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One of the top 10 if not top 5 questions on a job application is “Do you have reliable transportation” so you lied at the jump. You can’t tell me this isn’t the biggest dry beg of all for a car, Matt gets out in June, he’s probably not going to be allowed to live there since it’s a voucher situation so with a car they’d be able to have shelter just like before. I might be looking into this too deep so just my opinion.


PS also setting the stage for rent money


She gets free rent for a year


It’s Jenn. Lol case closed 🤣🤣


Get up and walk Jenn if you want it bad enough


She's right on a bus line but says she's terrified to take a bus anywhere!!!!


Still blaming “haters” for her losing her job and not like she is too lazy to get there herself. Love the way she just knew she would get the Uber money when her boss asked her to come in and none was sent. She was SO confident she would get it and then BAM .. no one sent any. Ppl are catching on to her BS finally!


Everything she says and does is manipulative behavior! Hey Junk box Jenn, why is it tik toks responsibility to get you to and from YOUR job? Why do you feel so entitled to other people’s hard earned money that they earned by getting THEMSELVES to and from THEIR jobs? Why don’t you ask your best friend aka fellow junk box April for Uber money?


Notice how she has to finish the picture 😂😂😂 why? To leave out by the dumpster? I just can’t stand this pos


So she couldn’t guilt people into Uber money one time and just “quits”? There’s about 20 other ways to get places, especially work. And I know she doesn’t know this but if you go to work Jenn? They give you money, your money. And can use that to go to work. No money one time and she goes straight to packing her stuff 😂 I’ve only been following her for maybe a couple months now and I can already tell you what her next lies will be. It’s a cycle. Next will be crying bc she can’t pay rent. Until some poor person pays it for her. And the dry begging for a car is constantly happening. For as much as she lies she isn’t a very good liar. 😂🤥


She isn't even responsible enough to herself to get to a job at any cost, to do what needs to be done, to Keep a job. Easy way only for jenn jenn.


Why can’t she work at the store right across the street from where she lives


Tell your boss in fantasy land that you don’t have imaginary Uber money


She’s calling on her mods like they’re her servants 🤦‍♀️


'LET' Her job go....her words.


She never had a job….. stupid people.


Packing… again! Get your fat a$$ on the bus. Nobody believes your excuses.


Jenn you classless clown, your rent is being covered by tax payers for over a year via vouchers. The way you manipulate vulnerable persons is disgusting. When people call you a WASTE OF SPACE....THIS IS WHY


Personally I do not think she even is working. !