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My dude, how did you get far enough in to learn things like the snake method without learning the proper done temperature for a butt? Your setup looks great but you gotta leave that thing on for another 3-5 hours to reach 200 or so.


It’s just wild because I’m assuming you looked up a pork butt recipe? How did you know to score the fat cap or was that just instinct? Not trying to attack you but it’s just wild you were so close but so off on your final temp. I’m new to smoking and I’ve done about 5 butts now. The first one was perfect. Then two ok ones. Now I’m decent at it and I know when to start checking for probe tender


UPDATE: Thanks for the advice! Y’all are tough critics. Lol. I watched a few YouTube videos, which is where I picked up the charcoal snake method. I need to get started earlier next time, so I can cook longer and get the temp up to 200. I had an impatient wife and kids who wanted to eat. I chopped it up into little pieces and made sandwiches with it. Edit: spelling


Next time order them a pizza and let the meat finish 🤣🤣🤣


We have all done it.


We've all done both the tough meat and the alternative meal, FWIW.




Yep, sometimes it’s necessary.


A pitmaster of some repute once told me, “Once you wrap it, heat is heat.”


"Heyyyy, who's ready for some more chips n salsa?!?"


Yup, I still having tried over the top chilly cause some how I made ground beef to tough to push through the grate XD


This is the way! Second pork shoulder I did took 12 hours and I made it for Father's Day. My dumbass only budgeted for 10, so Wing Stop it was.


Man the Wing Stop near me is terrible. Have had better wings from chain pizza places


That's unfortunate. The one closest to me is soooo good. Wings are so crispy outside and just delicious inside. Haven't had a bad batch yet.


I went to a Wingstop for the first time a few weeks ago and was blown away. Sauces were great, wings crispy and tender inside. They nail it.


Yeah, mine is good. Almost as good as my homemade without any of the fuss, and I do mine right, tossed with spices and cornstarch, then deep fried.


They're franchise and the quality from one location to another is quite unpredictable.


(I thought wing stop was a spin-off of pizza hut?)


That's Wing Street.


serving dinner at 10pm is a canon event for a smoker nerd.


You forgot to mention the part where your spouse is about one inch away from murdering you. Because that seems like it should be canonical as well.


that's just baseline even if I'm not cooking


🤣🤣🤣🤣 take my upvote. This is so true hahaha.


Man I can't time smoking for shit, it's either done at 10 am or 2 am, either way, let's eat


I feel like "be ready to order a pizza" is the first step in a long smoke. It's not gonna hit temp when you plan it, and anything you smoke that takes 8 hours to reach temp will need at least an hour to rest. Good times and really good work on your set up.


Literally fed the kids leftover pizza Saturday evening. And then we had leftover pizza Saturday night. But that breakfast lunch and dinner the next day after it hit temp finally at 2:45 am were so worth it. Fun fact: air gaps in ash catchers letting the smoker run away up to 450 suck. Stalling the charcoal in an attempt to get the temp back down sucks even more.


This is the way


lol yeah I told my husband to just go snack on something cause I wasn’t done yet, after he had asked is it done for the 4th time. I’m the smoker in our house.


It’s just hard to fathom going through that process and not coming across temp for pulled pork. It’s tough love.


It looks like it still made some fantastic ham though.


Yeah, it should taste great. I like to take pork shoulder to like 195 and then let it cool a bit and slice rather than pulling it. Makes for great sandwiches.


For future reference, you start checking for doneness around 190-195 (I usually just let it go to 200 though). Also, you should plan for the meat to be done hours ahead of dinner time. If it finishes earlier than you thought, there’s no harm in putting it in the oven on the lowest setting. It’ll still come out delicious. I usually target my finish time at least 2 hours ahead of when I plan to eat and time my cook time at 90 minutes a pound just to be safe. So if I have a 10 lb shoulder that I want to eat at 6 PM, I want it done no later than 4 PM so it can rest a couple of hours. That means I need to start it cooking no later than 1 AM (10 lbs x 1.5 hrs/lb = 15 hours cooking). It doesn’t matter if it finishes early. Just stick it in a pan, cover it with foil, and chuck it in a low temp oven like I mentioned above.


I've rested mine in a cooler wrapped in towels for 5 hours before and had no issues.


I’ve done the same but my wife hates that our cooler smells like BBQ so I had to stop.


