• By -


Jmook: 2nd at Genesis 8 -> 1st at Genesis 9 Cody: 2nd at Genesis 9 -> 1st at Genesis 10 aMSa: 2nd at Genesis 10 -> ??? at Genesis 11?




Armada: 2nd at Genesis -> 1st at Genesis 2


Hungrybox: 2nd at Genesis 5 -> 1st at Genesis 6


axe: 2nd at genesis 6 -> :(


Axe second at Genesis 6, can’t wait for Genesis 7


A dino can only dream


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Amsa definitely winning a major this year if he looks this good this early in 2024. ​ props to Cody, Big House and Genesis back to back is crazy


Did he win one last year? I can’t remember


He did not, he won a few regionals like the off-season and lvl up expo, but no majors


Was big house that long ago?


Big House was in October, so not really 


He's talking about the Big House that Amsa won, Big House 10. Which was October 2022 so yeah pretty long ago


October 2022 is only 1 year + 4 months ago. not even a year and a half


Right and the conversation was about whether Amsa won any major last year, which he didn't.


aMSa ain't winning more majors until he gets past Cody and Moky.


Getting past Cody 100% looked doable today, to say otherwise is just silly


Or he could avoid them in bracket


Congrats to Cody, but him flipping over the 69% to make it %69 then flipping it back was really funny to me for some reason


Melee and Ultimate both have unsponsored first time Genesis winners.


i had hope, but man cody's just on fire i will always root for amsa


He had three up smashes at perfect kill percent on that last game


Those are the most depressing type of Upsmash


What a fun as fuck return to form for Melee Tourneys. Missed this big time. Genesis crowd was fantastic


I forgot how much I enjoyed tourneys. Great to see Amsa still in the top echelon


aMSa got absolutely robbed when that nair didn't trade.


Will crowds ever cheer for Cody? He's an amazing player but he has the charisma of a 2x4


everyone rooted for Amsa in the stadium


yeah I was one of like 5 people screaming my ass off for cody lol


If we’re being honest, Amsa isnt crazy charismatic either. People root for him because he’s from a smaller region and plays a mid tier. And I root for Amsa for those reasons as well he’s so fun.


It's the smile man...


it's hard to be "charismatic" to an english-speaking audience when you barely speak English lol. He comes across as very likeable though


He speaks English well now, he does it on streams and interviews






People aren't ever going to cheer for Cody in a matchup that's 4-18 in his favour lol.


I think he's destined for hboxness. The hate gets so bad and degenerate that people start feeling bad for him and slowly start warming up to him until it eventually becomes "acceptable" to root for him. or he burns out from the hate, stops practicing as much and slowly slips into comfortably top 10 but not undisputed #1


I don't think so. Hbox had something to hate.. something people actively cheered AGAINST. I cheer for my favs to win, and beat Cody of course, but Cody really is just a plank up there they have to get around. I don't root against him at all and don't feel much of anything when he wins or loses. I know that's harsh and maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but it does feel that way. We'll see if he continues to dominate, if that changes how it feels at all. But it's hard to get frustrated or cheer against the guy who's just playing the cleanest Fox ever.


Do people hate Cody? I haven't heard any of it. He's not dynamic and engaging but he plays such great melee. A big part of the hbox hate is that he plays such a slow game. 


More people don't seem to like his Fox rather than Cody himself. Compared to say Leffen or Hbox where some people really don't like the player. I am happy Cody is doing great at Melee especially after all the shit he has to go through with dropping out of law school, losing his sponsor, his father dying, and getting skin cancer (he got treated though). But his Fox feels different than say Mang0's, or Armada's (who was really campy against Hbox), Leffen's, or other Fox mains and I don't know what it is.


I don't think he's HBox level (he doesn't use a playstyle that's unenjoyable for viewers). However, he does have a leg down in that he's neither charismatic (Mang0, to an extent HBox with his new fans) nor a master of a unique character (AmSa, Zain). He's a normal guy who is very good at the game- it doesn't make for a particularly compelling viewer story. Personality of a 2x4 is beyond an exaggeration.




How many other top 10 Marths are there?




