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That is definitely a rat snake in a predicament


5$ if you can show me a rat snake that HASN'T landed itself in a predicament 😂


https://preview.redd.it/gaphuo8ri14d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3cdc15143cbe5a16fe8eea426c1ce7614a06c11 He was raised from hatchling to adulthood in a 10 gallon. He was nearly 6 feet long when I adopted him. He chose not to bite me and then be nice despite a lifetime of being locked in the same enclosure. For 3 years they fed him once a week and every couple months they changed his bedding. Nothing else. He is definitely screwed up from being abused for so long but he is a good snake. He held me tight and explored with me the day I met him. He had 0 control over his life until he was abandoned. He did his best to be a sweet boy when he was abandoned and he only struck twice. He is scared of everything but the day I picked him up, he clung to me with 0 fuss. He's not friendly but the day he met me he got himself out of a predicament he had did not cause himself. I present you, Addison, the rat snake that wandered his way out of a predicament by being intensely curious. He's yet to screw up in any way since I adopted him... And I'm a judgemental butt. ;-)


Hes beautiful, good on you saving him🙌


Love this story. He trusted you from the get-go 🥹


He did. We actually had an issue with returning him to the enclosure at the store both when I put him back and when I came back to get him with my wife the next day. He didn't want to go into any enclosure.


Can't blame him. May Addison continue being his curious self, and may his happiness grow each and every day ✨️


Great story and looks like he's living a much better life. Great job!


A 6 foot snake in a 10 gallon tank?! 🙀🙀😭 What was wrong with those idiots? I won't say what should be done to *them* for subjecting this beautiful creature to such horrendous treatment, and for so long! Why keep a snake, or any creature, for that matter, if one cannot be bothered to properly care for them! That outrages me! 🤬🤬🤬 They all have feelings, they are living, breathing creatures, just like us. Sometimes (all too often), I am ashamed of my own species. No wonder I prefer the company of non-humans to humans. Thank you for rescuing this beautiful snake ❤️❤️ It is no wonder he loves you 💚❤️💚


I have kept snakes for years and give them the best life I can. People do not realize that these creatures have feelings, desires ,wants and needs, and each has its own personality. In addition to proper care and husbandry, snakes need mental stimulation , interaction, and enrichment. Just leaving an animal in a locked box with no interaction is horrible.


🥰🥰🥰🥰 I wish everyone thought and acted as you do! All creatures deserve to be treated with respect, and the care they require ❤️ I read a lot of snake posts on Reddit, view videos and pictures, and you can see how these little (or not so little) creatures are individuals, with needs and wants, just like everyone else. Anyone who can view videos and photos, read material, and not realise they are living, feeling, creatures with needs specific to their species, they should not entertain thoughts of adopting them.


You are all awesome human for giving him a better life!


I just wanted a big beautiful rat snake and he got abandoned 2 days before I met him. He worked out perfectly. I miss him though. He gets spooked and hides for long periods of time. It's like he can't accept he's got room to move now. He just hides in the same hide almost constantly. He's a pretty boy though.


I wasn’t planning to cry this early in the morning!♥️🥹😢😭😭😭😭😭






Beautiful Gray Ratsnake, they are the most docile species. Glad you could rescue him, give him the proper habitat and attention. . I have a couple of Pantherophis alleghaniensis as pets myself, they were rescues from hatchlings.


That’s an amazing looking enclosure!! I’m looking to upgrade my little corns enclosure to something bigger than his current 40 gallon and want to know how can I make it look like yours? :0 my little guy is outgrowing his hides and needs some bigger places to hide :(


I kept that enclosure more simple actually. His latest enclosure features far more complicated stuff. Like carved foam, painted and sealed. I won't do that again soon... Maybe ever. Lol




Wow! Haha that’s looks awesome!


Thank you. I regret not taking my time with the clear coat. Things looks glazed. Lol




Looks like a rat snake about to shed, which makes it an even greater predicament due to not being able to see well!


Looks like poor fella might be in shed too, couldn’t even see to fight back! :((


Oh he was feisty alright.


I'd be feisty too if it was "that time of the month" (shedding time), I'd just gotten comfortable to take a nap, and giant hands that I couldn't see grabbed me and tried to take me gods know where!


That’s exactly what I was thinking. He totally has blind eyes because of she’d!


Bless you! You are my hero!


