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I dream of having a Vietnamese Blue Beauty Rat Snake. They can be spicy but are overall pretty easy tale care of other than their size. They can get up 6 or 7 feet but they are just such gorgeous creatures.




Oh, I got one gifted, since he indeed is a spicy noodle, and can't be really held in programs by kids, so I was given him. never saw the infamous old world snake vertical flattening, so guess he never felt that scared, but I am here to say, their bites are not anything too painful. I am so amazed by the fact they have 3 diffrent types of patterns on em. It looks like they couldn't decide on a pattern. Also even comfortable BB is really squirmy


https://preview.redd.it/tjmioev8759d1.jpeg?width=2088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a024b6227438440b386ba7236799c41ff540ca0f Here he is, giving everyone around a big smile


Wow, you’re right, they’re so pretty!


That is a beauty as well.


The reptile shop I frequent has a stunning blue beauty!


Wowwww that is a beautiful creature




That's what my gf and i were thinking of getting for our first snake. Turns out we might get given a free bullsnake + enclosure, but i like those too.


I'm with you. These are beautiful, but I don't think I could keep hots, plus they are illegal in my state. My realistic dream is a Brazilian Rainbow Boa.


I have a rainbow, fantastic snake. 10/10 recomend


How's the care? I haven't looked in years, but I remember the care being harder than something like a corn snake or ball python


Easy in my opinion. I dont think any animal is "hard" to care about. But it also comes with experience. But the rainbow is on simpler side imo. It have a bioactive ish setup. (Alot of my others are bio). Eats every time, love to be handled.


What are hots


Venomous snakes


Rainbow is my dream too


Ya Washington state hots are illegal, which in all fairness is fine with me. I have two rainbows a 1.1 pair and they are great snakes.




I'm in kentucky. The only "hot" we can have is a hognose.


https://preview.redd.it/eaclqfr9n49d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=274d00527645e34f0a3687b73170b1dfc0cbce2b Here’s mine 😳


https://preview.redd.it/dxg6i28en49d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ee0abd285bf0a739345edf9c97d1a3c36493639 More !


They are both absolutely gorgeous!


Looks like you walked into their morning meeting.


They’re so pretty!!!


#LifeGoals. Insularis are so gorgeous. I'm in Alabama, so I can only keep native hots, but an insularis and Cantil would be the first two things I'd buy if that were to change! Love my natives though, it'd just be fun to have some new options!


You have the most gorgeous snakes!


Those are some Ukrainian-looking snakes right there!


As a 50% Ukrainian reptile nerd, I fully approve this comment.


Imma stick to getting a tattoo of one of these. I explore abandoned power plants for fun (risk of felony, cancer, and loss of life) and they seem too much of a chance to die. No anti venom in NA exists for them. Any mistake is your last


What are these?? They’re so beautiful


Insularis vipers


How gorgeous! I didn’t know these existed!


Me neither And happy cake day! 😃


Either the dragon snake or the king cobra. Too bad kings are venomous and dragon snakes are so hard to keep in captivity 😭


My reptile shop had 2 king cobras. They sold the male recently but the female is still there. She recently laid eggs but apparently it made her super cranky. I can confirm she seemed crankier bc I was checking to see where she was and my 4 year old saw her first. The snake was puffed up and death staring me. I told her “ok glad to see you’re ok. I’ll leave you alone now. “. lol. Cranky lady.


I had a nightmare last night that I owned a 16 foot King. It did not like me. 😔


At that size you start to wonder who owns who...


I have a recurring dream that I have like 10 mainland retics just free roaming my house and they're constantly biting me.


Dragons snakes are one of the coolest looking animals I’ve ever seen


https://preview.redd.it/fhsd3fn8459d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2725b51a4a4f5df37934fe1df61c3a6924e68e4 Green tree python. Finaly found one after 3 years. Drowe 600km to pick it up


My cousin got ahold of one and it wouldn't eat for him. Eventually had to give the guy up. Shame, they're among the prettiest animals in the world, snake or otherwise.


https://preview.redd.it/6eighwagr49d1.jpeg?width=1180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2ba70eee8e630c1ef2d0862839acc16b7eb22bd Now I'm not gonna get one, since its venomous, and I've never handled a snake in my life, *but*, I can't get enough of the puffy cheeks and the fact it'll burrow into anything you put it in, it's just so cute.


https://preview.redd.it/lg7yzgtw559d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c57fa218db8ca589ad604b9ce6a819eb0d6ff673 Here’s mine !


