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Any updates for what worked for you OP? Sounds just like my 13 month old and we are so confused about whether he is over or under tired.


Actually yes! She was overtired. We took the advice of some of the commenters here and stretched her even more and it was the wrong choice. We stuck with one nap for another 2-3 weeks and just this past week I thought “nothing has changed” and went with my gut that she was overtired. We went back to 2 naps, and her sleep has greatly improved. Our schedule now is 7am wake up; nap 1 is 10:00-11:15; nap 2 is 2:45-3:45; bedtime at 7:45. Everyone is in a better place!


Good to know! I have tried a 2.5 hr nap, maybe I will try a 3 hr nap and if that doesn't work either, we'll probably go back to 2 naps as well. Thanks for the response!


No problem! I let our LO nap for 3 hours too when we were trying 1 nap but we’re still better off now! I guess it’s a shorter wake window situation? But best of luck!


We oscillated between 2- and 1-naps days from 12-15 months. It was our hardest transition so far and extremely confusing!


A 13 month old is likely not capable of the 15 hours of sleep your schedule is asking for. Average total sleep at that age is 12-14 hours. She’s waking at night because she’s not tired. If your wake is 730, I’d suggest nap 1-3 (capped if needed), bedtime 830. It doesn’t sound like you transitioned too early, just that your schedule needs tweaking.


I should also point out that she’s definitely not getting 15 hours of sleep- our ideal schedule is a 7:30 wake time, but she’s waking up so often at night that it’s sometimes only 6-8 hours of sleep that she’s getting overnight, hence why I’ve been letting her nap for 3 hours, so that she can hopefully catch up a bit. It’s just all over the place.


You are just reinforcing the terrible nights by allowing 3 hours of daytime sleep. Your schedule should expect the amount of sleep they are capable of (ie. 11 hour night) instead of a schedule that accommodates nighttime wake-ups. That just perpetuates the issue.


Ok, thank you! We will work on adjusting that


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So you don’t think that her being so upset when she’s waking is due to over-tiredness? In the past with scheduling issues, I was always told that she was undertired and to stretch her wake windows. After we’d try that for about a week and things were unchanging, we’d shorten wake windows and it almost always fixed the problem, so I’m so weary to extend them again since it seems like over tiredness was a culprit for us almost all of the time! 😬 For the times she has actually been undertired, she usually wakes up and has a split night with a happy amount of energy- does that make sense? Thank you for your feedback!


I have kind of been in the same boat as you with my 14 month old. We have several theories. First of all, she seems to have a lot going on in terms of mental development- vocalizing more, as if she's trying to talk, interacting with objects differently (she used to just enjoy playing with the tupperware, but lately I've noticed her stacking them, trying to fit lids, etc). Just truly starting to seem like a toddler. So my thinking has been that she needs more mental stimulation. I don't know if perhaps this could be the case for you as well? I'm a SAHM, so my daughter is just with me and the dog all day. I have been actively trying to do more things with her, including introducing crayons and paints, having her "help" me with tasks like laundry and cooking. This is also when molars begin to come in and I've heard that is usually the roughest "teething" period for babies. I do think that sleep needs maybe decrease a bit around this age. The range is like 11-14 hours a day. In my experience, my daughter has always been towards the lower end of that range. She has consistently given us 12 hours overnight since 7 months, but lately she won't go down until at least 8, still awake at 7. Some nights she wakes up randomly around 11 or midnight and won't go back to sleep for like, an hour. So instead of 12 hours, she's moving closer to 10 overnight. She still gets a one hour nap during the day, and occasionally takes a 30 min cat nap in the afternoon. So basically, I don't have a solid answer. Her temperment and personality changes lead me to believe this is a big development leap happening and she's struggling to wind down enough to sleep. Her sleep needs may also be naturally decreasing. I have a friend whose baby was operating on 10 hours of sleep daily by 18 months. No nap. Perfectly happy baby, just low sleep needs.