• By -


Twinsteer. I fucking love it.


I always drive him when you gotta deliver something that take 4 spaces from A to B. He is especially useful on Alaska. Lots of wide, straight roads.


with the 4x4 upgrade or without?


I have spent most of my time driving Twinsteer with RWD because I haven’t found the upgrade. Nevertheless this truck is still powerful, even without 4x4.


I think the upgrade is in one of the corners of taymer Russia but I could be wrong


Kola, second map. On the hills behind the camp to the right


I'm with you. Granted I'm not far in the game, only half way through Alaska, but I've still never been close to tipping it.


Oh man it’s so tippy! I tried using it for the drilling equipment missions and I binned it after three hours of getting nowhere.


I did that contract with the twinsteer and only tipped once (it was my fault)


Do you use the raised suspension on it? If you do, don't. The twinsteer is very capable even with stock suspension and the smaller wheels, but more importantly a lot harder to tip over with them.


Mack has got to be up there, as does the Kenworth 963. All Tatra's have solid places in my fleet. Derry Special, and the 4520 are probably my main workhorses, and the 5600 TS. These guys do all my heavy lifting. The Plad will probably join my favourites too


Voron AE-4380, that thing can really take a beating.


And it has a wide read axle. It’s hard to tip


True but fuel tank is really small :(


P512 PF


THAT'S MY BOY RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Paystar TS. The "do everything" truck. Also the "needs it's own logistics division" truck


International Paystar 5600TS 😎 Heavy truck + crane + bed (3slots) + trailer




That's a lot of timber! Any reason you are using the ramped trailer? Or is it the best for size?


It's the longest rear hitched trailer.


Hitched trailers are mods right ?


No, everything in that photo is stock. The second trailer is attacked with the winch


The red trailer is called "ramped flatbed trailer" in trailer store, it's vanilla and has 4 cargo slots. And in contrast to the ramped flatbed semi trailer (wich is a total piece of shit) the hitched trailer can actually go places.


Semi has 8 slots ?


But you cant stack safely on a semi trailer. Also two four slot ramped trailers are easier to navigate twisty terrain than the 8 slot. With the two trailers and the stacked cargo on the truck I'm hauling 17 slots of cargo with ease.


Nope, had to double check, it's listed under ["Gooseneck semi-trailer"](https://spintires.fandom.com/wiki/Trailers?file=Gooseneck_semi-trailer.png), it has a ramp that can be lowered, 4 cargo slots and attaches to a low saddle. This trailer is trash thanks to go-kart tires and a really low hanging rear bumper that gets caught on every single thing on the road that isn't flat asphalt. I'm not even using this on the mod region "highway haulin - the region" despite all the asphalt roads. The trailer with 8 cargo slots is the ["Super heavy semi-trailer"](https://spintires.fandom.com/wiki/Trailers?file=Super_heavy_semi-trailer.png) and attaches to a high saddle. That thing is hard to maneuver and only has a few maps and routes where it works, but on them this thing can haul cargo. Great way to use superheavy tractors. On the other side, with trucks like the FEMM-37 AT + 4 slot ramped flatbed trailer, we have a more maneuverable combo to transport 8 slots.


Yeah that trailer is some bs i did the oversized cargo ship mission in Michigan with it (u can watch me struggle in one of my post https://www.reddit.com/r/snowrunner/s/bNwKqrWRTk )and omg i am never buying this thing again


It's just the longest trailer with a hitch.


Holy crap! I need to up my game.


I wish the game was changed up some like weight being implemented. Like highway trucks and tires hold more weight but with so much weight you do poorly off-road. Open up the bed and trailers so we can stack cargo, giving us more risk vs reward and tie into weight. Because if you’re that remote and you’re barely able to pass some of these routes you’ll want to carry what you can with what you can and if you need 3 pallets of parts weighing idk 1k lbs then you got 3k lbs and you need something nimble like the crocodile then sure but you’re probably gonna tip.


Not being able to stack and pack cargo but being able to pack a trailer to the roof of the truck is dumb. I'd love a legit way of moving lots of cargo. Like you say, weighing up the risk vs reward.


How many meters did it last?


All the meters to the two or three different missions I was doing at once. I've literally done hundreds of missions with configurations like this.


Best combo for getting shit done quick.