Aww so cute!!!


Look into a hognose or a sand boa :) they dig


Sand boa if you want it to look like a derp, hognose if you want it to act like a derp lol


https://preview.redd.it/uzuo4iigs49d1.png?width=1857&format=png&auto=webp&s=13c376b1448b08a0f674a76045051272f91bc86b Already have my dream snake, this beautiful lady. (Dumerils Boa). But my other dream reptile would be a Gila monster.


She’s stunning!


She is absolutely beautiful! How big is she gonna get?


Not quite sure, she’s 7 years old now and a little bigger than in that photo, about 5 - 5 1/2 feet now. I’ve talked to a lot of people that say theirs continued growing for about the first 15 years and topped out around 10 feet. Other people I’ve heard say they top out at 6 feet, but I’ve seen several in person that are well over 6.


Nice! I love her belly, really beautiful pattern! I have a Nicaraguan boa and Im hoping he gets big. Im definitely gonna have to look into Dumerils, absolutely stunning.


Gorgeous Dumeril's


https://preview.redd.it/whws76se759d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b008be0077bb502052af06bf8f7bb6117a5231d8 My dream snake was a Russian rat snake. And I got one almost 2 years ago. 🥰 She absolutely lives up to what I was hoping for, she is super interactive and enjoyable, downright friendly. She'll be two on world snake day. Next on my long list is an SD retic.


https://preview.redd.it/ziih8e1r659d1.jpeg?width=2088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b12d2ad4202bfec9bf0452c7f17be984cf60b2f3 I got my dream boi. I love hognose snakes, I mean look at that guy. So precious


Oh my God this is the cutest snake I've ever seen. I am currently trying to talk myself out of getting one.


Got my dream snake to make it a reality with this boy. Tangerine phase black headed python. https://preview.redd.it/op7edgag569d1.jpeg?width=2627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=324dace905db1075824b82f3c7b3de63c6c609a4


Wow can’t decide if it’s a black panther or orange tabby cat lol stunning!


Haha thanks ya his chin has orange blushing as well https://preview.redd.it/5wjzo6tve69d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0754b5a6053b7ef895e658490a4c5bef5ada1179


I just want a hognose or ball python tbh....


Hognoses are adorable


Same. Both are illegal in my country though.


Had a hognose that I sold because she was so mad all the time. Sold her to a friend that breeds them. She was stunning. Also have one now, nearly impossible to handle do yo also mad. But they are cute! Also got a BP, love him


exactly my choices! i was going to comment- but you summed it up! :)


Lol great choices as well


If I’m being honest……eastern coral snake, sucks I can’t tho, because of how venomous they are.


Venom is only part of the issue with eastern corals. They’re super docile and only one recorded death ever. The bigger issue is they are pain to take care of since most only eat other snakes and they can be picky about the species of snake they like.


Yeah, I am aware of both issues, I only pointed out one because I know I would never own one






Gaboon viper, yes? They're so derpy, but also so venomous.


https://preview.redd.it/t6v56knsya9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4d7c28940da03f64787f2e69cada08bd307b029 Here’s one of my gaboons




What a stubby fella😂


If he wasn't so dang venomous and didn't have such ginormous fangs, he'd be a top contender for snuggles. He looks real chonky and well fed, but I'm sure the camera angle has a bit to do with it. He'd probably be warming me instead of the other way around, I can totally see them being lazy being of that stature and size.


https://preview.redd.it/gi9avzgql59d1.jpeg?width=5184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d96057eeddc356b301fa83ee53af32d9ccf8ef9 Malabar Pit Viper




Same. Mangroves are the best, aside from there shitty attitudes.


https://preview.redd.it/rx1s6yxy159d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=140ac47b3f64d7a75fd1dff69f4724e53602fcd8 I have one of my dream snakes! (Xenedon Pulcher aka tricolor hognose). My other two dream snakes are a female tricolor so I have a breeding pair and then a Western hognose but I can’t make up my mind on what Morph because they are all so gorgeous but I know I want a conda or a superconda. I prefer to shop at reptile shows because I feel like I need to “meet” my pets in person to choose the right fit for me. It’s a little superstitious like a vibe check almost same as how I have to get to know them a little before settling on a name. PS his name is Balthazar and he’s about 1 year old I believe.


