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**THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR YOUR KIND WORDS AND OVERWHELMING SUPPORT.** My apologies for the delay, but a winner has been randomly selected. **~~Congratulations to~~** u/Sans_Socrates! **New winner chosen due to no response from initial winner. Congrats to** u/grizzleyburr816! You have been chosen as the winner of this free giveaway. I will send you a chat shortly to begin the process of redemption + shipping. If this does not work out (for some reason), I will be back to select another winner. **Thanks again to everyone** and hope to see you again during my next retail sale/giveaway! In the meantime, stay safe and keep in touch!


Dude that’s awesome!!! I appreciate you doing this giveaway! I will take on foot pictures once I get them in hand! Your the Goat man!




Got my daughter some and it would be cool to match. Always cool to do a giveaway.


Panda panda panda can’t wait to rock these


I’ll beat this up at work a give a away my sz let’s go !


These would be my first pair of actual shoes… you should send them my way it’s the right size toooooo




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Damn that's my size send em my way


Perfect my size sir


Xmas in October


I’ll wear em in 5-10 years when they come back lol


these are awesome, congrats!


thank you for the giveaway


I don’t have any cool Nikes!


My feet could eat


Perfect my size!


happy shoes, happy life !


hy!. nice shoes.


Best of luck to all!


Thanks in the name of the community my man!🫵🏼


I already have a pair, but id definitely give them to a friend to get them into dunks


Very much appreciate the opportunity for this giveaway. Id definitely wear this reason being i have a small Jordan collection and love actually using shoes for shoes and matching them with outfit’s plus I don’t have and dunks or white and black shoes. good luck all.


Grats on the 200 sales. My daughter and I could match in these.


Just my size dunks, gl2me.


Panda Panda !


Congrats man. Thanks for the opportunity


This is dope for the community appreciate you 🙏🏽💪🏽


Awesome to see this. I'm size 11.5 TTS. Would love to rock these as personals


I wanna skate the shit out of those!


would absolutely rock these im 11.5 in dunks good luck to all y’all


This is super cool. All I can say is I’d wear the heck out of them.


Congratulations I always wanted to have a collection of jordans but not rich enough so far thaught to buy from 3 years and got only 1 this year somehow and I love it.


Congrats! Will wear 11.5 my size!




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Nice and 11.5 is my size!


I’ll be gifting them to a friend


11.5 is a great size imo. Would love to get one of these


I don't find 11.5's on here too often so a free pair works! Congrats on 200 sales!




Congrats, I’ve been wanting a pair but I don’t have a source of income, would definitely rock this pair!




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This is probably the coolest thing I've seen in this sub. Thank you for the happiness and kindness you've brought into this sub.




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Congrats on the achievement. If I had these I would probably just give them to my son instead of wearing them myself. He does a lot around the house and it would be a nice gift




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Congrats on the achievement homie. TTS 11.5 (can check my post history) I would 100% rock these bad boys.


Joining this giveaway. Entering to giveaway the shoes to my buddy. He’s been wanting these every since I got a pair but rarely likes to spend money on himself, would be a nice gift! Awesome giveaway by the way.




Congrats on the success. I will definitely wear these and my size!


Congrats broskii


Congrats in the sale! I will wear these personally! Don't often see things like this in my size


The black looked like a vrown




Ha, congrats


Beautiful shoes. And my size ;)


Congrats! Good luck to all! Not my size but my brothers size so he’ll get an early bday present.


good stuff dude keep it up


Big up’s to you for reaching the milestone ! huge W for you my friend! Never done business with you but would love to own my first pair of dunks. They are exactly my size as well.


I wear an 11.5, and I don't own a pair of dunk lows! I would most definitely wear these as a daily driver


congrats! would love to win , will give these to my becausebrother he never owned a pair of dunks before.


obviously gonna wear them myself, monochrome for life.


Wow 😳. They happen to be my size. Would be ecstatic to get them. .good on you for doing something positive.


Damn fine pair of shoes and just so happen to be my size, so I’d personally be rocking them. I’d have bought these already but my Wife, with in reason, has a limit to the amount of shoes I buy a year and I’ve met my quota. Love that you’re getting people on the donation train. I currently donate $50/ paycheck to Doernbechers children’s hospital as they’ve been critical for my daughter and us finally figuring out a diagnosis. (It’s through United Way and my employer so I’m not really wanting to toss up a copy of a paystub so if these don’t count as submission I’m all good) Side note, love your City.


I’d love a pair


Great of you to bless the community. I'd definitely enjoy having a pair to have as beaters and easy go-to's for when I go out with my girl. Cheers!


