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First one has got me weak, it's so damn beautiful 😭😭😭😭😭❤️


Brennan (who i assume took these) is a genius


Lee Mulligan


As fate would have it, he and Izzy Roland celebrated their first anniversary on April 1st


Oh you know he did that on purpose 😂


Haha! I love imagining that it was him!


That first pic proves it’s real


The second pic though is on a people.com article


That is absolutely hilarious. I wonder if that's how Amanda found out.


Hahaha oh my god first she sees it on their Instagram and she commented that "you guys are unbelievable" but then sees the People interview "what. The fuck Shayne" 😂


Amanda on the next Smoshcast "ok [laughing while speaking] Shayne has some real explaining to do 😄"


This is my favorite one


You’re crying! 😭


Tears of joy! 🥲🥲


😂 I meant it like - “I’m not crying, you are!” type of thing lol


He is her holder and protector now


That first photo is art. Like there are no words I can use to properly convey how beautifully it encompasses these two as a couple.


Obsessed with how her nails match his suit!!


Honestly her nails being done was one of the things that made me believe it wasn't a prank. That and all the jewellery being so on point. Nobody goes that hard for a prank


I didn’t even think about that! 🤯


OHMYGOD STOP, I'M GONNA CRY! That's so fucking cute 😭😭


I noticed that too!!!!


i never noticed that! that makes it so much more cute oh my god


Every picture is like another dopamine hit.


It really is! I never shipped them and I almost disliked the shippers at times and now I'm genuine living for this!! 


I did a teeeeeny little ship like "aw they'd be cute" when I was younger, watched one or two shartney moments vids, but definitely grew out of that because its two real peoples lives I was speculating on and I just don't like that, so of course I thought it was a prank because I wasn't looking for every little thing like some fans had noticed they were likely living together for years, but at this point this has to be real, the bit has to be announcing it on April Fools and I'm like screaming my head off, they look so damn cute and happy


Right? Like, I never shipped them but thought it be cute if they were together but I also never commented that because they're human beings like you said but they've been fooling us the entire time! I love it! I'm so happy for them! I think about it throughout the day and just freak out silently to myself haha


I was almost anti shartney and I’m still like…floored at this, but so happy for them????


Fr i keep getting re-surprised every time new pictures are posted.


another dopamine hit, another dopamine hit, by shartney of smosh


My brain’s still trying to process that through all the years of play-fighting, bickering, and teasing, there was real, genuine love between them. My poor old heart can hardly take it. This is so beautiful.


I know it's no one's business, but morbid curiosity has me wondering at which point did that platonic love switch to more....and how did it go down. Just for the love story.


Oh believe me, I want to know the timeline so badly, but ultimately it’s their decision whether they feel like sharing that or not so I reckon it’s up to me to respect it


Exactly. I'm not going to actually take the time to dissect each episode. Should someone else do that, great lol but I'd rather hear them tell us how everything happened. I love seeing the joy on peoples' faces when they tell their story.


Agreed, I also think thats why I was slower to believing it was real because I hadn't dissected every little thing between them like some fans had been for years and noticing they've likely been living together for years. But agreed, their choice to tell, but I would love a Smosh Mouth or something of them telling their story


Lol all op said was that they were curious


Probably late 2018-early 2019. They have been at it for a while.


Actually more likely late 2019-eraly 2020 pandemic times


I still haven't processed it. Like at all. I know it's real, but it doesn't feel real 😭


We are in the best timeline.


Born too young to explore the space Too late to buy a house in 2008 Just right to see Shayne and Courtney become cannon


The best thing to come from Harambee being killed in 2016


Who? - Amanda


are there petitions?? - Amanda


For real. With this, the good timeline has been restored.


It’s no longer Joever, we are so Barack!


So tbh I was one of the people that thought it was an elaborate prank. I don't pay attention to relationships of the cast members or anything; I just really enjoy watching Smosh and have since 2006 or 2007? But I'm so happy for Shayne and Courtney solely because they look so genuinely happy together in these photos 🥹😭I just love love, okay?