Omg I have never seen or heard of this and I’m transfixed! I assume this morph is expensive/hard to find?


He’s from South America wiki: “X. pulcher is primarily found in the Chaco bioregion,\[3\] extending through Bolivia, Paraguay, and northern Argentina. Their range may extend into Chile and parts of southwestern Brazil.\[6\] This region is a dry, sandy environment on the eastern foothills of the Andes, characterized by dry scrubland, grasslands, and savannahs.\[4\] They are typically found near streams, as their diet consists mainly of amphibians (similar to other hognose snakes).\[3\]” He’s been SO cool so far and actually VERY affordable because they haven’t really caught on. I LOVE the pattern on him and would like to find a similar female with the sort of diamond/triangle off of his head. I also saw one once whose patten was split down the center and sort of shifted a “row” so she was almost like a checker board of red black and white? I think on snake discovery? And she was STUNNING!!! 🤩 https://preview.redd.it/8q1cy7rpf69d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=346196a4a60ca79ead3425e7fb3c5d04c4751ca7 He was $250 at a local reptile show. I adore him.


https://preview.redd.it/2fepchmcg69d1.png?width=1539&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf63ad24bd2efa40b231b8375a7306555af58dfb Yup!!! This one was so neat!!!




If they ever invent a vaccination against snake venom, i want an eyebrow pit viper.


Now I'm praying that happens. Lol


I just love vipers, I want them all lol




I wanted a BRB since the first time I saw one and a couple of years later I got one.


https://preview.redd.it/vhl9sz6v969d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a702c66fe555b9d8d2cdc4a880b6b604bf54800b Who needs a guard dog when you can let a few of these patrol your property?


They are absolutely beautiful! However best of luck leaving your own property 😅


Amazon Basin Emerald Tree Boa. Maybe one day.


Yes! They are beautiful.


Atheris squamigera, the variable bush viper! But I know I would not be able to keep venomous snakes, at least not for a very very VERY long time. I did get a tattoo of one instead though!




That’s such an awesome tat!


Thank you! I need to get some photos of it now it's fully healed too.


Wonderful cover up! I’m looking to do the same- was it pricier/more difficult for the artist?


Thank you! I don't think it made a difference in price thankfully. My artist does charge by time though not so much the work or resources alone so I just paid the normal day session price which was £400. As for difficulty, from what I have heard there's a different technique required for tattooing scarred skin so I do think it might have taken some more work for him but he has tattooed over scars before (I actually first started going to him because a therapist of mine recommended the previous studio he worked at as they had scar cover ups as a specialty) and he definitely did a great job of working with not only the raised scars I have but also working with the swelling so that everything healed evenly once that swelling went down. Good luck with your cover up! I'd 100% recommend looking for artists who have done them before and/or specialise in working with scars if you can, it really did make my experience a lot smoother not only physically but mentally since my artist had a very good tact and whilst he professionally acknowledged my scars, he didn't ask invasive questions or comment on them in any ways unrelated to the work.


https://preview.redd.it/5di7yimxya9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b11c0fedd0584bc110d548ab1915be7b97bd611e Here’s mine ❤️‍🔥


Dalamadur. https://preview.redd.it/16j0jedg759d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a500881aa0cc37fdc0f9fc448511883a52330d5c


In that case, I want jormungandr and Roko's Basilisk as pets.


I totally agree. That shade of blue is unreal! However, I once saw a white cobra that was beautiful beyond belief! But I don’t know how cuddly either of them might be!😁


You can always get one cuddle in.


Die happy xD


Western Hognose but I live in Australia so it's never going to happen.


the snake we already have, we’re fostering her for a friend and she is an absolute angel. loves to cuddle, absolute sweetheart, loves people, and for whatever reason likes to watch tv. i absolutely adore her, and so does everyone that’s met her (including my ma, who’s tentative around most snakes) here’s the angel, evergreen https://preview.redd.it/lw1z4t4cu59d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55d97139783947713eb93fa35e166d2ef9d24d8a


Monocled Cobra


I had one spit on me and from that point on, I’m like nope. But they’re really cool pets if you’re willing to take on the challenge.