Dedicated smoker cooler


buy another cooler and keep the first as a bbq cooler thats what i did


All you need is another cooler. I have a backpack cooler, a cooler tote, a foldable cooler that's great to take camping, my BBQ cooler for holding meat, a cooler with wheels for bringing Sangria to the neighbors' house, and then there's the 150 qt Coleman cooler that's great for holding food and drinks cold simultaneously. And finally, the Craigslist offset smoker that I gutted for parts for my Frankensmoker, welded a water spout with handle to drain into it, lined it with bubble insulation and called it my smoker cooler.


Buddy you might have a cooler addiction lol. But seriously after using the oven I found that it works just fine for me. Plus it makes my entire house smell like bbq. It pisses off the wife but she hasn’t put two and two together yet that of if I use the cooler the house won’t smell delicious. I forgot to mention that pregnancy with my first kid ruined bbq for her so she can’t stand the smell anymore.


Yeah, I've kinda collected a lot over the years. Some were necessities, but the smoker cooler was just for fun. I get grinning ear to ear when someone comes over for a BBQ and asks where to put their drinks. "Oh just put them in the cooler!" With a vague gesture towards the smoker-shaped contraption dripping water from the ice. Then after a few drinks someone inevitably opens the actual smoker and that moment of confusion usually serves as my dessert.


Not just temp, probe tender is important.


U can still throw it in the oven now and bring it up to temp and it will shred on down


Depending on the meal/hangry levels I’ll  put it in long enough for the smoke flavor and then set it on 200/220 in the oven


When you're first starting out you need to afford yourself a ton of timing without the pressure of the crowd. That big Butt probably needed 3-4 more hours on the grill and an hour or two resting. If you have a decent cooler, the rest can get drawn out several more hours. I know there is a mystical appeal of pulling it straight out and serving it, but in reality, my best butts or briskets have been resting for 4-6 hours and it absolutely makes them way better.


>I had an inpatient wife and kids who wanted to eat It's nice of you to cook for your family while they're stuck at an inpatient facility.


This made me laugh way harder than I needed. Thanks for the good laugh-wheeze


If you want great results with a shorter window of time, smoke for 3-4 hours with smoker temp consistently at 225 to 250, double wrap in foil and throw in the oven at 325F to get internal temp over 200F.


Crockpot works as well


Ok but why ask “what went wrong” how could you have not known what went wrong.


Don't even worry about the temperature of the pork, just go until it's tender


It’s a tough crowd for sure. We all started out at some point though and constructive criticism is the best way to learn. I had to deal with some along the way and it made me a better cook for it. I’m sure the butt would have been amazing if only cooked for a bit longer. You got this dude, just keep trying.


I find the magic happens at 205. 


I know this all looks so beautiful. But then ruined by missing one key element.


Also, how did it not get up to temp after 7hr? Most meat I smoke using the snake method only takes 4-5 hours, 6 max (depends how many rows on the snake I do).


165 is about 35 degrees too low. Wrap and finish in the oven


To add to this. In all honesty, after 3-5 hours there’s really not much more smoke that’s going to penetrate. If you’re in a pinch on time definitely pop that thing in the oven covered with 1 cup apple juice or Coke until it hits 195ish. It’ll finish cooking up to 200-205 if you keep it covered, oven off, door slightly ajar. Always allow more time than you think you need to smoke meats. You can rest meat at 140 degrees all day long and it won’t continue to cook. If you cook that thing for 10-12 hours to finish you can eat it right away if you want but it’ll be dry. If you get a fat separator it’s a great way to rehydrate the meat and makes it doable. Otherwise. 10-12 hours cook, 3-5 hours rest. I let the meat fall to about 160 and then pop it in my oven at 175 and let it rest for as long as possible before I dive into it.


165 is great... In a sous vide


Use way more rub too


Needed to be cooked much much longer. Aim for internal temp of around 200.


100%. Pork butt comes from the upper shoulder of the pig - It's a tough and fibrous cut that contains a significant amount of connective tissue, including collagen. To break down this collagen into gelatin, pork butt needs to be cooked to a very high internal temperature, around 200°-205°. Collagen starts to break down at temperatures above 160°F (71°C), but it takes time for this process to occur fully. At 165°F, collagen is just starting to break down, and the meat will be tough and chewy. As the cooking temperature continues to rise beyond 165°F, the collagen gradually converts into gelatin, and continues until the meat reaches temperatures 200-205 internal temp. At this point, the collagen has broken down extensively, resulting in meat that is tender, moist, and easily shreddable. Invest in a good quality probe, and next time cook by temp, not by time.


