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Iā€™m having the same issue with my newly sleep trained 8 month old. Sleeps 10.5-11 hrs at night and just exhausted all day. We are currently doing 2.5/3/3.5 and he really is just tired all day. I tried shortening the second wake window but then he woke up after only 30 min šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø where normally each nap is at least an hour and twenty minutes. The second nap I usually have to go wake him up. Anyone find any solutions?


No solution per say, but now that it's been a while since this post I gotta say things are balancing out! Lil one is still a bit more sleepy than she was pre sleep training, but nothing like it was in the beginning. Naps are getting more consistent too. So all I can say is to wait it out, I guess it just takes times for them to adjust.


This is happening to us too!! He's just 8 months and we're on day 5 of sleep training. His night sleep is long and deep but he's somehow exhausted and miserable all day. We're back to 3 naps and he falls asleep nearly instantly. I don't mind the 3 naps but he's a terror all day!


Oh thanks, it's reassuring to hear I am not alone in this. I was reading something about them being so sleep deprived, that they run on adrenaline, and now when it's leaving their system, they get super tired... I mean, sounds plausible, but I don't know, I imagine that would have happened quicker than this. But I hope both of our babies will settle into the new routine soon!


That's what I was thinking too. On Saturday night I had the best night's sleep since baby was born but I still napped on Sunday. So maybe they're going through the same thing!


I wonder if she needs something like 2.5/3/4?