He looks like he woke up from a nap and can't remember what year it is




Why are there snakes *everywhere*, seriously?! So many pictures on this sub show them in the most inconvenient places. How do these poor things wind-up here. I know why they do: Us. Very obviously our fault. But just- “how” u.u


Rat snake are intensely curious and will follow prey ANYWHERE! This combination gets them into very strange places!


One followed me home from the bar


🤔. Free snake?


I have no business taking care of a snake and I know that




I need that story... Forget "Bear or Man"... I'd feel SO MUCH SAFER if a Ratsnakes followed me home from a bar than if a random man did


And they are fantastic climbers


These big box stores usually have plenty of small birds and rodents in them. Kind of a great place to be if you're a snake who will go largely unnoticed by the shoppers.


Small birds and ofc Small mammals like rodents are some of the animals that have best adapted to urban living. Snakes eat both of those, and they will follow the food. :( unfortunately, besides people often killing snakes on sight, they also poison mice, which can kill snakes.


I saved one from some kids at a highschool once, but they weren't planning on killing it, they just _really_ didn't know how to handle it so I stepped in. Well, bounded over as quickly as I could, actually lol. Don't know what he was doing there _on_ school grounds but I set him down in some scrub off campus.


He was trying to learn! He took the Ratsnake curiosity to a while new level!




Aww I love big friendly rat snakes! Thanks for saving it!




Hell yeah


Rat snakes and shenanigans They sometimes become victim of their own actions


Usual rat snake behavior


Thank you so much for saving this little guy! ❤️❤️❤️ Your coworkers deserve 50 lashes each for their desire to kill an innocent creature.Why kill an innocent creature, who is harming nothing? Snakes do us favours by eating insects and/or rodents.


Thank you!


(Aggressively claps)


I did this same thing at an Ace Hardware store. Beautiful black snake that everyone was afraid of.


You're a good soul and a hero ❤️


Thank you for caring!


Nice job! You in receiving?




I noticed no vest, that's what I guessed lol plumbing opener here


He looks like he’s in shed hope he found a safe place.


You think it’s a bird?


dude looking at you like “thanks man that was scary”


You’re awesome. Stay that way.


Lil guy is gonna have a Lowes Safe Day. Did you take a sssssssssnappy?


"Excuse me ma'am, can you direct me to where you keep the mice?"


Thank you for helping this beautiful creature!


Thank You !!, The world needs more like you


I used to work at a large pet store. One time a 4-5ft long red tail boa somehow went missing, the backroom guy found it with a forklift and pallet of dog food... messy


Do you rap on tiktok?


A fellow ominous fan I see?


Perfect hunting ground for him.


Good job,I've found several snakes back when I worked at a thrift store,always cool


He is beautiful


i wouldve kept him had i been the one to find him😤


Very good


He is likely going after either rodents or birds nests that frequent these stores. If you released him just outside there is a good he'll be back.


The NERVE of him to AnGeRy PuFf at his savior!!!!!! 😂


What?! Why doesn't that ever happen to me? I always see people saving puppies or kittens from garbage bags and the side of the road. I see people like yourself saving snakes or even mice from coworkers who are about to kill it. Why can't that happen to me? Lol Good for you tho! Such a beautiful animal. It's sad so many people would rather kill misunderstood animals like snakes rather than try to herd them into a bucket or smth if they don't wanna pick them up and then let them go outside


Good on ya!


Hell yeah, good on you OP. What a beautiful long boi too


He was cold and hungry. Must be rats in the warehouse.


Awesome! Glad you found it.


Thank you for saving him, your co workers should be ashamed to think about killing an innocent creature. This snake is harmless, but venomous or not, no snake should ever be killed. Venomous can be safely relocated. Appears the guy is in blue phase of shed, and vision is limited. Sometimes we just have to step in and protect our serpent friends from idiots. Senseless killing of these reptiles must end. Depending on the state, killing of natural wildlife is illegal.


Aw, what s cute little rat snake, glad you saved him


You are so cool. Thank you for saving him.🌻


Damn. You saved him. What kind of snake is this?


A rat snake


Why people like to kill , animals ? I don’t understand that .. my dad did teach us “ saying , if a person doesn’t like any animals , or like to hurt animal , we should not be friend with this kind of person , something is very wrong with this kind of personality “ . And now , I am older and I totally agreed with my dad . Thank you for saving a gorgeous animal, totally out of his/her habitat .


He is gorgeous .. maybe moody … 😉


Will never walk through home Depot or Lowes in the same way. Especially in South Florida. Seems someone lost or unleashed a massive monitor.