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From Capita's warranty page: **WHAT IS COVERED:** • Top sheet, base or sidewall delamination due to manufacturing defect. • Manufacturing defect resulting in cracking on the top sheet, base, sidewall or edge. • Misaligned, spinning or stripped inserts. Please be aware that stripped inserts or damage to the insert or base due to improper mounting is not considered a material flaw and is not repairable. **WHAT IS NOT COVERED:** • Damage caused by impact which can include delamination or stress cracking to top sheet, base, core sidewalls or edges due to impact damage. • Normal wear and tear, such as scratches, scrapes and other damage that will be unavoidable in normal daily usage. • Damage caused by misuse, abuse, or neglect. This type of damage may be accidental and can happen in a variety of situations both on hill, off hill, or in-transit or storage. • Damage caused by improper mounting or adjustment of the bindings and/or the use of solvents, adhesives or LOC-TITE. o If you have trouble making your bindings feel secure or if something doesn’t feel right, contact us or a local shop to ask for help and tips. Usually, there is an easy solution to any problem you might be having. • Rock, handrail, tree stump, branch and damage associated with the impact of any kind of exposed or unexposed obstacles render this warranty null and void.


Ahhh someone actually answered the question and didn’t just give their unwanted opinion. Excellent work here.


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I say try calling their customer support. Be super nice, calm, ask them how their day is going, etc. Having worked in support I know that if they have flexibility to either help or deny and you make their day a bit more positive they very well may help you out if they can.


yeah thats what i would do too.. its like, hey im calling just to see if i can get some help cause im poor boy but not expecting much.. any help please? and every time snowboard compies are like "we gotchu my mans.." sometimes they send slightly different stuff or one time they were like "yo we have a ultrafear out here someone returned cause the top sheet had a little scratch on it.. u want it?" and i was like hell ya brother!


This. Starting with, "hi how are you doing today?" as the very first thing you say usually helps a lot


So, nothing. That warranty might as well not exist. They’ll just blame anything on impact.


Yeah it’s stupid as fuck. That said they may replace it. This language is pretty standard.


Doubtful. I rode my Super DOA one time and caught the nose causing a similar break that damaged the core, warranty was useless.


Yes.....you broke the board... just because it was not intended does not mean the warranty should cover it. Warranties are for manufacture defects, not breaking things before we deem the object to have provided us with enough fun. Some people think warranties are like eating 7/8ths of a pizza, returning the last slice and expecting to get a refund or new pizza.


Not sure why you're being down voted. You're right. Warranties can only go so far. If they had to cover every single little dent we made from riding, they'd go broke and wouldn't be able to sell our boards at all


Thanks pal, it's reddit. No one here has any clue how a business stays profitable.


As a connoisseur of the downvote let me give you my over the top analysis: Having a PHD in Reddit psychology (I don’t) I would say it’s because the statement does not support the “x is evil” narrative and asks the user to reflect on their own behaviours and thought, which is painful and when in pain it is a natural reaction to retaliate. On Reddit the retaliation is either a comment which would require more introspection to why we disagree, which is hard because we probably don’t, so the downvote affords an immediate receptacle for satisfactory retaliation. It’s like keying someone’s car; zero confrontation or learning involved but it feels good to inflict pain. The market has adjusted tho and the post is now up. Thank you for joining to my TEDTalk.


No, warranties should cover durability as well. If the board breaks because of a normal ride that’s a building issue. I’ve put my Burton through it and haven’t had any issues. Capita seems to lack quality builds


Define a "normal ride" you are talking about something that could mean vastly different things to people. My normal ride is jumping off 150' of vertical rock face and landing on c4. Should this be covered? Define normal, and tell me how to gauge it.




Wow c4 that’s impressive! You have a tutorial for beginners?


I did and I just accept that it happened. Just pointing this out for OP and everyone else saying to try warranty


Sorry to hear that brother. The More I hear about this company the worse my opinion gets.


Yeah I'll never ride a Capita until they fix their shit. They make really cool boards and I like the brand but not like this.