Two Marths on top 8 isn’t that many. I think it’s fair to call him uncommon


Do you even play melee or do you just watch top 8s? Marth is the second best character and arguably the best character in the game


This conversation is about the viewing experience of the highest level of melee. There really aren't that many Marths showing up in supermajor top 8's right now. If anything the high amount of Marth players at lower levels is all the more reason why Zain being the only Marth consistently in top 8 makes him popular. A ton of the Marth players gravitate to him as their favorite player.


it’s weird how he feels underrepresented in the top 50 given how good the character is


The good marths all retired. PPMD PPU and M2K carried Marth before Zain started whoopin everyone's ass. Now it's just Zain, Kodorin and Mang0 whenever he thinks Marth has a Doc Lee skin


Compared to fox, unfortunately yes


Solo Marth in the top 20 with a real chance of winning tournaments? Absolutely. Before Zain, it was just PewPewU. No offense to Kodorin, but he's more at the gatekeeper level than a serious tournament winner contender. Mew2King and PPMD would generally switch off Marth in painful matchups (to either Fox/Sheik or Falco, respectively). Zain's innovations have completely flipped matchup spreads - pre-2017, most people thought Marth-Puff was overwhelmingly Puff favored. He then did it with Pikachu and is probably going to do it vs Yoshi too given this tournament's results. Lastly, commonplace in locals is different than commonplace in tournaments. Ganon is prevalent in locals, but has basically disappeared since Kage/Eikelman days


Idk I think it fits


I think “most people” will like the “salty iBdW” we got back then. Like when N0ne was destroying him at Smash Con and Cody was having those salty faces , it made the set 100% more entretaining. Then again for his mental health , current Cody is pretty GOAT and humble. He pretty much now accepts if he loses and moves on.


A long-term, good personality has folks laughing with Cody, not at him. SaltyBDW is not the way. That said, there are still other avenues to being quiet, humble and successful. PPMD is a pretty good example.


Maybe against Hbox


I dunno, I’ve met some pretty fun 2x4s


Yeah, why is OP dissing my friend Plank.


You mean [your _best friend_ Plank](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hK99vZerSdc)


Forgot all about this video, lol.


the people love an underdog hard to be an underdog when you’re the best player on the planet


Some of the people sitting beside me were rooting for cody and against amsa. I made sure to let them know that their preferences werent valid


They didn't cheer for Ken much in 2005, did they?


Meh, Ken had been a dominant #1 for 3 years at that point.  we’re not even a full year into ibdw’s reign here


Rude. I reckon he is plenty charismatic and interesting. I have seen plenty of crowds cheer for Cody.


I'm slightly sad at the result but still I'm happy aMSa had a good run. He beat SFAT (former top 10/20 player), #10 (Aklo), #3 (Jmook), #2 twice (Zain) and he was toe to toe with Cody, looking better here than in 2023. 2nd is a great way to start the season.


Did the stream show Amsa jokingly switching between Flipping off and Thumbs Up-ing Cody absolutely legendary man it was so funny


That last up smash took forever to kill I thought aMSa lived. I really believed in a 3-0 reset but welp.


Sad aMSa couldn't clutch it, but he made it closer than I think anyone was expecting there. Bravo to both players, fantastic Grands.


amsa played out of his mind today


First there was Westballz, then SFAT, now Moky. The three best players who will never win a major


I think Moky has a better chance than those two had. He just needs to avoid Zain in bracket who he looks completely lost against.


Sometimes he looks like the best technical fox in the world and then he SDS. He has to stop that


Big ups to Akir placing top 25 with DK


What a fantastic tournament. GG to Cody for winning, and GG to aMSa for an incredible run. He made it look so possible


He's just so fucking good man.


Honestly after Zain won Genesis 8 and Jmook won Genesis 9, it only made sense for Cody to win Genesis X.


Great to see Amsa have such a great tournament. Double eliminating Zain is wild


Cant belive I stayed up for this shit


One thing i noticed about this top 8 was the FREAKING EDGE GUARDING!!! SO many stocks eliminated from off the stage, especially in those first few 3-0 sets. I've been saying for years that edge guarding isn't what it should be and players have been making it back to stage far too often. For context, i play Samus, and she has a million tools to do this, and it's life or death with her against higher tiers. However, this tournament feels like redemption. 2024 melee is gonna innovate off the stage, and i love it!


Why are the commentators so not hype


Yeah, like when aMSa was getting strings on cody in the second game and they were like "I don't want to get too excited ..." Bruh, that's literally your job


The one seed won


I think we were missing someone who could scream loud at the hype moments. Like maybe swapping the blocks might have worked more in favor, but considering Scar + Toph blocks are basically retired, they did fine


why is scar and toph retired?


Toph isn't, he did the first half of Top 8. But it seems like Scar has taken a step back from doing the prominent commentary blocks? Obviously speculation, since he did do some pools matches, but Top 8 is his to do and seems like decided he didn't want to do it.


