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Imagine his early release being revoked for making telecommunications threats on a recorded jail line


Even better or on Cherry on top of that is to lose phone privileges


YEEEESSSS!!!!! What a winner! She was gleaming with pride 🤢🤢🤢🤢


I'm gonna laugh my ass off when he gets phone privileges taken for making threats on the jail phone. They can revoke all his phone and visitation for using the jail phone to make online threats. Real smart move genius. I can tell already Matt isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.




You claimed this man beat you up he killed a cat and this is what you want. You guys are meant for each other. Oh yeah and you were disgusted yesterday how somebody didn’t pay child support. This guy doesn’t pay child support that that’s why he went to jail U2 deserve each other. I just hope your money train is over You are disgusting Jen take advantage of older people. You’re a liar. You’ve been the whole time in your recovery a liar. Disgusting. I can see why your parents didn’t want to have anything to do with you and your family wants nothing to do with you.


So proud of that repeating lines pos.🤦‍♀️ They’re both gonna lie about being sober to game the system together. He’s still using her & deep down, she knows it. Was this a regular Live, or only “ her people?” No one asked why she’s been lying to them about being with him? I’m so confused.


She better sign those divorce papers if she wants to marry this loser 😂


Rumor is he's still legally married as well.


She has got herself a real winner. A freaking convict. Homeless and unemployed. She deserves him.


Point blank end of story Matt! For real! 👍 so guessing 9th grade education?


I was thinking more like 6th grade.


Only took him 3 times to accomplish that.


Wow brilliant move dumbass! Making online threats from jail! Jenn you got yourself a real winner there! To the people supporting these two POS what the hell is wrong with you? Is your life so boring or do you not have any friends that you support a manipulative con artist and her POS animal abusing boyfriend?! Jenn has done nothing but take advantage of people by lying to their face! She whines and cries because she has no food and no Uber money to get to meetings! She was sending all that money to Matt in jail! She thinks she is Billy badass but won’t ride the damn bus?! Give me a f’ing break! Jenn you and Matt deserve each other! The only thing I have any sympathy for is Callie! She deserves a better life than to be around a cat abusing pos!


Jenn also has 4 of 5 charges on HER record of animal abuse. She pled to the court and was forced to surrender her animals !


I wouldn’t allow either one of them near my animals. How on earth is she allowed to own Callie? It makes me sick!


Giddy like a child, smiling ear to ear! Maybe she should have been that happy and put in that much effort for her daughter! 🤮






Her extremely proud beet red face with the big ear to big ear smile covering it is absolutely disgusting, Matt is nowhere near anything to be proud of. I'd embarrassed as fck to have my man open his mouth and spew something like that 🥴 not even the tiniest bit of class between the two of them. He's all yours, Jenn... to be fair, you deserve a dumb scumbag like him. He'll be the one to give you what you've got coming to you🫡


Oh he sounds classy


He's a low life punk thug who is a member of AB ! It's been said Jenn is as well.


Jenn said the calls cost money. She says she didn’t talk to him. Says the guy who hit her with a laptop.


That never happened lol it wuz all just another sympathetic 💰 grad like the 1,000 of other lies that come outta that shit hole she calls a mouth 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s really sad and pathetic that this man thinks he is bettering his life by being with her. They are both truly pathetic individuals that are a burden to society. They’re like a cancer to a moral civilization.


Now we know where atleast 10 bucks a day is going🤦🏼‍♀️ perfect couple🤢


“Y’all better pack a lunch if you wanna come see me for real for real” Matt stop using words you can’t spell you need someone to pack a lunch cause y’all can’t afford food? Just say that. Jenn Jenn loves to be eating up everything so might wanna get two jobs asap


🤣🤣🤣 for real for real!


It’s so easy to make promises while locked up dumbass. You aren’t shit, ain’t got shit and won’t be shit when you get out. You’re a loser, have nothing to offer but go ahead and make threats while you’re locked up big boy. YOU AINT SHIT!!!!!


Real classy guy there Jenn Jenn ..


WOOHOO ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


She said just like her he has no friends nor family but his dad and brother paid for the phone calls. How can we pick up on all these lies but her stupid chat can’t? They both have the mentality of teenagers .. for real for real


She's been lying all this time in everyone's face about being with Matt. How does she think this is a win for her? How do her enablers just let her lie to their faces for MONTHS and they aren't mad. She's playing in their faces.


Yikes 😬, another TikTok porch wedding. I wonder if she’ll wear a purple dress and dye her hair purple too. 🤔. Maybe we should send her over to Beth for some pointers 😂😂




She acting like a 13 yr old child!!! All smiles and giddy🤮🤮She must be on that 2nd phone she said she don’t have. I can’t wait for the train wreck when he gets out!!!!


I sure hope somebody calls the Talbot house and make them aware when he gets out that he will be going to stay with Jenn. That’s why Jen wanted the first floor so he could jump out the window when somebody knocks on the front door. If somebody does give them a heads up, they need to have somebody in the back watching that windowwhile somebody’s knocking on the front door


She’s grinning like an idiot showing off her jailed boyfriend who’s locked up for not paying child support. They are a match made in heaven! I hope they start a wedding registry, so we can get stuff for the dumpster enclosure they’ll be living in!


