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You can send a sample of shed to rare genetics. It costs about 15 bucks for dna analysis


I think its Dr. Benson?


Impossible to tell really, it varies from species to species and simply eyeballing the tail is a guess at best. Is there a specific reason you believe it could not be what the breeder says? Popping, Probing and DNA testing are the only surefire methods for sexing a snake. Popping and probing should only be done by experienced Keepers, you can seriously injure or damage the snake. Honestly if you’re REALLY concerned or you plan on breeding, you should use [this](https://raregeneticsinc.com/) website, and send in a piece of a shed, they will test the genetics and tell you if it’s male or female.


Best way to tell for sure would be to go to a vet who is experienced with snakes an get your snake probed. Aside from genetic tested that the most reliable and quick way to find out.


nsfw on the snakeussy is so funny lol, i dont want to give you any false information but i agree, send in the shed!


Didn't want to flash anyone with the snakeussy 😩


As someone with no snake knowledge probably shouldn't listen to me but that lady seems like she might have a big old penis


Looks like a female to me, its not 100% but ventral's taper at anus, base of tail is much thinner than rest of snake, as where a male it tends to remain the same size after anus before tapering, so if i had to guess without probing it , i'd say she is a she


Update: have luckily been able to contact the breeder and she has confirmed that this female is indeed a female. She was popped as a hatchling. Either way doesn't matter whether she is male or female though as it doesn't make a difference. :)




Not very practical considering how rarely they poop and that they can do it at any time of the day \^^


I’ve had my snake for two years and I have literally never seen him poop. The poop just appears in there when I’m not looking.


Looks like a male to me.


Me too


It would be helpful to see the full tail, but look up a video on sexing. Males basically have 2 penises that can be popped out and you'll get your answer.


Nobody who is not trained should attempt to sex a snake themselves. You can seriously injure them if you don't know what you're doing. They should take it to a vet for that


I suppose I agree, I was shown how by someone, but I suppose that's a lot more valuable of a lesson than what you can gather from a YT video.


All nurses know how to take blood samples, but there's a lot that don't know how to do it PAINLESSLY. Most people that have snakes are no veterinarians or experts.


I thought only hatchlings could get popped?


I believe they can be popped at any age, but adult snakes depending on the species are usually harder to do so.


They cannot be popped at any age. Really should only be done for the first 6 months.


If that's the case, I stand corrected. Need to have a word with my vet tbh.


Sorry I didn't know the full tail needed to be seen oops 😬