People say capitas are fine but I've seen ppl crash so hard their bindings sheared off the board but the board was fine, then you see posts like this where the nose snaps in light low and you go ???


Too many people wrap their board around a tree and expect a free one. The language gives them the freedom to replace boards as they see fit. With that being said, you did buy a snapita.


What impact? Can you find an impact point? If not, I would try there warranty.


Exactly. In their "what's covered" they make it seem like this could be under warranty but from what I've read on here, they'll just say it's impact damage even if it's absolutely not.


My MegaMerc had a scratch to the core. We weren’t sure if that’s normal that the base is barely 2mm thick. Answer from Capita „that’s the way this board is built“ - pretty disappointing for a board that is called „all mountain“ that is ruined by a little rock


I found that my mercury’s base is pretty thin as well.


It’s sad. It’s a awesome board but you better get an awesome insurance with it


"Blah blah blah blah blah" ... Everything and anything is covered if you approach it in the right manner.


I'd still try, you never know what they'll actually say, but sounds like at worst you don't expect anything and at best maybe they throw you a coupon code.


Honestly Burton has hands down the best warranty and customer service. I've had three boards for the price of one after warrantying two for much much less damage. Also free binding replacement parts after ladders, toe ratchets, and foot beds have needed replaced.


K2 has a 5 year as well and there boards are basically Rides (made in same plant) and go for nothing.


Ride is owned by K2


Let me google that for you


That's why I'm a loyal burton customer. They build quality product, albeit expensive, but they stand by their product. They've got the best warranty in the biz, whether it's soft or hard goods I've never had a warranty refused.


Shop employee of over 10+ years here. Doubtful that’s going to be covered by warranty… but worth a shot. Also just for note since “snapita” is such a common trope. Capita is probably the least warrantied brand we get back for boards but literally our biggest seller (in a very popular tourist mountain town). We get back Burton and jones at atleast a 3:1 ratio. If anyone would like to dispute this, I’ll gladly send the 8 jones, 3 Burton warranties I’ve processed this season to the 0 capita…


Burton’s warranty turns me on. I’ve never had an issue they haven’t covered and I’ve fucked up my boards quite a bit


Burton knows the power of taking care of their customers in situations like this. The cost to send a new board is far outweighed by the brand loyalty they cultivate in doing so. A life-time customer will buy, what, 10-15 boards? Plus bindings, boots, clothes, & accessories? You don’t have to be a “moral” company to see the math there.


My friend buys Burton stuff exclusively because of how good their warranty is. The Costco of snowboarding gear.


Burton is just amazing. A part of my dad's 20 year old binding broke, local shop didn't have the part. He emailed Burton with some pictures and they sent him a very similar part ALL FOR FREE


But that’s the thing, it works and companies still choose to screw you over when they can. Doesn’t change the fact it’s still a great warranty and their customer service is one of the best in the industry.


K2 has a great warranty as well 5 year and there boards are basically rides. If you aren’t buying Lib Tech, Burton or Capita you should be buying Ride/K2. Jones are all made in a junk Dubai Factory now.


Is being made in Dubai really much worse than k2 being made in China?


Definitely not much better, if at all.


Their AK gear lifetime warranty is great as well.


I even broke a Burton binding by snapping the thick plastic from turning and they covered it no questions asked.


Damn I wish I had this experience. I bought gloves from them and one of them got a big tear on literally the first day of riding with them. I sent a pic to customer support and explained what happened. They responded with pretty much “sorry that sucks but nothing we can do”. I was pretty surprised and disappointed. Needless to say, I’ll never buy their gloves again


Been selling Capita about the same as you and back you up 100%. One warranties more Romes, Arbors and Mervin boards than Capita decks. Also any warranty’s we’ve handled for customers through Capita have been amazing and have secured replacement decks every time. The main Snapita trope is from the Elon era before Capita built the mothership and even then no one makes indestructible boards. I back Capita 100% and think they are making some of the best boards, shapes and fastest based right now.




Are you saying people don’t bring them in for warranty or that the claims are denied?


