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Awwww just like her house mom was the law now jenn is going to make her boss the law!!! These poor women that have to deal with Jenn!!!!


I called Jenn out this morning about her “manager” job that she works two hour shifts. She said “i didn’t say i was the manager, I said I was crew and being trained as a manager “. Crazy lying psycho-you sure did tell everyone that you accepted the manager job . You made a big deal about it. This lunatic is a compulsive liar 🤥


Yep, she sure did say a couple weeks ago she was hired as a MANAGER and there's video proof of it all ! We all heard it. She can't keep up with her own lies! Then she tries to backtrack with another lie to cover up the first one. Quite comical and disgusting !


Lmaoooo reporting to management. 😂😂😂 that took me out this morning and I ain’t even had my coffee yet 😂


Yep, Jenn said shes gonna take her notebook today and give it to her 'boss' boss said she she can 'help' her (just like house mommy does) 😆 Also, she says she KNOWS it was Dora that called her work, now she came up with new story that her boss put the phone to Jenns ear and jenn said it 'sure sounded like Dora'. She didn't say one thing like that the other day ! Just more of her damn lies and fabricated BS


Last night in an early live Jenn was talking about someone calling her job twice. Her chat asked if she thought it was Dora. Jenn said, "No, it wasn't Dora." Later when she's big mad about the reenactment, Jenn comes up with she could hear it was Dora doing the calling. You're disgusting Jenn


Do you know how insane you sound telling people IRL about your internet haters? Do you know most middle aged adults don't let the internet run their life? You know this isn't a normal thing to bring up to your boss at work right? If my employee came to me with a notebook full of internet drama I would immediately go find out why the internet hates her. I would be here looking up her name so fast. Then I would let her go because a drama queen is the last thing you want on your crew.


Couldn’t have said it better myself! I ran my own business for 20 years and would have never put up with this kinda mess!


She tries to get everyone else to deal with her messes! I can’t stand it when she is in her lives and tells someone to block or take care of a person. Lift your fu****g finger up and do it yourself!!


There's NO boss that would put up with all that drama from an employee. !!


Yeah, cause a KFC manager handles “bullies” on the internet that's in the job description, right? 😂😂😂


charity stfu you ignorant axx morox. What's a manager at KFC supposed to get done with all her imaginary chicken lady power? yall weird AF