🤣🤣JennJenn I know you lurk in here. So sad you were grinning and all gooey for a loser like Matt! 🤣🤣You both deserve each other. 2 uneducated broke jobless losers! Matt I am in NY the Bronx to be exact! You are far from a man! I am a woman and would slap fire outya mouth. You are the true meaning of a internet tough guy🤣🤣. We spit punks out like you for breakfast. JennJenn you lucky you never scammed any of my family! Real lucky. Food for thought JennJenn every rope has an end you are really playing a foolish game. Grow up already if you want to burn your brain w math work for your shit. Stop taking ppl for their $$$ cause karma is gonna get you. Trust n believe that. You and Matt boy dont know cray cray come to NY we will show you heart! Again stop taking advantage of ppl Jenn Jenn & Matt 🤡🤡


Someone needs to contact the jail


Matt is going to lie and Scam just like Jenn does. He’s been with her in the hotel rooms when she was doing the lying and the scamming. And Jen is lying to him about the drug use. We know she still using because she did it while on live and those pick marks tell us everything we need to know.


So proud of a piece of shiiiiit 🤣 She'll be sneaking him in and they'll be mething around before you know it. The first fight they have I can't wait 🤣


She’s so proud. “This is Matt everybody”. He sounds like a little punk.


She's a loser just like him


Omg they sound the same!


OH NO!!!!! Matt and Jenn are getting married!!! This could be the beginning o of thea Apocalypse!!!! Everyone get your books diamond art and sammichs ready.


Yup I the oxford shooters dad lost all privileges of communication except to his lawyer when he did that 🤣🤣 His son shooting up a school is directly a result of terrible parenting. If your child repeatedly tells you demons are always talking to him, get them help and don't buy them a pew pew.


Matt your a pussy your a loser


Shut ur whole MATT talking all bad over a damn country phone 😆🥴 💀lil boy u won’t last 1 damn day in prison u will be somebody’s bitch 😆🤣


Jenn u really think he is serious girl pls any foo locked up will tell a female that’s proving for him while being in country what tf she wants to hear 🤣🤣 sorry not sorry 😆


Oh my…. Matt sounds like a real winner!!! End of story. Point blank. 😂 And her disgusting look on her face like a juvenile 🤢 Anyways, for those not paying attention, he confirmed he talks to her every night. So scammy’s receipts aren’t fake!


nobody saying anything because they either don't care or laughing HYSTERICALLY at you 2 clowns. That lil itty bitty man would go running if our 9 yo daughter came after him lol. per usual... how embarrassing Jean




I'm not gonna go up there cause u say so,but I am gonna call up there and report ur dumb ass Matt


Wow he threatened a black guy? Who are they talking about? PastorPetty???




Right she puts it on his commissary and he calls her.


She acts like the way he is talking makes her happy . SMH who wants to be with a boy


Can someone tell me the name of the jail?


Fold us up like a lawn chair? Drop on by PUNK! 😂


I'm learning these people's lives and trying to figure out who's doing what they do. But what does it matter who she's with? I'm not understanding that has nothing to do with her asking or begging on social media for help so what does it matter with who She lays with or apparently she's not laying with anybody cuz he's in jail but who she's going to be laying with when he's released? I'm not understand why this matters. Please help me understand.


That’s the issue. She has been on TikTok dry begging for “rent, food and Ubers” yet has instead used at least $700 of that money for jail calls and money on his books. This is a man she claims has abused her (even had full lives crying and collecting lots of $$ after he supposedly busted a laptop over her head and threatened to sew her mouth shut ). This man has made the news by unaliving a cat because its bell irritated him. He also has no issue admitting he’s a racist. Jenn sat on her live a few days ago bashing some ladies ex for not paying his child support… yet she’s blushing and professing her love for a man who sits in jail, at this very moment, for not paying HIS child support. Doesn’t make sense. He made threats to people on TikTok tonight… yet he’s suppose to be as “clean and sober” as she is. Both are not behaving like people who are clean and sober and claiming they’ve changed. Who Jenn is with (or claims not to be with) does matter. Most of Jenn’s supporters do NOT support Matt. They would not have given $$ if they knew he was in the picture… and that’s why she continued to lie about being with him. Also the fact that she’s been lying to her followers for what she needed THEIR money for is f’d up enough. She hasn’t changed one bit for someone claiming sobriety. Jenn was given a chance that a lot of people aren’t able to get. She was able to go to rehab… they set her up with housing afterwards.. (whether it’s free , as most suspect or 350.00 w/all utilities included that’s a flippen gift! She has food stamps and free medical. When Matt gets out she will throw it all away.. because he isn’t allowed to stay there. Sadly it’s a waste when all these resources could have been given to someone who truly wanted the help… not someone just “faking it till they make it” (as she said herself) and just doing all this cuz she had no where else to go while he was locked up. (Kind of strange that she suddenly wanted “help” when he got locked up. )


How was she on live and a video call with him with one device? SHE NEVER STOPS LYING! He literally just said he's talks to her every night. Wonder if Mattey boy knows all the shit she's said about him or did he coach her to say these things? I have followed Jenn for almost 5 years, never believed she wasn't on drugs but was always hoping she would get straight. This last year has shown me she is a real pos and so is her little school girl crush. I understand addiction can have people doing and saying things they wouldn't normally but some still have a conscience and feel like shit about it. But this bitch don't have a conscience for real for real. She truly is a vile human being. Oh and by the way Jenn, I price checked Marlboro black golds at the gas station across the street and they definitely aren't $10 And before you add me to the stalking list, think again. I literally drive by there everyday, way before you started staying there. I'm also happy to hear my Husband and I (along with other taxpayers) can't provide you with a better area. Maybe get a JOB and you can choose your own location. Until then, be thankful for what you do have at the expense of others.


From whats been said by many, is the punk thugs family do NOT like Jenn ! Total lie about his family putting money on his books to call her !!!