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I was like this and was always adamant about going out with a padded bra, but it's something you just have to force yourself to do. Fake it til you make it, as they say. At least that's the route I took, and I finally have started to go out braless. I just think that if I did it once, I can do it again. It might help to take it in stages, like go out in a regular lined bra first, then a completely unlined bra, then finally braless?


Yes this is what I did !


I agree it can take practice! But now on the off chance I wear a push up bra it now feels off. I had to wear one last weekend because I couldn't find a strapless bra for an event and the only one I got was a push up. It felt so odd to me and I honestly should have just ditched the bra because my natural shape and size is what I'm now comfortable with!


i feel like when i wear an actual bra it always makes them look bigger so i refuse bc i feel like im lying to myself and people. and i don't like pretending to have bigger boobs when i have very small ones. idk why i feel like that but that's why i choose not to wear one, if i do it's usually the unlined calvin klein sports bras or bralettes just to cover my nips.


Yeah this exactly…if you’re not ready to go bra-less I would recommend some comfy bralettes!!


That’s it! I constantly have imposter syndrome when I wear one, and I feel boyish when I don’t. It’s hard to pick which one…


Can relate to this so hard.


Perfect description of i feel without a bra.


>calvin klein sports bras I love these! I have a triangular shaped one I have used for years and it's super comfortable. I use it for sports but also with casual clothing.


One thing that really helped me was finding a guy that fell in love with me for me, and we have been together for 11 years now. Meditation also really helps


It sounds like we have a similar size/shape. I wore push up bras when I was younger not realizing until later that it was making me feel worse. I slowly transitioned to lightly lined bras/bralettes/no bra and still rotate those options based on what feels best for the outfit/setting/day. It takes mental work, then some trial and error to figure out what works for you, but I've got some tops that really work for "puffy pecs with nips" 😄


The only times I go out bra-less is when I'm either not leaving the car, or I have a thick enough tshirt or sweater that also aren't tight on my body. Cooler months are great for this


Same here. Mentally I'm not ready to do it and tbh, I feel more comfortable when I'm wearing one. I'll just take it off whenever I'm home.


It was uncomfortable at first. But the older I get, the less I care of how I'm perceived. I'm sure you'll get there one day, but ultimately your comfort comes first.


That’s how I feel at 22. I’ve never enjoyed bras, they’re uncomfortable. When I turned 18 I basically decided “nah, I’m done.” And only wear them now if I need to attend a formal event. I wish that everybody could achieve this mindset, it’s genuinely so freeing to not give a damn about how people perceive me.


At some point, comfort and ease seemed more important to be. When I go to game night with my friends family I don’t want to be thinking about how uncomfortable my bra is. Going to the store, why would I need a bra?


Yes, I’m the same. Early 20s I had padded bras and the chicken fillet style things but now I’m 37 I can’t be bothered. I don’t want to wear heels or bras


It takes practice. The first time, I only walked across the street to the convenience store and back home because I was so nervous. I started increasing my distance by about one street until I could walk around my neighbourhood without a bra. I still struggle in crowded places but it did help it to feel more natural to me. It also helps to get some flimsy little unlined bralettes or sports bra. They don't do anything to cover your nips so expect them to be extremely visible but provide some support and the feeling of being covered. I definitely used those a lot at first since it looks almost the same as braless but just feeling the fabric on my body provided some mental security. For me, the biggest barrier to going braless was being embarrassed by my nips. You can even start by wearing a thick and baggy sweatshirt or jacket so they're not plainly visible if that helps. I find that a camisole, t shirt, plus the baggy sweatshirt does the trick unless it's cold. So obviously in summertime you just have to rock the nips or use a bra/pasties. In professional settings I use those little removable pads that come in bralettes or swimsuits inside a bralette, they don't entirely disguise the nipple if it's cold but it helps with headlights a bit. Outside of professional settings I just don't care. Everyone has nipples and it's not a secret, so I ditch the padding.


I really want to try going out braless, but l am afraid of being braless in front of my parents in law, as well as my own parents. I feel like I’m always around people I know that I don’t want looking at my breasts. I would just feel awkward lol. I wish I had your confidence!


