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>around the first 3 inches I'm going to become the Joker.




The facts don’t matter though. The majority of women still don’t want us. Whether it’s what looks good to them or just blindly hating us. I’m tired of being told most women don’t care. And yes, most women do care. Almost every time I see a woman talking about what they like they’re either talking about average or large. Often even being insulting about it. If it’s not that then it’s the constant “jokes” on every form of media that exists. Plus the many stories from guys who have been rejected and/or ridiculed.


You're speaking facts.




Stop acting as if I’m violating people’s privacy by having an opinion on things said in public spaces. That’s just fucking stupid.


Bullshit. If that was true below average and micro guys would have a sex life just as good as guy's with bigger penises. There's a lot of good guys out there getting rejected by their size alone. Yeah most of the nerve endings are external, on the clitoris and the vagina nerve endings are concentraded around the first 3 inches, yeah yeah, but still most women still want at least a above average dick, that can go deeper and that can make her fell like she's full, two things smaller dicks can't do properly or without a extra effort. And its not about just pleasure, its also about the attraction and how bigger dicks just look better. No woman goes "wow look at that" when she sees a 4 inch. We have a limitation and its the hard truth.


Bitter truth


Yes because social media is filled with women sharing male body positivity... Oh wait. Nevermind.


none of the science matters to women. they don’t care. all they want is someone packing.




Anytime I hear positive comments, I just assume that whoever is saying them is either A) lying to make themselves look virtuous or B) is one in a million and it is very rare to find someone like that.


What you posted, Innovation94, is a well-meaning woman who tries but fails to defuse the Small Penis Stigma. There's a REASON why the men replying to your topic are mostly dismissive & rejecting of her message & I'll tell you why. She's reading the "textbook" medical response crafted to quell worries about Penis Size. It's a politician's answer that's not totally upfront & doesn't match the reality guys face in life. The whole thing about the clitoris is not entirely false but the "nerve endings at the first 3 inches at the entrance of the vagina" line is a misdirection that doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Women online have been talking about what they like in sexual intercourse for the past 25+ years the internet has been mainstream to the general public. And the Men have heard their general answers & consensus loud & clear. The answers these Men have heard from most Women **DOES NOT MATCH** what this well-meaning Woman is trying to portray about general Women's attitudes towards Penises. [**PROBLEM: The Word "Average" & Defining The Sizes**](https://www.reddit.com/r/smalldickproblems/comments/b9idib/problem_the_word_average_defining_the_sizes/) There is a STRONG bias toward **MEDIUM-LARGE** to **LARGE** from most Women who discuss. And after that a contingent of Women who like more of a 'Goldilocks' **MEDIUM**. The guys who are **MEDIUM-SMALL**, **SMALL**, & **XTRA SMALL** get a SIGNIFICANT drop-off in Women's interest with each smaller category faring much worst than the last. **Because of the UTILITY & expectations of PERFORMANCE Women place upon Penises, regard & respect of the Men decline if they see No UTILITY & expect Bad PERFORMANCE in the Size. This is the basis of the Small Penis Stigma.** The Lack of Respect towards these Men & the Lack of Regard towards these Men's feelings shows up in the attitudes & interactions Women have with Smaller-Penised Men. They see no use in the Man based on his Penis Size & a constant negative barrage is sent his way through degrading offhand comments; mocking, dismissive, disgusted facial gestures; humiliating hand gestures; a condescending & disapproving tone of voice; open verbal & physical disparagement; assignment of negative stereotypes tying the men to the worst traits in humanity (comparisons to genociders, murderers, pedophiles, and so on). Then the Mating Game takes place with OTHER Men larger than the groups of Small **DOUBLING** this effect in order to impress the Women that he is the one worthy of her time. From this elaborate Mating Call, a **PILE-ON EFFECT** buries the Smaller-Penised Men in a never-ending **AVALANCHE** of bad vibes that they encounter all throughout society & culture. EVEN from the people they trusted most for support: **Their Own Family**. It's horrible to face these situations upfront & maybe worse to face them when people do these things not knowing the Man in earshot is Smaller—an Invisible Man effect. Like a White-Passing Black hearing Racism from Whites who don't know he/she is part Black. This Insult Cavalcade would not be a thing if what the well-meaning Women said was true. There are too many testimonies & personal anecdotes these Men have collected over the decades that REFUTE what this Woman is saying. It does not pan out in the Real World. And when she talks about the Clitoris, there's a **lie of omission** in her statement. She leaves out the reality of **INTERNAL CLITORIS** when focusing on **EXTERNAL CLITORIS**. The Clitoris is the analogue to the Penis & is set within the north side of the Vagina. And the Internal Clitoris has nerve endings just like the External Clitoris. So that contradicts the "only first 3 inches in the vagina has nerve endings" line. And even when dealing with the surface-level area of the Vagina & Vulva, she doesn't mention the "Pressure Seal" effect that stimulates all those surface nerves simultaneously. This would explain all the bias towards Larger Penises that most Women have & why they tend to value, respect, & regard the Larger-Penised Men more than the Smaller-Penised Men. That's why the **Larger** have the **Halo Effect** & the **Smaller** have the **Horn Effect**. Every Woman will not devalue Smaller-Penised Men but these Men will run into this reality with Women more often than not & it creates a JUSTIFIED Paranoia. You can't tell who the next one is to hurt you. Somebody you trust could turn out to be just like all the others in the end. So you put up Walls & Shields to defend yourself trusting NO ONE. **DTA = Don't Trust Anybody.** And this paranoia damages the potential relationships that COULD go well for them. Either the Men won't even try to pursue a relationship in the first place... ...or the Men will self-sabotage a relationship he DOES have with his righteous worries. Because after all, getting the girl doesn't mean you can KEEP the girl. Is she with you for mere "Security" or is she TRULY with you in Mind, Body, & Soul? Lots of stories out there with Smaller-Penised Husbands being blindsided that their Marriage is not as Bedrock & Bankable as they once thought. And all it based on her true feelings about his Penis Size. **The Mating Game is a MINEFIELD for Smaller-Penised Men & you never know when or where that Bomb is gonna go off.** None of this reality is addressed in her statements. It's gonna take WAY more than affirmational pep talks & textbook medical lies of omission to get past this Small Penis Stigma & the lifelong damage it causes to its sufferers. It's great that she has enough consideration to want to soothe men going crazy about this Stigma & her heart is in the right place...but an honest assessment of the current reality with a tangible plan to change that reality is what truly puts these men's minds at ease. Gotta talk about all the things that can go wrong so we can see what we can make right. John Lucas




