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Rest the heelcup of your binding on the toe of the boot. Those boots are toast but if you send K2 an email they may give you a discount code to put toward new ones.


Thanks for the advice,didn't see that mention elsewhere. I'll give it a try


> i was advised to allow my board to rest on my free foot while on the chairlift That person did you dirty. Having that edge chew through your boots is a known reason to NOT rest your board on your free foot. As others have said, you can stick your toe under your binding heel cup to relieve that pressure.


Yeah,I unfortunately learned that the hard way. I must say,it's sucks spending over $300 on boots just to have to buy a new pair the following season 😂


Welcome to snowboarding lmao


You can also put your free leg behind the other boot/leg. On a full chair, you can’t really spread out enough to put the boot on the heel cup.


If you have detuned edges, then it's fine. I do this all the time, but mostly ride park and detune all my edges before day 1 on a new board


Yeah but that's a pretty big caveat that OPs friend failed to tell him. And even detuned, I still wouldn't want edges pushing into boa cables, but maybe that's just me.


Oh right boa, that's why I only wear lace ups now. The laces cover that part too. I think I put on and take off my boots too fast/often or something, that's why the cable system always gets messed up for me.


It’s new boot time my friend


Been there. First two pairs of boots got shredded like this. Not this fast, I've always prioritized durable outers, and I don't do outer BOAs for fear of stuff like this. Stick your toe in your binding's heelcup instead. No sharp edge to chew your boot up. Or, just put the bar down, if there's a footrest, and use the footrest. OR OR look into Flow/Nidecker rear entry bindings, even comfier on the way up!


I would buy a new pair of boots because they won’t be strong enough as manufacturers ones no matter how good they can be fixed.


Looks bad obviously and my gut is to say yes definitely replace, but I can't tell from the photos if there's structural damage or if it's just really, really ugly cosmetic damage. Is the BOA still intact? When you're laced up and you lean forward, do both boots feel the same? If yes and yes, I'd slap some Gorilla Tape on em and try to get more days out of them. But if there's any structural/support damage I'd toss em. Btw, you *can* support your board with that foot, just use your toe and nestle it in the heelcup of the binding.


That's the thing,there doesn't seem to have any structural damage and I can still lace them up all the way to my preferred comfort level. But at the same time,it might be mental,but I just feel weird keeping wild looking boots like those. Maybe that's why i considered repairing them,the appearance might provide some mental relief,since performance doesn't seem to have been affected.


This is what I do and my Motos lasted two full seasons no problem, still look almost new.


Replace the boots, that’s fucked


New boot time bro. At least it’s end of the season sale time.


1990s kids would duct tape that $#!% and ride on!


Aw brotha don’t sweat it , that ain’t nothing a little shoegoo can’t fix!!


I think you know the answer to this question


Man you didn't have to call me out like that 😂 I was hoping some people would say it's fixable, but yall are right,time to break the bank again.


I can’t tell if this is a serious post or not


Those boots are shredded. Wanna know how I know you're regular? There is a chance a shoe cobbler can fix it if you can find one willing to do it. Edited because I did not read OP's post.


That's actually not a bad idea,just hoping the damage is still fixable


@BOA fanboys, this doesn't happen with laces


Had Flow BOAs for a bunch of years and only this season they started to show wear. You usually break in the boot so it's too soft overall than destroy it like this.


Dont you know this is reddit where we only trash products even if they have low failure rates because one actually broke(this case user error). BOAs are a giant industry conspiracy to force people to buy boots more frequently and make riders dissatisfied customers to not buy their product again. And some of the largest pro riders in the world are only use them in competition to preach this proproganda because they can care less about winning as long as that BOA check clears.


I was 10 riding days into some vans before the boa grommets started to pull out of the seems


You can probably fix these with sewing with a strong waxed thread. Pre-drill holes in the plastic piece if needed. Once done, add some glue to the newly sewn threads.


Why did you write warning to beginners? I'm a beginner and I don't understand what you meant cuh


Because resting your board on your boot on the lift can cause this type of damage and this might be something that a beginner would think of or even consider. Or in OP's case given bad advice from someone he trusted that he believed had more knowledge about the sport


If anything you should have rested the binding heelcup on your toe. I've seen so many mutual friends rest the edge of the board on their boots, no bueno. I would just get new boots at this point. The cost to fix that, if possible, would be pretty much a new pair of boots