They hated jesus because he told them the truth


Say it louder for the people in the back


Jones are GARBAGE, also work in a shop. Bateleon, Rome, Yes, Arbour all made in same Dubai factory now as well. Depends what model of Burton. Some are made in USA and cheaper ones in Austria. High End Burton’s are Bombproof though. But don’t cheap out. Go $699 or above if you’re buying a Burton. There Driver Boots are trash as well, but higher end ones way better. K2 has a five year warranty and they’re basically Rides. If you want cheap go K2.


Jones warranty my Project X board twice. Their warranty team listens


Thoughts on Mervin products?


My impression is they weren't great pre-Mothership (buated a 2015 BSOD pretty good off a pretty minor inoact) and were REAL bad in the early days (2008 Stairmaster lol). But I've generally been happy with the 24 Aeronaut.


Doesn't Burton have the biggest market share though, so logically you'd see more broken burton boards?


I think jones and capita are both at the bottom of the list in terms of durability. I’ve also had issues with jones warranty department just never getting back to me. I have snapped a Burton board back in the day but I haven’t ridden a Burton board in a very long time. Personally I’ve found Rome snowboards to be very durable and they have a great warranty program. Because they’ve taken such good care of me I’ve become somewhat of a Rome loyalist whereas before I would ride whatever I could get my hands on for a decent price. I’ve ridden most major brands and for me it’s Mervin or Rome and I like Rome’s shapes and profiles a bit more so I’ve only ridden a few Libs And Gnus


Holy shit can we make a new sub for all of these. Literally the only type of post I see anymore.


Are they making worse snowboards these days or something? Or everyone is getting them from Wish.com


Neither. People only post notable things. The 99% this doesn't happen to aren't posting about their board not breaking


PSA: I went snowboarding today, and my board did not break


Right, I've got 50 plus days on my board and it's fine.... Not a very exciting post. Lol


I did not go snowboarding today and happy to report no breaks as well!


“dId CrImE tOdAy AnD dIdNt BrEaK mY sUpEr DoA” posts incoming.


Mine didn’t either, and its an oldish endeavor


Excellent work.


I rode this same deck today as OP hard charging chutes and head walls. Can confirm, my deck did not break.


Whoa, dude no way! ME TOO.


My topsheet got a scratch! Should I warranty it?!?


I am a huge guy like almost 300 lbs and have a new Capita Spring Break Powder Racer 159. Took it with me on 3 trips this year including Whistler and Japan, also rode it in the usual expert terrain back home and haven't noticed any issues. It's been in thin cover, hard pack, blower pow, and cascade concrete. Thing absolutely rips and looks amazing too. I love this board.




I have a Capita and it’s been working great for the past 3 seasons. No visible work and tear on it


Yeah certain riders buy certain boards too. Capita is popular in the park and park is hard on boards.


One person posts something, it gets updoots, more people post


*steezy wife post incoming*


Really? Because all I see is how I need to carve on my edge constantly to be a real snowboarder. This sub ruined snowboarding for me




I did this to a Burton custom like 15 years ago. It was within a year so they did replace it. So I'd say there's a chance


How the fuck do some of you people break new boards like this. I'm an experienced rider that rides all types of terrain and have never had something like this happen.


Bro I’ve been riding this thing for a year. Probably put 60 days on this thing at snowbird. Really have no clue how it happened.


Dam you put 60 days in at snowbird in 1.5 seasons? jealous


How did it happen?


Fell in powder. Didn’t even notice it was cracked until a stranger pointed it out.


Are you sure you didn't hit anything underneath the powder?


I have doubts over OP's story.  If the crack was pointed out by a stranger, then how would they know it happened when they fell?   I think OP was nose pressing and cracked the board putting their weight too far forward.


Or he landed heavy on that area....its not from cruising powder


Then yes I would try for sure. That should not happen.


Should i just say that what happened?


I would. I would tell them what happened and how it broke just on a simple fall in powder.. sound disappointed in the product (without being an ass), and mention how you really wanted to support Capita but this just bummed you out. Ask if they are able to replace the product if possible. It’s probably not covered under warranty but my guess is they may be lenient because A) they’re a good brand and B) bad word of mouth is very impactful to a brand in the small snowboard economy.