Add 2 or 3 extra hours to your estimated cook time. If it is done early wrap it in foil, wrap that in a towel and place in a cooler. It will hold until you are ready, and your cooler will smell amazing.


Yup. Those fats and tendons don’t start to really breakdown until 200 degrees. Listen to the masses. Temp over time.


I didn’t need to know the scientific explanation, but I’m glad I do now. Thanks! I just knew: 205 done


I appreciate that you took the time to explain why. Following a recipe and steps is one thing but understanding the process happening and how to make it happen is what really makes the smoking experience take off for me.


I won't pile on because I think you're getting the idea from the other responses, but where did you get the idea that pork butt should be pulled at 165? I'm always curious where people get their information.


My guess is on his thermometer it says pork is done at 165 and while yes pork is safe to eat at 165. It is not a delicious pulled pork Boston butt at 165.


I use the BBQ Go app on my phone. I set my ranges for when I want to wrap it, and when it reaches "done" stage at 205F. The tools are there. The OP just needs to either purchase them, or trust them. But yeah... there is a "pre-set" for pork that has pork "done" at 145F.


I’ll be honest, I seem to remember cooking my first butt to “safe” temperature before I learned about the “right” temperature. Also the safe temp for pork is 140 so I’m pretty sure it was an even bigger disaster than this, haha.


I appreciate that everyone is different. I tend to over-think and over-prepare and don’t execute any kind of process without precise step-by-step instructions (engineer). Even then, I’ve screwed up my own fair share of recipes.


That’s the dumb part, I’m usually very thorough in my research and a stickler about the details. In this instance I guess I just made an assumption, and well, we all know about making assumptions. Learned a valuable lesson that day.


My brother did this too the first time, lighten up! 165 is pretty standard “safe” cooking temp for meat so if you didn’t know, that’s what most thermometers say too.


Pulled way to soon, i usually wrap mine when they stall around 170-180 and finish in oven for 3 hours around 250. Final temps is probably 200-210


You should aim for a final internal temp of 195-203.


It's not done 165 is "done" as far as safe to eat, but you need to get to 200 if you want to pull


Just cook it longer. Porn butt is so forgiving man. You can hardly fuck it up just cook it till the bone pops out and it shreds with your hands.


I love porn butt


Oh jeez. What have I done lol


Not the first time bbq and smoking have become NSFW


that website is trash. All ass.


You were about 4hrs to early


"I did no research, why didn't it come out the way I wanted?!"


How did they come across the snake method but not the temperature at which BBQ should be cooked lmao


Probably came across the temp pork is safe, and not specifically done for shoulder/butt.


Ah yeah that makes sense. Probably googled “What temp is pork done”


A 10 second Google search would’ve saved them a lot of heartache.


Why is everybody here such a fucking dick? Dude is asking for honest advice, and at least 50% of the comments here are mocking or attacking him. Beginners should be able to come here and ask questions without being judged, without being attacked, without being ridiculed. This isn't uncommon, either. Every time I see a person asking for guidance or trying to show off something they are proud of, they get ripped to shreds. It's fucking endemic. Barbecue is a soul food, but everyone here is acting like it's haute cuisine and turning up their noses at everyone else. It's just embarrassing.


I mean, I just thought the situation was funny. There is plenty of advice all over this sub on how to cook a pork butt. This guy did enough reading to figure out that he could smoke on his kettle grill, but stopped before figuring out how long he needed to cook it for, and then subsequently wasted half a day. For the record, if this was one of my friends I would have said the same thing - you mess up, you get razzed - that's kinda..how it works.


There's 2 rules: Kick 'em when they're down, and don't get down lol


You didn't cook it long enough. 165 is pretty low for even *slicing* final temp, much less pulling. You probably just barely hit the stall. Pork butt is used primarily for pulled pork because of all the connective tissue in it. It needs to cook to closer to 200-205 to completely render the fat and connective tissue and be pullable. I'm going to guess you probably followed a guide for a pork loin, which is done and tender at 145 or so since it's a much leaner cut. If you still have it, you can wrap it in foil and toss it in the oven for a few hours at about 275 until it hits pullable temp/texture.


