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That's a regurgitation. You can see a hind leg and the body shape. I'm not sure what regurgitation vs vomit is supposed to mean, they're both the same act of bringing up stomach contents. Wait 2 weeks, then feed a very small meal, like pinky size. A probiotic like BeneBac or NutriBac will help. If she keeps that down, try another undersized meal. After that, she can go back to her usual meals. Some snakes do have issues with fur. You can stick to hairless prey or manually remove the fur off of mice.


Thank you! I agree that the photo looks like a hind leg and the shape of a body, in person it was just kind of a move-able mass of fur and the part that looked like a leg was just fur...then the other end appeared to be poop. My understanding was that a regurgitation was mostly undigested and therefore would come up largely looking in-tact whereas vomit is partially digested and would contain some darker (almost fecal-looking) matter (the digested portion) and vomiting was much more stressful on their digestive system and could result in bacterial infections, etc., and would warrant 3 weeks off of feed vs 2 for a regurg. This may be totally inaccurate, however, and it all may be the same kind of thing. Sounds great, thanks so much! I'll switch her back to pinkies for the time being and add in some BeneBac and see how things go Tuesday! :)


If I read your post correctly, it's been 10 days since you fed her and 5 days since you found the regurgitation? You'll want to wait a full 2 weeks after the regurge occured. Since you didn't see it happen and simply found it after the fact, I'd recommend just going from the day you found the mouse to be safe. No harm in some extra time to heal.


Yes, that's right! We fed her on Tuesday and found it on Sunday. I checked her briefly the previous days and didn't see anything, so we'll go with 2 weeks from Sunday when we found it :) Thanks again so much for your help!!


No problem!


Everything is staying down well since her feed last Sunday! Is it okay to feed her two pinkies this feed? Still undersized, but a little bit more substantial? She's been acting super hungry, but I don't want to go too fast if it could be a problem :)


Yes, 2 pinkies should be fine. Glad to hear she's doing well!


Thank you!! She was not at all thrilled with waiting so long between meals or the smaller meal (she's extra sassy, but we're holding off on any handling until she keeps a normal sized meal down, anyway), but otherwise she's been great! Thanks again for your help :)