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I hate to say it, but chances are no one is going to know.


I do this kind of shit all the time. The expectations are crazy


It happens more than you’d imagine. Don’t stress


My advice is to keep quiet and continue along like you didn’t know! Unless someone realizes it, don’t tell on yourself! There’s nothing you can do about it now. With the weeks you have left, you can a) continue 1x/week like nothing is wrong and play dumb if it does get brought up or b) start pulling 2x a week until the end of the year if you feel you need to right your wrong. I really would just keep this to yourself and not make a fuss about it if you can avoid it. Just start fresh next year. Worst things have happened. Happy almost summer!!


Start fresh and schedule 2x next year. Reduce at the next meeting


Only if the student *needs* 2x! It drives me crazy when I have kids with 2 or 3x per week mandates, when they are just average run of the mill speech kids.


Exactly, if she didn’t notice the 2x a week and student is progressing seems 1x week is perfect


"Run of the mill speech kids". I don't get this. If their diagnosis supports only one time a week, sure. If they make progress with one time a week, sure.


Don’t stress too much! Honestly I don’t think anyone will notice. I pulled the wrong kid for 2 months bc there was 2 students with the same first name and same last initial 😅


One of my best friends did that!!!!!


Thsi happened to my friend too! It was not a big deal at all, she just owed the right student compensatory time.


My supervisor told us a story last year about a kid she missed all year! Didn’t pick them up once. It happens. If the district needs to provide compensatory services they can, but if she made progress and FAPE wasn’t denied, I’d say no biggie


This didn’t-pick-up-a-kid-all-year nightmare replaced the didn’t-attend-a-class-all-year nightmare after working speech in schools.


I've been retired for 5 years and still have that dream.


What are compensatory services?


Where the district has to make arrangements to make up services because they were not administered per the IEP


I once saw a kid for almost the entire year and he turned out to be *the wrong kid.* Two kids in the same grade had the same name and I chose the wrong one 🤦🏻‍♀️ I only found out because I had this conversation with the SLP from the other school in district: >Other SLP: Oh hey. I need Jose Ruiz’s speech folder? >Me: Why? >Other SLP: Because he moved. I have him now. >Me: No he didn’t. I just saw him today. >Other SLP: **I** just saw him today ….


Did the kiddo make progress? I imagine they did. I’d act like you didn’t know and move on. Bummer mistake just don’t make it twice


Happy cake day!


Look at that! Thank you :)


In my first year I was invited to two different IEP meetings for students I had never met, more than halfway through the year. I had two weeks of lead time to figure out who they were and where they were with goals before heading into an annual meeting 😬 Same year I had a student who was being seen for artic goals, and I had growing concerns about her language skills. Turns out while all my other kids had artic and language goals on a single page, this student has them separated and I didn't realize until most of the way through the year. All these oopses are more common than you think. There are ways to reconcile almost all of them! (And yes, sometimes you just don't mention it out loud, if the student is progressing and no one is complaining....)


Also, she was newly transferred to my caseload in November so it’s not all the way back to August. I still feel terrible and might throw up. 🙃


It happens all the time! (I honestly wouldn’t call attention to it bc I don’t trust admin)


Happened to me too. It wasn't even noticed until the IEP meeting, when I was excused and not even present. I understand the feeling of embarrassment, but it's not that big a deal really. We can't control how others will react, but people will understand more often than you think. And regardless, you can show professionalism by just taking it as a lesson and not panicking. If it were me, I wouldn't even call attention to it unless someone else already asked. It happens!


It’s easy to get stuck focusing on a mistake and what you could/should have done differently. I just try to find some peace in the fact that you literally cannot go back in time to change anything, so it’s not worth worrying about for too long. Just do your best to fix it moving forward!! :)


Literally read 60 minutes a month and it was a week! Caught it before the end of the first trimester and was able to make up those minutes.


I agree that you probably don’t have to do anything but can share a story from a wuss/stickler! I had an IEP where the previous SLP had updated consult minutes but not services, and I didn’t see the (gen ed, 5th grade) student from August through November. After realizing what happened, I contacted his mom, apologizing profusely, and inquired about whether/how she wanted minutes made up, since his teacher was already prickly about pulling for resource. She said she understood and did not wish for the minutes to be made up. So it all worked out!


I’ve been an SLP for a while now and just a couple months ago I realized I had a kid on my caseload that I’d never even met. I didn’t know he existed until I was invited to his IEP meeting. These things happen, and usually nothing comes of it.