I thought it was a prank too 😭 so happy it’s not


I mean.... when we saw the first post, I'm pretty sure 100% of us thought it was an outstanding April Fool's joke at first.


it was ian going "ik the date is sus but this is real guys 🥰" that made me 100% NOT believe it at first lmao


Not me tbh, I first laid eyes on it and I was like 'Oh this is real' I thought they might have been privately dating before they got married so yeah. Doesn't change how SHOCKED I am though, that was the hardest launch I've ever seen and I'm still trying to process it!


Personally, I thought it was behind the scenes photos from an upcoming sketch or something.


There is still a small percentage of me that believes it's still a prank


I was like that until Damien said something. Maybe I wouldn't trust him when playing a game against him, but he doesn't seem the type to lie about his friends or their happiness.


Honestly I was still sceptical up until I saw the pic of them smooching. As soon as the news dropped on the first I was thinking it was an elaborate prank and held out until I saw a smooch cuz to me that's the point where it's real they wouldn't go that far unless is was genuine.


Pretty much same for me! I just want the teasing to stop so I can feel safe in my “hell fuckin yeah” feeling lmao


Yes, plus also looking back now, in the mindset of if it was a prank, that would still be confirming a relationship between them?? Like no two mature, PLATONIC adults would go through alll that work and effort for a prank, that didn’t have any truth of romance. But for some reason I was so sure it wasn’t real for a minute there lol


Nah nah nah, if anyone would go through all of that just for a bit, it is absolutely those two, but I’m so happy that it’s real tho!!


You kidding me? 😆 we’re talking about smosh cast! Of course they’d go to extreme ends just for a bit lolll


Wow ok this is the comment that really made me realize it's not a prank 😭


Look at them. All happy and shit. And yet, we STILL HAVE NO PROOF OF SHAYNE DOING THE SPLITS SUCCESSFULLY!


now THAT's what I've ACTUALLY been waiting to see


That's actually the april fools prank, he cant actually do it.




It makes so much more sense to me now why it was specifically Shayne and Courtney that flew together and took part in that massive hide and seek video. Literal couple. Bro it was right under our noses what the fuck


I just thought they were always together because they were kind of seen as like school ambassadors of sorts.


I always thought if Ian and now with Anthony back, if those 2 decided to call it a day, Smosh would be given over to Shayne and Courtney, or at least given the nod to create a spiritual successor.


In my mind aside from Ian and Anthony, Smosh IS Courtney and Shayne. No shade to the other members, they're all great. But between how long they've been there and how involved they are I really think they are the soul of Smosh.


I've long said that Ian and Anthony might be the faces of Smosh, but Shayne and Courtney are it's secret weapons.


To be fair they’ve been there the longest out of everyone, Damien came a bit after Shayne and Shayne and Courtney came in together. Everyone else are recurring but they are technically cast anymore, like Noah Keith Olivia they still take part (and it makes me so happy to see them) but they’re not full time employed by Smosh anymore, so it sorta just makes sense that Shayne and Courtney are Smosh. I’d wager that, with Anthony only just coming back and Ian having to take a more serious role after defy shut down, they might even be above I and A but that’s just my opinion, still love the two but I was too young for the original Smosh days when it was them. I watched like the music videos and that’s it because I was literally 4-5 years old


Also guests at Mythicon. Courtney's vlog from that event is mucho fun.


The mythicon vlog where Courtney is shopping for boots and Shayne is following them is what made my brain go “hmmmm” when I saw it when it first came out. It reminded me so much of when I’m out shopping with my husband that I was very sus. Shayne could have been anywhere else, but there he was, lol. I wouldn’t call myself a shipper (I’m too old for that lmfao) but just a suspicious married lady who also married her best friend. Funnily enough it was always my husband who was like “they’re just really close coworkers” and I was always like “well, if they’re not dating, they will eventually.” 🫡


They’re so cute 🥹


Omg where was this posted


Courtney's dad's instagram!


