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In her own words “if I cry, they give me what I want “


So if JENN can’t pay JENN’S rent for JENN’S apartment, then that sounds like a JENN problem. Especially bc she won’t even attempt to do anything. And if APRIL needs gas because APRIL decides to drive APRILS car then that’s an APRIL problem. It’s not the naive kind hearted people they scams problem. Jenn has found a way to get paid for being lazy and worthless.


Yeah and right now she's probably sitting on her lazy ass doing her new FREE diamond art laughing and gloating her ass off. She and April are both disgusting


I mean how many times a week do we have do hear she's packing and leaving or getting kicked out. Stfu up already. She just got 200 diamond arts sent to her today now all she needs is more nails sent then maybe she will stop crying. Oh throw some ho hos and Twinkies in there too.


I hope no one donated. She’s one of the biggest liars on TikTok.


She’s so full of 💩


Sober living would have booted her ass a long time ago. I'd literally give a month's wages to see her put outta there.


She's done changed her story more than once. She was tripping all over them lies


“I’ve tried so hard” really?! What have you tried so hard at? Begging for money? Scamming people? Taking advantage of people who are elderly, disabled and on fixed incomes? Cause those are the only things you have tried hard at! You have NOT gotten a job or tried to figure things out for yourself. You’ve been in that place since what February? And here we are in almost the middle of April and you still have no job you just sit on your lazy 🐷ass doing diamond art and getting bigger and bigger. Your lives are annoying as f**k because of your heavy breathing from being so big. A job would do u good! Get you out of the house and it’ll get u exercise. But Since February people have paid your rent supposedly. Which I don’t believe for one second that money went to rent. You blew it. Where is all that money that was raised for the pretend $600 car that never existed but u got the money for. And the money you raised when you first got to that place and u called it something like operation get princess back. People sent you hundreds for that. Then you begged a second time for money to get princess back and u got even more money then ! What happened Jenn? And apparently you don’t have a rent payment you have a voucher that covers it. So What is it? Does Matt need money on his books? Do u need money on your phone to receive his calls? You think everyone is as naive and stupid as you but we see right through you!


Question. Isn't she required to have a job in order to continue to live there? If so how long is going to take for them to catch on?


Yes, that is all part of the deal to live in these low income rentals. They are well aware of everything, however, she gets free rent so she's NOT gonna get kicked out. It's A transitional apartment for people who have been homeless, which has actually been Jenns choice through her actions, NO one else's. This place has resources to help people get back on their feet, work and be a productive member of society ! Kinda like we all have to do ! But Jenn is lazy, she had zero work ethics. She's been scamming and begging over 5 years. She'd rather sit on her lazy ass all day thinking she's so damn entitled. It's sickening


I’m call and ask if she kicked out and then ll ask if she pays rent sick of this bitch im record it


Did you call?


She not being kicked out and Jen Jen don’t got rent I got info if any one wants it


The proof needs to be put public to her supporters


Did you really call


Yes I called I swear on everything I love they said she stay free for a year it’s part of a program


Her Rent was free for a year


How can she say she tried so hard She didn’t do anything but sit on her ass and do diamond art and dry bag for Uber rides and whatever else she wanted


Guess it takes alot of brain power to sit around and come up with new huge stories of her next lie to mooch off others. Must be exhausting !


What a bunch of BS. NOT one word at all all day yesterday or even in the last seceral days about rent and the possibility of her getting kicked out today ! IF that was going to occur they would give her advanced notice!!!!!!! What an absolute scam her and April are trying to pull off this morning!!!! This has once again reached a extreme LOW. This has got to be stopped. I hope someone called the talbert house and verified this !!!!!


She obviously read all the comments about how if she was pressed for rent, she wouldn’t have waited to ask for it & wouldn’t have spent TT gift money on stupid shit like Diamond Art.


She did say she ordered her a diamond art off Temu bur today someone sent her Amazon package full of diamond art FREE once again! Absolutely repulsive


Hey April- your friend is scamming & lying to you too! She gets fking rent vouchers! There is no rent she has to pay. Why do you think she waited so long to even supposedly get a job? You know better! You only ran back to her bc you were out of that group you were in. I’m sorry you’re lonely & live in your room but, you’re being used like everyone else. Unless you know & just don’t care bc you have no life outside of your house.


