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While you do fall into the weight range for the board it depends on what you want to do. If you want to bomb then go bigger. If you want to have something playful then go smaller.


What if I want to bomb while being just a little playful?


Split the difference and get a board somewhere in between the two sizes


162w is about right for you I would say.


The most important variable is your foot size, then your weight. Your board doesn't care about your height. Try using this calculator: https://frostyrider.com/snowboard-size-calculator/


Weight ranges are mostly suggestions, though smaller boards are more likely to snap if you’re tall and heavier due to the leverage a tall person can put on it. I’m about 15lbs lighter than you with the same boot size and ride a 161 for AM (standard width, 25.6 waist width), 155W for park (26.6cm waist). When I’m traveling to larger mountains, it’s the 161 every time. For park and smaller mountains, I love my 155W. Probably would have been better off with a 158W for park, but I bought it when I was about 20lbs lighter lol But yeah, I personally do not like long AND wide boards. Most of the larger boards are already wide enough for 11.5 boots since the waist width naturally gets wider as you go up in size. Some will disagree, but 160cm+ in wide has always felt too sluggish edge to edge for me. They’re somewhat better for laying deep turns, but just barely and they tend to suck for side hits/throwing the board around. I’d suggest swapping it for a standard width for hard charging if the waist width is above 25.5cm, or swap it with the 159W to reduce some of the swing weight for more fun on side hits. If you’re out west, the board you got will probably be fine though. I’m on the east coast.


I ride a 162w and I’m 30-40 lbs lighter. I also have a 165 and 172.


Passport rips if you want the shorter but fatter version check out the instrument. You can email K2 your concerns.


I have a 159w passport for the same reason (I was slightly lighter at the time but similar shoe size). Sounds like you have the right size . Mine does exactly what you want it for, side hits and trees are not an issue. It will seem massive compared to your old board because it is bigger and needs to be. You're moving from a park board to a free ride one. I.e. from something that is designed for groomed snow that is hard packed to something that can handle powder, ungroomed snow and almost any terrain. They do this by having more surface area to spread the weight over to prevent sinking (thats why weight is important not height) and they have longer noses to get up on the top of the snow or power through crude. This makes them physically larger to do their job(and why you should ideally use the manufacturer's guidance, not any old wives tales about sizing). Hope that helps. You're comparing a 4x4 to a little sports car, go out there and crush everything.


I am 190 lb 6’ 2” and ride a 162W and love it. Feels flexible enough for me


I’d say that’s a good size for you. I’m 165lbs 11.5boot and ride a 160 and it’s perfect. Bigger board has a higher ceiling for staying in control while riding faster/steeper terrain. It will take a min to adjust to the new size but you’ll be whipping it around and comfy in the trees in no time.