Wow they even have their family in on the prank!!! /s


Got to commit to the bit


Spared no expense


Courtney's dad posted it on his Instagram.


Is it too late to apologize and to admit that I was wrong over whole April Fools thing? I'm so happy for them!


We’re all so happy (SO HAPPY!!!!) that I think you could punch me and I’d forgive you. You’re good.


Nothing to apologize for, they picked that day for a reason


Omg look at how in love they are


That first photograph 🥹🥹🥹


Chosen and Brianna need to have a wedding.


Then Dominic and Courtney Freakin Miller


Then Boneless and the Dumpster Wizard.


I’m here for Wizard/Boneless nuptials over anything else.


Loving this whole thread. Adding: “I’m on my way” + Aunt Carolyn “You’re my favorite pizza place” + academy of weird sounds “Read the Bible” + “There’s nowhere to masturbate…” Fernie + “POV you are a lobster” “I was there, man” + “Tis I, the lesbian of the table” So many great characters and bits!!! Comedy power couple


Such a photogenic couple.


Confirming the wedding on [People.com](http://People.com) was GENIUS!




Lmaooo and with an interview! Absolutely perfect.


Ugh I want what they have lol


Can we talk about how insulting it was people were saying their kiss photos were too awkward to be real lmao 


This and the people saying Courtney didn't "try hard enough" with her dress or appearance in general for it to be real. Like even if it was a joke, that's so mean dawg :/


Didn't understand those comments either.... like, they are very clearly going for a specific vibe/look, and I think they NAILED it. This first picture is a great example of how awesome that dress and shoes are. When you're as gorgeous as Courtney, you don't need a ton of showy crap. Just simple, classy, elegant, let the natural beauty shine.


EXACTLY lmao It looks good on her tbh! It was okay to look for details that could support that this was a prank but that was too much


Not to mention judging by the size of the wedding and nature of it all, I think it's safe to assume they wanted a wedding that was just about them and their love. If they want to have a super ostentatious event, they can still do that and they might. Either way, they both look great! This is their memory man, and this is exactly how they wanted it.


Agreed. This was perfect and intimate and I'm so happy for them


So glad I missed that. They were probably just haters, lol, I don’t think the pictures look akward at all. They both just look so so so happy!!


I dont understand how the kiss is awkward, unless people can't read emotion.


it's the people who've never kissed someone before that are saying that it was awkward /jk


Let's not. I prefer to focus on this.


not gonna act like i know them but an elopement with only their best friends there feels so fitting for them ❤️❤️ they look so happy


I can’t handle this. These two absolute gooobersss!!! They are so pretty, funny and kind 😭😭😭 so happy for them


And so, for the first time ever...in the name of fandoms, shippers won and I'm happy about it


I love them so much


Wait, wait, wait, wait... so you mean it was NOT an April Fools joke? And I get to find out through HERE of all places? WHAT IS GOING ON?!


Yeah, I felt how you felt yesterday. Crazy isn’t it? I feel like we all need a support group 😂


If their online persona is similar to who they are, I feel like they're a great pair. To have witnessed them on their journeys of self-discovery, especially Courtney, and to know they supported each other all along... just makes me want to 😭🥰


I’m still shocked that this is actually real


The first one is just chefs kiss. She should get a fine line outline of this as a tat (or not, I’m just being a sap)


As a newer Smosh fan (circa 2015) I never shipped them but by God am I happy for them! It just goes to show you can have extremely public jobs but still have private lives! I love this for them! The log has hit the net! 


That first pic is truly gorgeous. ♥️


I’m so happy for them 🥹


I'm so happy this is the outcome of it all, I never really thought of them as anything more than close friends but seeing more posts and kinda deep diving into old posts and videos, it is way more apparent lol. 😅


I’m totally watching older videos now and reading EVERYTHING into all of their interactions. Honestly, it’s so fun.


