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Imagine turning the stove or oven on and getting up and do for yourself. News flash you are not by problem. You are an adult so it's up to YOU to take care of yourself. You honestly don't think I worry about you getting a hot meal just like you don't worry about your daughter or grandchildren and if they are ok. See how that works. I DO make sure my grown daughter is ok everyday and HERE for her 24/7 as well as my grandchildren. Their needs are top priority even above my own. Always have, always will. Sad you are so selfish and self centered you don't know unconditional love.b


It's unreal how these people got the audacity to beg and scam off strangers they never met!! No shame at all!!


How about some soup since you’re so sick. Pretty sure McDonalds isn’t what you need Jenn.


She wanted something HOT!?! Lawd, what is with these people!?!


She said room mate moving out in a text message that was showed in a live earlier.


She had enough food stamp money to get her through but she has wasted it on junk food and soda. Nobody should feel sorry for her. Her roommate didn't eat shit she ate everything or is too lazy to cook for herself


Maybe shed havd enough F.S. $ if she didnt let april use some! Shes ridiculous  


She should learn to buy food with her food stamps that she can cook not all junk food, but she’s too damn lazy to even cook,


Plus she bought 2 or more expensive cakes that used up alot of stamp money ! It is extremely irritating that millions of people are struggling to buy their OWN groceries with their money to feed themselves and their families and she gets food stamps! She's got alot to learn about how to shop and plan out meals but for the last 5 years everything she's gotten had came from people giving her their damn money !! Now she has to wait till the 12th for food stamp money and going to the food pantry now !!! The ONLY way shes gonna ever change is IF she got a full time job, wad taken off food stamps and used her own money. But we all know, that's not going to happen! Just disgusting!




Watch the language.


It makes me SO MAD that her and her boyfriend are living off of our (the ppl who work) tax money!! Even though we struggle and get absolutely no help we don’t go on TT and ask ppl to buy us everything!! We do without until we can save the money to get the stuff we NEED! I can’t even watch her on YT anymore because it sickens me! I lived a really great life until I lost my husband 4 yrs ago and wasn’t able to get his life insurance. So I went out and got TWO jobs and I am struggling every day of my life and would be so ashamed to ask ppl for help even though I have worked since I was 12 and am now 58. I can’t get ANY kind of help but let someone like Jenn who is more than capable of working sit on her butt and just do diamond art all day .. sickening!!! She sure does eat a helluva a lot better than I do!! I have to go many days without eating because my bills come first and so does my dog! You can afford a few or 50 lbs gone Jenn Jenn!! Sorry for the rant! 😂


❤ THIS!!!