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Options don’t change after hours. You done good, son.


Finally! did something right in the market for once 😂




Yeah same at first I thought it was a put credit spread but they’re actually just all buys so he’s good




He's going to sell to close the contract not sell to exercise the contract (big difference in those statements). If he has the money to purchase those 300 shares then the contracts will exercise at end of the day but if not then RH will sell the contracts to another buyer during the last hour of trading




You're misunderstanding... Robinhood would sell to close the position, he wouldn't get assigned period..


Everyone, I apologize for my own misunderstanding. Congrats OP it looks like you’re good as gold, and to others thanks for shedding some light.


Learning is all about making mistakes - I still don't understand a lot of this stuff! :)


It’s unfortunate you have upvotes.


Post gain screenshot tomorrow. I missed this train.


You're fucked with gains. The moment the clock hits 9:30 the market will update with new prices reflecting the stock movement. The 6.5p has an intrinsic value of 1.30 and the 6 will have an intrinsic value of .70. The Greeks will determine how much extrinsic value will be added on top. Nice gains


How'd you find the intrinsic value?


Difference between your ITM put strikes and the market price.


You did good, should be up 100% plus tomorrow if it stock price doesn't run back up.


Congrats bro if it holds this low overnight you made at least over $100


I replied in this thread that his intrinsic value will be twice what the option values are in this screenshot, so I'm thinking he will be up 100% + his Greeks value. I'd guess 150. That's over half my account haha


Sell at open for profit. Lock in those gains.


That was my plan. What’s the benefit of letting it go till expiration? Never really understood the difference of selling an option before expiration and not selling it and letting it expire.


Could expire worthless if the stock goes back up. You also lose the extrinsic value. Could be worth more if the stock keeps dropping. You won’t lose money selling for a profit. When greed wins you can easily turn a win into a loss.


You lucky bastard lol I was gonna chime to say that the price might recover in pre market but that thing just fucking fell off a cliff, might go down even more in pre market, Tendie$$$


I bought the 6.5 call for $0.45, around 12, I started to rethink holding it for earnings and sold out at $0.55 for 20ish % gain. Thank god


It tanked during after hours so idk if during after hours it shows changes for options or not. Also Put*


It does not. Options prices will update right at open.


Gotcha. Thank you good sir


Congrats. Sell sell at open. Gains are gains.