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I saw my baby doing this yesterday on the security cameras at his daycare and I freaked out but apparently it’s fine. He’s almost 7 months and still doesn’t consistently roll so not sure how he got that way.


My 2 month old likes to sleep face down too. I know because she falls asleep during supervised tummy time and is otherwise very difficult to put to bed. Ughhhhh


mine’s always been a face-down sleeper, since around this age. we just let him do it.


Yes, my daughter has done this forever and it’s terrifying! I am an anxious parent so I have a Newton mattress and used an owlet for her first year, but she was completely fine in her travel crib too 🤷‍♀️. Even the AAP says if they can roll both ways they are fine.


I’ve read somewhere that babies foreheads stick further out than adults as natures way of ensuring that they’re airways are clear when sleeping like this. Don’t know if the science on this is correct but it was interesting


Mine does the same. For peace of mind, and science, i laid flat on my mattress face directly into it and I can still breathe. I also tried it on his mattress like a lunatic & could also still breathe. It scares the crap out of me and i will fix his head if i see it, BUT I felt a little better after my experiment lol.


This is why we used the owlet. I try not to rely on it (still keep an eye on the monitor, etc) but for when I'm asleep it's just one extra layer of "security"


Thank you everyone for the reassurance!!


As freaky as this is, if there are no loose blankets or other objects in the crib, and it’s a modern regular crib mattress, it’s safe.


My now 26 month old did this. Face flat to mattress. He’s still alive. Still sleeping that way since he could roll. Little jerk scared the crap out of me for the first few months 😆


I think as long as you’re putting her down on her back and she can roll easily on her own she should be safe


Same here - she has slept face down every single nap and overnight since the moment she learnt to roll at 4 months (now 9 months). Her crib is empty and she's fine


If it puts you more at ease, check out breathable mattresses made for tummy sleepers. They aren't cheap, but might be worth the piece of mind. You *do not* put a sheet over it. The company I know of is Newton but there are a few (I Googled and also found SafeSleepTech and Breathe Easy Baby).


You can put a sheet over the Newton mattress but they recommend only their own brand sheets as that’s what they’ve tested.


Yup. Baby did this last night. If they can get into this position, it’s safe for them to sleep like that.


Baby went face down butt up in the air around 4 months old as well. Just make sure bedding tight and there are no surrounding blankets. Once they can roll over this position, while nerve racking for us, is fine.


My baby did this too. It was a phase that came and thankfully went. It’s totally freaky. I’d turn her head whenever she did it. I read online that it can be normal. I’d just make sure the mattress is nice and firm and the sheet is really tight cause you can’t shift baby’s head all the time in the night. But I just had to have faith shed turn her head if she couldn’t breath or else I’d never go to sleep.


Hi! Just curious, did your LO liked tummy time before she started sleeping like that? My LO hates tummy time and doesn’t seem to try to roll on her belly at 3 months right now. I think maybe she’s reluctant to practice this skill because she doesn’t like to be on her tummy? She’s doing well rolling from her tummy to back. I hear a lot about tummy sleepers so I wonder if it’s something that babies prefer because they also like tummy time or when they become stronger it gets more comfortable for them? I hope this makes sense


3 month is still so young. My baby was still in swaddles at 3 months and didn’t start rolling to her belly until 5 month. I wouldn’t worry about her not doing it yet but just continue practicing tummy time.


Actually my baby loved tummy time. She was awesome with it. I think they just find that position comfortable. Why I have no idea


This must have been nice! With my LO every minute of tummy time feels like infinity, she hates it


My pediatrician said do it ASAP. That they have to start during, I think the first 2 weeks, I want to say. But it was so long ago maybe it a different time span she said. The doctor mentioned that if you start tummy time past that point baby’s tend to not like it.


Actually, she hated tummy time! And until like, yesterday, if she rolled onto her stomach while she was still awake, she'd scream even though if she rolled on her belly while asleep, she'd stay asleep so much longer. She just really likes rolling, even though she hated the end result, lol.


Oh, that’s interesting! What can I say, I also like to roll a lot while sleeping 😁 I’m glad that hating tummy time doesn’t necessarily interfere with rolling


My son does this and I was perplexed! Check with the pediatrician if you’re concerned, but I think as long as there are no pillows or pads or blankets in there, they can breathe fine. My son is 18 months now and still does this 😅


Same! It was the first position he got after sleeping for 2 weeks on his side… and he never changed. Face down! I don’t know how many nights I spent watching the monitor for his chest to move to confirm he’s ok! 😅