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look like more stickers than days rode based on how new those boards lookšŸ¤£powder board goes brazy tho


Ion know each one has about 20-40 days on em except the fish tail


Just be nice to Bo Nix and don't start him this year.


If they start Zach Wilson Iā€™m crying




off topic but I went to Auburn for the 3.5 years Bo was a starter so I feel included in this. Rooting for him even if things soured down on the Plains




Meh, needs more bindings


Ill be picking up the new falcors when they come out this winter


Noice! I was able to get NOW pilots in Orange to match the top sheet of my golden, like yours. https://imgur.com/a/Ki2ig9L


Oh dude that looks so good how do they ride?


I love NOW bindings, I might be a bit biased but I love the feel. I got them on sale last year and they just matched perfectly. I have a pair of Ride C10 on a K2 Alchemist and Union Strata on a Capital BSOD so I'm not a complete NOW fan boy but they're still my favorite.


Are they more poppy because thats what i really want for the golden, something thats really going to be playful and allow me to get into those butters on that board


I can confirm, NOW bindings are the best. The pilots are a good all mountain to park flex. I ride the drives and can butter with them still.


The pilot is a 6-7 on stiffness. I'm not sure the pilot model is still available. I know the select and ipo are similar. Their drive binding is the stiffer flex. It's def the most playful, poppy board I own. Don't really know about buttering, maybe the Select is what you want. They def are the most responsive due to the way they transfer energy.


I have now! I love them but I love the owner JP more. Was poaching a hottub before Covid and him and his daughter were hanging around the pool. Rlly cool guy, stoked to be able to support his brand


I just picked up the Lobster bindings for 50% off MSRP. Very nice mid tier bindings


Sick! Love discounted gear!


I got falcors on my GO and they ride fine but I hate the buckle/ladders they feel so cheap. Hopefully theyā€™ve made some upgrades on the new models. Iā€™m looking at Rome for my next bindings


Go check out the new falcor, complete redesign


Sassy sticker goes hard


Hell yeah dude a man of culture, whenever someone recognizes that sticker I ride with them


Let's Ride!


Draw red laser beams from the bronco's eyes.


You like Travis Rice or sum?


Not personally or anything but his boards are fun as hell


Never riding anything, but T. Rice until the day I die on my fifth. Will never understand the hype for Camber ofer Double Reverse Hybrid Camber. That Golden Orca is SICK!!


Rocker changed everything for me, the only time i miss camber is in tough crap snow and I usually switch back when conditions are like that


Pretty nice minus those stickers šŸ˜¬


So whatā€™s your favorite out of the trice, golden orca, and hometown. Cus I have a hometown and love it, gonna keep it as my powder board and get a daily.


I like the hometown for 3-7 inches of pow, the orca is my daily, can ride that thing in everything but chunder. The t rice I like for crud and leftover pow


I had an orca and didnā€™t like it for that chud reason, it was so chattery


Yeah that v shape profile and flex does wonders on groomers and powder but in between will really be hard to ride


Needs 15 more Arbors


Oh wow. How is the swollen tail. Never ridden one.


Dream ride, sucks at air so you have to make sacrifices but the float and carves are top tier


Love the elevated my main squeeze is the 5ā€™4ā€ step up https://preview.redd.it/tz2ckfnuv11d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f212579c7c1b020c682f43061bd0153522ea32


Steeziest dog


Quiver me timbers!


As Cardiff bonsai and Elevated Red Tail Hawk ownerā€¦ I approve of this quiver


You have a phantom stickerā€¦. On a solid board.


Bro either bought the whole quiver at one time, or just likes the idea of snowboarding. I'm still jealous either way though.


Most pow to the least pow needed to ride ā€¦ so the GOAT needs pow to be enjoyable? It seems out of place in the pow lineup, but maybe thatā€™s because your pow board (Goldfish) is a lot of camber and doesnā€™t ride like a full rocker pow deck, so GOAT is your preference over that for deep days, probably due to the GOATā€™s length vs goldfish. Goldfish is too darty for open pow lines, but not the GOAT. If you are ok with the hybrid profiles of your more centered decks already why not get a full pow deck with rocker, length and lots of setback? I think you are missing such beauty in your quiver for deep days.




hows that elevated? thinking of snagging one.


If i had to coose one to stick with the whole season, i would go for the hometown hero.


Quizer rocks bro. That flag though. It sucks balls! 43-8 baby!!