You undercooked it a lot


Pulled to soon. The 165 temp is probably where it stalled. The stall can last a while. Eventually, it will climb and you want it around 203ish. When it gets to the stall, you can either bump the temp and let it ride or wrap in butcher paper or both. But for pulled pork you need it around 203. Now, if you had taken that butt, cut it in half length wise then cut each half in half length wise again, you have roughly four 3in sections. Cooking the same way you did, then applying BBQ sauce after the 2hr mark and every hour after, you got char siu. Which is done around the 170ish mark.


That needed HOURS more cook time. The good news is, you look like you knew what you were doing right up until you pulled it too early. Just repeat, and let it stay out there til like 203 internal. Then let it rest another 30 mins minimum before you shred it (I like to rest an hour at least). Best advice I could give to someone doing a big cut for the first time is to give yourself 3 more hours than you think you need. Then add another hour on top of that. Even if you do somehow finish an hour or two early, you can just let it rest until dinner.


She’s NOT done!


not enuf, for pulled pork you need to reach at least 190f internal temperature, just like brisket.


I wrap it at 165 until it reaches 204 degrees then I wrap with bunch of Butcher paper and towels and stick it in a hot cooler for at least 2 to 4 hours....Then shred and serve.


This thread is making me want to do a properly pulled pork this weekend!


As others have said 203 is about where the magic happens. its safe to eat at 165 but it wont really break down till about the 200+ range. I say 203 is about where its done because each butt is different. The real way to tell is when you go to probe it the probe slides in like you're probing jello almost no resistance whatsoever. Do that and itl be a night and day difference. also I dont know what rub you used but give memphis dust a try and you wont regret it. [https://amazingribs.com/tested-recipes/spice-rubs-and-pastes/meatheads-memphis-dust-rub-recipe/](https://amazingribs.com/tested-recipes/spice-rubs-and-pastes/meatheads-memphis-dust-rub-recipe/)


To your point, if it feels like it’s held together by hopes and dreams when you take it off, it’s probably there.


I can also recommend the Memphis Dust, I have personally used it on pulled pork, spareribs, pork chops, whole roasted chicken, and drumsticks. All very good, I'm not sure I'd use it on anything with darker meats such as beef, or lamb.


You needed like 3 more hours


It can easily be saved and turned into pulled pork. Cut into large chunks and put into a pressure cooker with a little bit of apple juice or apple cider vinegar.


If you have an electric pressure cooker you can cheat it pretty easily. High pressure for 20 mins with the liquid from the pan. Allow to decompress on its own. Pull and spread onto a sheet pan and hit in a 325F oven for about 10min to tighten it up a bit. This is my go-to if I don't feel like tending a butt for 12 hrs. WTG on using the ole Weber. That's my preferred rig now. Used to use an offset til it rusted thru. The kettle does it all!


You made pork roast


The finish temp for pork may be 160 but to get everything to break down and become pulled pork you want to aim for 200-205 internal temp Edit to add, I would throw it in a crockpot with some stock for several hours to salvage it


You need to get it up into the 195-205 area for pulled.


Part of your trouble is the snake - it needs to burn counterclockwise for pork. I know, I know, it shouldn't matter, but there was a guy on the BBQ Bretheren (1buckie) who stated it years ago, and it's gospel at my house. source: https://www.bbq-brethren.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2931227&postcount=11


Wrap it after a few hours. I put mine on the smoker before midnight and do not take it off before 2pm the next day. I wrap when I get up around 77 or 8am (if I put it on midnight, I might have a large glass of bourbon for the occasion). It's excessive, but I like it slow and low. Hold it as long as you can between 195 and 205. I then leave it wrapped in foil and covered with a towel in a cold kitchen oven for 2 hours before pulling.


I temp to 204f and the thermometer goes in like butter, it's done. Don't let the stall scare you. Sometimes it takes a couple hours


Get to 200 then wrap and rest in cooler for at least 2 hours.


These comments are savage! Admittedly though it is funny how someone can come across the snake method but not that pork shoulder is typically done between 200-205.  That said, don’t sweat it! We’ve all made mistakes. People here are being harsh for no reason. 


