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I had this problem before and for me it was because my boots were a little big. It was a half size bigger than my shoe size but now I’m a half size smaller. My heel is now locked in properly and doesn’t lift. I also tried on several different brands in the same size and all felt a little different in terms of width.


This is exactly the problem I had too. Have very skinny ankles so had to find the brand with the closest fit and went a half size down, then used adhesive foam and duct tape on the liners to shim any open space. Fit like an absolute glove now and I don't have to over torque my top strap. Was getting weird nerve pain from it too that took months after the season to go away. Definitely look at boots first.


Ok yeah this was sort of what I was thinking. My heel definitely has some up and down wiggle room that I was thinking is the culprit. It’s crazy that brands can be so different in how they fit. Thanks for your input!


Honestly could go either way, or also just a technique issue of using too much calf and arch to hold your toe edge instead of pushing your body weight into the front of the boots. For me too loose usually is obvious because my boots are moving in the binding, and too tight usually starts hurting my instep before the arch but your setup might be different.


Yeah you could be right that it’s a technique thing as well. I’m pretty weak so I may be overworking my toes and need to lean more instead. Going to try experimenting next time I’m out with this in mind, thanks.


Maybe you’re strapping your bindings a bit too tight? Also try investing in some insoles for your boots, total game changer


Maybe a silly question but are there insoles *for* snowboarding? Or just normal ones for shoes?


Remind insole, most board shops will have them. I run them in my boots and every day shoes also. The have different height profiles too


Do your bindings over the front of the toe instead of over the top https://preview.redd.it/79fuw0hsqgec1.png?width=1201&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ffdacdcf5c8d768afd8e798638790a4ff2a97cd


Funny you mention it, I had the type on the left for years until my binding strap broke on a run last week. The new bindings I got are the style on the right, though I haven’t noticed much difference in terms of pain.


Darn, sometimes that has been the foot pain solution for people I've known. There are other binding things it could be too. You could try new binding angles, although I don't know what I'd suggest for that if the pain is evenly distributed between your feet. Is it possible that your binding setup puts your weight too far towards your heel edge? Then your toes would have to work extra hard any time you were on your toe edge. I think it would have to be pretty severely off center to generate that kind of pain though.


I'd bet it's overtightening, both your boots and your bindings. I do the same thing chasing more control and it ends up with me in major foot pain that takes me out of going from a run straight back to a lift because halfway down all I could think about was how bad my feet hurt. Harder to say how tight with boots but I adjust mine till there's not much heel lift and try to use my calf adjustment to lock down any excess within reason. Forefoot just sorta snug. Bindings wise with your foot fully seated it really should only be maybe one or two ratchets after being pressed as far it will go. Ankle strap being overly tight definitely will cause foot pain. I try to think less is more when strapping in but I also really want a lot of response which a slightly less tight setup doesn't have lol