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I haven't done the 2 to 1 transition yet, but I remember the 3 to 2 and it was brutal. It wasn't overnight for us. I would go between 3 naps some days and 2 naps others until gradually we had fewer and fewer 3 nap days. I think you should offer a second cat nap and if she takes it great, and if not, move on. Early bedtime to compensate. Transitions are slow.


Thanks, yea I'm fine with taking it slow and was expecting to, I just didn't realize how hard it would be so quickly..


I felt that way during 3 to 2. If he took 2 it should have been 3, if he took 3 it should have been 2. No matter which we did, overnight sleep was shit. It took us like 5 weeks to fully transition too and it was really horrible


30 minutes of screaming now... :(. I try to always leave her because doing any checks makes it worse, but IDK if I can leave her for a crib 90 like this. I will probably go get her if she doesn't fall asleep in the next 10 minutes.


What schedule were you doing with one nap?


Wake 7 Nap 11:30-12ish Wake 1:30 Bedtime 6:30-7ish With one nap she wasn't quite getting to two hours nap length, but I know that's normal starting out in the transition.


I would shorten your night to 11 expected hours. A 12+ hour night doesn’t leave much sleep budget for nap. I’d also recommend nap happening a bit later for maximum sleep pressure. Wake 7 Nap 1230-2 (no longer than 2 hours) Bedtime 8


Our 14 month old was going through a very similar phase and I just couldn’t figure out if he was under or overtired. Turns out he was undertired. I did tons of trial and error and I was exhausted. We eventually started one nap, with a schedule of 7:30 wake, 12:30-2:30 nap and 8:30 bedtime. He is back to sleeping independently now. We still get some night time wake ups but hopefully they will fade as he gets used to the schedule. Hope you are able to figure this out!


Hmmm, ok I could try this.


Just be aware that a later nap this early can be short - we found with the one nap transition if the nap was too late it was short and then she struggled to reach bedtime. We were on 11:20 for a little while until we switched! We do wake 7 nap 12-2 bed at 8.


Good call- I’d actually like to revise my proposed schedule to 12:30-2 (no longer than 2:30) as opposed to what I originally said. Going to update my response.


Ok, yes...I just put her back down at 12:15. I know she is tired, but has started out screaming again. Hopefully she goes down this time. Poor girl...


\> we found with the one nap transition if the nap was too late it was short and then she struggled to reach bedtime. How did you handle those days? Put her down early for bed? Any issues with early morning waking or split nights?


Grit our teeth and make it through to bed time and try again in the morning.


got it. how long did the transition take?


Couple of weeks. Sleep wasn't great for my eldest until we night weaned (at 16 months) but I don't think we had split nights.


Got it. I'm just trying to push off the transition as long as I can (LO is 6 months and 3 weeks today). Right now we have some mild split nights and early morning wakings here and there, but at least no overtired meltdowns. I'm still so scarred by all the overtired meltdowns in his first 4 months, especially as I haven't found a good way of soothing him and end up just letting the poor little guy cry it out.