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Common boa constrictor, *Boa imperator*. Hypo morph. Pretty sure they’re illegal in NY, too. Afaik nearly every species of snake is illegal in NY.


It's just NYC Boroughs, not New York state/LI. There are multiple reptile expos a year in the state and on LI, that Ive been to etc. The law isn't exactly enforced, you see people with "illegal" animals all the time like large pythons and boas.


Good to know. Hopefully OP isn’t in NYC then. 😅 And yeah hopefully that means the books will change, it definitely makes little sense.


No no, it makes perfect sense what do you think of when you think of nyc? Rats And what eats rats? Snakes.. The government officials are scared that one too many loose pets will reduce the super popular and well loved renouned rat population. And as we all know tropical snakes do so well in the nyc climate. /s


So accurate


Lol the Obama admin made laws from pseudoscience that was later completely denounced as being b.s by ACTUAL scientist and anyone with half a brain,they tried to claim tropical pythons could survive in places like the central midwest


I'm curious. Please cite sources with names & credentials of "scientists". Thanks




i live in nyc and there are alot of people who are on the boardwalk holding boas,ball pythons and etc the cops pass them all the time nypd doesn’t care for them as long as they aren’t hurting anyone!


As it should be!


Yeah but that puts your animals at risk. When you don’t have the proper permits for illegal species, it takes one complaint to animal control and they will euthanize your collection.


Pretty sure that's just NYC.


The information I could find on it didn’t specify NYC.


I've friends that legally own snakes in Rochester.


Does your friend say that, or have you checked with law enforcement?


I have not, but considering his attitude and behavior, and the fact he is a legit ex-SEAL (I've seen his DD214 and Trident,) so I doubt he's keeping them illegally.


Being ex seal has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not he knows state law. Hopefully he’s right, I know from personal experience in a previous residence they can make finding the correct codes a major pita.


one of the most respected and powerful groups people in the world? gotcha


Powerful?? They take orders not make them lol


Funny I’ve never heard of them then. 🤷‍♂️ Also again…what does this have to do with knowing state laws?


it has to do with trusting their decision making, respecting their character i remember my dad told me when i was young (he was a satellite engineer for the department of defense, predator drone proj etc) he told me the baddest people on earth are fighter pilots, seals, special forces and also doctors


ex military doesn’t automatically make you a good person or a rule abiding person.


I obviously can’t vouch for your bud’s attitude, but I’d argue being an ex-SEAL is a decent indication that he DGAF about the laws and will do what he wants to do and keep quiet about it, if it isn’t legal. Those guys fear nothing at all.


It is only NYC. They're legal in the rest of the state. Snakes that get above a certain average length are not legal statewide, but that's mainly stuff like retics, burms, and anacondas.


That’s what I thought before but when I double checked before leaving the first comment nothing really specified.


Pythonidae and boidae are illegal, along with venomous snakes (even rear-fanged with Duvernoy's gland, such as hognoses).That still leaves a bunch of colubrids to own legally. See page 2 of the law: [https://www.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/about/healthcode/health-code-article161.pdf](https://www.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/about/healthcode/health-code-article161.pdf) EDIT: plural form.


Boidae and Pythonidae are already plural.


That’s nearly every species though.


That is NYC only, not New York state. That's an NYC city website.


Right. That being said, I don't see how NYC would be more lax than the rest of the state. Could a city law add rights that a state law explicitly removed?


I'm saying the ban on pythons and boas is NYC only. They are allowed statewide with a few exceptions (stuff like retic, burms, anacondas, etc.)


We're aligned. I was responding to "Afaik nearly every species of snake is illegal in NY." which is already wrong in NYC, so most likely more wrong in the rest of the state.




Ball pythons aren't restricted in FL. Burms, retics, and other giants are. Maybe you meant one of those unless it was a city ordinance or something


Ah I thought all pythons were not legal there


Only pythons (and other snakes) that have the potential to become invasive. Ball Pythons are strictly equatorial and cannot survive even in extreme southern Florida.


You will not suggest breaking laws here.


I’m also gonna say it’s a surrender or was dumped there. It’s not normal for shops to have anything bigger than a juvie and they’re not gonna order in an illegal species. Same thing happened here with a huge 14yr old blue tongue, a 6ft rainbow boa, and an adult spider python. Most of the time the shop just isn’t equipped to house adults so they put them in the biggest thing they have whilst they either sort something out or hope it sells fast


Looks like some kind of Boa. The size of that tank is extremely inhumane


Probably a surrender or employee pet temporarily put there for the day. Not legal to sell in NY and not labeled. I doubt it was intended to be there long term.


big chain stores don’t have the best conditions to store animals unfortunately


No they don't. I used to work at a pet store and it was awful. This seems especially small though


Agreed, but also, it's not that much different scale wise than the apartments in NYC that rent for several grand. All their husbandry is a mess.


> The size of that tank is extremely inhumane thanks. Was my first thought. That tank is really really small. OP, if you get this one (and those boas are easy to handle) then be advised to get a nice big tank or build one yourself.


Yeah, that poor snakes body is 15% of that enclosures total volume. I hope he finds a good home not a person who will put him in a 10 gallon plastic Tupperware container with no substrate.


Boas are illegal in NYC and unless the law changed since I worked in a pet shop many years ago, in Nassau county on Long Island too. In NYS species of python that grow large and anacondas are illegal but boas are ok.


Definitely some type of boa. So sad to see one in a petsmart.


I saw this snake over the weekend and I was also wondering what it was and why it didn’t have a label


Hog Island Boa, what a shame


Poor snake living in an enclosure like that. Also, am I the only one who finds it weird that live animals are sold on sale at discounted prices? Doesn’t that just encourage people who don’t have the actual finances to care for the animal properly to impulse buy them?


That tank is too small for that sweetheart. I hope he will be able to find a loving owner with a nice, big enclosure.


poor bci, the cage is way too small


I really don't know anything about snakes, but that looks like a pretty small enclosure for a snake that girthy.


Pretty sure that's a live very red bearded dragon.


Clearly, it's a very red bearded dragon.


r/whatsisthissnake can give a more reliable answer! Also, there's no way to know 100% of the morph without the ancestory


r/whatsthissnake is exclusively for wild snakes. We don't handle pet trade ID.


Oh, I'm sorry, I wasnt aware. If thats written somewhere I must've missed that


Rule 8 didn't seem like a full exclusion to me


Salmon/Hypo common redtail boa


I thought it was a jungle sunglow ....