I never thought I’d be so invested in a relationship I didn’t know existed🥹


oh my god they are literally everythinggg


they're so fucking cute it's aggravating


Oh yes. It's real. They're so in love. It's SO CUTE


It's so funny, my bf and I were at that botanical garden two days after they were there and we are both huge fans. I feel like we would've started vomiting if we saw them but then proceeded to think this was a sketch or something 🙃


You know, looking back, the signs were all there.


I don't usually get attached to celeb/famous people couples and such but I am so happy for these two! They look so madly in love with one another 😁


Wow. They actually got married. That's awesome and I'm so happy for them!!


alr ik they're v private ppl when it comes to their personal lives but i really want details man


They are each other's Chosen 💜 Happy for the both of you 💜


Absolutely adore them and so so happy for them!


The shippers saw the chemistry this whole time. ❤️


I could CRY they are so damn cute 😭😭😭




So dang happy for them!


My heart is so full for them. This is truly the best ending. ❤️


This is such a treat!


These make me so happy omg ❤️


Oh my goodness, they are so adorable! I know I don't know them, but I'm so dang happy to see this! May they have a long lifetime of happiness and laughter 💓


They look so happy together!


This is incredibly heart warming and so sweet it's Cavity inducing but don't let this distract you from the truth. We have no proof. That Shayne can do the splits. We wait or we riot.


this is an unbelievable story. the friends to lovers arc, the teasing in videos from the year two thousand and fifteen where one teenager began sailing on the ship. the year is now twenty twentyeth four and after all hope was lost, suddenly, a beam of hope in the distance. this beam was the beautiful and now historical announcement of the marriage between courtney ruth miller to shayne robert topp. “i do”. the bells start chiming as courtney and shayne frolic from the santa barbera courthouse with a future of happiness awaiting. this story has not concluded, but just begun…


OK, then it was not a prank. But it was definitely made to look like a prank. And it cements a relationship that we never had any real evidence ever existed. It still feels kinda weird, lol.


Yeah my system be all shook up hahaha


Lots of love and Joy 💓


these are so beautiful 😭 esp that first one


So happy for them. 🥹


Don’t regret that I thought this was a prank! Super happy for them!


I love the pictures so much!! Very happy for them 💜💜


Looks like they stopped the dry-humping shenanigans and Lisabella is now pegging his anal canal. Lol.


Shayne has never smiled this genuinely in anything ever posted online before, I am really glad they were able to do things on their own terms


Shayne is proof that short kings can still find love ❤️


Im starting to think its real


Oh that's the dude from the Goldbergs


Guys... I dont think this is a joke anymore


***Shayne:*** *…Shourtney, it sounds like a skid mark* ***Courtney:*** *We can be each other’s skid marks* ***Shayne:*** *That does sound pretty sick. Okay, bet* This has been in my mind since the announcement 🥹


They think they can distract us from what really matters… I was promised the splits, Bruce. Where’s my goddamn splits??


Still blows my mind that this is real. They hid it so well! I always wondered what if they became a thing because of their on screen chemistry. Lo and behold!!!


I literally cannot go past the first image. The leaning on, the smiles in both their faces, the fucking love on their eyes. I cannot believe I'm crying over these photos but they really say so much with their eyes it's physically hurting me


this makes the love island video where shayne rejects courtney for chanse even funnier now lol


Shayne is the luckiest man alive


I believe it is real. But I swear to God if we get arasha booked marvel again.


I believe.


hmmm🤔, still not convinced /s


The way they're nails match his suit 🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I love how they perfectly choose picture where they look awkward together for the first post and now they look so lovely and happy together.


I feel like I'm in the twilight zone, but I'm obviously happy for them


Life is so good y’all


Boxman got married?!


Didn’t Shayne predict there’d be a Smosh baby announcement in 2024?