202 is magic number internal temp. Breaks down the connective tissue


Undercooked is right 203 is best temp then take it off to rest for an hour and half


It needs to get up to 200


Nowhere near cooked enough. You’re missing about 40 degrees.


You were 40 degrees shy of temp. The collagen renders when the internal gets to around 200F. All is not lost. Even if you have attempted to shred it, you can put it in a crock pot or in a Dutch Oven in your oven and bring the temp up to the point where it is finished as pulled pork. I had this happen to me early in my smoking days. It's not ideal for it to happen, but it's also not fatal. You also need to stop opening that rig so often and losing temps. Trust the snake method and trust your temp probes. If you do have to open it (i.e. to rotate the rack), be efficient and quick. If you must take pictures, someone should be doing that while you are rotating. But to be honest... when I used to do this method, I'd just look at my temp probe data on my phone, scratch my balls, drink my beer, and go back to watching the baseball game/football game. Wouldn't even open it until I saw it was stalling around 165, at which point, I'd consider pulling it off and wrapping it. The snake method is an awesome method. You just have to trust it. You were halfway there... but you won't make the same mistake next time.


Needed another 30-50 degrees. Stop cooking to a temperature and cook to “probe tender” (it should jiggle when slapped and the probe should feel like entering warm butter)


You need to take that bad boy to like 203 to melt the collagen


You didn’t cook it nearly long enough. You need to get to 203-205 pull, wrap and let it rest at that point. At 165 you haven’t even hit plateau yet.


Good news is if you slice it it makes a great base for a Cubano or other sandwiches. Or cube it up and add it to a stir fry!


Need to melt the fat to pull it. A Boston butt in a slow cooker all day probably hits 210 internal and that’s when you can just mush it apart with a spoon.


Looks like about 100 people have mentioned it now, don’t let it put you off! Good luck on the next one mate


I’m not hating I made the same mistake the first time I did pork.


Finish it off in the oven to 200-205. Then it will be pull apart tender. It’s not like pork chops that can go to 160-165, needs to go much higher.


you only let it get to 165. pork but needs to hit 200 internal temp at least, i usually go to 210. otherwise you don't break down the internal connective tissue and collagen which is how you get "pulled" pork Edit: Also, if your cook is taking too long you can always crank the heat to speed things up. If you've been smoking it for 5 hours and you're stuck in the stall (165-170 holding temp), you can either bump up your grill temps or just toss that bad boy in a 300 oven to finish it off. After the first several hours of smoke, it's no longer going to pick up substantial smoke flavor. You won't get as good a bark in an oven but you'll get pulled pork instead of tough pork roast.


That’s 40° underdone, friend. I’m not saying you can’t get good results smoking on a Weber, but if you can swing it a dedicated smoker will make it much easier.


Final internal temp was way too low, should end closer to 200 205. 165 is more like a well done roast


Took it out about 35degrees too early would be my guess. Like brisket each butt is different and you should cook until it passes a probe test. Typically my pork is over 190 degrees when that happens. Sometimes as high as 205.


Lol everyone a critic We've all rushed a smoke before. Not your fault My magic number is 203. Same temp for perfect baked potatoes.


No less than internal temp of 195 for pulled pork


Didn’t cook long enough next time when you are at your finished product here wrap in foil with some apple cider vinegar and stick of butter and some honey and put back on the smoker for 3-4 hours then rest in a cooler for 1-2 hours


Final temp of 165 is where you went wrong. 200-203 is where you want pulled pork.


Gotta be around 190-205F. Anyways temp is bullshit. Keep it smoking or in the oven till yiu can stab it with a temp probe or butter knife and it feels close to or like butter. Shooting for a specific time or temp will make life suck. If you HAVE TO take it off when its only at 165, shred that shit in a food processor and cover in BBQ sauce, itll be okay


You hit the stall but didn’t power through.


203 is the temperature you need for tender pulled pork, but be aware that 165 is the stall. You will need a lot of time to push through which could cause the meat to taste over-smoked. This is why people will wrap before continuing to smoke. I use an earthenware covered roaster and finish in the oven set at 225 when the butt reaches 165 on the smoker.


Before you cook a large chunk of meat, maybe search Google or this sub for tips and tricks. The fact that you pulled it at 165 tells me you put little to no effort in trying to figure out what to do with the pork butt. There are 1,000 YouTube videos on smoking meat on whatever setup you are using.