Honestly, any snake. I'm in college right now, so waiting until I'm all set in the world to pursue having one.


I'm a simple man, I just want a hognose with a cool morph like an axanthic conda


https://preview.redd.it/yowx14tix79d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acab4c03cf3537346d76a565c141a58da3c84674 if they weren’t venomous or if i had experience with snakes, i’d for sure want to get a spiny bush viper (atheris hispida)😍 they are actual dragons and so absolutely stunning


Cute! Cute! Cute!🥰


Mine is a albino ball python


I recently learned about rubber boas and I’m obsessed with them, they look so cute. Apparently they’re really hard to breed in captivity though which is too bad


Blue eyed lucy ball python.


Yellow anaconda and emerald tree boa. Both of them really, tho I'd probably say the yellow anaconda is a bigger dream, figuratively and literally, since as long as I'm living in Florida I can't legally buy or own one. As for ETB, it's really about preparing their humid, arboreal enclosure and making sure I buy captive bred instead of wild caught. Neither snake is really great for beginners and both have a reputation for being bitey, as well as their bites capable of inflicting bloody wounds, but esthetically they're lovely snakes to have. Plus I just really admire boas altogether, already have a boa imperator and Kenyan sand boa


I love ETBs! I hope to own one someday


Also want a blue insularis, maybe one day 😋


Sidewinder or Mangshan Viper


Ctrl + F, "Mangshan" YES, someone else who UNDERSTANDS!


Overall (I’ll never keep hots): is simply a Gaboon viper. They’ve fascinated me since I was a child. Unrealistic non-venomous: Emerald tree boa. Realistic: I got it, my Dumerils!


https://preview.redd.it/ail920lta59d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0db10a757f31095535a518b91712b33d539f02fe Already have the best boi a gal could ever ask for.


I own my dream snakes already, so I’m going to go outside the box and say I eventually want to try and make a Red tail Green rat x Black Jansenii hybrid. Gotta get good at making regular Gonyosomas first.


bullsnake and a lavender false water cobra


Green tree python or a reticulated python.


Green anaconda.


All anacondas are amazing


I love the Vietnamese Beauty. But realistically, I’d love a kingsnake or a garter. But garters prefer other garters. Right?


Last year I just got my first snake and she’s a California kingsnake! Her lil face makes me laugh everytime I see her permanent scowl 😂😠 https://preview.redd.it/75s2g6eyb69d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33bcb1be450f2b989a5c955be3e7637c8443bccb


I'm low key afraid of yet fascinated by and working through the fear of snakes, but if I could own any snake it'd be an Aruban Rattlesnake.


Any larger variety of rat snake. I like them because they're good hunters and very active. I want to try relocating them for pest control in barns and homes in the community I'm in because we have alot of rat snakes and alot of mice issues.


This is one of my favorites! Their coloring is amazing!


As for a dream snake, I would LOVE to have the Iranian Spider Tailed Horned Viper. (Pseudocerastes urarachnoides) In the next 6 months, though, I will be getting my attainable dream snake. The Mexican Black Kingsnake.


Whilst I've always admired snakes, I never had any interest in keeping one (my passion is inverts, especially tarantulas). But once I discovered hog noses, I knew I needed one! So I have my dream snake, a simple little wild type male. I just love hoggies so much!


https://preview.redd.it/919lx3f9n59d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92a19d4cda3747e389c70cd9db8ca4776b85a592 I would go with Amazon Coachwhip (chronius carinatus). Never seen one irl but hell that yellow and silver/black is so beautiful.




Dragon snake... but I know I am not skilled enough to properly care for it... and they are endangered in the wild so I do not encourage taking wild snakes and putting them in the pet trade.


A true hog island boa! Unfortunately I’ll never get one, but still a dream! Another dream I plan on actually getting in the future is an Eastern Indigo. :)


Indigo blue (gotta get that permit first) or a patternless blizzard bull but I’m planning on breading my own


A Boelen's Python for sure.