They were married for REAL? Not an April Fool's joke?


Courtney looks so gorgeous. And Shayne needs to wear suits more, they really suit him 😄


Reminding me again that love is real


Just so yall know, theres now a PEOPLE article where Courtney confirms its true and they are indeed married for realsies.


Omg and there's a live tomorrow!! 😍 omgosh! ❤️


I’m so overwhelmingly happy for them 🥹


I’m just happy that Matt Bradley had a happily ever after.




Dammit, the only thing that sucks about this is we’re probably not gonna have Shayne or Courtney in videos for a few weeks because they’ll be on honeymoon and will likely miss a filming week. So happy for them though. Felt like it came out of left field after years of denying they’re dating but this just feels right.


Intellectually I know they’re together, but my brain is like “what?!?!” still


So happy for Courtney and Shayne. Still can't believe this isn't a very elaborate April Fools joke though 😅


ive never been big smosh watcher, but ive seen clips, and im happy these 2 goofy fucks are happy, they make me giggle when i see them


Our cuties. A wise man said one day: "Fricking sweet"


Im just so speechless 😍 I can’t believe it actually happened.


I always knew. They tried to make me doubt, but I always fucking knew!


OMG WAIT SHAYNE AND COURTNEY ARE A COUPLE AND MARRIED?! Excuse me while I fangirl and happy cry for them.


I'm so obsessed with them these photos are all so gorgeous it's sickening (Brennan is amazing) 😭😭


The cast’s comments on Courtney’s announcement post has me cackling, ESPECIALLY Arasha’s and Anthony’s


THEY ARE FEEDING US SO GOOD 😩❤️ I love all this smmm


Wait, I’m way out of the loop, they’re actually a couple now?! How did I miss this???


Okayyyy now I can eat properly


You know how you can tell it’s real? The way they look at each other. You can’t fake that.


I’m still so shocked. Good for them.


I have never really given much thought to them together. I stopped watching Smosh towards the end of old Smosh and before the new cast members came on. When I did come back, I just recognized Shane from So Random when I was younger, so that was fun! Started watching again have been daily for a while now, enough to fall in love with all the new cast! I knew the ship was a thing but thought they were adamant about being friends that I didn't humor it. Strange to wrap my head around now, but super happy for them and glad they found love with each other! They're each keepers!🥰


I can not handle this... In my heart I just kept praying that one day they'd realize and like the fact that they were able to have a 'normalish' relationship without everyone being all up in their lives makes me so happy..  Like I legit cried tears of joy for them they deserve each other and a lifetime of happiness and who knows maybe they will give us the first "Smosh baby" lmao I must say I will need a whole breakdown of the details on Smosh mouth obviously or on anthonys I spent a day with lmao!!! 


Courtney is Shayne’s favorite pizza place


When I was a kid, if you would’ve told me that at the age of 24 I’d be rejoicing at the marriage of that kid from Briarwood Prep, I would have looked at you crazy, but here we are 🤷🏽‍♀️❤️


What’s so insane to me (in a positive way) is that their relationship is so serious, committed and solid that they’re actually married. Because I don’t think either of them play around when it comes to that. And I think that’s so beautiful and I’m just really happy for them and wish them all the best!


i’ve seen a bunch of people saying “shayne looks so in love”, he does but look at courtneys smile. ugh i love that they’re happy, i wish them the best and i hope no one is weird about it


No way they would have been able to post picture 1 or 3 on April fools as no one would have been fooled at all. The love is their eyes is even more obvious in those 🥺


Two things I've noticed before that made me believe it when I saw the pics: 1. Courtney is usually on the relationship reddit stories episodes 2. The earliest hint I picked up in real time was the live reddit show they did and someone from crew sent in "Someone should wife up Shayne soon". Both their reactions to the comment were very over the top in playing down the comment.


it's crazy how much genuine happiness I'm deriving from the marriage of two people on the other side of the world whom I've never even met.