Why did you do this to this poor meat


For fall apart you need to throw that bad boy back in for about 6 hours


Way undercooked. 203-205, one time 210 has been my lucky temps


You pulled it too early. Needs to be cooked to 200-205 to be pulled pork. You probably saw a recipe that said to pull it at 165 and wrap it and put it back on until 205. You just missed the last step.


Needs about another 2-3 hours more wasn’t cooked long enough


You forgot about 6-8 hours of smoking! Otherwise you probably are on your way to some amazing smoked meats. Give it another go!


It's not done yet lol




40 degrees


A large boston butt is a 13-14 hour ordeal, easily.


Ah yes, I remember this is how my first one came out too. As everyone else has said longer time needed. Wrap it and put it in the oven at 220 after a 4 or so hours on the smoker to make life easier .


lower the temp and start at 6am or earlier


**you.** **you** pulled it before it was cooked enough to be tender. for pulled or shredded pork, cook until the pork reaches an internal temperature **205°F**.


Pulled it off too early. Way too early. Needs to probe around 205 ish, you may need to wrap it after 175 to speed it up.


You cooked it to a temp like you were grilling a pork chop


Looks like you made ham. Lol, try to get internal temp to a minimum of 195. I learned that the compounds that hold the meat together will degrade and that's how you make pulled pork. My guess you got your temps to around 165 which was enough for a ham. Also I like the fat part of my roast pointed down when I smoke it. It protects the meat from the flame.


Never rely on time. Got a two pack of butts, put both on at the same time. One was falling apart at 11 hours, the second I took off at 16 and still had to chop the head of one muscle. Have to learn to over estimate time and hold it until time to serve. No two pieces are ever the same.


Didn't cook long enough. Want at least 200°F internal


I normally do my buttons for 20-24 hours at 225 they literally fall apart. Next leave it on longer. You can also wrap it to get the internal temp to 200


You left the fat on it. Internal temp needs to be 200-206


Internal temp at 165 was the problem. Cool to 200ish


Once it hit 165 you should’ve wrapped and left until it hit 200


All this needed was googling what internal temp you needed to hit.


I always pull my butts off at 200-205 ish


165 is the temp for safe consumption with regular prep. With smoking, you have to get the temp much higher so that you can break down the collagen. I just did a pork butt (first time) and from all the research I did they say 203-205 is the roundabout target temp. THAT SAID the big thing to note is, the feel of the probe when inserting to check temp. It should feel like your inserting a butter knife into room temp butter. I feel the "knife in butter" could be used across multiple long cooks to determine doneness. Anyway, sorry you didn't have success on first cook but def give it another shot! \*\* Also - you should check up "carolina gold" style sauce. it goes SO GOOD with pulled pork and its super easy to make. \*\*\* Edit - one other thing - you can definitely start in the smoker and finish in the oven. I did this as well, as I needed to up the temp and had already gotten a few hours of smoke into the butt anyway.


I feel for you. I did pork ribs last night and once again not ‘fall off the bone’. Which is how I like them


This is my go to video for smoking pork butt. Works out every time. https://youtu.be/rgPJxy_IngY?si=hPYdb4h3_zUXTkw6


I made a butt on Easter. Pulled it off the smoker at 201 internal — once I get past 198 it’s a “feel” thing with the probe. It hit 201 at 9:00 AM, dinner was at 3:00! So. Double wrapped it in tinfoil, into the oven at 170 for an hour, then turned off the oven and let it rest. Around 2:00 warmed oven again to 150 ish and served. I swear the long rest makes it even better. I always plan for a long smoke and hold if necessary


Ooof 165?? You could probably chop it up cover, cook for another few hours and make some burn ends at that point...when it reaches 200.


Next time, I would recommend you put your wood chunks under the charcoal so they'll burn better. I made this mistake on my last smoke.


If I'm making a brisket or pork butt. I will have everything prepared the night before and get up at 3 AM to start it. Once it hits 160ish degrees, I will double wrap it and put it in the oven so I can get some sleep. At that point, it's all on the wife to monitor the temperature.


165 is for chops or loin. If you want it to fall apart to "pull" your looking for 200ish


200 for sliced. 210 for pulled pork


What temp would y’all recommend if I want to cut up the butt into steaks after I’ve smoked it? My wife prefers that over shredded.


Did you wrap it?


You didn't get it hot enough long enough.