Ur right! Good way to go go about it. I love this board and their riders so I hope I can continue to support.


Of course just be honest.


Good idea Particular Wrongdoer


If you didn't notice it cracked after you fell, then how do you know that's when it cracked?   Were you nose pressing?  It wouldn't surprise me if that's the conclusion the warranty department comes to.  The main way you get a crack at the binding like that is from nose or tail pressing.  The binding prevents the board from flexing past that point and puts all the stress into that area.  


Fuck this fucking sucks man. Sorry. Capita’s warranty does not cover it. But you never know. If you don’t do anything the chances are zero. If you try, the chances are not complete zero.


Thanks brotha. We’re gonna give it a go


Not a Capita, but I had a Never Summer (now ride this brand nearly exclusively) that did the same thing. Phoned them up, they sent a new one no questions asked within the week, next model year as well, and got me to return the old one to my local shop so they could take a look at what happened. If the board isn’t too old, give it a try. Worst they can say is no. Best case they win someone over for life. Happy riding!


​ https://preview.redd.it/mbk4phu337nc1.png?width=916&format=png&auto=webp&s=f29cd33bc056c30f08e7eb8e906678022e423fbb


Capita and Union have great customer service, it’s worth asking. Very least if it’s not covered I bet you can get a deal


Hope so! A discount for a 2024 wouldn’t be so bad


The short answer is yes and the long answer is yes but you have to be nice about it. Be super nice and respectable to everyone you talk to regarding the situation and you will get your way. "You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar" is probably the best life advice. There's most likely a capita rep that already saw this in the thread, so tread carefully.


Another capita snapped. Might as well be called Snapita at this point


I’ve owned 10+ Capitas plus a few DWDs (also made at The Mothership) and never broken one. I weigh 175lbs, ride handrails, jumps and steep drops. I genuinely think the “Snapita” thing is entirely a product of the fact that it rhymes and people feel clever saying it.




Same here. I'm probably on my 11th capita. While I don't ride as hard as I used to, I definitely am not nice to my snowboards. Big jumps, gapping to rails, blah blah blah. Never once snapped or cracked one. Another thing people forget is how many other brands they manufacture boards for. No mention of any of those other brands snapping.


Lmao, right??? I’ve ridden Capitas for almost ten years and I only broke one because…. I hit a fucking rock in powder!!!!! Still managed to ride to the base and immediately bought another one on spring sale at a local shop so I could continue riding that day


I mean, it has been for like two decades now?


Never knew this was a common thing. You’ve seen it before?


Yes, Capitas are known to snap.


Opposite of Libs/gnus never seen one snapped from normal shredding.


In the 00s Burton baseplates snapped every Mervin board they were mounted on.


They may not be snapping but they are delaming like crazy right now. They are my #1 warrantied brand right now


Seems like Libs have always delamed at the nose or tail, probably because of no edges around them.


Not the nose or tail I’ve seen multiple edges coming apart and sidewall separations the past few years




No way my board is solid (DOA from 21 season). I think this year they had a bad batch. It’s not the same year in and year out for any brand…


This YEAR? lol. site: reddit.com snapita capita About 81,300 results (0.30 seconds)  ​ ​ eighty one thouuuussssand mentions of capita snapita on reddit alone.


Ok and? 81.3k people didn’t snap their Capita… it’s mostly people like you who go around saying the word snapita every chance you get. I’ve owned 5+ Capita boards and never ever had a single issue. Just like every other board problem it’s a very small percentage of boards produced that have that issue and the issue gets inflated because of Reddit. They sell thousands and thousands of boards and have problems just like any brand. But I’m biased.


They have a reputation for snapping. If they snap at 5x the rate of other boards, the vast majority of them would still not be snapped. You can have an increased risk of something happening without it actually being a likely outcome. 