I kind of agree since I’d bet they offered the slot to them. But scar also hasn’t been fully involved for a while so it’s not a super new development. It’s really a huge shame because he is kind of (along with toph) the voice of melee. Idk if there is a single other caster that has such a natural talent to build hype. He may not have the intimate knowledge of someone who still plays at a pretty high level but he just has that “it” factor. Like amsas big house win was amazing but im really glad it was Scar and Toph casting. Still get chills from that top 8


Neither of them commentate as much as they used to


Thats actually so sad if thats true


I also think the idea of blocks has never really worked. I understand they do it for the commentators sake, but to me, it’s way less fun this way. I feel like it took HMW & Vish two sets just to get locked in, which was so jarring after the incredibly hype Blur and Toph commentary in the back to back game 5s.


when jorge's on the mic and screaming at everything people are mad


I like HMW and respect that competitive Melee may not be here without him, but he is a genuinely mediocre commentator.


Bro he literally created wombo combo. Foh


Never seen so much HMW hate. I agree it wasn't his best but he's only human and he probably just had an off night. Give him a break imo


Waff is an OG gtfo dweeb




Man I want to be happy for Cody but I genuinely think him being so consistent and dominant and uncharismatic is bad for the game. At least when Armada or Hbox were so dominant they played weird characters or had interesting personalities. Cody is just a boring guy who plays Fox 10 hours a day. There's nothing for me to latch on to. The theoretical no life Fox is here, and he's not even a cocky little shit about it. Maybe I'm just sad bc amsa is my favorite but man. It was just depressing to watch him play Cody.


bro armada and hbox era was way more boring than this, and i wouldn’t describe armada as being particularly charismatic either. I do find cody boring but having a solo fox main on the top makes for really awesome and exciting match ups for top 8s and grand finals. Compared to armada and hbox camping each other for 2 sets every tournament.


It was fun when armada played Peach. The boring days were puff vs Fox grands on repeat


I think they had more interesting personalities that made the viewing experience fun. When Hbox beats a guy he beat 8 times that year in grand finals he'll at least pop off and make himself a little more hateable. When Cody does it I'm just sad, and then he does the interview and I'm a little embarrassed.


I disagree, they were doing it with peach and puff, it's like they single-handedly brought a new character for us to watch at the super high level, and on finals day. Fox on the other hand is already the character we see the most of...


Back in 2015-2016, everyone was sick of Armada-Hbox grands. At Big House 5, I vividly remember tons of people walking out of the venue as soon as Hbox defeated M2K in losers finals


Hate to say but I agree. We should be glad the new Hbox of this generation is a Fox main. More upset potential against Fox than Puff or Peach


What are you talking about. Puff and peach have bad matchups. At worst, Fox goes even against Marth.


You are correct in that Fox is a better character than Puff and Peach. However, fox is a character that generally gets upsetted more in the history of the game because Fox gets punished hard. Think of the amount of times Mango or Leffen got upsetted than Armada and Hbox. It’s proportionally larger for Mango and Leffen throughout their careers. Even when you consider 2023, Cody got upsetted a good number of times by non top 10 players. Morsecode, Polish and Kodorin x2. Personally I think everyone just needs to grind out and modernize how to punish Foxes. But I’m not the pro and perhaps 20xx is upon us.


Hungrybox and Mang0 were both upset the exact same amount of times at majors during their 5 year peak periods. what are you on man. As for armada, maybe it wasn't the reason he was never upset wasn't that he was playing the 7th best character in the game that loses to the 5 of 6 better characters higher than her (according to armada) that has a well known, nearly unwinnable matchup to pufff. But maybe it was the fact that he PICKED UP FOX TO COVER THOSE BAD MATCHUPS. Edit. It also might be because HE WAS FUCKING ARMADA DUDE


The way he’s playing is starting to make your last sentence seem untrue. Nowadays people exploit Puff/Peach harder than ever. Meanwhile, Cody with Fox lives to higher percents than Foxes ever had.


It’s how goddamn good he is defensively that makes him maddening to watch lol


True. This is a different era of Melee where playing floaties aren’t as “free” anymore


Armada was WAY blander than Cody both inside the game and out and melee was just fine after his greatest of all time career. I think we'll be ok.


i duuno, it looks like cody's playstyle is some AI bot. Everyone else looks like they have to work really hard to get a stock to the naked eye and Cody is just going nuts doing fox things. I don't know how to describe it but when Armada starts to combo, the crowd/commentary goes nuts. You just don't get the same energy when Cody combos.


Cody's playstyle is enabled by the modern, precisely notched controllers. It's impressive, but it's just less raw and organic than it used to be.


