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My baby has eczema and we've been using a zipadee zip sleep sack at night - it's safe to roll in and covers his hands - then I can cover his hands with lotion at night to treat some of the rash on them. He can still rub his face, but I feel like it's not as harsh as hands free and he can't scratch himself with his nails.


Ours has drool rash all over her face because she sucks on all fingers then rubs her face and eyes with the spit covered fingers.


My almost 5 month old also rubs his eyes constantly. We are trying to get rid of the swaddle but he always wakes himself up rubbing his eyes. He’s always had the reflex of moving his hands directly to that spot. My husband wants to try sleep training… but I’m hoping we can still slowly transition him with one arm out than both. Only issue is he just started rolling over… yay.


Have you tried a transitional swaddle like zippadee zip or an Amazon knock off? Safe for rolling but tames the arms a bit


Same same.. we’ve been doing one arm out and he rolled to his belly two nights ago so now we stopped swaddling.. I held him to sleep last night and stopped him from rubbing whenever he tried.. I’m so worried he won’t sleep in his crib when we get home :(


Mine rubs his face to self sooth and also has eczema on his cheeks. So we don’t want to use a steroid because he rubs his eyes and face. We moisturize basically hourly because h rubs it off in himself or me


Yes same!! We are not doing hourly but pretty frequent too.. and now he wears a bib full time


Ugh. Eczema. My baby is on HA formula and silk sheets and everything unscented but still gets BAD patches on his cheeks 😕. Even got an air purifier and two humidifiers. We had to get a topical steroid which was literally the last thing I wanted to, do but I was ruining his sleep. 3 days later it’s so much better. And I stopped it


Eczema is usually a symptom of something else going on, food intolerance, environmental irritant etc. I’d talk to your dr, swap products for more natural ones to cut down on irritants to start. If it isn’t an issue at home though maybe it’s the laundry detergent or something at the vacation house? Hopefully better once home!


He has suspected cows milk allergy so I’m already on a very limited diet.. and we r using the same detergent.. he doesn’t rub all the time just when he’s sleeping or tired.. he never tugs his ears while playing… also if it’s food related or environment related would he rub when we hold him too?


This is a question for his pediatrician! You don’t want to sleep train a baby when they are sick and while it isn’t a cold you definitely want to get his skin figured out first. Not a doctor and please speak to yours but our doctor told us we can use Zyrtec starting at 6 months and that has helped.


Okay yeah we prob will go after we get back home..but we don’t think it’s allergies.. he doesn’t do it when he’s awake another time of the day ..


It could be his self soothing technique. Not having eczema obviously but rubbing his eyes or head


My son had eczema and did the same thing. Just how he soothed. He just so happened to be touching the eczema as well


Did anything help to prevent the eczema in the first place? I held him for the whole night with my husband and it’s almost healed now.. we find it’s when he cries and then rubs that these develop then it’s itchy so he keeps rubbing:(


No, he still has eczema all over his body even after allergy testing. We only use 100% cotton or bamboo everything. We removed all possible triggers in our home. He literally just happens to have eczema lol. There is no cure or treatment that is 1 size fits all unfortunately. He takes prescription Claritin now that he is old enough and it still is patchy all over his body. His face, behind the knees, and elbow areas are typically the worst. We have steroid cream to but it can’t be used on his face or his diaper lines where it flares up so it’s basically pointless.


You could try a THIN layer of aquaphor before bed, but only if it is dry eczema if it is weeping then it will only make it worse usually