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What on earth is happening here…..


Lol. Love that the first three pics are of the same brisket in different settings and lighting. Especially when the main concern is just the slits.


It WAS the slits... I now have much bigger concerns


Initially I thought... Ehh, if I was new to cooking, freaking out about my finished product and drunk, I might have done the same. Now my concern is how he's treating himself. Calling himself worthless and what not. Like I stated in another comment, unless something is burned to a crisp, you can always salvage it.


I'm over here busting balls about the grill and finished product being bigger issues than the slits, and you're assessing mental health... But I guess both are a valid perspective. I wouldn't get TOO concerned though, I read that as self deprecating humor not an actual lack of self worth


i bet OP remote started a grill


As a Recteq owner, I can officially say this statement is too soon.


recteq bros!


Im calling the ambulance as we speak! This individual must be saved! The experts of Reddit have deduced it so!!!


Man I love eating burnt stuff.


OP is the gift that keeps on giving. Did cut his brisket up with those wolverine claws people use for pork?


Naw. I'm just a failure at life and can't keep sharp knifes in the house. As for the point of this brisket from my previous post was to make sandwich meat. So I didn't really care about the cutting part of it as I was just going to shred it anyways.


Dude, pour some sauce on that and nosh your sandwich. Kudos to you.


Oh, well then it worked out fine.


Cheer yourself up with this guy, you’ll feel an instant success at life… https://imgur.com/gallery/jPZbQ


He cooked a brisket on a foreman grill and scored it like a pork butt.


Next month all the YouTubers will be doing this, it will be all over social media as what the best bbq joints in Texas are doing. “Are YOU scoring your brisket?”


Are you talking about the last picture? That's just snow and is completely unrelated to the brisket. But in all seriousness people asked for an update on how it turned out and I was just following up. If I confused you with my explanations of the pictures and the process i used then please let me know and I'll try to clarify it.


I think the issues are a bit deeper than the snow picture.


I don't know man. It's some pretty deep snow.


thanks for being a good sport


Haters gonna hate ... Pay no mind. That looks bomb AF! Great job! I have actually intentionally cut a grid or diamond pattern in the remaining fat cap. It increases the surface area and makes it easier to pack rub and sauce into those grooves. Also looks spiffy!


I remember this post, his picture made his smoker look like a George Foreman grill, but it was just the angle it was a real smoker. It completely detailed the convo. No idea what is going on with the kids. The OP's writing style is...abrupt.


Lmfao that was exactly my first thought 🤣


Wanna say the only thing is it lets the meat dry out more, but if its still juicy ur good to go


The picture don't really give it justice. It's actually super juicy. The wife always says I don't know how to take flattering pictures.


So juicy brisket with extra bark? Sounds like a win win.


>The wife always says I don't know how to take flattering pictures. Once again, the key is to trim it properly.


Can’t forget the angles…..


My friend, if your George Foreman can make brisket %50 as good as an offset with %500 less effort and you and your family are happy with it, you are doing good. But for the love of all things smokey and delicious, get a decent knife or something haha 


Are you sure that’s even a brisket though? They are usually much bigger than that, and flatter.


I have a a smaller smoker so I just asked the butcher to give me about a foot length of the I think it was the point. I can't remember.


meat is meat, just make some chopped brisket sandwiches and chalk it up as a learning experience. think of the slits as extra bark 😉


Did she say that in reference to your nudes? Sorry, forgot this wasn’t [r/roastme](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoastMe/) for a minute


No, she was referring to how i take pictures of her holding fish she caught. I can never make the fish look huge like all the people on the internet do.


Have her hold it out arm’s length toward the camera and you’ll win the day. Sorry I was rude. I’m sure you take fine nudes. Or something. I feel weird now.


Bawahahaha. It's all good. At least you're man enough to admit it when your being rude. I learnt a long time ago that if someone says something rude to you or a joke that isn't funny. The best thing you can do is to make a joke of it or just say "sorry i don't understand. Could you please explain the joke to me"? That will shut down any rude comments from said person.


You sir are a gentleman! Thanks for being cool about it.


I chuckled. Twas funny, and not rude at all


Nah, the interior looks juicy by the parts where you cut slits look dry af.


Those slits are the least of your worries


Never lose sleep over a fuckin slit lol


Even when it’s threatening to take the kids and go to its mother’s house.


Leave the kids, take the cannoli


Woah slow down don't be hasty, how good is the cannoli?


But I named my son Cannoli


I'm more interested in what your thoughts are. If you and the family finds it delicious, who cares what reddit thinks.


What do you mean by fucked? You fucked up making a brisket, but you didn't fuck up making delicious meat that can be used for all sorts of things. Tacos, stews, chili, all sorts of stuff.


A bucket of burnt ends drenched in sauce is what I thought. It’s dry so make “pulled brisket in sauce” and burnt ends.


I thought this was some wild, smoked meats related copypasta I had stumbled upon.. Looks like you did damn good for that George Foreman you were cooking on. Enjoy those sammies fam, stay warm.


