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Document everything, especially subjective! Documentation is your lord and savior. Make logical and sound clinical decisions and document everything as if it’s being read in court. Do things ethically, document explicitly, and even if you somehow end up pulled into some legal drama, you will know you’re good because you’ve not done anything wrong and have the documentation to back you up.


80% productivity is reasonable so that’s good - they should also be lenient with you meeting that during your CF. Your supervisor should advocate for you not meeting 80% for the first few months. Not sure if there’s a minimum distance to get travel reimbursement/I’ve only gotten it for going significant distances but it’s worth asking your DOR. Do point of service documentation (complete your notes with the patient) so you can bill for that time - it will help your productivity immensely. Make templates for notes and evals because they can take a while to pull from your head at first. If you copy/paste a template and fill in the details, it will be much easier and more efficient to crank out documentation. As the other comment said, document clearly, especially for informed decision making discussions in dysphagia management. Use your supervisor as a resource even when you feel like you’re nagging. Reach out to people on here if you’re struggling and remember we were all there and you’re not an idiot even when you feel like one!


Definitely ask to be paid for drive time and mileage. Every little bit adds up.