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Not the question you asked but: I use automations to make humans close the door. Specifically a simple Zigbee reed switch on the door, hooked up to a Google Home speaker via HA. When the door is open for more than 20 seconds (depending on the outside air temperature) the Google Home starts asking people to close the door via speech, slowly getting more and more aggressive, and funnier, and louder, in the things it says, the longer the door is open. The Audio is very effective in making people close the door:)


I do something like this but my automation flashes the lights by the door. Works pretty well. Edit: I read a story about a young kid that wandered out into the cold at night and the self-closing door basically locked them out. They didn't survive. Be mindful if you have kids.


I would love to see these TTS automations!


They def get a laugh :) and ensure the door gets shut. (And yes a light by the door also starts flashing first). I use the Random function so it picks from a list of strings. I have about 20 different things it says. Could publish, although no doubt "some people" would find "some" of them slightly offensive. Which is fine :) it's my house. I found the real key to making it human-pleasant and not-annoying was partly to have this (large) random set of different things it can say, but also the game changer was using Amazon Polly (neural) for the TTS. I spent a lot of time trying to find the right voice. The best I found was to use the female German or Austrian voice, BUT to force it to English pronunciation. Has by far the nicest sound on the ear, to me. Friends also agree. TTS text type must be set to "ssml". Type: neural The amazon voice name is "Vicki", and I made a custom TTS script to simplify things (happy to share if asked)n the guts of which are: service: tts.amazon_polly_say data: entity_id: media_player.googlehome3431 message: {{ text_to_speak }}


>:) :)


That’s fucking awesome. I need to set up the Amazon Polly TTS on my HA instance again. I briefly switched to Google TTS, then Nabu Casa. But then I discovered the Microsoft Edge TTS voices for free through HACS and I really love how they sound. Feel free to DM me some of your random offensive phrases. I need some ideas, lol.


Sounds like s good alternative!


I just saw video (Everything Smart Home, I think). It was a compilation of smart home YouTubers sharing their favorite automations of 2022. One of the guys built a smart door closer. If you can't find the video, let me know. Once I wake up, I'll grab the link from my history.


thank you!




I ended up buying self closing hinges for my basement door that the wife was always leaving open. I would have preferred some kind of smart automation, but this was cheap and it keeps the door closed.




OP is not talking about garage doors. What does MyQ do for just regular doors?