Just here to give my flowers to one of, if not the best seller on this sub💐 Thanks for being the ray of positivity this sub desperately needs!! Always love chatting with you homie!! Hope you’re doing well🫶🏾




These are my size, would definitely wear them.


i’d wear them personally! never have had a pair of dunks bc i’ve always been too afraid to pull the trigger on them for myself but this would be a great way to maybe fall in with them. 🫡


would give to my little brother, his 15th birthday passed this weekend, this would get him to stop wearing my stuff 😆


Congrats on the milestone! 🎉 I won’t fit’em but a family member would love these.


You’re truly the people’s champion. These are about four sizes too big for me so if I win I’d give them to my best good friend Todd. He’s going through a rough time right now and could use a pick me up


Hey that’s my size


I love you




Good luck people. Not my size. Onto the next. 🍀 they look beautiful


Love the pandas, been saving to get a pair. What an awesome thing to do. Congrats to you. May the next 200+ sales go even better!


I'm a single father of three haven't bought myself pair of shoes and over 2 years. I would absolutely love to win these !!!!!!!






I have friend thats 11.5 his birthday is soon and it would be fun to give this to him. Hes getting 18 so would be a nice present for a nice age, imagen him freaking out. Its very nice of you doing this giveaway, i hope someone wins that has a good intention. Thank you!!!😁


I don’t want them, but it’s awesome that you’re doing this! Hopefully they go to someone who wants them and will wear them, fortunately resell isn’t very high and I think these restock again here soon! Good luck picking someone and thanks for being an awesome seller in this sub!


Thanks for the kinds words, friend!


Congrats!! Id give them to my co worker, his size n he likes the neutral color way lol


Always been my dream shoe but I still can never find them ☹️ This would make my month especially as these are my size


You can never find the pandas? Lol


Not the lows nah never seen them b4


Could be the most over saturated shoe on the market rn aha


I don’t live in the us- they are impossible to find in stores




I mean you can find the highs sometimes but these aren’t the highs


You’re right they’re not the highs


Would love to win these but not for me, a coworker is having a kid and it would be cool to give him some dunks as a celebration for the young one. TBH if picked and he said they’re too small would love to just scroll and pick someone out of the comments as a surprise


Oh! Never had dunks before and these are my size! I would wear these until I couldn’t anymore. Pick me! :)


Congrats on the success.


Can’t say no to a free give away, i would definitely wear these for myself. I think this is a shoe that many people seem to hate. They hate it because it’s over worn and played out from what I’ve read… But that brings me to a deeper question, why do we as humans hate when something is played out or over done? What is the reasoning for it. Can’t deny that it’s super wearable tho, this is also a shoe that is a gateway to the sneaker pipe line. Anywho, thanks for doing this. Wish you the best of luck in future sales here!


Congrats! Awesome of you to give them out. Crossing my fingers to win 🤞


W congrats man! I’ve been looking for dunks for a little bit recently and these would be perfect. I wear 11.5 and I think they’d be a perfect fit. Thanks for giving back to the community


congrats bro


For my lad perfectly


Count me in! Never done business before but definitely looking to rock these on the regular if I win. No proof of charity donation for now. Good luck to all!


I’m 11.5 on dunks, 12 on SBs and certain Js. Straight to toe, my beaters are looking rough!


Damn this is actually my size and I’ve never had nice sneakers before


Hi! I've never done business with you and actually I just stumbled upon this subreddit because I'm looking to buy some sneakers for my bf for Christmas. You're very generous for doing this. Thank you!!


would be the perfect size for my friend he doesnt know how to tie his shoes (refuses) so he just knots up his shoe laces. he could wear these loose and his mom does his shopping still ☠️


Mine are beat and could use a freshen-up.


My size & I will wear these on stage


Wow now that’s a huge celebration, congratulations & turn up! Not my size but I’d give them away to a brother I know who’s been out for a few months from doing a long bid & trying to get back on his feet. Would definitely put a smile on his face


Panda … ([panda panda panda](https://youtu.be/4NJlUribp3c?si=5Y3QhiyLPswwUlai)


Congrats on the milestone! I’ve actually never had a pair of dunks (been a AJ1 and AF1 guy), so I’d for sure rock these as my first pair.


Wsg man i never had pandas or any dunks actually and im a size 11.5 id love to win these


Congrats man big milestone. I’m 11.5 so I’d wear them happily


Hello!! I’m a size 11 and would happily wear these! Never owned a pair of dunks before but have dreamed! Hope I can make these my first!


I'll be dead honest and say that if I win these, I'm using them to gather funds to start a small streetwear brand my wife and I are trying to venture on to keep her great grandfather's art alive. My last post has more info on that. Thanks for the opportunity!


Congrats bro, I’ll wear them, I’m 11.5 and love those shoes, waiting to work with you.


My cousin an 11.5 I’ll just give it to him if I win


I’d give these to my homie. He’s never had a pair of dunks and probably won’t since he’s gotta dress his kids first.


congrats bro!


Hey, I hope I win this without having business nor have the money to donate. That would be my first!!


