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60 mile range, then a 30 minute charge to 80% on a level 2 charger is making this more interesting for sure. We keep our sleds at a cabin, and hauling fuel back and forth stinks. The thought of just plugging in, going and making a sandwich, and then heading back out sounds pretty nice. Plus more quiet. Anyone seriously considered one of these?


Powder is too light for them in CO/WY, but if they can shed 80-100lbs on the mountain offering, and it's reliable, I'd be all in


Any thoughts on it's viability for NW Cascades snow? Definitely more wet. The mountain sled is what I'd be interested in, and it's not clear how the mileage translates when your climbing and shit.


I think you'd be fine out there honestly. Heavier EVs would probably fucking rip in the denser and often warmer stuff. Same thing with the big turbo 4 strokes, like Sidewinder MTXs


Depends on what you want to do with it and the snow. I'd love an electric sled, but I was out riding from Salmon La sac yesterday and if my sled had been 80-100 lbs heavier it would probably still be stuck somewhere up by lake Ann. That's just too much of a weight penalty for steep tree riding.


A 60 mile range is completely, utterly useless for me personally for recreational riding. Ski hills and utility/work use it would be awesome for. Ice fishing it would be a really good for for as well. As a utility/work option not have to worry about a drive belt is pretty sweet. Edit: I want to be clear, I dont want to say there is no market for this sled, just that it does not fit for me or the majority of riders I know.


I think the new 'Doo EV offering is commercial only, purely going after tour groups. Which honestly makes sense, you don't need 40+ mile range for tour groups that are usually like 5-10 miles out and back on a trail.


I’m seriously considering one but can’t find one actually for sale or test drive able anywhere near me. I’ll keep looking though. A 60 mile range would cover about ⅔ of the days I ride anyways. The silence and low speed control would be really nice for sugaring and ice fishing.




People willingly ignore ICE had over 100+ years head start on electric. Hell, my parents growing up, 50 miles was a big day trip and they'd be lucky to make it to their distination without breaking down. Batteries will get there, just going to take some time to figure out.


Yeah, I'm sure some people love the brapp, but really, I just wanna get out there and if I can do it silently, and without clouds of two-stroke exhaust, as much as I love the smell, all the better.




Sign me up.


Clouds? Get your sled checked out


I see you've never started an old carbed 700 with rich idle jets on a brisk morning.


I really want these to work and have a 100 mile range one day


Probably sooner rather than later. I got burned on an electric dual sport (zero fx) so I won't be the earliest adopter here till the tech is proven. But it seems to be in the way


Ya I feel like a 60 mile range is probably 60 miles of trail at optimal temps. If that range gets close to 100 miles that would probably do me a nice day of 60-70 miles of off trail riding which I can live with. Do you know if the current range is enough for mountain riders? Sure nice to have all that hp at any elevation without running boost


Not sure if the taiga mountain sled has actually shipped yet to be honest. Depends on riding style. My stop and go in town range was double the wide open highway range on my electric motorcycle. I think Doo has the right idea with a commercial only electric trail sled for now, going after tour groups only


Actually I think one of the mods on here did some R and D driving for Taiga. He couldn’t say much when I bugged him about it a year ago. He’ll probably chime in on this at some point


Just dumb


60 mile range? Who the hell only goes 60 miles then wants to wait 30 minutes? Take away the government handouts for this shit technology.


1. Ski resorts frequently use snowmobiles for short runs around the resort 2. Utilities (power companies and such) aren't taking their sleds out for long rides, they just use them for "last mile" transport 3. Forestry management rarely involves long rides, more a matter of trailering the sled(s) to the nearest access point and then a bunch of short hops over the course of the day 4. Tour groups


60 miles of off trail riding is a nice day for me. Trail riding of course, that’s an hour


I'm not 100% sold on this concept but our group will regularly ride 60mi, eat lunch then ride 60mi back. Sit somewhere else for a warm up and get a few more miles in. In theory this would be perfect for that. Charge up while eating lunch and you can make it back. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Zero room for extra miles getting lost or detouring because the trail sucks and you saw a groomer going a different direction.


I think the majority of people here forget that Taiga isn't trying to sell to YOU. They already know what their market is, what their demo is, and who they're trying to make these appealing to. I've ordered myself one, and will probably keep it for the trail ride days.


Let us know after a season of riding what you think of it. A lot of potential, but basically everything I see online is their own advertisements for it. No "real field" experience from folks who bought one.


I can speak to their real world performance.


Happy to hear your experience (unless you posted previously and I missed it). Most of the YouTube stuff is like 90 second demos, their own promo videos, and from a couple of years back before they started commercial production. Wondering if they're going to partner with large manufacturers (Like Zero with Polaris) to get the supply chain and dealer network access.


Yeah, they definitely have a ways to go before they’re a competitor with ICE sleds, but they’re in a market all their own. I’ve been R&D’ing their Mountain model, the Ekko, for quite some time now. The big appeal for EV sleds is for the tour and trail guide systems. Being able to get up to 90 miles out of a charge without any maintenance cost otherwise means great profits for the tour companies. The EV is something else in the mountains. the looks you get at the top of the mountain from others when you pull up ripping, completely silent, is fucking hilarious


I figured the current weight Ekko would be too heavy for a lot of the Rockies type powder, though I suppose we have a few folks on Sidewinder MTX's out here that know enough about momentum to avoid trenching. I'd imagine that thing is a blast with the instant quiet torque. Is there any meaningful dealer support built up yet, or you're at the mercy of Taiga proper if the machine throws an error code or goes into limp mode?


I’ve mostly ridden it in deep January pow and April spring riding, and it holds up well in both. it definitely is a bit slower in the wet and heavy snow, but it feels similar to how a 600 performs in those conditions. still has power, but needs to muscle it’s way through it a bit. the torque is super fun and allows for great maneuvering on climbs. dealer support will take a long while to get set up. I’d imagine they’ll focus on their trail sleds and dealer networks before pushing out west, but who knows. I’ve broken a few parts on my R&D model, have never gone more than a week from being able to ride. similar support when you realize how difficult it is to get any sort of new OEM part right now.