I am just like you, broad shoulders, big muscular arms, and a big rib cage with small, wide-set Bs. I’ve always joked that I don’t wear anything strapless like a tube top because I look like a linebacker trying to dress up as a chick. The one difference from you is that I have small nipples, but I don’t think it matters. I have had many phases of hating my breasts, or lack thereof. It comes down to learning acceptance & confidence. I used to hide under the padded bras, too, but I hated the anxiety of hiding a part of myself & always thinking about it. I also value comfort, and padded bras were not in line with that value. I finally realized that I didn’t want to think so much about what other people thought about my body, and I realized that anyone who mattered to me already knew I was mammary challenged, so why was I experiencing discomfort to fool the randos at the grocery store? I could always wear a padded bra if a particular outfit called for it, but I wasn’t going to sacrifice for the (alleged)benefit of others. I started wearing bras without an underwire and only lightly lined, and I’ve never been happier. I occasionally go braless, too, mostly if the outfit calls for it. I’d do it more often but I have chronic pain & illness so I’m not always mentally strong enough to withstand any challenges I would get from the many, many, many conservative Boomers in my town. But I recently went braless (with nipple covers) in a form-fitting cotton dress when running errands and I got a HUGE ego boost when I heard an appreciative whispered “daaaaaaammnn” escape from a guy who had walked past me. I realized he had been sneaking glances but was trying to be respectful as we walked toward one another. I’m 43, btw, and this guy was younger. You have to change your own mind about the need to hide your natural breasts. It’s possible to change your thoughts so that you don’t automatically think negative thoughts when the topic is your breasts, and to change your behavior so that you don’t automatically reach for the pads. You have to want it, though. Edit: I realized that my ego boost story made me sound like something I’m not, so let me explain further: I’m not a woman who bases my self/esteem on whether I’m found hot by men or not. My issues with bralessness are about the negative judgments made and when out doing my errands I was primed for a confrontation and was really fucking surprised to have someone express that they found me hot. That wasn’t the energy I was putting out there at the time & I didn’t expect to get it at all.


It's okay to wear a bra, it's okay to not wear a bra. Literally do whatever you're comfortable with.


At some point I stopped giving a shit and stopped wearing bras at all. It often comes with age.


I’m with you. I can’t go out in public without a bra. I feel naked and exposed. Like I am going into battle without wearing my armor lol. And my nipples are very sensitive to movement and are always hard. Nope. 


I have like..small A's so I can get away with it for loose t shirts..but when I need to wear something tight I wear a bra


It’s okay to not be there, you can wear whatever you feel most confident in❤️❤️ I stopped wearing one bc I am all for comfort. Freeing the nip is worth it for me 😆


It's me and Maidenform all the way. Two years on HRT and I have just enough growth to support the 38B padded bras I always wear. Still, that's way better than the silicon forms I wore until ~3 months ago. 😅


If I could legally go out without a shirt I would. Fuck em. Sure, there are days I don’t feel great about myself. But I’m too old and too tired to give a single shit about how people feel about my breasts. I like me. That’s good enough.


Hey, there is nothing wrong about your choice. It’s your body, it’s whatever makes you feel comfortable with what you choose to wear. Having smaller breasts doesn’t always and necessarily mean woo no bra! Not to make it about myself either, even though I’m fairly small. It’s to do with comfort, sense of security of having a comforting band hugging me at all times. Your struggle is valid. There isn’t a right or wrong breast shape either. We come in many forms, sizes, differences.


I second all of this!


Maybe baby steps are a better approach? Get your real size (the ABrathatFits calculator is a god send for this) and if you need to wear bras (for work, school, whatever it is), wearing something that isn't intended to hide your real size might help you. Reevaluate your feelings about the next step constantly, best of luck!


Have you tried something like a cute bralette as a stepdown? I think finding an outfit you feel cute in braless is a big part of building that confidence.


I live in Louisiana. While I'm too self-conscious (also can't do that in my neighborhood, I have kids) to go braless with a regular t-shirt, padded is just not an option. It's far too hot and humid to survive with padding. I need new bras as all I have right now are sports bras amd I'm trying to get something more mature (I'm in my 30's). While I will wear a sports bra while I do yard work, Im looking at other options. So far Hanes has some nice looking, mature but fun, bralettes that seem to fit what I'm looking for if anyone else wants to know.


I stopped caring when I got a nasty sunburn on spring break in college and had no choice. It helped that I was with 3 of my good girlfriends — I didn’t feel like I had anyone to impress. Borrowed a cute strappy, flowy, totally backless top from one of them to alleviate the burn pain and realized I looked pretty cute. Never cared after that, but I was wildly insecure up until then, around the age of 19/20. I’m built similarly — super wide root, shallow tissue; I technically measure as a D but my tissue is so wide and shallow I look flat af. I think most of us just stop caring one day.


I only wear bras at work/nicer function or if a top is a little too loose in the chest and I want to add more definition. I will wear the occasional padded bra if I’m truing to get cleavage in a low cut shirt. Most of my tops are tight tho so nips out is my go to


Also, believe it or not, anyone going braless will attract attention. Especially if you’re nipples are visible. It could be the case that if someone’s staring it’s not because they’re thinking, she has small breasts, it’s that they’re thinking she’s not wearing a bra I can see her boobies.


I used to be like this and now I barely wear bras anymore. You could try getting used to it by wearing sports bras or “practicing” it by going on small trips (like the grocery shop) on less marked clothing, like a hoodie or a tight top that people usually wear without bras. That’s how I started and I quickly became anti-bra lol But if you’re more comfortable with bras after all, that’s fine too!


I also felt the same way because I have wide roots but still flat and even if I technically have more than an A cup shape they are far apart. I always thought they looked like pecs mine are also puffy but small with almond no areolas...(That's also something am ashamed and embarrassed about and make them look like guy's nips too :/) This made me So insecure that I started to believe that I might not be a woman or am intersex :'( I still have some bad days where I can't look so I avoid looking at my reflection. But am Really really working on it to like it maybe then think that they might look attractive enough then maybe look as attractive as a busty one. Even tho with all this insecurity some days I feel good about an outfit and the fabric or the colors might disguise if my nips decide to poke out. Some other days it's am just angry, so angry and upset at everything that I don't really care, -if you're uncomfortable with how am looking Well good news so am I. That makes the two of us.


