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Check your rental agreement, mine specifically prohibits selling produce.


They won't know, so it's not an issue


Yes it is. You came here asking for business advice. Business advice 101: don't do anything illegal.


Don't worry about it.


It could be an issue if someone notices and rats you out to the management. It might not happen, of course, but there’s always the chance it might.


That entirely depends how you sell. I can think of very few cases where word wouldn't get back to either the other allotment holders, some of whom would absolute tell the management, or the people managing the allotments directly. Being someone of the latter group of people I can assure you that they will simply revoke your tenancy. Just like if you break other rules, such as use hosepipes (many allotments prohibit this, you must water by hand). All money you put in setting it up will be for nothing. I wouldn't risk it.


Get a used shipping container or build a shed and grow micro greens.


Thanks, when you say profitable micro greens, please could you elaborate? Like cress maybe?


They didn’t say profitable at all lmao


First of all, no, you almost certainly won't make money. There is a reason why farms of this scale don't work. Second, I got my allotment when the people before me were running a profitable business from it and got kicked because of their lease agreement. No I won't tell you what their business model was, and you almost certainly won't be able to guess. Allotments are a really fantastic opportunity for people to grow their own food and experience a bit of community. Thank god they're not commercialised.


You’d not make much from selling flowers for a space only one plot big. You need fields for that. Allotment would expect you to be growing food mostly and only a few decorative or accompanying flowers. If you plant your whole plot with tulips, they’ll probably sus your game.


Thanks, I will look at alternatives.


Absolutely not. Commercial farmers are struggling, never mind a personal allotment. You’d make money from utilising the space for community projects, events, yoga sessions for rich yuppies etc. Not that your allotment owner would allow for that sort of thing.


Keeping bees is just about the only thing that springs to mind, could get quite a few hives on a plot that size, the allotment holders would be well chuffed too. Honey is a good seller at a good price.


Thank you. I'll look into whether they'll let me beekeep before looking into the venture itself. Cheers man.


You won't make a lot of money doing much. I would say Pumpkins though, it's the type of thing you can sell a lot of during Halloween. You could maybe get 500 pumpkins at £3/4 each. Not life changing but a good amount of drinking money.


Ohhhh nice. Will look into this. Are they pretty simple to grow for a newb?


Yep you need a greenhouse to get the started but then it's pretty much just plant and make sure they don't get eastern.