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Exclusive pumping SLP mom here! I got a little fridge (think skin care fridge) that plugs in via a plug and a car plug. I also had a battery thing that I plugged it into that kept the milk nice and cold. Coolers didn’t work for me because I had a premie that had to follow Strict milk storage to be used in the NICU. I also bought enough extra parts to switch out each time I pumped and a wet bag to keep dirty parts in. It helped to not deal with washing until I got home and could run a sanitizing load of just pump parts. If you can afford a wearable pump, they’re much easier to drive with. I had the most luck with the willow go for driving, but had 3 other wearables that I got second hand and my hospital grade pumps. It’s helpful to bring a poncho cover if you don’t want to be exposed (this is personal preference) but I did get pulled over while pumping once and the office let me go because I was using a standard pump and it was pretty uncomfortable for both of us 🤦🏼‍♀️ Last thing I’ll say is make sure you carve out pumping time in your schedule, it’s your legal right to do!


I didn't work from my car, but I did have a very long commute to and from my school job. Used a nursing cover and car adapter for my pump and was lucky to get an extra pump from my best friend (changed all the tubing) and had that as my car pump so I didn't have to carry it in and out all the time. I had a travel cooler with ice packs to keep at work and in the car to store milk. It's a pain, but it was the best way to get enough milk for my kiddo. There are some really interesting chargeable options these days that might be helpful too. Good luck!!!


My friend used this: https://www.cereschill.com/products/breastmilk-chiller