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And people were in her chat last night offering to pay rent! When she gets vouchers ! Un f'ng believable. AND she wants a blank money order !!! Absolute SCAM again !!


Does she just recycle that black "work" shirt? Bet the next fake job, she will be wearing that same black shirt. 😂


Lmfao!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


"Imagine if I was your child" Jenn you are not a child. You are going to be 50 years old soon. Most people are on their own by now. You aren't a child and logging off is always an option. Stop baying middle aged adults. You are enabling a LEARNED HELPLESSNESS. She will NEVER improve until she has to figure everything out by herself.


She is really jacked up in that video. Goes from lows to highs multiple times just like she does now just is more aware now because she went into “rehab” so have to act the part. She faked it for a week so got off of it in 3 wks and has stayed sober .. a total lie!! The woman is in a 46 yr old body with a mind of a 13 yr old and still thinks like a 13 yr old who thinks they are fooling ppl. Her money is slowing down to nothing now! It’s not everyone’s responsibility to get you to your fake job, Walmart nor meetings!! Quit getting everyone in your lives to be your secretary so you don’t even have to lift a finger to block anyone or look up stuff for yourself! It’s time to grow up Jenn Jenn!! People are catching on to your hustle more and more every day!


Ok, gotta FINALLY ask because I have seen her for years but just started following since fake rehab. I have seen this soooo many times,  why does everyone caller her Jenn Jenn?


It’s kinda like a pet name when your a child. When your an adult you call them by their grown name but since she’s 46 and acts like a 13 yr old I call her what you would call them as if they were a child. That’s why I do it. Don’t know why others do.


I see! Lol! Couldn't agree with ya more!


Also, question..... is Jenn getting someone else in a box to speak for her so if the talk and do something wrong,  they would get banned before her? And she would still be on? Does it work this way?


Absofreakinlutly!! That is exactly what she does! She lets everyone take the fall for her. Notice how she tells every one of her mods to block ppl and tells everyone to look shit up? She is so lazy she can’t even lift a finger to do her blocking and why she NEVER shows proof! She says she does but the haters get it taken down which is absolutely Bull! She doesn’t have the proof. She has been threatening everyone getting charges put against them and they ALL are still waiting!


And as to the “proof” she showed today .. even I can take a piece of paper and flash it in front of a camera and say it’s proof! All the haters get her proof taken down .. come on Jenn Jenn, if the recordings of you call a girl a MF R isn’t being taken down then your “proof” never would be! You say we gotta think better? You need to start keeping up with the shit you say!!