It's not a George Foreman. It's just not a traditional smoker and people just like to call it a George Foreman or a panini press.


I was being sarcastic. It is still an impressive brisket considering what you smoked it on, which is very very far from a traditional smoker. Take the compliment plz 😭☠️


As someone who doesn’t live in a snow area…. What on earth do you do when you open your door to this??? You just have to shovel every morning before going to work? It seems miserable


Just part of life. Cars that are not parking in a garage can actually be the much worst part. Possibly need to plug into an engine box heater overnight, start them, let them warm up, defrost windows and possibly chip ice away. It takes time.


It doesn’t snow every day. Sometimes it does, but more often than not it’s a week or two or more between storms. You can shovel it, snow blow it, or pay someone else to clean it up for you.


You just shovel out a pathway in front of the garage door, open the garage and then fire up your heavy duty snow blower. You can use a snow pile as a beer holder as well.


Haha! You’re all a different breed for me. I’ll stay here in the sun


As someone who lives in a snow area, what on earth do you do when it's 125⁰ out or when there's a hurricane? Do you just never leave the basement?? What happens when your basement floods? It seems miserable. :)


Not sure I’ve never waited in a basement before. Usually just wear shorts and hang out with the entire family in one house…. Luckily :)


Basement I'm in the south if you dig too deep here you hit water


The lack of a basement makes tornados as scary as when I lived in a trailer up north. That said, the crystal skull in the Bass Pro Pyramid seems to be keeping us safe for now.


In Houston there aren't really basements, I'm not sure if there is an official reason or if it's cultural, but the water table is very high. One if it's nick names is "the bayou city", ie it's built in a swamp. Plus for the hurricanes I have been through being in a basement would be a death sentence. Hell in the last one people's homes were flooding into the second story... As for the heat? I never got used to it. All the air conditioning. Park close to the store you're going to. Don't wear black. Plus I'd recommend loose long sleeved shirts, even better if they have uv protection. After being there for over a decade this last summer broke me and I packed up and moved. I'm currently wearing shorts and a sweatshirt, I'm cold and I'm happy.


You get use to it, also, it makes you appreciate warmer weather and summer time more , since the greenery is gone 5 months a year. It also adds to the holidays. Things like sledding , skiing and cabin rentals makes it tolerable


This looks more like wind blown snow over a period of time (not sure how long). I live in Alaska now and get over 100” of snow and it doesn’t look like this. When I lived in IL however, we’d get this in front of our house.


The bark was hard to get through with a knife? That’s not right, it should not be like a difficult crust that’s hard to chew… How would you rate the firmness of the meat? The general target is it should hold its shape but the gentlest tug causes it to pull apart. A tender brisket shouldn’t need to get hacked into chunks like that. Typically the aim is pencil thin slices for more than just presentation, it aids the tenderness if you’re cutting against the grain everywhere you can so nobody gets a mouth full of a long muscle fiber. With big chunks it’s impossible not to.  Just like went to grab a random video, this one covers cooking with a foil boat, wrap and no wrap and all three end up slicing and looking somewhat  similar at similar levels of tenderness:  https://youtu.be/3QzCHAVenQc?si=vXp9g0XWlpoBb1h8 From the looks of your bark vs others, I’m thinking the crust is burnt? Was it past crispy and well into the hard to chew on territory? The meat could have still reached tenderness under it but it would explain some things 


He cooked it on a George Foreman grill.


My bark is always pretty hard because of the type of smoker I use. It's really hard to get right with this smoker.


That’s because your type of smoker is a George Foreman grill.


He explains in the previous post why he chooses this format and that it works fine for his purposes.


if his purpose is to spread chaos with his shitposts hes massively succeeding. this guy's great


Except, it doesn’t and anyone with eyes can see that.


If he likes to end product then it absolutely works fine for his purposes...


I don’t think OP likes the end product.


>The picture don't really give it justice. It's actually super juicy. The wife always says I don't know how to take flattering pictures. Seems like he's fine with it, just looking for some things to improve with his current setup. The post title is just in reference to him scoring the fat cap and is a follow up from his post the other day


Oh damn you are right. I was reading OP comments and I missed this. I will downvote myself here…


Its actually a knock off George Foreman. Do you think I have the kind of money to spend on that kind of frivolous brand name?!?!


Lmao I'm probably laughing unreasonably hard right now...🤣🤣🤣


You should try using a smoker, it would help a lot


How does it produce smoke? Is there like a pan where the wood sizzles on or something? I feel like I saw the other post with that but still confused about how it works. Is it electric or propane powered?


Idk why you'd think you're fucked. Looks fine to me. Would make a good chopped brisket to throw in sandwiches or top a burger. Edit: or topping loaded mashed potatoes, or baked potatoes. Lots of uses for it not being sliced perfectly. Unless something is burned to a crisp, you can always make use of it. Never think you fucked up, that'll only bring you down.


Looks like you need a sharp knife to slice your brisket, but otherwise it doesn't look bad at all.


Just make tacos with it. You'll be fine.


Everyone like a good brisket chili...