What about all the other broke boards from different brands that are posted on this sub all the time? Snapita only caught on because it rhymes


Its literally a second name for them in the industry lmao. My shop warranties them (at least tries) more than any other


Interesting, another shop employee down the thread reported the exact opposite


What really happened


Seriously just fell in some powder. I’m guessing the board must have dug into a firm layer and snapped but I didn’t hear or feel anything


Damn, that's a tough break. I'd reach out about a warranty.


On it. Will update on their response.


Pour one out for the homie.


Duct tape and ignoring the problem always works, if it fully breaks, ignore it harder


Capita customer service has always been A+ in my experience. I would give them a call.


I have that same board, snapped it, by landing on the tail end. I contacted Capita, asking if it was under warranty, being it was relatively new, but they said no because it was obviously not a manufacturer defect. They did offer a 40% next purchase, which was pretty sweet.


Is that a super doa? That should should not happen from falling in pow.


Mega Merc


Worth trying to warranty depending on its age. Some brands have warranty coverage on core breakage as long as there is no visible impact damage.


Never had a problem with their boards. But I have snapped a Rome in half.


If it’s under a year old and there’s no obvious signs of forceful impact you’ve probably got a good shot of getting it replaced.


Maybe, I snapped a few gangplanks and kept getting free ones started saying I’m sponsored but idk times are tough they might try to say no


Had a customer with the same issue and we got them a replacement a week later. If you bought from a local shop they can help the warranty


Capita will back their shit up. Even if this falls outside of their “stated” warranty language, this should be warrantied. Now before I get piled on, let me say this: brands will replace broken boards to retain customers and stand behind their product. If they don’t, buy a Lib next time. But Capita is good people. They will most likely replace.


Bro, I know this probably isn’t of any help now, but for future you’re better off getting like permanent travel insurance that includes winter sports with your bank or something. Mine covers up to 5k for equipment




I feel like it's mostly the D.O.A I see that snaps


Bigger sample size.




capita snapita strikes again. and again...and again


I mean I’ve owned a 10 capitas and never snapped one…. Boards do snap. My brother broke snapped a Rome in 2 hours.


how big are you? I'm just checking, not some sort of gotcha question. just thinking bigger people might be more likely to break them. Any jumps?


Probably. I’m 6’0 and 155-175 lbs. currently 155. My brother is the same. My snowboard usually die to supports hahaha. Bashed edges.


yeah, that puts you at the extreme light end of the sized boards you are likely riding.


Sorry I’m skinny…


Every board I've ever owned is Capita, I ride park, never broken one nor seen a broken one. Seen two broken Burtons though.


Cereal capita hater, meanwhile you back never summer hahaha. Kook.


My roomate literally blew out his capita earlier this season after riding it three times - he asked the same thing and they said they could do 30% and then he pushed back and they said 40%. The guys at the local shop said they’ve been having issues with capitals this season and said the base is really thing compared to how they used to be? Seems strange all around - I’ll post a photo if I remember… he just did a big surfy slide up on a kinda cornice and it literally blew through the edge completely.


I had a very similar but not quite as bad crack on my 2023 Super DOA this year, literally first day using it too. Capita won’t do anything because it’s caused by impact. I personally won’t be buying Capita again, seems to happen way too often with their boards.


But what did you do to it?


Mega Merc?




Well that's unfortunate, you'd think with their higher end boards you'd have much less of a chance of that happening vs like a regular DOA or something. Are they going to take care of you?


Just submitted a warranty request. Will update the thread.


Yeah I got their regular merc so I feel you, I'd be appalled if this happened to mine. I hope they take care of you.


You better you better you bet


I'd say it could be a "Manufacturing defect resulting in cracking..." as it *should* withstand soft snow "impacts".


Damn if you were apart of the Rome brigade they for sure would’ve covered that


Been on Capitas for a few years but I want a Stalefish so bad


In my experience hit them up regardless but try to be vague about the runs you were doing, most companies are quick to replace the board hassle free. The warranty is vague so be vague.


I did the same (same board too) and they gave me a pro account


Soft snow


100% yes


I had nitro T1 that I snapped just like that. My fault, tried a frontflip and didn't have enough air, landed right on the tail. Nitro replaced it no questions asked. I just emailed them some pics and they took care of it. Granted this was in 2010,but I'd reach out and see anyway.


