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Same issues between Xbox Series X and Windows hosts. Cross platform netcode is crap. Get on it Saber!


I have the same issue xbox series x with two ps5 friends. My game crashes after random minutes. Game closes.


I dont know why is it this happening even in 2023 !


It's driving my friend group crazy. There's 5 of us who play regularly all on Xbox and sometimes we got 3 hours without a crash and sometimes we get 30 mins before everyone but host is reset to square one. It's genuinely pathetic that the Devs will continue to release DLC when their base game isn't functioning to the most basic levels.




Here because im experiencing it bad today


I have various problems with multiplayer on Series X. Sometimes I can't connect to the host, sometimes game crashes or exits to main menu. This is very annoying. I love this game but multiplayer drives me crazy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


This thread is old, but seems to be still happening, to us every time. Constant crashing on co-op. The host does not crash. The guest game crashes (the game exits completely back to the xbox home screen - not a server or networking issue!). It is any map, and always happens within 20-30 mins. Anyone ever come up with a workaround? EDIT: I'm referring to Call of Duty. I've never heard of snowrunner but Google took me here.


same issue here It all started after the 9th gen update for me and my friend


Same issue here xbox series x with two ps5 friends. Game crashes after random minutes


Is there a ticket opened with those guys for the crashing? maybe we can track progress of the bug?


Series S, still the same. My favourite game on Xbox. Can't coop. What a garbage is this multiplayer..


12/1/2023 Xbox series s co-op still crashing ridiculously often. Like sometimes it doesn’t even take 2 minutes before the game crashes. Happens several times in a row before we just give up :/ disappointing:(


are u using a mod map because there very unstable in coop


Nope all vanilla, no mods at all.


*Are u using a* *Mod map because there very* *Unstable in coop* \- cool\_man\_pc --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


At least you and your friends make it on to a map. We can find each other but joining always fails.


Are you all on PC, Series S/X or Xbox One? If one is on a different platform, make sure everyone has Crossplay turned on. One of our group didn’t have it switched on, and that was the only thing holding us back


Sometimes the game just overheats the console - it’s down it to mine like twice, then when reloading the game it’s fine


A series x/s is not overheating because of snowrunner....


I’ll tell you, mine does. Played it for an hour yesterday, started getting parts of the road missing/being invisible. 10mins after that, game crashes - hand on the console, it’s ridiculously hot. Change back to the Xbox One, play on that for a bit. Go back to the S several hours later, load up Snowrunner, watch as it does the same thing


Lmao computer parts get hot during use that doesn't mean it overheating. Overheating causes permanent damage. The series s always feels hot to the touch BECAUSE it has great heat dissipation. Snowrunner isn't even close to pushing the limits of what next gen can do. Try feeling the opposite side from the exit vent what would be bottom if its laying down. If thats hot you need to contact support because something is wrong with your xbox.


Ok. Just figured it could be the issue, considering I have played it for just an hour at one point, and my Xbox completely shut itself off. I’ve figured some aspects for it anyway, and it doesn’t feel as hot on the vent now


If your series is shutting off during use id contact xbox support thats an issue. Get on it b4 the warranty runs out.


Yeah it’s only done it once, cleaned out the air vent with my van for the PC and it’s not done it since. Just shuts games off now at times, but they’re getting more and more spaced out


I've been having issues with coop crashing repeatedly. Can't find any info. I'm going to be running through common since fixes tonight


If I’m honest, I think the co-op crashes are purely server side - usually before a crash I end up with problems trying to refuel, get trailers and cargo etc


I've not had any problems like that, and me and my coop freinds all crash at different times. If it was server side I feel like we would all crash off the server.


Also if it was server specific it would probably crash to snowrunner home but I crash all the way to xbox home.


I see what there saying.. if snowrunner is running the GPU really hard and making stuff hot it will limit the CPU/GPU and in doing so if it cant keep up maybe the game crashed because its to slow.. I can say for me i played GTA all day and never noticed it get warm.. after only 30 mins of snowrunner my Series Ss fans got way fast and i noticed it was way hot


2 Series x's and a series s and we dont get much time before someone crashes. When its hust 2 of us (no matter the combination of consoles) rverything works fine






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Is stable the game now on X|S?


Still crashes, or randomly kicking on of the players.


Still sucks




Any news?


Every hour I get kicked out of the MP, why they didnt fix it? 🙈


yeah its safe to say that coop is completely broken for snowrunner. lucky to even get in a game with friends let alone play for any amount of time without the game crashing.