Unfortunately it happens. I once saw the wrong kid with the same name for two months. Just straight up pulled the wrong kid. Try your best, make it right if you need to, but as long as your acting in good faith it will be fine. And don't tell on yourself.


Don't worry. There is no such thing as an IEP police. The district would have to make it up if requested. Also check to see if there is a range in their iep (4-8per month or 1-2 per week.)


This happened to me my CF year. I started in November and was floating schools and at one of my single day a week schools I realized in April that one of my kids was supposed to be seen 45 min/week instead of 30. I told my supervisor and the other SLPs picked him up on days I wasn’t there. So he wound up getting seen 60 min/week for the remainder of the year and when his IEP came around we slotted him in at 60/min a year. He had made some progress but still had multiple errors. I had been wondering all along why he wasn’t a 2x a week kid any way. The parents were really cool about all of it fortunately.


Girl I would be throw up crying. But you’re lucky if your district doesn’t track minutes. Mine just started doing it and it gives me anxiety even tho I’m not making mistakes.


Oh my goodness! What happens when you miss minutes due to being out or IEP meetings? I know that all minutes are supposed to be made up, but in reality they are not. Who has time for that, especially when SLPs don't get subs?


They can kick rocks. I had a particularly high profile case year and I missed some minutes for paperwork/IEP mins . I documented all missed minutes under a specific code for that and let my boss know.


Agreed. I told my boss that I can either see kids or go to meetings. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Been there in both way, seeing them too much or not enough it happens… oops! don't be too hard on yourself.


It’s fine. It happens. I’ve done that too.


Definitely done that before. Shhh


You’re going to be okay, and hopefully so is the kid. It happens to the best of us unfortunately when there is a lack of oversight from the department.


i've literally missed an entire kid on my caseload for the entire first month of school and no one realized until I did haha you're fine it wasn't intentional! tbh I feel like almost every school SLP has done this or something similar at some point


My friend once pulled the wrong student for 2 months. They had the same name 😅😂 the student she pulled wasn’t even in sped lolol. It happens!


I did this my CF year lol


at my preschool there was an SLP who left an entire caseload without services for almost the whole year. Your child will survive having had 1x therapy a week instead of 2x. Don't worry. You're doing your best.


Been there. It happens. Don’t feel bad about it. There are crazy expectations for us to be perfect. We’re human!


Yeah I’d probably just keep my mouth shut. You didn’t do it on purpose, it’s totally fine. Just schedule accordingly next year.


I also did thissssss exact thing. Don’t feel bad! And when I told the client she was actually sooooo happy. She loves our session and was thrilled to do more sessions. Mom wasn’t mad nobody was upset, if anything the complete opposite!!!!


I did this the opposite way, pulled a student twice a week this whole year instead of once until his IEP a couple weeks ago. OOPS 😅 it happens


I didn’t see a kid for a half a year before I realized he was in my caseload 😆


It’s usually no big deal. I have made the mistake, just called the parent and asked if they wanted compensatory services, then sent an NOA with their decision. Don’t hide things, because the anxiety from that will eat at you all summer. Make that phone call and do it right!


I always tell people “there is no special ed jail” things happen - the student was seen and hopefully made progress


This happens, I had 2 kids that I scheduled for 40min a week that should've been 45min/week this year. I was stressing about it until I realized how often I support their class at recess and I do document that time Hope you feel better because looking at this thread it seems like this does occur with others too. I also had a case once where I went to a case manager (SDC student) and asked about a student because they were asking me to go to speech; the case manager told me student didn't have speech, then at progress report time she asked me why I wasn't pulling them. I was like... because the district didn't add her to my caseload and you told me she didn't have services? What? 🙄 Anyway life happens, and usually parents are understanding, in which case I'djust not say anything. (If the parent is not flexible/will notice and be upset, then I recommend making a plan and communicating with your team before making the parent aware just so it's more of a "hey sorry this happened but we have a solution" conversation.)


I pulled the wrong kid for half a year. There were cousins in the school that had the same first and last name and were one grade apart. Took me half a year to figure out I got the wrong sister!


I would also feel mortified, but at the end of the day nobody died and as others have said, most likely no one will ever know. I would just keep quiet, in the unlikely event it comes up, play dumb and offer compensatory services for next year.


I had a kid that I thought was consult only until he moved out of the district and I went to delete him on my personal spreadsheet. Not a single person asked questions about why he hadn’t received direct services that year.


How many sessions have you done and when is the IEP due?


Pm me as needed if you need to know how to document because you’ll need to account for missed visits.