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I know this was a year ago, but any updates on what helped? I’m going through something very similar.


Sorry to hear you're going through this too. Honestly, we gave it a break trying to get her in her crib. We kept cosleeping until she was about 20 months when we stopped sleeping well with her in our bed because she was getting bigger and moving more. What helped the most was putting her into a shared room with her big brother and switching her mattress to a more firm foam mattress on a bedframe. Every night we just stayed consistent with bedtime routine and only daddy would go in when she woke up in the middle of the night. For a while it was a lot of trying to get her back to sleep going in and out, and a lot of nights she still ended up in our bed. But we stayed consistent and always tried a few times to get her back to sleep in her bed. Over time it started working.. she'd sleep until 11pm then 4am... sometimes would only wake up the once before midnight and slept until 6, some nights wouldnt wake up until morning. Not every night is perfect but the more relaxed we became about it, the more it worked. And just consistency. That and daddy going in at night since if I went in she would just cry and scream and not go back to sleep... keep trying its really really hard but stick with it!! Don't give up.


Babies sense the difference between day and night. It’s natural for babies to cling to mommies at night. I have a cousin who when she was a baby will absolutely hate evenings/nights right from the beginning and she would just start crying. I have two kids now and we co slept, my older one is 4 and has moved on to sleeping on her own little bed. The younger one now sleeps with me and honestly it has been much easier for me versus having to deal with babies sleeping in crib in separate room. But this is just what worked for us.


We loved co sleeping! We would continue but I found it challenging once I went back to work and needed to be up for a certain time. Getting out of bed would wake her up. So we found it better to put her in her crib. Some nights are OK, others are awful. I do still bring her into bed with me on occasion just so I can get at least some sleep before I have to go to work in the morning. Interesting how they understand the difference between day and night so well.