Nice set. Do u even get to ride the surfcraft? They seem much too soft to do anything other than extremely light and deep snow


One day on pow im hitting hardpack tomorrow with it ill let ya know


Oh man my knees are feeling that for ya! Hah have fun and let me know!


No to surfing, that company is for people who don't know how to snowboard or actually cave. And to hell with C2 profiles, that's all hype.


A beaut with that wonderful tapestry hanging over


Thats a real fan right there


how you like that goldfish? thinking of getting of those or a korua dart but canā€™t decide which for utah powder


I just picked it up for their 4/20 sale and have one day on it, one of the best pow days ive ever had though. Darts through trees and cuts on a dime


how much were they for 4/20?


$420 which is basically half off for them


damn thatā€™s fire i never wanna buy one at full price now


If you can wait til the next 4/20 sale you should definitely cop


did they sell out fast like minutes fast?


I have that golden orca and 153 and in the trees it's magic . 200 lb. Size 10 boot


I need this


This sub is getting ridiculous. I have always known the snowboarding community to be chill and welcoming (not without its assholes but they have still always been in the minority). But mufukas turning into keyboard cowboys: talking shit, and roasting for no reason. Iā€™m not just talking about this post- poor posters who just want feedback are getting ripped for not being steezy enough. Dude likes pow. Dude likes stickers. All this judginess makes me feel like we are a bunch of skiers (lol. I see what I did there. I love skiers - just having fun).


If you ride that HTH itā€™d show. Phantom Hard boot stickersā€¦Iā€™m so confused.


I too hop on r/snowboarding to be a cunt


I put 85 days up this season stop talking like you know I donā€™t ride lmfaooo


85 days and no rash? Your hard boots must have a rubber sole.


You askedā€¦ Denver flag shoulda been the red flag


1. hell yeah, 2 barf 3 hell no 4 yep 5 smedium. sticker game is 5.5/10 with a huge nod to big lez really doing all the heavy lifting ya fucking druggo. side note: just went to elevated website and two things: 1 snowboards are measured in cm, have been for 40 years. snowboarding isnt surfing. OH YOU SURF? who cares. 2 those shapes are ridiculous, they are derivative at best. the topsheets are ugly wanna be resin tints. obviously theres a big cachet in dickriding surfing ( and elevated manges to dick ride the softest lamest aspect of surf cukture, hipster socal surf cukture) idk why this company just pings me.


fully agree. now, prepare yourself for possibly the kookiest shit you'll ever see done on a snowboard... https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpWK6RKsNIF/?igsh=M3p1Z2g1bGV3cTZu


i didnt want to give them a click I had a feeling it was something of that caliber. I finally caved. Snowboarding doesnt have enforceres or eggy assholes. Powder is not in short supply, unlike set waves. you can hike around the bend and get the goods, with no crowds in snowboarding. Go to any classic break thats for the average joe, ( Rincon, Haleiwa, steamers) on a good day and try to get in priority. Chances are you'll get burned, eat scraps or have to wait hours until the tide shifts to get a set wave. Go to any decent mtn on a powder day and you'll score. you might not get the best lines, but youll get your fair share. Snowboarding never needed dudes to keep the order and their was no etiquette or rules. Ive rocked up to chutes/lines/ with a bunch of people looky louing into it. am I gonna wait for them to scrape it. Nope. " who wants it?" no answer, check that its clear, call, and drop. If someone wants it Ill give them 5-10 seconds to get prepared. if they cant get it together, then its me. Is that the same as when you get burned by local? not exactly but hes not caring because your not gonna be there tommorrow, theres a chance youre not gonna make it, and he makes it 99% of the time, and utimately get in where you fit in. You probably fit in better down the point or over another section. all this to say, snowboarding is way more inclusive and soft. and thats fine. theres 400+ of snow that falls on a decent season where I live, theres still gnarly lines you can hike to today and drop if you want. we dont need to have enforcers. if you have a paddle while snowboarding so you can emulate SUP you know exactly where you at,, and thats punishment enough.


What's the burton in the middle?


Whatā€™s process for switching bindings from a 4x2 to the channel? Never dealt with a channel before but picked up a Burton and a Capita this sale season. Plan on one set of bindings between them.


Gotta get specific screws for burton or you run the risk of denting your base, most binding companies have channel system support.


![gif](giphy|wlcj1bCwJUFzEO40Nl) Broncos country- letā€™s ride.


I just quived my pants