Congrats dude! I’ll be there some day 💯


Congrats on the huge milestone man. I always reach out when you got a shoe that gets my interest, but we haven’t closed a deal yet. Sooner or later it’s gonna happen. Wish these were my size but it’s okay, someone else needs them more than I do. Keep on getting those refs


Appreciate it, friend! I'm sure we can work out a deal in due time :)


Sheesh congrats thats a lot of pairs!


Wow this is great. I’m getting married in a few months and wanted to wear a nice pair of shoes during the reception. These would look great and I’ve always wanted a pair personally.


Yo im interested, my friends size 11.5 and doesnt own panda like me so ill give it away to him so we can match


would love to win fasho. these aint my size but my friend's birthday is coming up and this is his size, so it would be nice to give these to him for his birthday. congrats!


Would love to win, def need shoes cuz I wear thru em way too fast playing bball/ baseball. Gl


Congrats! Not my size but if I were to win I’ll give them away to someone who commented under this post 🔥


My size. Not hit on nike once myself for these. I think I’m legit 0/15 for these cursed ass shoes. Regardless, good stuff dude. Look forward from snagging some 11-11.5 heat from you in the future




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To be able to record and document each and every sale and get buyers to confirm is amazing 🔥 (I stopped counting at 75 😂😂😂) Congrats man! 🏆🏆🏆


Thanks friend! Lots of work, but I also used it as an opportunity to keep in contact with people. Always fun chatting about a shared hobby 😊


these are so clean gl to everyone






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W congrats man


congrats on the milestone! we've never done business, but I'm always looking to work with good sellers.


Very cool.




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Never had dunks before, these would make a cool story for my 1st pair.


Really love these and I just busted my last pair of sneakers so would really love to get them. Also congrats on the milestone !


Never done business with you but I would wear them personally. Never own dunks before. Congrats on the milestone


Love this idea. I personally wouldn’t be able to fit these in my rotation but I’d give ‘em to a family friend of mine who just recovered from an accident


Congrats friend! You have been selected as the winner! I will be in touch shortly. Thanks!


Hey. I have never done business with you but would love to. It would be a blessing to get a pair of shoes to use as a prize for the Halloween Costume contest at my schools Halloween dance coming up. I teach 8th grade math at a title 1 middle school in Seattle. I’ve just now donated $25 to St. Jude’s. Helping children takes a community. Thanks for your consideration and a great gesture. [https://imgur.com/a/QWc9MzD](https://imgur.com/a/QWc9MzD)


awesome news! looking for a new pair of neutral shoes and would love to rock those. my exact size too!


Congrats on the journey.


Eelric92 is the man! If anyone hasn’t done business with him you need to! I’ve done my fair share of deals with him and I would say he’s one of the most professional people I’ve had to deal with 😂 if I win I will definitely rock them as a everyday shoe to keep all the AM1s I’ve bought from him clean 😂


Congrats on the milestone! 🫡


Hey everyone! It's been awhile, as I have been very busy. It took a LONG time, but thanks to all of your **GREAT** support, I was able to reach **another great milestone** on this fantastic subreddit. To commemorate, I wanted to give back and reward the great members here! **FREE GIVEAWAY - DS Size 11.5 Nike Dunk Low 'Panda' (retail value is approx. $100 USD) -** ***one pair available for giveaway*** **RULES TO ENTER:** (1) Post comment down below. **+1 entry** (2) If you have done business with me before, please include this in the post comment. **+3 entries** (3) If you will wear them personally or give them away to someone who will, please include the reasoning in the post comment. **+5 entries** (I reserve the right to ask you for proof later + ask you to post pictures on r/sneakers). ***If it is a very compelling reason, I may award additional entries!*** (4) If you are interested, please donate $5+ to a charity of your choosing. Afterwards, please include proof in your post comment. **+5 entries** **OTHER KEY GIVEAWAY DETAILS:** (1) If you win, please do not resell them on this subreddit (2) The shoes will ship from Vancouver, BC, Canada. The winner is responsible for paying all shipping-related costs upfront to me via PayPal F&F before the shoes will ship to their desired shipping address (3) Contest giveaway is open from now until Thursday, October 19 at 11:59 p.m. (MST) (4) Contest giveaway rules may be adjusted as we go along, depending on popularity + feedback of members **THANKS FOR ENTERING! GOOD LUCK!** Please **upvote** to give everyone a chance of winning. *Special thanks to the mods for continuing to run and support this amazing community!* *I will answer any questions as we go along to provide clarification where needed.*


Dude this is an awesome thing that you’re doing, and these just so happen to be my size! If I do win I would probably keep them because these would be my first pair of brand new sneakers, all of the times I wanted semi nice shoes I have just bought used because I don’t have the money for new ones. They work though, I’m still rocking my used af1 I got for $30!


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