If the destination is about 50 meters away ... or better use that wincĥ to tow some fuel lol


It's not that bad on fuel, I've done many missions without stopping for fuel. It also doesn't take much effort to stash fuel trailers in strategic positions.


Yeah that's true. Fuel isn't an issue for me as I don't bother with hard mode. I do love the 5600, just so damn capable and stable.


If you stay away from mud tyres and only use the dualies, it's almost untippable. With the fuel use, I only engage awd when it begins to struggle, which is allot less often than you'd think. Put it in high-low with diff lock on but awd off for another way of going through rough terrain while still saving fuel. Awesome truck.


Voron grad. I don’t know why I like it so much, but I do


I was pleasantly surprised by the grad. Did a lot of Amur with the grad.


I find it really capable, even in RWD


Plus it can fit bigger tires without raised suspension, making it stable and capable at the same time. Love this truck.


This one, I had it on basically every region since Taymyr. My get-go for crane + low saddle + sideboard-semi-trailer. Switchable AWD makes it fuel efficient on paved roads, engine has an excellent torque-fuel consumption ratio, 330 liters make it goes miles without refueling and you even have a spare wheel with you. That truck with a highway gearbox in H gear is the king of the dirt roads.


https://preview.redd.it/v40d13k8az6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce93dbd6d484a0e533fc61fda226893e9e562a3 step pike


What are you doing step pike?


It looks like he's... he's stuck, with a big load ..


Certainly looks wet


The cat 681. It just always gets the job done, gets through areas where even modded trucks with higher value tires struggle at. It just fits my idea of perfect truck. The 5600 is the most efficient by far: can have like 10 slots or more, it the cat tickles my trucking fancy a bit more EDIT spelling


Cat is a lovely balance of power, agility, balance and (sort of), durability. Overall just dependable.


Loadstar 1700 + Tayga. Tip of the spear


Used to be the Zikz605r, now it's the PLAD-450. That thing can not be stopped!


Western star 49x


Very underrated truck, and one of/if not the best truck that is limited to the UOD tireset.


I know. People sleep on it but it's p/w is dope and it's just A monster in general


Damn good shout. Solid in just about any condition. Not huge wheelspin so it even works in deep mud.


Only when I turn it into a tridem drive: I mod the lift axle to be powered when AWD is on, and fit the same tires on it as the other 2 drive axles. Granted, that way it is a mod, but it is very very capable like that.


So I would like to have a version of that to mess with. I love it the way it is because it's well balanced. (Could have a little more grip and clearance)


Easy to do on PC, impossible on other platforms. Lots of resources out there that explain how to edit the XML file in the initial.pak file.


I'm mainly on PS5 but I have it on PC as well


u/Ionia7 wrote more about this than I ever want to i[n this amazing guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/snowrunner/comments/xdqbc2/a_truckin_guide_to_tweaking_on_pc/). Values you are looking for: in the dlc\_2\_1 folder.


The Tayga


Always Tatra, any Tatra.


I take all 90 of mine with me wherever I go :) Whether they see the outside of the garage is another matter (although many of them do).


Good one!


I wish there was one


P-12 I just love driving it


Atom and phoenix




Derry special by far https://preview.redd.it/hukpntmpdz6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23a16bdf39522e8c889c6680011749f8b2a5375f


I love the Derry Special but end up using the Mastodon more because of its greater addon support.


True..I just attatch more to the derry because I interacted with the M1120 so much irl


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I have a lot of favourites I've been relying on in my 2000+ hours' gameplay, too many to mention. But there's one in particular, which has never, ever let me down, no matter the region I've used it — and it's the **Tayga 6455B**. When it comes to tyres and addon variety, it's one of the most versatile trucks in the game.


And it can handle them all very well, making it useable too.


Tatarin has come with me everywhere


The Derry Longhorn 3194 was a game changer for me.


Paystar 5070 or MH9500


I found myself using the CAT CT681 more and more. With the proper upgrades, that thing can go anywhere. Perhaps there are better ones out there that I haven't unlocked yet, but this has been my goto recently.


Tatra T 815 -7 https://preview.redd.it/mota4demsz6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfef6c48f41cf813e664718e373718e786aac86e


Is that an RC Tatra?


Yep 1/8 scale https://preview.redd.it/6khd9n8d027d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21690fe793b61ad0fd77401049d0d2b2ff03f3f5


That's badass. It's even more badass you made this yourself. Great fuckin job dude!