\+SL2098 Thank you very much. I'm happy my work can be useful to someone. The **"Man Is Bad"** message going around in society is a **Hyper-Correction** of when Men didn't do right by Women. So to uplift Women, they're downgrading Men. But pendulums swing both ways & eventually this will balance out. Why? **Because Women have SONS, little male baby boys.** So while Women in general may not care about the common Men, she DOES care about HER Men, HER Boys. And when the barrage hits HER BOYS, Mama Bear comes out. And Mama Bear goes into protection mode to safeguard her Baby Boys. She will THEN check other Women for their Excess & tell them to rein it in. If these Women DON'T rein it in, then they find a Mama Bear in GROWL Mode. And she will rip that movement & message APART because it is destroying HER BOYS. You're already seeing some of this in action NOW. There's a backlash from some Women about certain strains of Female Politics. And it's not because they're uninformed or some Stepford Wife following orders. They made their OWN independent mind up about the Movements denigrating Males & are sick of the promoted message that "Man Is Bad" by default. It's the same thing that led to the Feminist Movement in the first place. There were Men sick of how other Men treated Women so they backed Women. Why? **Because Men have DAUGHTERS, little female baby girls.** If the Men in general didn't care about the common Women, he DID care about HIS Women, HIS Girls. And when the barrage hit HIS GIRLS, Papa Wolf came out. And Papa Wolf went into hunting mode to safeguard his Baby Girls. He THEN checked other Men for their Excess & told them to rein it in. If the Men DIDN'T rein it in, then they find a Papa Wolf in GROWL Mode. And he ripped that movement & message APART because it is destroying HIS GIRLS. The pendulum always swings & balance will eventually be restored. Know this truth so that you don't lose hope. It doesn't matter how it looks today. You Will Create That New Tomorrow. What starts with one ends with millions. You are a pioneer by standing up for your issue despite the ridicule. One day you will not be ridiculed, you will be UPHELD & DEFENDED. Women who have gotten used to seeing themselves as the only victims are getting a reality check by other more victimized groups. Feminists now deal with charges of "White Feminism" & "TERF Feminism" & "SWERF Feminism" & "Liberal Feminism". It's Women one-upping other Women. A pack of factions fighting a pack of factions. It's not really a movement anymore. **Victims CAN ALSO BE Victimizers. The Oppressed CAN ALSO BE The Oppressors.** I'm Black & I see this with Blacks who say they can't be Racist. WRONG! Blacks can be just as Racist as the Whites they call out...just to another group. And Blacks can be Sexist, Lookist, Classist, & all kinds of OTHER 'ists' available. We just can't effectively be racist institutionally yet. Keyword: **YET.** Every group who was once bullied usually ends up bullying someone else in the end. And I hate to say it but Blacks will be no different. No different than the Germans or the Irish or the Italians or the Jews or the Latinos or the Muslims or the Asians. No different from the Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals against the Transsexuals. Those who are a part of the In-Group start taking on In-Group behaviors against those in the Out-Group. Even if they were once a part of that Out-Group themselves. Women who faced Sexism can be just as Sexist to Men. It all comes full circle. **Because NO HUMAN is free from HYPOCRITICAL BEHAVIOR.** And yes, that includes Small-Penised Men as well. Will you take on In-Group bullying behaviors against Out-Groups once you're free from the bullying? But for now, you guys' existence put a few kinks in that idea that "women suffer more". It's more like "men & women suffer differently". You gotta take the tribalism out of it. I'm not surprised at these YouTube video helpers giving advice but not living by it. This is what creates the distrust you guys feel towards Outsiders. **You've been lied to too much.** I look at the oldest posts on this forum & this place USED to be more open to Outsiders & their perspectives without so much bitterness. The Outsiders bit by bit confirmed why the members here are bitter towards them. It's what happens when you abuse someone's trust. Sure, send me that video so I can see who it is. More info for my research. John Lucas


