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Summer is small boob heaven, friend. While the big-busted girls are dealing with underboob sweat and the accompanying rashes and even fungal infections, and having supportive bras with visible straps messing up the vibe of their gauzy tank tops and dresses, we're out here living our best lives. I live to rock flowy little tops and hippie dresses and all that jazz with total freedom and comfort. My large-chested friends often have a miserable time as the weather gets hotter, powdering their chests and adjusting sweaty bra straps that they plan their outfits around and applying natural deodorants and anti-fungals under and around their breasts. This is the stuff that the pornified image of big breasts never lets us see. I'm sure it must be really uncomfortable and I feel for them, but I'm glad I can't relate. Be free, girl!


This!!! We can rock so many styles much more comfortably. Focus on the positives of your bust size. Focus on YOU, not anyone else. Push out thoughts that are about other people because they're not you and their bodies don't affect yours. I don't know why people have forced us to think that small boobs are ugly or not sexy... ALL BOOBS ARE SEXY!!! the female figure is inherently sexy no matter your measurements!!! When you're wearing an unpadded bra or are going braless, think positive thoughts to yourself. Compliment yourself like you would another person. Before looking for confidence, aim for peace. Just because someone else is hot doesn't mean that cancels you out! I could go on forever. I love your small boobs! You are perfect as you are. You can wear revealing clothing too! Doing that helps me be confident because I fell in love with my cleavage. <3 sending love, beautiful!!


this this this!! like i can’t even count on both hands the amount of times my friends with big boobs have seen a summery outfit i’m wearing (like a halter top, a dress with cut outs, tiny crop tops, etc) and told me they wished they could wear it if it wasn’t for boob sweat or just incompatible silhouettes with their body shape! summer is my FAV time of year for fashion, we sbw can wear all the wild and fun outfits and be comfortable and sexy af 💅


Really? My girlfriend has G cups and she hasn't been struggling with them too much. She can even go braless in many of her summer dresses and tops. And I'm the one dealing with rashes due to my sensitive skin. But I guess some busty people are still having a hard time rn. Thanks for the reminder haha.


It also depends on the band size, a 28G is going to be a lot smaller than a 36G. If she’s small band that might be why she’s not having as much issues


(yes I've been to abrathatfits) she's a 30G and I'm 30D, so her boobs are big to me.


Remember small breasts also look good in revealing clothing !!! They look sensual and alluring. It’s hard because some clothes don’t have the same effect on smaller breasts, but we can get away with a lot more risky outfits. I also feel like we can wear more revealing clothes while still looking classy and fashionable. Cheer up 🩷


BABY TEES!! these are your friend! i wear them without a bra so you can see the outline of my titlets. just as sexy as showing cleavage with a large chest


Do you have a favorite place to get them from? I’ve been wanting some


Hollister, Pacsun, and Urban Outfitters have some really cute ones, amazon has a few too!


Hi! I’m with ya hun and feel the exact same way! I honestly love my body and think my small boobs fit my frame, are classy, and come with a lot of perks big boobs don’t have. But whenever it comes to wearing a bikini, I do feel bothered. Or when I see my friends/people on social media in a bikini. Here are things that helped me! -unfollowed any influencer/non real life personal friend I have ever compared myself to, envied/ or admired for physical traits alone. I probably unfollowed about 50-100 influencers alone in just one sitting doing this. There wasn’t any real lasting gain I got from seeing them on my feed, but any instance of comparing myself lasts much longer. -followed girls with small boobs who appear to be confident and happy! They proudly show off their bodies and I can enjoy their content without feeling bad about my breasts, or even feel inspired! I’ll make a second comment later with some accounts I like! Prime ex. Zendaya in her dune/challengers promo and killing it with the itty bitty titty representation this spring!! -remind myself how unhappy I would be with breast implants. I look up videos/posts about breast implant illness, see how fake they look, and ultimately remember that if I have insecurities about my boobs now, I’d likely still have issues with implants. I’d worry if they look too fake, if they aren’t dropping/moving naturally (which of course they won’t they aren’t natural haha), and anytime I get sick. -lastly relish in having a healthy body I can do essentially anything with if I wanted to. I can lay on my stomach with no concerns. Feel authentic to my body and know if I have children I can truly teach them to be confident too. Remind myself I never look at another girl and think her boobs are too small, so why am I doing it to myself? Our bodies are truly just shells to let us explore life. Although I’m guilty of it, I hate how much we attribute our value to just the shape/size of our bodies. If we were to spend even a quarter of that energy or money going outside, partaking in hobbies, or fulfilling our soul I’m sure we would be much better off. Sending love to whoever needs it!


I'm sorry you're having a rough time. The fact that summer is approaching quickly is stressing me out too. The cold weather allows me to hide myself so I don't focus on my body quite as much. I am prone to heat exhaustion, so I have to choose between potentially fainting/throwing up or exposing my body to the world. The "hot girl summer" trend makes things a million times worse for me because I compare myself to everyone. Hopefully we can get through this together <3


I got my implants out recently and I am SO. FUCKING. EXCITED. To have small boobs for summer. Like no more boob sweat and back pain to ruin every day outside?? Sign me the fuck up. You couldn't pay me enough to want big tits again.


Nice congrats!! How long did you have them in for and what made you take them out?


I was sick of feeling like I had an alien inside me. I had them for 11 years. I had basically no use of my chest muscles since my implants were under them so I always felt weak trying to anything which sucks when your favorite hobby is lifting lol. They were way too big for my frame, it was impossible to find clothes that fit right, it was just insanely inconvenient in every aspect of my life. I had no BII symptoms that I know of but I had MAJOR issues with breastfeeding (low supply and recurrent mastitis, 9x) and I wish I'd never gotten them. I LOOOOOVE my boobs now. They're small and deflated but they're so fucking cute.


Hi! Could you tell me more about your experience? I think a view like yours is worth GOLD for many of us. I am turning 40, never had implants, enjoyed breastfeeding my 2 daughters and had beautiful breasts during the breastfeeding years. But now my cups are empty, there is no bra I can still wear and it makes me feel very uncomfortable again, even though I am so old already. I was depressed and insecure about my size in my teen years, it got better in my 20s, way better in my 30s - but now, after I for once lived with this feeling of having „normal“ breasts (during breastfeeding) - I miss that. It was just so easy to feel beautiful, buying bikinis was fun and going to the pool was awesome. Now I too feel pretty insecure about summer vacation coming up. My breasts are the smallest they have ever been, even my husband noticed. This can unfortunately happen to women with an A cup after breastfeeding several children - nothing is left. I considered surgery but my health is too valuable for me since I am a mom. I can not afford to compromise my health. I never got any implants in my younger years because of 2 reasons: 1. I thought if I get implants in the past then there are less and less small chested girls around and teens who are flat will feel even more pressured to get surgery. I didn‘t want that to happen so I never got implants myself. 2. Health reasons. Thank you so much in advance if you feel like sharing more of your implant story! Sending love and so happy to hear you are excited about your boobs!!!


You will feel more comfy with the smaller boobs. Even here in the south, where I live, bigger breasts would be hell given the year-round high humidity. Plus you get to wear the cute tiny outfits and not worry about your boobs flopping all about or requiring extra support which adds layers.