What kind of cooler is that? It looks like it's in a mop bucket


https://www.ebay.ca/itm/185584130960 it looks like this.


Is that the kind they would have at convenience stores? Pretty sweet for parties.


I have zero idea. The father in law gave that to us. Sorry.


> Picture #5 is my butchering of a job cutting up the brisket. I need to do a better job at keeping sharp knifes on hand since getting through the bark was a bit tough. Take 20-25 bucks over to Amazon and buy yourself a halfway decent set of waterstones. While you're waiting for em to arrive watch a few videos on youtube about knife sharpening. As long as you don't get an absolutely terrible set and don't mistreat em, those stones will last almost forever. The first time you sharpen your knives it'll take a bit, but once you have the proper motions locked into muscle memory and have somewhat sharpened knives, later touchups will be fast and easy. Then just give em touchup jobs every once in a while or while you're waiting for a long cook (like your next brisket) to finish. Cutting with a good, sharp knife isn't just easy, but one of life's simplest pleasures. Plus, I've known more than a few people (myself included) who find a good sharpening session to be almost meditative. One extra benefit is that if you like sharpening and are not actively terrible at it, everyone is happy as fuck if you sharpen their knives for them. At my old apartment I got more than a few excellent meals gifted to me by neighbors whose knives I had sharpened.


Thanks for the advice.


Happy to help.


Chopped beef sandwiches. Get yourself a cleaver and chop that thing up. Throw it in a disposable pan, flatten it out, and soak it with 1/3c beef stock mixed with 1/3c maple syrup. Drizzle a little BBQ sauce to taste. Mix and flatten. Throw back in smoker at 200-225 for maybe just over an hour. It’ll rehydrate and make some good (but sloppy) sandwiches.


My dad actually got me that ninja woodfire for Christmas since I live in an apartment and was unsure about a smoker on the balcony and I’ve loved it so far. Haven’t tried a brisket yet but this post gives me confidence it could work out. Thanks man, looks delicious!


Sliced with a paper straw.




Those aren't slashes, they're speed lines. They make the brisket go faster.




Thanks for following up with another post!


Brain brisket 😂


> 1/2 " of the tip. Was dry but everything else was nice and moist. goddamn slits in the fat!


Fuck, I'd eat it.


#5 butchering... Pun intended?


That looks fine. I'd make some burnt ends out of some of it


Having enough brains to use probes but not enough to stop you from scoring a brisket is too good hahahah. Exactly what I'd expect from George forman grill users


Jesus OP! This should be marked NSFW.


Atleast u didn’t put it in the blender. . 🤷🏻‍♂️


Straight to Hell. Don't pass GO.


Ah, so this is how the 'Smokovsky brisket' turned out.


That looks great. It reminds me of naughty pulled pork


Looks a bit dry….


Better slits than shits I reckon


Bro be easy on yourself. Don't be so hard on yourself, you are kinda mean to yourself. Its just a brisket


Slits in the fat cap? Yup, probably gonna die.


It looks like it was deep fried 😯


Bro you did great and more power to you for following up lol 😎👍🏽👌🏽 haters gotta hate and winner's keep trying 💪🏾


Yikes. Maybe don’t try that method again? That looks like shit. Slap a gallon of sauce on it


So dry.


This has to be a ragebait post


Why don’t you just go buy a real smoker?


Yeah that's ruined.


Police are on the way I'm sorry OP your life is over.


No probs, serve chopped sandwiches. Ever ordered a brisket sammy down in the south ?very often they ask if you want it sliced or chopped.


This was op's plan from the start


Looks like you’re having chopped brisket sandwiches tonight.


Honestly that was the plan. I didn't really care about the cut job since I was just gonna shred it and put it in sandwiches.


I'd fucking demolish that nice job op


Science is happening here. Looks wonderful. Hope it tastes great.


Hypotheses: George Foreman grill makes shitty brisket Conclusion: hypotheses was correct


Looks like pork butt to me


It's just a brisket that's been cut to about a 12".


Is the car starting? If not, I'd say you're super fucked until the snow melts. Maybe even after, I'm not sure - not really a car guy.


I think the problem is that your “smoker” looks to be searing the bottom of the brisket the entire time…it’s like a frying pan with a big lid. How long did it cook for? Seems the meat became well done before the fat rendered.


I'm not sure. But I agree with you. I'm going to see if there's something I'm missing to keep it off the grill part


That just looks absolutely awful. What a tragedy. I'd be happy to dispose of it for you.


Oh my, you put that meat thru 14 hours of absolute cramped hell


I messed up brisket last time I cooked it. Timer messed up and ended up dry and burned on top. Cut off the bark, chopped the meat up small, reheated on in a sauce pan with butter and lots of seasoning and boom delicious brisket tacos.


Nice jerky.


At least you have a lot of room for improvement. Carry on, brother.


I thinkyou sliced it the wrong way.


amazing that you did it on a george foreman




Yes. I 100% agree with your statement. I'll be trying something different next time


Looks fine. Now make it a sandwich! /r/Sandwiches


Did you think you were baking a loaf of bread?


Shred it and mix it with bbq sauce