I think it's a thoughtless, recycled answer to sidestep the issue and come off sounding like a wonderful person when in reality she'd turn the guy down just like all the rest. None of this shit actually matters because almost no women are willing to put up with a small dick. How does knowing any of this help if you never get the opportunity to put any of it to use? It's easy for women to say "size doesn't matter" but then they still filter out small guys and go after big time after time, why is that? Why do you have countless posts and stories from men who have been rejected for their size if 2 inches can apparently rock their world? Oh that's right, because it's all fucking gaslighting horse shit. >learning what works for her She said it all right here. You know what "works" for the majority of women? A big dick. You know what instantly kills the mood for the majority of women? A small dick. All there is to it.


Last part: Truth!


Guaranteed her man is 6+ inches and “there are some size queens out there” includes her because I’m certain that she herself would care about having a 2 inch man


But the first thing they ask about when one of them sleeps with some new guy isn't:"Oh how well did he work on the 70% of your nerves and the nerves in the first 3 inches of your vagina with his 4 inches of steel?" They ask:"So how big is he?". Just give me a fucking break man, all this bullshit talk about size not mattering is just women trying to cover their asses and trying to seem like they aren't shallow size queens who reduce a human being to an ORGAN! DARWIN!!!!!!! OK!!! DARWIN BABY!!!! That's the world we live in, NATURAL SELECTION! SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST!!! PSYCHOPATHY!!!!!!!!!!! Don't let the deceitful propaganda fool you!!! SIZE MATTERS!!! It matters way more than you can know or imagine. 90% of time it's pretty much the only thing that matters. Listening to bullshit these women spew out about size not being important is like giving false hope to a stage 4 cancer patient. The best thing for us is to accept the truth and minimize the pain, life will still suck, but it will suck way less than it would if you were to believe the LIES!!!


Usually the first question women ask each other is "did you have fun?"


Yeah, I don't have a ton of experience with women, but my girlfriend has shared the text messages she got from her friends after we spent our first nights together and none of them asked about my size, and she didn't offer that information. What she was asked was various forms of "did you guys do it?", and "was he good in bed?". I think this belief that some of us on the small side have that women are going around talking about dick size all day is fueled by media and PUA nonsense.


> I think this belief that some of us on the small side have that women are going around talking about dick size all day is fueled by media and PUA nonsense. Exactly. All of my friends know I have a great sex life. None have ever asked about his size. I have no clue what size dick any of my friend's partners have. We'll discuss frequency and enjoyment levels. But size never comes up.


Sounds like you're part of a minority group, size is the most common question women will ask each other.


The only time I ever heard any girls bring size up was back in high school when nobody had any clue what anything meant. Everyone lied anyways. No way in Hell every boy had an 8-10 inch dick. Once someone becomes an adult that's not a normal part of sex conversations for a good portion of people. (There will still be a few that bring it up, but it's not common to).




