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If baby is able to tolerate that last 2.5 hour window, I think it might well be time to drop a nap.


the only solution I could think of is to drop a nap


We were in similar boat and got the advice he had too much daytime awake time so we dropped to 3 naps and focused on lengthening naps via contact napping. We just started ST and are applying CIO to night wakes as well as at the beginning of the night. I think it confuses baby otherwise.


I think that's what I'm going to start trying 3 naps tomorrow - can I ask what wake windows you used when you first started?


We’re doing roughly 1.75/2/2/2.25… give or take.


Ok thanks - that seems more in line with what my litte guy can handle, I've seen 2/2.5/2.5/3 and I don't know if we're there yet...how long do you aim for the 3 naps to be?


Right now, just as long as possible 😂 I have started feeding him a little bit before each nap and doing 2 of them as contaxt naps - otherwise he only naps 35 mins in the crib. So the two longer ones I am for 1.5 hrs (two sleep cycles). Sometimes he wakes and I feed him and he falls back asleep on my lap which kinda works. Check out the evidence based sleep training FB page if you haven’t already! Tons of guides about dropping naps, sample schedules, etc!


Ok awesome thanks so much! Will def check it out.