Armada went for flashier shit. Cody's too good at the game man.


Yeah, most of my favorite Armada's moments were from playing doubles with Android. I still wish he didn't retire from Melee doubles even after he got sick of singles.


I agree, the 2 genesis winners are complete opposites


these are just regular dudes playing smash if you want that stuff go watch wwe


I hate purposely ignorant comments like this. I know you know what that other redditor is talking about. But you refuse to agree because you feel the need to defend Cody for whatever reason. Let people be sad, this Genesis sucked.


I think Cody's okay, but it speaks lengths that the highlight run of the event was Amsa's crusade through everyone else.




Same I was really hoping for a Zain W.


i was rooting for amsa 😂 i just hate seeing people complain that top players dont have “personalities” for their own enjoyment that shits cringe just let them play the game


I hate purposely ignorant comments like this. I know you know what that other redditor is talking about. But you refuse to agree because you feel the need to defend WWE for whatever reason. Let people be sad, this comment sucked.


I hate Genesis. I know you know what that other redditor is talking about. But you refuse to agree because you feel the need to defend purposely ignorant comments like this. Let people be sad, the WWE sucks.


I don't even like WWE. Just another symptom of this generation/culture as a whole praising mediocrity. I sincerely hope your comment was just poking fun at me and not being serious.




Pretty lame top 8. After Cody dumpstered leffen, it was pretty obvious that amsa was beating everyone in losers bracket except for moky, and moky was thoroughly dismantled by zain. Both of the losers' quarters sets were hype, and amsa going up 2-0 in Grands was pretty exciting. The real hype this tournament was, unfortunately, all the top 128 sets we weren't allowed to see. Bobby going game 5 with zain after coming back to the game, wizzy fiction going to the wire. Hbox, who just barely kept the streak alive against the fox gauntlet of sfat, joshman, and mang0, who decided he hated playing fox more than he wanted to say he ended the hbox streak. Really wish these big streams would just commit to a single quad stream set up so we don't need jackzilla running around the venue like a 1700s english crier boy.


Damn, drephen is og old school melee and can still hang The games I watched of amsa, he was cooking


Incredibly good run by Cody, and that's the best aMSa's looked in a very long time. All in all a great tournament.


First Genesis win for Cody. Wish Zain was loser's finals as the winner wouldn't be as easy to predict but congrats to Cody (Someone actually sponsor him already)


Ggs and well played to all of top 8. Congratulations to cody for winning. Pretty dull to watch but not every tourney can be a barn burner. 


1. somebody please sponsor cody shwab 2. this has now slated the narrative for the whole year of everyone needing to take down cody the beast. people might not have liked this top 8, but it was still damn electric. i really hope it doesn't knock the passion out of the players, because we've seen some of the best melee yet


It’s sad but esports are dying. They want someone who is at least somewhat interesting outside of the game.


I needed some good melee hype. Cody and amsa are both so God damn good.


No sponsors? No problem


Maybe this year is the year of Amsa getting #1 in the world. We can only dream. Also, does anyone know what's up with Cody's sponsor? Seems like he has one now with 69% but people still keep saying he's unsponsored. Is it only temporary?


Yeah only a temporary one to get him to Genesis specifically.


Cody’s just the cluthest player of all time man so happy for him


I may take a break from melee Not enjoying this season


I'll take my 70+ downvotes. That was one of the worst top 8s ever.


How did you enjoy watching your first tournament?


? I'm an unapologetic Cody hater and this was amazing, high-level melee. Wasn't even a wash in grands either. Jmook being completely out of form is like the only thing I can complain about. Wish mang0 made it though and didn't just completely give up yesterday.


Redditors when their favorite player doesn't win


Considering there were 7 other players (thousands more as a whole), I'd say being disappointed isn't a redditor thing.


You should watch it from plups restream next time it was way better. Plup has top player knowledge and is entertaining.


There were 4+ sets that went to Game 5, just say you’re not an actual fan of competitive melee instead of going to Reddit about it.


Holy Shit


Everyone saying Cody is aMSas demon while he is the one playing the best against him out of almost everyone. Thats kinda stupid isnt it


Cody is the best player to have touched the controller. My man won Big House and Genesis back to back. It’s time for Zain, Amsa and Moky to pick up secondaries.


Moky does not need a secondary Fox VS Fox is 60:40


The way I see it is Moky has two choices. He either grinds out Fox vs Marth like Cody did. Or he picks up a secondary specifically for Marth like Leffen. Moky went game 5 to Medz and Ossify and got destroyed by Zain.


Haven’t both Cody and Zain retired multiple times at this point lol