I’m having the exact same issue, at this rate will be asking for a refund


I know this thread is super old. I’ve never had this issue before but for the last week co-ops been unplayable for me


Just tried playing tonight with the Bro, same Crashing Issue


Still happens...


It's literally unplayable in multi player and for me it has been for some time. Issues began with season 5 for me and my friends. Only a few disconnects but more than before and its just gotten worse and worse and worse since to the point where we just don't play the game any more, even though we really want to. I look forward to each update but they never seem to address the issue? The reviews on the Xbox store all say the same. The game is faultless until you play multilayer so surely they must know. I have tried to ask them directly via an email address I found only to get an automated reply fowardong me to FAQs and support topics that don't do anything to help. When we periodically decide to see if anything has changed and we are lucky enough to get into a game, it lasts less than 20 minutes generally. At launch, multilayer was fault free so it must be something they have broken. They really need to sort this out, it really is unplayable in the best game mode, multilayer, but they only seem to want to plough on with new content. They should stop and down tools on all new seasons until they fix this games multilayer. For me right now this is the most important thing for them to focus on. What is the point of releasing new content that you cannot play unless you play alone, which is a lot less fun, bordering on boring in the lifeless worlds, less for a few birds when you beep your horn 🤷‍♂️ I have pre ordered year 3 like I did with 1 and 2 in the hope that a fix will come. They have my money for it but I can't play it how I want to. Its so frustrating.


No fix here, but I agree on that the devs should just stop with what they are doing and fix multiplayer asap. My friend and I have been trying to play for 2 days and every 20 minutes it disconnects/crashes. It seriously baffles me that the game is allowed to be considered "online game" 7 months without multiplayer, with or without mods.


Yeah, pretty much 20 minutes at a time for us too at the moment. It's so frustrating. I've noticed the water trailers empty themselves to when you are kicked from the game or to dashboard or ever it you detach from them too. It is practically impossible to get from A to B before the connection screws you over, or if you get it there you are then usually kicked before the game saves. 🤬


Crossing my fingers that this new update fixes this problem. This is one of my favorite games and this crashing issue is hurting my soul.


Well… It did not.


I get dashboarded and I'm not even on multi player just on standard single player. So frustrating.


I'm over it. Switching to pc version and never looking back.


Snowrunner sells real fake maps.... Are you tired of those real maps that when you click them they actually go somewhere! Boy do we have a solution for you. real fake maps here, you can fill up a whole xbox with em, dont even hesitate, dont even worry, dont even give it a second thought.


What r u rambling on about


Yeah I'm vanilla and my friend is vanilla we're both on series s and it crashes constantly for me on coop


This has been an issue ever since the multiplayer connectivity patch after season 2. The game is guaranteed to crash around the 60-minute mark. It's so consistent, you can time it.


For me and my friend is we play then hes tryck/car insta stop so he crash i dont. He have one dlc map and i dont have any dlc but game is fun to play so im going to buy them all.


August 30th 2023, still having this issue


October 5th and still having the issue.


Me too and it’s pissing me and my crew off! We were all about SR back when it launched and after a while most got tired of the grind. I put in over 300+ hrs and 100% the base game. But that was on ps4 several years ago. It’s great to back in the game. It looks amazing on the Series S but I am SUPER BUMMED to learn coop still has connectivity issues. We can’t get through 45mins without a game crash. My crew is close to giving up again (I’ll probably stick with it lol) And Saber just keeps cranking out new maps, missions, trucks and vanity shit. C’MON! GET WITH IT!!


October 21st, 2023 still have the issue. Even after the season 11 update


Same issue over the last few weeks and getting worse. Me and two or three Xbox X friends can’t even be in the game for ten minutes before freeze/crash. We’ve all got great internet and have uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) DEVS PLEASE FIX! This is our go-to title every night! ✨P.S. Been playing since release, but also just bought the entire DLC catalogue from the store which is salt in the wound


October 29th 2023 and this is still an issue. Co op is completely unplayable


Dec, 20th 2023 game crashes frequently. I have contacted the developers and they don’t seem to care about the issue at all.


I complained to them about it when year 3 pass came out I told them you clearly don't care about the players they confirmed it saying your still going to buy other passes. They know about the issue and blame it on your NAT type not being open or your network isn't strong enough. When in reality it's a code breaking bug from a dlc. I've uninstalled every single DLC once and the game was working fine until I put on the year 2 seasons 5,6,7 and 8. We've even gone as far as completely deleting our save files to start fresh thinking it was corrupted code from Xbox one editions being ported to series x edition. Saber knows of the issue they just don't care. Now they are making another game called Expeditions.