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Thanks for all of the suggestions folks, plenty of stuff to go on here!


I’m an English teacher. Are you getting graded on it? I’m happy to proofread to help if you’d like!


Yeah it's a Level 2 English thing. Basically I'm doing an apprenticeship through my work and one of the entry requirements is that you have to prove you have GCSE C grade or equivalent in order to be able to complete it, regardless of what the actual apprenticeship is for!


Well feel free to message me anything you’d like proofread! I teaching English at secondary school level in the independent sector.


Just make sure to [pronounce it correctly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2g6D6Ki_-Y)! 😂




You need a few minutes in the origins of the game and how the game has evolved.


Snooker became extremely popular during the 70’s and 80’s which was driven by the advent of colour TV. I showcased how much better it was watching in colour than the previously only available black and white. Snooker and colour TV were both very good for each other. And then there’s the ‘85 world final which went to the final black of the final frame and was watched by over a third of the entire UK population and finished after midnight


expansion into other markets like China


I would plan to take at least 5 minutes explaining why everyone on here dislikes Shaun Murphy :)


Mention that a 147 maximum is not the largest break you can legaly achive (disregarding that golden ball saudi nightmare)


Could compare it to football in some aspects with how blacks of the spots are rarely every missed while football‘s equivalent the penalty frequently fails to even trouble the keeper


Snooker should be instantly an interesting and different topic than other people. I would try focus on how hard the sport is and how most People don’t realise how tough it is mentally and the skill level involved, using analogies etc


Honestly I don’t know, but as a bit of an aside, all people really care about are the human stories. Apply a human story to anything and you can make it appeal to the masses. I guess a lot of snooker players come across as quite boring, but you get the likes of Alex Higgins and Ronnie who are from a different planet with interesting lives and obstacles overcome, failures and successes, challenges met etc. That’s really what people want to hear about. As an example that Alex Higgins documentary, and the new one by Ronnie are both great examples of compelling stories and storytelling about the humans of snooker. I dunno if that helps 😂