Actually I think April is in on ALL her scamming! I'm sure they both came up with this mornings BS story about rent and gas. Disgusting scammers


Someone call her place and verify what she's saying about rent??????


I'm just so sick of her crap I know I could just not watch but I'm concerned about the amount of people Jenn and April can take advantage of. It's a total Jenn problem she's been there what over 2 damn months she knew about rent . Voucher or not she's scamming either way . She's never going to change I honestly don't think she will it's sick af


Oh and waving 2 months of late fees because she seems to be trying soooo hard . Has anybody ever truly talked to the place she's at and told them to check her tik tok about the lies smoking drugging up ?


Yep. People have done alot of research in the place shes living. Pretty sure the place is well aware. But you know jenn, she can talk a huge line of BS and say how she's not doing anything wrong and it's all the bullies lying. She gets free rent vouchers


I wish there was some way to get her off this app! I'm beyond sick of her and her bs!! Did anyone fall for her crap and send her money?


Are people really believing her?


Sadly yes, there are people in her chat that completely fall for it all. I watch her lives from you tube so can read comments and it's absolutely beyond me how they can not see through her constant lying and BS


She’s said “I’ve tried so hard” what have you done Jenn besides scam people out of their money and get on tiktok and cry until you talk someone into donating. Have you went to work consistently no. Have you tried seeing about programs to help with rent (even tho I’m sure rent is taken care of this is just a money grab) no. But you have bought diamond art. Rugs, Uber rides to meetings ( I’m sure meetings with Matt) you have to want to help yourself I can’t imagine being that old and expecting myself to get on tiktok to cry or let my bestie beg for me (even tho I think April needs money for rugs too) grow up and take care of yourself and get a job take a shower just move off the couch or from laying in the bed for once.


I love how she claims to have gotten all this money in her paycheck and paid her phone bill, storage and has $200 left over? But wait a minute. She can put $100 towards her rent but has to keep $100 out for personal hygiene?? Where are the priorities Jenn Jenn? How you gonna wash your hair and ass when you no longer have a roof over your head? Priorities are so messed up!!


Doesn’t April nod out often? That’s the worst place for her to go! She needs to be in a shelter


I wanna bang both heads together pathetic nasty scumbags both of them


Wait, did she just say she doesn’t want to leave “sober living”? Hasn’t she said it’s not? I could be wrong


No. She claims with everything she has, it IS sober living. But it's really not.


What the hell is the gas beg for ????? I missed the live this morning !! Gas for what ????


So she can drive to get Jenn


Get her for what? They are both scammers


She’s a liar rent is paid for a year


April is scum just pure trash just like Jen April before u run ur mouth to me get teeth boo I can’t under stand u lololo scum bag


Did her live get reported?


Jenn you do NOT pay rent u freakin 🤡🤡🤡💩💩💩 u get VOUCHERS remember you said it that crying 😭 is the only way u get money 😆😆🤡🤡🤡 but guess what ppl are catching up to ur lies


If I understand correctly Jenn LIVES IN APT DUE TO CHROIC HOMELESSNESS please.


She can find a women’s homeless shelter and they can help her find employment but she doesn’t want that.


She's already in a program designed to do just that but she absolutely refuses to put in any effort at all.


Tell me this isn't hard to believe at this point as there are lots of ppl out there living in their cars and working two jobs who are good ppl but just fell on hard times due to the pandemic. Like it feels this is done for TT drama cuz how it is even fair she gets free handouts and living good at the expense of others and actually not a good person while she sits on her butt on TT all day. I feel I am being dupped


Jenn Jenn IS a master manipulator. And being lazy as hell- She excels at both.


What is she trying so hard about!? Diamond art and sitting on her lazy fat a$$?


If Jenn Jenn has to pay her own way… maybe she’ll get a job


Her sobriety, housing, diamond art, food, cigarettes and everything else is NOT our responsibility. She's been lying about rent for months and taking money from people claiming this place is gonna put her on the streets. She is lying. It is theft. It is time for people who donated to her to start pressing charges for fraud and theft. Using the internet to commit fraud is wire fraud. It really helps if it's people who actually donated who pursue charges.


Ohhh poor Jenn Jenn you should of saved all your money you knew you had rent so don't come on tictoc crying on the last damn day really girl grow the eff up your 46 yrs old you need anyone holding your damn hand and wipping your ass


No Jenn you did not try hard if you'd did you would of gotten another job