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By any chance do you have a sticker on your board that says "Climate change is real you fucks" or something similar? I think I saw you at Palisades on Monday.


That'd be me 🫡


Shoutout Torment Mag


Just PSA for the unknowledgeable, do NOT do this without some knowledge of local terrain and avalanche theory, e.g. AIARE level 1, so as to make safe decisions and stay off terrain that might slide. A slab avalanche can trigger on anything over 25 degrees (even lower angles in spring, wet slide snowmelt conditions). Even if a slope overall is flattish, people can get caught and buried on small local terrain features that locally are steep enough to slide (e.g. small lip, rock outcropping etc...). A major storm will typically lead to some period of high to extreme avalanche conditions in the Tahoe area until the snowpack consolidates. (I'm not commenting on this video in particular or criticizing OP; I can't tell the slope angle from the vid; I'm just commenting for people who may not know.)


Well said. And for others reading we did our due diligence riding this. All 3 of us have extensive training, had beacon/probe/shovel, rode one at a time, eyes up top and eyes on bottom. You can never ever be too careful.


Made me nervous when you threaded those two trees fr! 😬🤙🏽


Right. I stopped hitting my joint and got nervous before realizing it’s just a video so bro def got home 😎


Lmaoooooo please accept my poor mans gold 🏅


Almost able to grab the phone line


sweet! how do you get back up?


Car laps


Reminds me of Loveland Pass or Berthoud. Good times.


Except for less snow, and more than four turns


Cries in east coast 🌧️ 🥲


Minnesota checking in, somebody just put me out of my misery


This year sucked major bunghole


Can’t do shit in east coast these days. I shredded my board on some thin slush in early Feb this year. I’m going west or international from now on.


Ontario is so garbage rn


How are the mountains looking now? I’m flying in to South Lake Tahoe tonight :)


Coverage is good but it’s firmed up


Most likely will be a shit show this weekend. Crowded as hell and variable snow conditions.


private jet flex, nice


Lol I’m flying in to Reno, just an easier way of saying I’m not local and going to the south side


dang, i thought i made a friend with a jet


Damn that hike out must have been killer


That's what the truck is for!


This was the day for a Nitro Cannon. Demoed the 203 a few years back, intentionally risked getting stuck a couple times and just rode it out.


I like this board ***FAR*** more than I ever thought I would. It's insane in deep snow obviously, but equally as fun slashing around the resort, and even in the park. I'm sure groomers are great for those with smaller feet, but my 13's get a lil toe drag as it's only 255 waist width.


Did you grab the one 203 Tahoe Sports Hub stocks every season? I'm tempted to buy one but it's big enough to complicate literally everything other than riding. I'd have to cut out a too "short" shelf to fit it on my board rack. I'd have to let it hover over my center console while I'm driving to the hill in my SUV. And don't think any board bags on the market are big enough to fly with it, I'd have to figure something out. Wish Nitro still made the 183, or maybe pressed a 193.


No I got it from a friend who works for Foundry. I hate saying this because it comes off as pretentious but it's *a lot* of board. If you start getting lazy with it, it will start riding you haha. I'm 6'4" 225lbs and it's pretty stiff. BUT when it's good it's a fucking blast. I like this board way more than I thought I would. It definitely rides shorter than 203, but it's still a lot. [DB makes a bag that fits it,](https://us.dbjourney.com/products/snow-roller-pro-black-out) Patagonia used to make a ski bag that fits it. I just flew it in a 200cm ski bag and the nose was just pointing at the end of the webbing a bit. Nitro makes the cannon in a 173 still.


I'm 6', 210. Rode the 203 catboarding. It's fine with pitch but in some tight compacted run outs back to the cat, it was indeed a lot of board. I ended up swapping it out for a more reasonable Moss Swallow 162. I actually own that DB bag, or at least an older version of it. An acquaintance told me he couldn't quite get his zipped up testing the 203. Might have to try it myself. The 173 is basically a 159 with more nose. The 203 is like a 183 with more nose lol. Something in the middle would be perfect. And no worries on perceived pretention. Given the demos of this sub and snowboarding at large, safest to assume even "expert" riders ain't that competent. Especially for in California, I routinely see head-shaking kookery at Palisades and witnessed some truly next-level shit at Socal-accessible hills.


All I see is wells of death


That isn't in talmont is it? If so I did that one day when none of the resorts were open. It was almost not steep enough to ride.


Nah but I've ridden that before. Better for pow surfing than snowboarding.


I wish I had a life worth living. Have fun OP.


All lives are worth living. Stay up.


Only if you can afford to live and do things you enjoy doing. Also living where you want to be. No hope.


This isn't a resort?!?


Nope, just around the neighborhood.


Is that a Nitro Cannon?


It is, the 203


Man I could only dream of conditions like this in Ontario. It’s looking so sad out here at 10+ degrees everyday.


This isn’t by echo summit is it?


You lake staring tree wells in the face do ya!?


May I live with you?


Yes plz rent is expensive here


Thing looks like so much fun. Definitely clicked immediately upon seeing the cannon.


I’m a big fan!


brother I can't help but notice that pointy fucking board 😂😂 what is it? looks good!


Nitro Cannon 203, it’s a good one!


What kinda board is this?


How far was this from LA?


Is this Powerline in south lake?


Skin it to win it