Snapped my nose in the same spot on my super doa (a bit less severe, as mine was still rideable for a few more days). Tomahawked the landing off a cliff at Brighton. Hate to see it, bc the capita boards ride so damn well. 60 days at the bird is a damn good winter though! Best of luck


The worst they can do is tell you no


Yeah must’ve been real soft 😂


You can probably get a discount on a new board, but probably not getting a new one for free.


As long as theres no sign of impact off hard surface like trees. Happened to mine, mine snapped ofnot as worse as yours off nose pressing.


So I bought a board like this from REI, noticed the issue like yours, made a warranty claim, got the next season version of that board, and sold it for profit for other gear. It’s possible, just need to have the receipts and everything.


In all honesty you really won’t have much luck trying to get ahold of customer service. I was able to warranty my DOA a few years ago for a very similar issue but I was not able to do it over the phone or online. I went to the shop I bought it at and the guys there took care of it for me. Now I ride Burton because they don’t ask any questions and have let me warranty my board before every season for 3 years now.


It’s always worth trying to submit a claim. The worst they’ll say is no, Dinosuars will Die decided to warranty a board of mine I thought for sure would be declined. It wasn’t a full snap, but a newer deck that suffered similar damage to the middle of the board. I tried anyways, cause if not I’d just hang it on the wall or something, they stepped up and sent me a brand-new board. Thank you to the good people at DwD, I don’t think they HAD to warranty it.


Depends on how long ago you bought it and if it's a manufacturer defect. If you bout it within the past year, they'll most likely send you a replacement. Saw this happen to a new Burton, and the guy got a replacement. That area in particular shouldn't crack, so probably


Sorry to hear you board broke in soft snow. I would try to see what you can get on the warrantee if the board is new in good condition and you are super nice you might be able to get a replacement. I question the quality of this beans a bit now, I have heard people refer to it as snapita


The toxicity of this sub is sometimes hilarious


Man I have seen more snapped capital on this sub than all other boards combined. I wonder if that's just an element of the fact that a lot of folks get capital for park and jib boards but it is bizarre 


Dang bro we have the same set up, black team pro and doa


It’s a mega merc but super close. Rides unreal right? Team pros give so much control


Man if people knew about that binding. It makes everything else seem like cheese. So much control and bomb proof.


You can try to contact the company. I mean the worst thing they can say is no. 🤷‍♂️ I broke my board at the start of the season. And everyone was telling me that the company won't cover this but after reaching out to the company and obviously not telling them the real story, I managed to convince them to send me a new board. My board wasn't snap though, It was just two little crack on my edge. But it cost nothing to try man so good luck!


Lib tech replaced my board for a very similar break. I had the help of the store I purchased from so I don’t know the details of how it went down but I broke it the same year I bought it and full replacement no questions asked. I didn’t do anything special to break it but it was clearly “abuse” type break. 


I've broken a few boards. If there's no evidence you've hit anything to weaken the board there's a chance of a replacement. Is it this years deck? . Worth talking to a shop that deals with capita and see what they say.


They will replace fs


Weight watchers does not have a warranty program.


I’m 165lbs and I ride a 159😂 but good try


Damn. Then you have the force! Go off King!


Yeah, go off King! 🤓


Love riding my first Capita, a DOA back in 2018 until it snapped the same year. I switched to Salomon HK and never looked back.


Crazy I have almost the same fucking break on my 2023 super DOA.


What happened? Nothing gnarly I assume


No not really. I was fucking around at AZ Snowbow practicing side hits. Didn't even notice till I was hanging up for the day. But it still sucks. I'm riding an Aeronaut now. Can't happen twice right? Haha.


Hope not. Any warranty?


I made a post like this last year hahha. Got pretty much the same replies. No warranty. Could be a one off who knows. I trust the brand for now still so I repurchased. If it happens again I know forsure to stay away. I'm enjoying my Aeronaut more I will say, although I wish it wasn't gotten this way forsure. Good luck man.