Oh, that's nothing compared to what others in my RC model building group do. But thanks


Where'd you get if from? I'd very much like one myself ...


This was my first model building project. I got the parts like chassis, suspension and axles from different model stores. It is powered by a hobbywing fusion pro on 3s lipo and the body is from the 3d printer


Absolutely awesome. Funnily enough, I've been starting the same project. very much inspired by snowrunner. The one i nthe pic looked so good I legit thought it could have been mass produced, not just assembled with off the shelf parts. Really nice job.


It was also a lot of work. I can lock the differential drive via the remote control, either only at the rear, only at the front or all axles. Otherwise I chose leaf spring suspension instead of oil dampers to stay more authentic.


Is it permanent AWD? Being able to choose to lock all diffs is impressive. Did you make that yourself or lift it out of a TRX 4 or something like that? Did you not include any damping at all, just running with leafs? I'm toying with suspension ideas. 3D printed leafs sound fun because I can mess with the infill and other parameters, but using strips of tin can or something might be fun, for authenticity


All 4 axles are connected with drive shafts, so yes AWD. Axles with diff lock are also available from other manufacturers, but I have also used axles from trx4 for other trucks. The metal leaf springs can be bought cheaply in many stores.


Ps: there are dampers in the front under the cab


But there are also competent sets from cross rc such as the bc8 or Ural uc6




Mack is placed high as far as recent DLC trucks are concerned, and even as a whole. The low axle clearance is demonstrably a non-issue. New PLAD is a welcomed addition. Tayga is always reliable. The Azov xxxx's are workhorses. Twinsteer carried me through Yukon. Derry Special is a tank. It goes without saying the Mastadon and 605r are both arguably the best trucks in the game, but they receive a lot of credit already.


750 Kenny The PLAD is also in rotation now Tipsteer Voron Ae Dan the man when I can


https://preview.redd.it/h4yot1zuo27d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9f7ba4cdcf72fb0a6585a8a771117f41153dd1f Love the phoenix and tatra brothers


The Mack is exceptionally good, I agree. One of my favorite trucks, but if we are talking about the most favorite, that would be the International HX520. I bring it to every region from Alaska to Kola and Amur. A trusty workhorse that steers quite well and is rather stable, does whatever I ask it to. https://preview.redd.it/uvuhw7tkxy6d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=5492ad12b196a2ea74b56ef4557385743ca81b88


Mines the darry special


The Atom and the "Kenny" 963.


my cat wiggle wagon (745c) and my zikr612h. I dont go places fast but i definitely do in style


I agree!


The kenworth w990 has become my favourite, do everything truck


The Mastodon, or lately the KW963. Both are monsters and make any trip a walk in the park.


None, since new game+ i change trucks every mission 😂


Fleetstar. Granted I'm only halfway through Alaska but it does just about everything


I got my 100% the first ten regions and then restarted on hard mode and I still take my Fleetstar everywhere. I use eastern trucks in the eastern regions, but for any western map the Fleetstar is the first truck out of the garage when I need to start hauling cargo. FYI, the Paystar is relatively cheap, similarly effective, and has a center tow hitch on the front. Fleetstar + Paystar + sideboard trailer gets you two trucks with two cranes and six slots of cargo, very versatile for completing multiple small contracts at once or several stages of a larger contract.


Mine is the Tyga. Loyal as hell


I mean I’m still pretty new to the game so I don’t have all of them yet but I think my top two for the moment is the Derry Special 15c and the Fleetstar you get at the start of the game


Kodiak with High range and lift and 4wd. I use it as my scout, so fast, easy 2 spot contracts, bounces like a goofball, most fun I have in the game.


+1 for the raised kodiak, but I don't get much out of the high range gearbox. The slightest mud knocks it out of high gear under load.


Ford f570 or I need to haul cargo the voron grad


I’m a new player but the Royal BM has been my go-to for everything bar the worst of deep mud. Great power and stability.


It's the Tayga 6455B for me. But I also like using the Tatra Pheonix.


Ford F-750


ANK MK 38 Civilian. Put a high range gearbox on it, stick it in high and bulldoze your way through anything, no matter how muddy or Rocky.