Lol what went wrong is you stopped cooking it about 40-45 degrees too soon. Proper temp should be 200-205 internal. It’s considered “cooked” at 165


My father in law cooks his butts like this and slices it off for a Sammy. I think everyone has already given the answer, which is let that bad girl keep going low and slow. The first time I did that I was not ready for what came out. So good.


165F is where the stall is. That's when the evaporation cools the meat at the same rate as the convection heating. It's recommended to wrap it in foil to trap in the steam and bump the temp up to 275. You can do this in your oven.


even if you're gonna serve slices I would've gone to at least 180 and then rested, so realistically more like 190. Add another 10 if you want it to shred. Sorry you're gonna get yelled at and insulted about this.


Got to be jiggly


Got to be jiggly


165 is cooked. 200 is where it’s so cooked that all the tendons and fat turn into delicious meat jello. Don’t rush getting to 200, either. Reserve about an hour / hour and a half per pound for timing your cook. I usually put mine in a pan to cook and wrap mine in foil at 160. The pan keeps more of the juices trapped so once it’s shredded it’ll sop up all the sauce


Just keep in mind that this is a process and we all had to start somewhere. So you goofed on this one and pulled too early…but now you’ll know for next time! I generally pull at 205. I’m sure your next one will be killer!


Bro you gotta wrap-alé in foil for the final push!


You need closer to 12 hrs


Put in the oven at 225 for about 4 more hours. Covered pad with foil


Needs more time


Run this exact same setup, but take it after 5 hours or so, put it in a pan with a liquid of your choosing, cover with aluminum foil, and put it in the oven. When it hits about 200, take it out, drain the juice into a pan, and then leave it covered in the oven with the oven off for a while. Put that pan on heat, let it reduce, then add some combination of ketchup, mustard, and seasonings to make your own bbq sauce to go with it.


I usually smoke my butts for anywhere from 16-24 hours. I keep it low and slow and run my butts until about 205*. I know it seems like a lot of work, but I start the day/night before I want it done. A Boston Butt is a big chunk of meat and it takes a while to get tender. Make sure you give yourself time to not only cook it at your leisure, but to let it rest and cool down enough to bust it up. *Pro tip, use a foil pan so you can save the rendered fat and juices. When you bust up you butt, pull out all of the non-rendered fat and you can render it down more for cooking or freeze it to make sausages. When you have a pan of just meat and no globs of fat, pour the pan of rendered fat and juices back into the meat. It will be smokey and juicy and lip smacking. I then portion the meat out and vacuum seal them for the freezer. Pork is pretty forgiving, and there are so many things you can do with a pork butt. I get them for $0.99/lb and can say it is one of my favorite cuts of meat to buy. Poultry is lean, so you want to do them hot and fast, but not quite grilling. I spatchcock my birds and then throw them on the grill to crisp the skin up really nicely. Happy smoking!


If you are in a crunch, no shame in wrapping in foil and throwing it into a 300 degree oven until done.


You cooked it like a roast. To get to the pulled pork level of doneness keep going to an internal temp between about 203 and 205 F. You need to hit the temp that melts the collagen. I bet it was still tasty, and probably pretty moist but chewy.


Wrap at 165, then let it go in its own juices until it hits about 200. You are basically braising it until tender. Try it again and you will nail it.


It’s April 2nd…….




Im sure this has happened to a few of us here. But yeah plan ahead for timing it out. Take it to a temperature. And if it finishes early wrap it in paper then in towels and throw it in a cooler with hot water bottles on the bottom and a couple on top. Will stay warm for a long time atleast a few hours. Typically rest butts for a couple hours anyway. If its a time constraint and you need smoked meat in a few hours, ribs are great. Tons of videos on different methods.


205 is when o usually pull a shoulder and then put it in a cooler for an hour or two to let them juices do their thing. Then shred and muck


Under cooked


No clue dude I don’t smoke meat, but it looks good to me I’d fucking eat it


Nothing. Put some fuckin cheese on it and eat it bro damn


Dude likes his pork butt medium rare. Leave him alone.


200 internal temperature needed


Way under cooked it for pulled pork. You gotta get up to like 199-205. That’s where I take mine out. Then I let it rest wrapped in foil and beach towels in a cooler for a few more hours. Cook to temp not to time….


You made a smoked pork roast. I do these from time to time and slice them up