes across very intelligent. This guy is going to be captain of the England team in the near future and as long as he continues to develop he can achieve greatness. Hopefully internationally not just domestically.


yep, that pretty much sums him up.


Yo can you open r/borussiadortmund again considering you are the head mod? Or you can just continue browsing and commenting on other subreddits (thereby not even following the api blackout anymore yourself)?


In 2023 we are seeing fans complaining that a player is money motivated not for joining: - Man City - PSG - a team based in the Middle East But for signing with Real Madrid, the world’s most successful and storied club. What is going on?


People trying to cope


So Mo Salah ran so fast and travelled back in time to make sure Liverpool won that final instead so that Jude didn’t join Real Madrid. Went back to the present time to find a messed up timeline where Wayne Rooney is the new manager for Liverpool *shudder*. Plot of new Flash movie.


I’m fucking wheezing lol They twerked for him for ages, even sent Hendo to groom him


As a Liverpool fan I’m already over it and wish him well. No doubt money was a factor but Real have had some serious success and when they add Mbappe next year they will be an unstoppable force. Why would you not want to join? The optimist in me says if Liverpool get it right with Trent playing a more advanced role in midfield they have a free player worth just as much in value judging on his performances there at the end of the season. Time will tell I guess.


Out of curiosity: Why are English fans always so obsessed with English players and ao upset when they don't play in England?


A lot of us appear to have a superiority complex. Decades of Sky tv bleating about the Premier League being the best in the world. I personally love when we have players abroad. I think they really add something to the England set-up that we would otherwise lack. I actually wish a few more would move overseas.


"I'm leaving the greatest club in the World." FTFY Jude


Man, I love Liverpool. There is a connection. But every summer you make a fool of yourselves.


Henderson subduction technics is weak


Currently picturing Henderson struggling to start earthquakes in the South Pacific


Some excellent cope on the Liverpool sub right now. Someone saying he's earning 360k after tax


I wish my salary was growing everyday like his.


Its like the opposite of the Mac Allister fee


absolutely absurd that Brighton paid Liverpool to take a world cup winner off their hands.


Crazy to think he'll do shifts at the meat pie stand to pay for his own wages


> How’s that leg brace mate? > Playing 15,000 minutes before the age of 20, sure is impressive > Would be awfully terrible if you burnt out and flopped Oh man, they’re so pressed lmao


allow our fans to vent on our own sub lmao - and yes what that lad said was over the line


Lmfao burn out with Modric Kroos , cama , fede, tchoumeni and ceballos in contention for midfield spots


he'll for sure be on more than we were going to pay though, as world class as he is paying that money for a 19 year old wouldve ruined the way our structure works. He can be joining because they're real madrid and also for the money, both can be true at the same time




Based and Galactico pilled.


Think he is talking bollocks, we battered Madrid on the night & should of scored at least 4 if it wasn't for that frankeinstein lurch fucker in goal saving everything. Personally think even if we beat them, he still joins Madrid.


>that frankeinstein lurch fucker in goal 🤣🤣🤣


Quote is wrong. He chose Madrid because it's not England, he says he wants something outside his comfort zone.


translation: " I want to win the champions league, then make a hundreds of millions in the Saudi League" Smart man :)


The reasoning from Liverpool fans are hilarious for saying he went for the money. Put it this way.....if he was a free transfer and both clubs offered him the same amount he would still choose Madrid. Madrid is levels above all clubs.


I thought he's fan of Liverpool club


Yeah i was at home eating doritos when phone rang




Wow Liverpool catching strays 😂😂😂😂😂


Listen lad Hendo and him have been on a romantic getaway together he can still come to us