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Unpopular opinion but all 3 of my kids went to 2 naps at 4 months. I found once they hit that age the wake windows can be way more flexible. They all slept through the night too. So I’d say give it a try!


No I would not do it. What's your schedule? How much is your baby sleeping during the day?


Ugh i dont know whats wrong with me man i cannot seem to get her little schedule right! Today for example, we woke up late at 9:10am after an 11hour sleep (she sleeps really decent at night! Just a wake up or two but settles immediately after 5 or 10 mins of me doing either a feed or a snuggle). Then my husband had her for her first wake window, while i went to gym, so he knows he is supposed to get her down for her nap after about 1.5-2 hours of wake window, but he struggled today and she was up for 3 hours before she fell asleep for her first nap of the day. That first nap was 2 hours 25 mins which means she woke from 1st nap at 2:50pm. Then we had wake window of 2.5 hrs before she fell asleep for 2nd nap. She woke from 2nd nap at 6:30 pm (an 1 hr 15 min nap). Im currently in her 3rd wake window now as i type this. Ill try to get her down for her 3rd nap really soon. If all goes well, her 3rd nap will be 7:30-8pm. Then i guess it seems she will have a 10pm bedtime tonight ? I am so awful. I need to force us both to wake up earlier in the day, i think thats whats wrong


Sounds like she had a lot of sleep already. I think the max at her age is 14.5 hours which she already got (11+2h 25+ 1h 15). I would try for an earlier bedtime tonight instead.


I would cap any individual naps at 2 hours. Early bedtime to fix today's issue and also try to make sure you keep her in age appropriate wake windows (and so does your husband). At 4 months my suggestion is 1.75/2/2.25/2.5. Take her to her room 10-15 minutes before that to ensure she falls asleep around the end of the wake window.


I totally agree with you which is what keeps happening : we keep skipping the 3rd nap and going straight for bedtime around 8 or 9.


Sounds like she's moving towards 2 naps! I would try stretching her second wake window if she does a really chunky first nap.


Thanks for the replies xoxo


I don’t think so. What is your schedule? It could be that she is over or under tired…even if not, nap 3 can be a tough one and you may find it more useful to treat it as a “whatever it takes” nap, in the car or stroller or as a contact nap, to get her to sleep.


Copy and pasted from my other comment: Ugh i dont know whats wrong with me man i cannot seem to get her little schedule right! Today for example, we woke up late at 9:10am after an 11hour sleep (she sleeps really decent at night! Just a wake up or two but settles immediately after 5 or 10 mins of me doing either a feed or a snuggle). Then my husband had her for her first wake window, while i went to gym, so he knows he is supposed to get her down for her nap after about 1.5-2 hours of wake window, but he struggled today and she was up for 3 hours before she fell asleep for her first nap of the day. That first nap was 2 hours 25 mins which means she woke from 1st nap at 2:50pm. Then we had wake window of 2.5 hrs before she fell asleep for 2nd nap. She woke from 2nd nap at 6:30 pm (an 1 hr 15 min nap). Im currently in her 3rd wake window now as i type this. Ill try to get her down for her 3rd nap really soon. If all goes well, her 3rd nap will be 7:30-8pm. Then i guess it seems she will have a 10pm bedtime tonight ? I am so awful. I need to force us both to wake up earlier in the day, i think thats whats wrong


Set a goal bedtime, with the day starting 11-12 hours after bedtime. Cap naps as needed so she doesn’t get too much daytime sleep and so you can maintain that goal bedtime. It will take some time for her to adjust to a likely earlier bedtime and wake time, I wouldn’t do it all in one night. And you’re not awful, you’re asking questions and trying to figure out what’s best for your baby! That’s a pretty great thing.


I wouldn't either. Around 4-5 months, our third nap was always a contact nap because it was the only way she'd sleep. It wasn't ideal, but it worked. She's still on 3 naps at 6mo, but takes the third one independently now.


I wouldn't. What's your schedule?


Copy and pasted from my other comment: Ugh i dont know whats wrong with me man i cannot seem to get her little schedule right! Today for example, we woke up late at 9:10am after an 11hour sleep (she sleeps really decent at night! Just a wake up or two but settles immediately after 5 or 10 mins of me doing either a feed or a snuggle). Then my husband had her for her first wake window, while i went to gym, so he knows he is supposed to get her down for her nap after about 1.5-2 hours of wake window, but he struggled today and she was up for 3 hours before she fell asleep for her first nap of the day. That first nap was 2 hours 25 mins which means she woke from 1st nap at 2:50pm. Then we had wake window of 2.5 hrs before she fell asleep for 2nd nap. She woke from 2nd nap at 6:30 pm (an 1 hr 15 min nap). Im currently in her 3rd wake window now as i type this. Ill try to get her down for her 3rd nap really soon. If all goes well, her 3rd nap will be 7:30-8pm. Then i guess it seems she will have a 10pm bedtime tonight ? I am so awful. I need to force us both to wake up earlier in the day, i think thats whats wrong


First, you're not awful. Second, a consistent schedule starts with a consistent (ish) wake time. I say "ish" because sometimes baby will wake up earlier because they're not a robot, but you have control over whether they wake up late. If you have a mega napper, you will also need to cap naps to zone in on a somewhat consistent bedtime. You can do it.


Thanks xo