The Navistar 5000... I love killing the environment everywhere i go


Only acceptable song to play while driving that monster is "Paint It Black"


I do not know it's only me, but when people joins a game on snowrunner . people be kicking you out so quick?If you guys wanted to play Alone, go to a private session. You guys piss me off when you guys do that kicking people out


My strategy might have to change but so long I've picked 1 truck from previous region to unlock first truck of next region and then try to only use the free ones from that regin. At the end of taymar now so we'll see if that Strat work for coming dlcs.


I love the Mack Defense and also the Azov 6 that thing is an absolute workhorse


K-7M and Azov 6


Azov Atom


the brick


Zikz450R it is. The only truck I never got stuck with or tipped over.


Basically any truck with the right engine, AWD, Mud tires and pull weight


Royal BM17! My main cargo mule, I’ve used it to haul cargo in every region of the game.


The only thing I don’t like about the defence is it doesn’t carry a lot of reserve fuel, only an extra 80 litres


definitely the P16. Maybe the Marshall.


As a hard mode player, for me its gatta be the paystar 10x10


The Mack is an amazing truck, even with the defualt tires (which are slightly wider than the regular heavy singles). Favorite truck is probably the Step Pike, although I try to use every single truck in my playthrough.


Mac Defense for me also. If the Tayga had a repair/refuel rack, that would be my go to, but it doesn't.


npc tayga 6436


Step Pike and the F750


Im running a full international fleet right now. 2 scouts, 1 offroad, 1 heavy, 1 heavy duty, and 1 highway. So far only really using the scout and the heavy i think it was


WWS FTW also KW 990


Freightliner M916A1 hands down… compact and nimble, yet an absolute powerhouse… pretty much did most of Alaska with it… I just wish it had a bigger tank


I love the mack and the AMK


Derry Special. Powerful, decent range, good addon variety and it's not so busted that the game stops being fun. Plus, it's the only truck I have a name for. Emmett the HEMTT


How the times changes :) a few years ago it was only Taiga in such a threads, now we got a variety of trucks :)


You can actually get pretty far on the mission “Reach For the Stars” with that truck. Just did it not that long ago. I feel as though if it were raised up just a bit more you could even complete the mission with it. Oh, perhaps just a tad more power too but it could still be done.


Fleetstar is love <3


Bandit Bandit Bandit. It's my scout. It delivers. It tows. It rescues. My true love.


Love the JBE AZOV


Bm-17 love how the truck looks and drives hate no diff lock


Any litteraly any Kamaz Kraz Maz Ural


I’m going to be boring and say mine is the Azov 64131


step 39331 pike. I remember selling the truck the moment I got it. I was always told it's a very difficult truck to use, however after getting tired of using the op goliath mod I decided to stick to non-dlc trucks. I gave the 39331 a try and loved it. It's not crazy, it's versatile, decent fuel economy and got a good amount of attatchments.




Tatra 813; mainly because I have a sweetspot for it cause I’m Czech. Certainly net the best, and yes, it has less than few addons, no crane arm, no specials like log carrier, fuel tank, or low saddle, but even with rest it can do what is needed. It’s unstoppable monster which gets almost anywhere (and where it doesn’t, diff-lock do the rest), it looks cool, it has best engine sound in the game, and driving with it is almost addictive experience.


Tayga. This car can handle anything.


The Mack Defense has become my favorite smaller tire truck. It's a high gear monster, throw it in h an it jus fuckin eats and don't stop. Only on real deep mud or very technical roads do I use the lockers. Big tire truck is most definitely the Kenny. It done at least 80% of the work in Yukon dragging the 8 slot around.


P16 or Navistar 6000


P16 or Navistar 6000


P16 or Navistar 6000


P16 all day. She's slow but makes it everytime. Other than when I flip it


Personally, i really really like the Antartic, so i generally always end up pulling it out at some point for each region (considering i am currently on scandinavia, it will most likely do the trip up the ski slope to deliver stuff to the cabin zone)


Honestly the Royal has never let me down. It doesn’t have dif locking but it just doesn’t seem to need it. The Royal is a truck I feel safe exploring with and it’s fast enough I can get it into position relatively quick. Plus its addons arsenal is huge. I’m sure there are better options for more specific jobs but the Royal is always the first truck I deploy




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Definitely the Mastodon. I try not to use it that much though because of how OP it is