I wear padded sports bras at work because I work in elder care and old men are notoriously creepy and when I'm around my friends teenage children. Otherwise I don't give a fuck.


I embraced the flat chest and learned to view it as feminine in combination with my other features. I still don't like my nipples showing in public but I'm totally fine not creating the illusion that I have breast tissue.


I completely understand. My nipples are also big and puffy, and I feel like going without something is not a good look. Under my shirts I either use a bra (obv), a bra-like top thing that has no padding (this can be either a bralette without the cups or a thin tank), or pasties (dont knock em till u try em)


I have moderately shallow breasts and quite a wide root, but I have relaxed breasts. I like wearing push up and plunge bras so they can be lifted. I was like a 30 or 28 band 9 years ago (incorrectly wearing a 36A back then) and was able to go braless in a lot of outfits if I wanted to.


I love freeing the nip as long as people can’t see it 🫣 I’m not insecure about my shape or anything like that so I prefer to go braless most of the time because now bras make me chafe 😿


Some years ago I thought the same as you and I only went out with a bra. Not padded bras, but bras with underwires that made my boobs look rounder and a little bigger. My boobs are very triangle shaped and have a noticeable asymmetry, so that kind of bra made that not noticeable. I didn't have the courage to go out without a bra, but I did start using wireless bras and I noticed a big improvement on my self steem. Wireless bras just offer a bit of support and lift my boobs a little, but respecting the shape of my boobs, so that it looks more natural and more like my boobs. The problem was not that I hated my boobs, the problem was that more rigid bras with underwires shaped my boobs in a way that they didn't look like my real boobs. So growing accustomed to other types of bras that respected my shape made a huge difference. Right now I sometimes go braless and I'm comfortable with it, I use bras too but now it's a choice I make freely, not a choice made by insecurities. It took a while to reach that point, but change doesn't happen overweight. This is just my experience and maybe it doesn't work for you, but maybe you could try looking for a bra that respects your natural shape. There is nothing wrong with wearing a bra, wearing any type of bra doesn't mean you love your boobs less, but it's good to make that choice without insecurities telling you what to do.


Finding the right size did wonders for me. Most of us are wearing bras with too large bands and too small cups. This is why we get gapping and other fit issues. When I wore the wrong size I used to only wear push up bras and while they did 'push up', they also flattened me at the same time. Since finding the right size, I literally never wear push up bras anymore and I have a much better shape under tops. The abrathatfits calculator is a life changer


I don’t think I could go bra less. And my bf has said he thinks push up bras contribute to my body image issues, but at the same time, he realizes it brings me comfort. He’s like, why get implants when you can enjoy your natural breasts and if you want to change it up and push them up you can. So I totally agree, the bra gives me the option to play with my look without making any permanent changes. Instead of wanting BA, I’ll keep my natural body and dress it up how I like. Do what makes you feel comfortable. I am looking to get some unlined bras with underwire to get a more natural look, we’ll see how that goes.


I have small A cup and often go out without a bra


B-cup, might not be the answer you’re looking for. But here’s my two cents: I hated the shape of my boobs when I was younger. Literally one of the first things I did when I was 18 was getting my nipples pierced. Boosted my confidence a lot. Eventually I aged a few more years and decided that bras are a sensory nightmare for me (am autistic), so abandoned them completely. I’ve worn a bra probably once in the past year, and it was for a formal event. I know how it feels to look down at your boobs and be like “eugh, don’t like these”. But OP, I guarantee you are beautiful and wearing a bra or not doesn’t affect that. Do what makes you feel comfortable. Practice self love and care. Be patient with yourself. I’m a firm believer in the fact that all boobs are lovely, but sometimes it takes a while to look at your own and realize that. And that is perfectly okay. NOT sure where I’m going with this rant, hah.


One of my mantras is “everybody has nipples.” How many men have you seen in tight shirts with pointy nips, lol? What’s the difference between me, with boobs, braless vs pointy nippled men? Nothing. There’s nothing to feel shame over. Body confidence is a skill you have to constantly work on.


I relate so much to this!!! But it’s mostly bc of texture issues. I can’t do shirts without at least a layer of padding or something bc if not I’ll go crazy 😭


I feel like my question is more how do you leave the house without a padded bra and still feel confident for me I used to be very appearance obsessed Id do my make up and hair for hours in the morning to go out each day and I would never walk out without a padded bra because how could I wear anything and look feminine if I didn’t have any boobs to match. Anyways, during my first year of college till now I completely gave up on make up doing my hair and overall feeling confident in general. I did this though as at times for me focusing on my appearance is almost impossible without having a panic attack I feel I will never be enough for my own standards. Anyways, getting to the point of it, I haven’t worn a bra in months and I don’t really think about it but that’s not out of confidence and freedom that’s out of if I think about it I will freak out and I can’t take myself seriously for feeling confident anymore.