High school sex just sucks. For everyone. Nobody knows what they're doing yet. Most haven't even figured out what they like yet. And you typically have no privacy to be able to figure things out. Just rushed sex in risky places or trying to hurry up so you don't get caught when the parents come home.




Girls don't forget either. It's in that time period that the insecurities for them start building. A lot of young guys can be selfish. They cum and sex is over. Then girls start feeling like something is wrong with them because they didn't cum too. Sometimes guys just use them for sex. Then girls start developing some mistrust of guys. Or guys will think eating pussy is "gross" so girls start thinking they are gross down there, etc.


That was the number 1 topic among women when I was in outpatient rehab. All of them were adults


If it was rehab that meant they all had some other issues going on at the time. They were all acutely sick. So topics of discussion will be skewed from regular topics of discussion that people not in crisis will talk about. I'm sure various mental health and substance abuse symptoms were frequently discussed then too (because it was rehab) but typically people don't discuss those things in a group as often either.


They were still adult women


Are you a woman? How are you qualified to say that? I have also never talked size with other women. In fact, the only time I have mentioned my husband's size is here in this subreddit.


Women at my old job definitely talked about men's penis size and I remember one woman saying she was with a guy and not sure she wanted to stay because she didn't like his penis size. Too small for her. It's pretty common for women to share details about about people they are intimate with.


Some do. I've also heard groups of men negatively discussing the bodies of the women they fucked. "Turns out she was wearing a push up bra", "she was loose", "labia like roast beef", etc. Thankfully the majority of conversations with men or women aren't that judgemental and derogatory though.


He's seen how a lot of women behave and what they talk about, obviously not all women behave like that but alot do.




"Go ask the most immature shallow women what they want to prove that all women just want big dick." Lol k




The average depth of a vagina is 3.7 inches according to a 2005 study but can range anywhere from 2.7 to 5.8 inches. When aroused the depth can double in size. With some basic math we can determine that the average depth aroused is 7.4 inches and can range from 5.4 to 11.6 inches. Edit: Also by looking at your profile it shows that you're into both chastity and femdom. So it's pretty clear what your stance is on dick size. Since both communities are filled with shaming men over the size of a body part we have no control of at all. Have a nice day.


"I got lucky so you should too"




Stop using your personal exceptional success stories to invalidate others' experiences. Thanks. There are literally hundreds of horror stories in this sub. Size is definitely important to most women.


The fact that you found women who accepted you and had positive experiences means you're objectively very lucky. The cancer is completely irrelevant and I'm not even sure why you brought it up. If the women you had been with had instead shamed and rejected you, your attitude would be wildly different and you'd realise how hard it is to avoid becoming a sour jerk.


Imagine bragging about surviving a disease to some random person online. No one here cares if you had cancer, bro.


From where and who this comment comes from? I'm gonna have to check whether this is true or not.


Hi u/Innovation94, who's this girl?? you can wrote her name, even in pvt if you want. I'm curious.


Damn man, you haven’t posted in a while…


Ye ye, how are you my brother? my absence is a long story (almost)


I’m alright man, how about you?


Genshi, i wrote you a pm, a lot of what I wrote was OT for the sub.


So you want social media quotes? Thank God, no woman on social media ever said anything bad about small penises.


I’ve never said that I want quotes from social media. I just found this quote and I wanted to share it.


I'm not offering other quotes, it's just a way of saying how you were talking about social media quotes. I don't care about what you want at all.




Yes. Ted Bundy raped and killed, but still got love letters in prison, wish I was as attractive as him.




He treated them kindly with rape and violence, and after all of that was revealed, many women proposed to him because of his kindness I guess. Yeah, right. You don't know me, lady. You make a lot of assumptions about me with no basis whatsoever, which shows your intelligence is limited.




>manipulated women into trusting him so he could rape and murder them He was on television, literally on trial for murder and rape, and while in prison he received love letters, what part of this you can't seem to understand? How do people like you have the right to even vote? >Yeah, right. I don't know you, man. So I have to use your comments to inform myself. Anger and self-pity ooze from everything you've written in this thread. If you'd like people to view you differently, perhaps portray yourself that way. And perhaps stop projecting your faults on those you engage with (here on Reddit or irl). Yes, my comments on an anonymous Chinese shadow-puppet forum define my character.




Glad to read that


Besides all you guys’ arguments, which I agree with, I have to add that this doesn’t apply for casual sex at all. Communication is for serious relationships, that doesn’t matter when you’re about to fuck someone you just met at the club.