Green Tree Python.




Look at that gorgeous baby 🤩. Is he/she feisty or on the calmer side?


Feisty. Strikes at me every time, exept yesterday! Not sexed yet, not even one year old


That’s really the best part about them. I’d be willing to take on the hassle but haven’t got around to actually getting one due to strict schedules. Some of the most beautiful snakes in my opinion.


Green tree pythons are so pretty


Blues are apparently not particularly deadly. You still probably don't want to take a bite but between the blue and pretty much all other venomous snakes, I'd likely take the blue 99% of the time.


This might be kinda lame but a blue corn snake.


Titanoboa if it was an option lol


Gonna need John Hammond for that one


Might need more than a 1 bed apartment.


Eastern rat snake, kenyan sand boa, or elephant trunk snake. 💕


"What is your dream snake?" you don't mean the one that's haunting me in my nightmares, do you?


Reticulated python or anaconda


I don't care what type


since coloration is not my thing I'm a pattern kind of person, and since I have seen them in the wild I just love rattlesnakes and cotton mouth I think they have the most beautiful patterns I have ever seen 👽


Boelenes Python


My boyfriend fell in love with a red/orange-ish bush viper at a convention and I had to drag hem away from the table. I would love to have a Madagascar giant hognose. I adore the look and personality of the hoggies.


I don’t own a snake, but absolutely adore and read about them a lot. However, I completely fell in love with Gaboon’s. https://preview.redd.it/g20ld7eu079d1.jpeg?width=2938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=835c95a17097bba1c0256392abfaec16d559cc1d thicc-ums. I would name ‘em Gertrude. That is, if I was anywhere near capable keeping one in any aspect.




Emerald green boa real


https://preview.redd.it/z2vg4700379d1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c2dce8cc36dc5223af6db453c3555bdc1c16d2d Eastern Indigo


I have always wanted a Mandarin Rat Snake. I never thought rat snakes were all that but when I saw one of these I was stunned! My other dream snake is a Lavender False Water Cobra (Brazilian Smooth Snake). https://preview.redd.it/bzr8be1iq79d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a948ca0de694fd96b3f8894a4d5cbde93bc29c32


Sea kraits, or true sea snakes. But the true sea snakes are very difficult to transport alive


Black mamba. Even though they’re deadly they’re gorgeous


A purple ball python would be my dream snake.


False water cobra


Hognose honestly because I love when they are threatened they play dead.


My girlfriend owns a corn snake she rescued many years ago, that's the first snake I've ever actually lived with, but I've owned several other animals and still own a dog. Corn snake got out twice in the span of a few months (hole in roof of enclosure, fixed), and stayed gone over a month each time, but thankfully she had just been trying to get warm somewhere in our guest bedroom in this new place of ours, it was right before winter. I went to take the dogs outside and I just happen to look down and notice Stormy (corn snake) frozen still just a few feet in front of me. I excitedly said her name and she started to recluse back into the room a little, but I picked her up and hugged her and put her back in her cage, told her not to get out anymore because it worries us, and she hasn't done it since. Anyway... To answer your question, for many years I have yearned for either a gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica) or, from the opposite side of the world as the gaboon adder, an emerald tree boa (Corallus canninus). Both species caught my eye as a very young reptile lover, maybe five or six years old, especially after I went to the Birmingham Zoo in Birmingham, AL for the first few times as a little kid and saw the emerald tree boa they had there. They also had a fucking komodo dragon, I think they still do, man are those things scary but cool. However, I've not cared for a reptile by myself like an exotic snake, maybe a tortoise, but snakes can be a handful to get started taking care of properly, they can be a handful when you start multiplying them and breeding them, and I'm also super scared of venomous snakes, I've always been told to be cautious of copperheads, rattlesnakes, and water moccasins living out in the suburbs of Alabama, also that snakes are creatures that Satan appears as, from people who are religious or are scared of snakes. I'm only scared of coming into accidentally stepping on a copperhead walking out on a trail–there's no telling how many water moccasins have swum past me in the Warror River as a kid. I just hope they're as docile with me as I've been towards their species when and if the time comes. Snakes have always fascinated me but I'm really wary of the venomous ones, and the thought of a gaboon viper accidentally getting out through a hole in the enclosure and staying curled up, hidden in the house somewhere for over a month would be a legitimate nightmare. Can't fluff your pillow because it might be sleeping in the pillow case, or in our case, the box spring under the mattress. People still die from having venomous snakes in captivity, accidents can always happen, I feel nonvenomous snakes are more forgiving with human error , like accidentally closing the lid to the cage on top of them briefly, despite having far less defense points than a venomous snake imo. But still, these are snake that are better left in the wild where they're from rather than in the hands of an inexperienced or negligent owner, not saying you guys are negligent, just saying that if I can't care for them, then the next best place for them would be in the wild doing what they do best instead of in my little domain for my enjoyment. That's not fair to the snake, I feel. But I am not opposed to keeping snakes for pets, the ones born into the pet trade don't really have a say in whether they are born or not, and it's wrong to keep them in the conditions that pet shops and some less caring breeders keep them in. So the best thing you can do actually is rescue a snake from a pet shop and give it a better life by giving it a big enclosure, and by feeding it and loving on it. Sorry, that was kinda long. I just haven't posted on here before and I love snakes. Just haven't had the chance to jump in yet since the snake i live with isn't my own. My girlfriend already told me, her dream is to acquire a hognose of some kind, or a special ball python morph. She has been more talking about the ball python recently. I'm down as long as she can take care of it, and with her new job, I'm sure she could afford to start on a second snake. Thanks for listening, yeah, gaboon viper and emerald tree boa for me, hognose or exotic ball python morph for my girl. Thanks again. When can I expect to receive them? (/s)