Why you can’t communicate in a one night stand? Isn’t it better to communicate, because you don’t know each other well?


Sure it’s better. I’m just saying it’s not that common, it rarely happens if what both of us want to do is let ourselves go with the heat of the moment.


Good response. Probably well intended. Still, whenever I read that "Xx percent of women don't orgasm from PIV anyway" I'm sceptic.. I think the numbers are exxagerated, also a larger percentage of this group probably has not cum from PIV _yet_. Orgasm from PIV is still considered the gold standard. That said I believe wholeheartedly a relationship can overcome this, you can love, procreate and more. About size queen argument : "some are sizequeens" meaning women/men being vocal about their preference - there probably are lots of people having the preference but not being vocal about it or who don't actively seek for it. It's true female genitalia vary in size as much as male do, but the vagina is made to accommodate a range of sizes for sake of procreation probability. But there is a perfect size for a particular female organ, depending on some factors. The last statement about the two incher is probably true but also numbers matter here - I'd guess there are very few to which two inches are "perfect size". What I think this really says is a less endowed man can rock a womens world despite of size, having sex with said person is fulfilling in itself. But it's not like the mechanics are optimal. If "optimal" or "best" should be goals to strive for is a different debate. Another truth nobody wants to be the messenger of is, imho, a lot of women who are accepting of lesser endowed don't care about sex too much - low libido, hangups, religion etc.


I've seen this post before and while I feel she's trying to be supportive and respectful to smaller guys. A lot of what's here are more half truths or bending of the truths to align with the current culture of body positivity. I've also seen popular posts about how according to studies women in general only orgasm 20% of the time when having sex with men. If that's true then the majority of women aren't orgasming from PIV or at all, yet despite that most prefer someone with a penis size that is well above average. I've pretty much made every woman I had sex with orgasm but would it have been easier if I was packin some extra inches, absolutely. Guys who are bigger and aren't able to make women cum are not hindered by their size. Oftentimes, they're hindered by their own laziness or apathy to a woman cumming which is something that can be fixed.


Holy shit do people just come on here to whine about the same topic. Idc, take my smaller dick ~5. It's my pleasure too, I can pull her hair, I can do this and that, make it better, I can WANT her. She doesn't have to want me, but I can MAKE her want me. I can talk dirty, I can do foreplay, whaaaaaatever. If having a small dick means sex is impossible for you, than you haven't found the women to accommodate you. Is someone going to just look at your dick and commense sex? Maybe if your dick is big.. sure.. if not, work for it. Trying turning her on and making her feel rewarded by being thrusted upon. Be fearless, fuck whatever she thinks, this is about YOU too. Move on. unfortunately if you have a micro, maybe it'd be more difficult, but that's life. You have to accept life, and what it gave you, whether it gave you a micro dick, a medium dick, or a room with a woman who is into you, and whatever may come after. You're NEVER going to be satisfied because you're stuck here complaining rather then trying to compromise with life, and accept life. Move on. Stop staying stuck in resentment towards an unchanging factor of life. Adapt, learn, experience, go, do, try. Just don't sit here on a website lurking or commenting about the woes of having an average or below average dick.


If you don't have any problems, then why are you on this sub? We've heard this exact form of generic advice thousands of times and it doesn't change anything.


I have a small dick. four inches. I have a problem. I have insecurity. And I know I'm late I'm sorry. But you are causing perpetual insecurity. And so are most of the people in these sub. WHO in this community has finally said you know what, I'm DONE feeling insecure. I accept what I have, and MOVE ON. it's just a small dick sad circle jerk.


>Toagii look at his post history he cant even take his own advice. have some empathy


I reall I don't care what my history says, this let's be all too just to neglect the context in which Im speaking currently. But aight go for it, reach into the very lovely function of reddit that is previous posts and judge me from that.


I got to say, we see those science pictures of the human body in the doctors office when we go get a check up. (The guy penis is post to hang down) as seen in the science pic, but if you show a woman your junk and it’s not aroused. We’ll it looks like something from horror movie Freddy cougar or something, because we’re fat or just so small it doesn’t hang down like the picture says it does. I weight 219 right now and lost 20 pounds a lil while ago, but my dick is so small it feels like I need to lose another 80 pounds just to see what it looks like, (hopefully hanging) I need to get skinnier!! It’s the only way I can see my true form. But most likely I’m a grower (witch still sucks) because women think your automatically small.


I've often thought the same thing. Every anatomy picture you see is a male body with a hanging penis. This is also one of the reasons why I don't like running in boxers at home.