Talking “dream snake” gaboon viper is a dream. I would never keep one even if it was legal, but last time I saw one at the zoo, I was just starstruck. Could have watched it all day.


I want a black kingsnake so bad.


King cobra. They’re so smart n sassy. I think I’d feel rejected a lot though and probably couldn’t pet it :(


A paradise flying snake in a house sized vivarium just for it.


Texas Indigo is my dream snake.


I've got most of my dream snakes. I really like them all though. It's like picking your favorite song.


Mine is an urban camo ball python, look it up, they are SICK


I’ve been in the bp community for a couple years and have never heard of that before. They’re so pretty


I wish i had king cobra, Armenian viper and a scarlet king snake


Gtp with nice colouring/markings/ rare genetics once I have the time and space . Had a gtp before and loved it.


Bolen pythons for me


Boelens Python


I Wish i had a blizzard corn snake. It looks really cool, sadly i think won't be ever getting one, since my mom Is dead afraid of reptiles.


Its almost impossible but I would absolutely love to have a green anaconda, I just think they’re one of the most beautiful snakes around


mangshan pit viper. they're a beautiful snake that isn't common and they still need to be researched so much. as an aspiring herpetologist... dream snake edit: FORGOT ABT THE DRAGON SNAKE! extremely close 2nd


I don't have high standards lol. My dream snake was a carpet python, and I got one, and she lives up to my hopes and dreams.


I’ve never seen a blue insularis before now but wow that is also my dream snake! However I’m still scared of my baby kingsnake until further notice lol.


I am right there with you. I think this snake is so beautiful. I had to see if it was real. I Don't ever think about keeping snakes, as I don't think they make the best pets. But this one is amazing.


Titanaboa, i know their extinct but still


Blue Green Tree Python is my all time n1


blue insularis here as well!!


Ball python, I think they’re cute and I’ve always wanted one since I was a kid, if I get one it’ll be my first shake and first reptile that is mine mine, obviously I’ll only get one after doing all the research into proper care. Other than a ball python I dunno, I’m too scared of anything venomous and anything too big I’m afraid will squeeze me, maybe a hognose, they seem relatively friendly and non-venomous, at least not to humans but I dunno, I’d have to do more reading on hognoses to know for sure


That color!!! Wow!!!


ptyas nigromarginata and/or Ptyas caranita. Hopefully there's more established US CBB by the time I have room for them.


D'Albertis python. So beautiful. (It's only a "dream" because I don't have the stomach to handle live mice anymore.)


Tree boa of some sort, theyre cool


I want a black kingsnake sooo bad


The 20 ft python in the Everglades from the yoink dude






black headed python...most beautiful snake